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leicester mercury

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i got the first edition of the mercury today and my opinion was they are totally biased. in all the fans comments they only printed negative comments about milan, this is total crap journalism in my eyes and can only help to un-settle the only man who can drag this football club out of this league. I wait with baited breath for tommorows edition.

what alot of leicester fans dont realise is this man wants us to go up.... asap, martin allen has upset him and the sacking was purely relationship not results which most of these fickle loons keep moaning about, one clown even suggested that allen was the best manager we had since o'neil. :S:blink:

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i got the first edition of the mercury today and my opinion was they are totally biased. in all the fans comments they only printed negative comments about milan, this is total crap journalism in my eyes and can only help to un-settle the only man who can drag this football club out of this league. I wait with baited breath for tommorows edition.

what alot of leicester fans dont realise is this man wants us to go up.... asap, martin allen has upset him and the sacking was purely relationship not results which most of these fickle loons keep moaning about, one clown even suggested that allen was the best manager we had since o'neil. :S:blink:

yh but the majority of the fans do have a negative view of what milan did

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TBF though the majority is against Milan, so its hardly bias, it's probably the only view they could get last night, I for one was unbelivably pissed off with Milan last night, i've now had a sleep on it and realised yes I probably will forgive Milan he's bought us with the plan to make money from us he only going to do that by the club being successful.

However and I keep saying this and am getting abit bored of it until Milan comes out and justifies his reason's for sacking MA I will continue to side with MA, Of course Milan won't justify his reason's because legally he can't.

As far as we are concerned as fans its results and proformances that count to us, we don't know what goes on other than that (We can guess what gone on) so in that case MA's sacking is mad, which is why Milan needs to tell us the fans, the people that will be making Milan the money what the fook went out, and why he sacked MA, what MA did so bad, come on Milan spill!

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i got the first edition of the mercury today and my opinion was they are totally biased. in all the fans comments they only printed negative comments about milan, this is total crap journalism in my eyes and can only help to un-settle the only man who can drag this football club out of this league. I wait with baited breath for tommorows edition.

what alot of leicester fans dont realise is this man wants us to go up.... asap, martin allen has upset him and the sacking was purely relationship not results which most of these fickle loons keep moaning about, one clown even suggested that allen was the best manager we had since o'neil. :S:blink:

Yes or there's no point Milan being here; however the man, if true, shouldn't interfere with team affairs however.

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i got the first edition of the mercury today and my opinion was they are totally biased. in all the fans comments they only printed negative comments about milan, this is total crap journalism in my eyes and can only help to un-settle the only man who can drag this football club out of this league. I wait with baited breath for tommorows edition.

what alot of leicester fans dont realise is this man wants us to go up.... asap, martin allen has upset him and the sacking was purely relationship not results which most of these fickle loons keep moaning about, one clown even suggested that allen was the best manager we had since o'neil. :S:blink:

Although I agree with the other replies that most are negative about the decision, I agree with you that it seemed very biased. The people who call him a legend etc... as good as o'neill etc.... are really taking the piss. There is no doubt Allen is a character and is generally a good bloke but as a manger he did nothing to suggest to me that he was as astute as any of LCFC greatest in history.

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i got the first edition of the mercury today and my opinion was they are totally biased. in all the fans comments they only printed negative comments about milan, this is total crap journalism in my eyes and can only help to un-settle the only man who can drag this football club out of this league. I wait with baited breath for tommorows edition.

what alot of leicester fans dont realise is this man wants us to go up.... asap, martin allen has upset him and the sacking was purely relationship not results which most of these fickle loons keep moaning about, one clown even suggested that allen was the best manager we had since o'neil. :S:blink:

As Matt said - the vast majority of fans believe that the sacking was pure stupidity - whether it was because they believed in Allen, they wanted a bit of stability or whatever...it does not detract from the fact that the majority of fans wanted this not to happen.

The only way Mandy pulls this back is by producing some major signings, a shit-hot manager and promotion - anything less is simply going to increase the rumblings from the majority.

You already have Ultra, FoxesTalk's very own Gríma Wormtongue, running around prognosticating more doom and gloom as he did shortly before Mandy took over.

The upshot is - this is nothing Mandaric hasn't been through before even if it is all new to us.

Hold on, the ride hasn't finished :thumbup:

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As Matt said - the vast majority of fans believe that the sacking was pure stupidity - whether it was because they believed in Allen, they wanted a bit of stability or whatever...it does not detract from the fact that the majority of fans wanted this not to happen.

The only way Mandy pulls this back is by producing some major signings, a shit-hot manager and promotion - anything less is simply going to increase the rumblings from the majority.

You already have Ultra, FoxesTalk's very own Gríma Wormtongue, running around prognosticating more doom and gloom as he did shortly before Mandy took over.

The upshot is - this is nothing Mandaric hasn't been through before even if it is all new to us.

Hold on, the ride hasn't finished :thumbup:

Its stopped upside down for a while, though.

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I honestley believe that Milan wants to act in the best interests of the club - simple he owns it and need to get us into the premier league so he can make a massive profit.

He believes that Allen will not achieve that so he needs to be replaced ASP.

As fans we are fickle - for example if Milan apoints Warnock, the fans will be up in arms. However if Warnock then gets us promoted this season and with some style then we will all love him and believe that Milan made a master stroke!!!

I think the best time to look at this decision is the end of the season, until then the team and the manager(?) need our support as we still have a seasons football ahead of us :thumbup:

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I honestly don't.

Mandy has, is and will always act in the best interests of Mandy. Fact.


Have you seen the interview with him yet?

He started by confirming that the sacking wasn't for football reasons. He then said he agonised over the decision to make sure "that it was in the best interests of Leicester City Football Club".

If it wasn't for footballing reasons, in what possible way is his sacking in the clubs best interests?

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Have you seen the interview with him yet?

He started by confirming that the sacking wasn't for football reasons. He then said he agonised over the decision to make sure "that it was in the best interests of Leicester City Football Club".

If it wasn't for footballing reasons, in what possible way is his sacking in the clubs best interests?

If I had a goatee, I'd stroke it sagely and nod in agreement.

...while tapping my pipe on the table.

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i just want to say and i cant reveal my source, but its a very good one. i heard milan didn't like allen after just 2 weeks of him being there. i also heard milan flew to australia to try to sign robbie fowler for allen to say no, i dont want him. now i dont know about you but with milan's money, would it have been so bad to have the option of fowler and hasslebank up front for a year. they could have been the ticket to the premiership. they would have attracted other name players. i know this was milans plan but i think it was a good one. i dont think allen could handle stars like that. i think he might have bottled it. also like to add. i'm sick of seeing dick heads on central news talking to the press saying they represent the fans. dont go down to the stadium at 10am in protest. get a fooking job you arse

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i just want to say and i cant reveal my source, but its a very good one. i heard milan didn't like allen after just 2 weeks of him being there. i also heard milan flew to australia to try to sign robbie fowler for allen to say no, i dont want him. now i dont know about you but with milan's money, would it have been so bad to have the option of fowler and hasslebank up front for a year. they could have been the ticket to the premiership. they would have attracted other name players. i know this was milans plan but i think it was a good one. i dont think allen could handle stars like that. i think he might have bottled it. also like to add. i'm sick of seeing dick heads on central news talking to the press saying they represent the fans. dont go down to the stadium at 10am in protest. get a fooking job you arse


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i just want to say and i cant reveal my source, but its a very good one. i heard milan didn't like allen after just 2 weeks of him being there. i also heard milan flew to australia to try to sign robbie fowler for allen to say no, i dont want him. now i dont know about you but with milan's money, would it have been so bad to have the option of fowler and hasslebank up front for a year. they could have been the ticket to the premiership. they would have attracted other name players. i know this was milans plan but i think it was a good one. i dont think allen could handle stars like that. i think he might have bottled it. also like to add. i'm sick of seeing dick heads on central news talking to the press saying they represent the fans. dont go down to the stadium at 10am in protest. get a fooking job you arse

True. I back Milan 100%. :cool:

Although, I feel for Martin Allen, this is part and parcel of football these days.

As for those pricks on Central News/Skysports News they do need to get a fooking life.

Bring back Allen.....my arse.

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Have you seen the interview with him yet?

He started by confirming that the sacking wasn't for football reasons. He then said he agonised over the decision to make sure "that it was in the best interests of Leicester City Football Club".

If it wasn't for footballing reasons, in what possible way is his sacking in the clubs best interests?

Exactly! :appl:

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i just want to say and i cant reveal my source, but its a very good one. i heard milan didn't like allen after just 2 weeks of him being there. i also heard milan flew to australia to try to sign robbie fowler for allen to say no, i dont want him. now i dont know about you but with milan's money, would it have been so bad to have the option of fowler and hasslebank up front for a year. they could have been the ticket to the premiership. they would have attracted other name players. i know this was milans plan but i think it was a good one. i dont think allen could handle stars like that. i think he might have bottled it. also like to add. i'm sick of seeing dick heads on central news talking to the press saying they represent the fans. dont go down to the stadium at 10am in protest. get a fooking job you arse

Just out of interest how are Cardiff doing? :whistle:

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my shift key doesn't work, and theres no shit round me. milan had severeral managers at portsmouth before he found the rite one, and look where he got them. if he does the same for us........well without him, where would we be. bottom of the league. this is all exciting. where are we going to go next. i stopped buying a season ticket 2 seasons ago. i would just take to buying the odd ticket away and using my old man's ticket he buys through his business when there was a spare one going. i couldn't take the passionless games. now he's building up a circus and i for one want a ticket for it. yeah a rollercoaster but i'm loving it. milan is a leicester fan

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i just want to say and i cant reveal my source, but its a very good one. i heard milan didn't like allen after just 2 weeks of him being there. i also heard milan flew to australia to try to sign robbie fowler for allen to say no, i dont want him. now i dont know about you but with milan's money, would it have been so bad to have the option of fowler and hasslebank up front for a year. they could have been the ticket to the premiership. they would have attracted other name players. i know this was milans plan but i think it was a good one. i dont think allen could handle stars like that. i think he might have bottled it. also like to add. i'm sick of seeing dick heads on central news talking to the press saying they represent the fans. dont go down to the stadium at 10am in protest. get a fooking job you arse

The mystery source dude that appears on here is becoming as frequent as the trialist in Scottish football.

Anyway, regardless what players Milan wanted, if the manager who picks the team doesn't fancy them then the story should end there. We all knew Milan had an eye for his own players when he hadn't even taken over the club and came out on SSN to tell us all that the delay in taking over has cost him 3 or 4 potential signings. Now thats all well and good if you are talking of class players that would make any side but he should have respected MA`s judgment of the players IMO.

Milan is great for Leicester but what he should get in his head is he isnt the manager so should make suggestions on player recruitment but not force the manager to sign players he doesn't want.

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