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I can understand the argument of having to keep the fox numbers down as they kill all these farm animals (not that I agree with it...). But if this is the case, why do they feel the need to torture the poor bloody thing before watching it being torn limb from limb?

I am told it is fun to do it apparently.....well, like has been said before, let's chase these pompous pricks around for miles and then pull their arms and legs off. That would certainly be fun! :angry:


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We'll always have different views so we could be here all night arguing.

I agree with it, as some people find this fun and some dont.

How about rabbits? You agree that they shoud be shot for fun?

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The foxes are either gonna get their head blown off by a double barrelled shotgun when the farmer catches them trying to yoink his chickens, or just get their throat slashed by some dogs teeth, yunno.

What people don't realise is that some people earn a living out of this by breeding the dogs and horses for it, and have been for the past god knows how many years.

Living in one of the poorest counties in England (well, last time they did a thing about it a couple of months back), I'm not too chuffed that the Government are finding ways to make it poorer.

There's the Blankney kennels just down the road from me, and Mr Stubbings who owns that is now gonna be left homeless and unemployed because some people are worried about vermin.

Also, in the hunts themselves, the foxes are only chased for 30 minutes maximum, and then they're let off. The huntsmen don't spend hours and hours hunting the same fox until they kill it, and the majority get away.

Rats need to eat food to survive, yet I bet the majority of you are for killing a rat if it starts munching through your pantry.

Mouse traps are just a cruel way of killing a rat as a dog biting a foxes throat.

Admittedly not many people I know make a sport out of hunting rats, but there's still the cruelty factor.

Also, like I said before, it's depressing when the Government can't find anything else to do then ban a sport which is harming no one (except foxes, of course) when there's many more important things to sort out in the world today.

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it all comes down to cost its cheaper to kill the fox than fix the fence sad how money rules all now we have get a big fuss over roo culls but what else can u do shoot them they die quick leave and they stave to death

its a funny old world ;)

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Right, another essay.

Poor little dog breeder is going to lose his livelihood if they ban hunting.

The man who owns the stables will be destitute without the Hunt to support it.

Seeing as the hunting season runs for only a few months of the year, would one of these knowledgeable folks from the countryside please explain what exactly these people do for the rest of the year?

Are you honestly trying to tell me that the horses are used purely for hunting purposes?

What a load of crap.

As for the dogs, seeing as they are only bred for the sole purpose of ripping another creature to pieces, then I don't think they'll be missed. I've seen these breeders on the TV almost in tears because he will have to put down his little chums.

These wouldn't happen to be the same dogs that are put down after X years anyway, because they're too old for the hunt?

Makes me sick.

Instead of breeding these vile creatures, why not breed dogs that can bring joy to a family home, or to be trained to help the disabled, or used by the Police, the Army, etc?

As for referring to foxes as vermin, would you pay several hundreds of pounds for a rat-fur coat, or a mouse stole?

I thought not.

Another hypocritical arguement by the pro-hunting brigade, no less.

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It is a sport and some people are passionate about it just as we are passionate about football.

The fox hunting community are a minority and therefore easy pickings for the current Government. However whose next.....

There are more important things the government could do than pick on this group of people. Also a good number of NH jockey's start out in hunting as do a good number of horses, so in a few years time there could be shortage here as well. As for foxes they need to be controlled and a number of Government surveys have shown that hunting is no more cruel than other ways as death is instant, shooting/poisoning may not be.

Any way i am pro hunting, maybe because i grew up in a hunting community in LEICESTERSHIRE. :)

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Also a good number of NH jockey's start out in hunting as do a good number of horses, so in a few years time there could be shortage here as well.


Why don't they start out the same way as flat racing jockey's then?

This just backs up my arguement that horses are not bred purely for hunting, thus not losing that many jobs.

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Why don't they start out the same way as flat racing jockey's then?



Totally different sport!!!


Only in the same way a 3,000m steeplechase differs to flat 3,000m in athletics.

Not every NH horse has been used in a Hunt, so there are ways of training them without having to chase small carnivorous mammals.

It's a crap arguement to use to justify a barbaric pastime.

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Right, another essay.

Poor little dog breeder is going to lose his livelihood if they ban hunting.

The man who owns the stables will be destitute without the Hunt to support it.

Seeing as the hunting season runs for only a few months of the year,  would one of these knowledgeable folks from the countryside please explain what exactly these people do for the rest of the year?

Are you honestly trying to tell me that the horses are used purely for hunting purposes?

What a load of crap.

As for the dogs, seeing as they are only bred for the sole purpose of ripping another creature to pieces, then I don't think they'll be missed.  I've seen these breeders on the TV almost in tears because he will have to put down his little chums.

These wouldn't happen to be the same dogs that are put down after X years anyway, because they're too old for the hunt?

Makes me sick.

Instead of breeding these vile creatures, why not breed dogs that can bring joy to a family home, or to be trained to help the disabled, or used by the Police, the Army, etc?

As for referring to foxes as vermin, would you pay several hundreds of pounds for a rat-fur coat, or a mouse stole?

I thought not.

Another hypocritical arguement by the pro-hunting brigade, no less.


Firstly, what the hell has animal clothes got to go with anything, and how am I hypocritical for it?

Are you saying that fur coats are only made from animals that aren't vermin?

What about Ermine clothes?

That's more expensive than fox coats.

I wouldn't spent several hundred of pounds on any type of fur coat.

Too itchy.

Secondly, I'm going on what I know from the guy down the road from me, who's family has been breeding the horses and dogs for 5 generations, ok.

I'm not sure of all the logistics, but if he's been going for 5 generations, I'm guessing that he can last a whole year.

And his horses are used solely for hunting purposes, even though you seem so adamant that they aren't, unless you class trotting around in the field another use of horses.

Also, you act like the dogs like to go around ripping small children to pieces, and that they live for the flesh of others.

You say it's cruel to kill foxes, even though they kill many a chicken, yet it's perfectly fine that dogs who've killed many a fox should be killed.

In fact, they DESERVE to be killed!!

Now that seems hypocritical to me.

Especially since a chicken has many more purposes than a fox, ie tasty tasty flesh.

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Are you saying that fur coats are only made from animals that aren't vermin?

What about Ermine clothes?

I've never heard of stoats being classed as vermin.

Secondly, I'm going on what I know from the guy down the road from me, who's family has been breeding the horses and dogs for 5 generations, ok.

I'm not sure of all the logistics, but if he's been going for 5 generations, I'm guessing that he can last a whole year.

And his horses are used solely for hunting purposes, even though you seem so adamant that they aren't, unless you class trotting around in the field another use of horses.

What a very short-sighted business man he must be, I'm surprised he's still around if his horses are only used for hunting.

Also, you act like the dogs like to go around ripping small children to pieces, and that they live for the flesh of others.

You what?

You say it's cruel to kill foxes, even though they kill many a chicken, yet it's perfectly fine that dogs who've killed many a fox should be killed.

In fact, they DESERVE to be killed!!

Now that seems hypocritical to me.

When did I say dogs deserve to be killed? It's the breeders and handlers saying they'll have to put the dogs down.

As for foxes, they are wild animals. Stop anthropomorphisizing them. A fox does not know what cruel is. Animals have three instincts; to eat, to sleep, and to procreate. Everything they do is based on either learning or carrying out those instincts.

Unfortunately they do not have human beings teaching them how to maim for the fun of it.

In fact, I can't think of the last time I saw a fox in Sainsbury's perusing the poultry section for a nice bit of chicken....

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I was brought up in the country, the hunt used to trample through our garden every saturday or sunday, the local huntsman used to ask me to serve them hot coffee laced with whisky before the hunt - I turned round and told them where to shove their coffee.

I can't stand the 'sport', you'd see the local farmers in fields early in the morning catching the fox in a bag, then letting it go just before the hunts due to start, - true sportsmanship that is!

How is culling several foxes a week in a small area ever going to keep numbers down? It's a poor arguement!

Some of my best teenage years were spent in forests or fields throwing talcum around to distract the scent of the fox!

I completely agree with the ban on fox hunting.

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Some of my best teenage years were spent in forests or fields throwing talcum around to distract the scent of the fox!


Why didn't you try putting some of it in those coffee's they asked for?


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Why can't we all just get along?

Heard about the people who left four dead foxcubs outside the R.S.P.C.A in Manchester today? they were mangled, with bites on their legs, which sort of puts to rest the 'they suffer minimal pain' theory. How can you justify that... it's sick!

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I can see both sides of the argument but do agree that it is barbaric.

I also agree that this government has more important things to sort out at the present time.

When fox hunting is banned, I wonder what will be next, fishing perhaps? After all, sticking a hook through a mouth isn't the most pleasant way of treating god's creatures.

Also, what's humane about some of the farming methods we adopt to put food on our tables?

Banning fox hunting is probably right but not in isolation. If animal welfare is really on the government agenda (like fupp it is) there is more that they should be doing.

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