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Foxestalk Hot Seat Answers - Scowy

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1. Why do you have that hairstyle and why highlight it, why is it a pineapple??

Because I know it makes you jealous, Tom, otherwise you wouldn’t keep mentioning it. I strangely get plenty of positive comments regarding my hair, which is surprising, but obviously nice at the same time.

2. How did it feel to score in the mighty red of the Fosse not only once but twice??

At the time I was in total shock. As a few may well know, I’m not the most confident person in the world when it comes to my footballing ability. So, to come on as sub and score within about 10 minutes to get us back to 3-3 was forking brilliant!

After I said lightening couldn’t strike, I scored again. Another header from another corner, this time it was much better, except the goal only got us back to a 4-2 deficit. Thankfully, my goal sparked a comeback and we went on to claim a creditable 4-4 draw.

I used to get Sam jokingly asking me to come down to training. So I made a new years resolution to come down and see what it was like, but it was mainly to build up my fitness. Then I got included in the squad after a few weeks of training (Because we were desperate) but that was where my Fosse City career sorted, and I haven’t looked back.

3. Why don’t you like being a lookalike for Will Young??

Because I don’t actually look like him, Tom.

4. Who is your favourite Foxestalk Member and why??

There are some fantastic people on this forum, so it wouldn’t be fair to single anyone out.

5. Who on Foxestalk do you detest the most and why??

As an admin on here, that wouldn’t look too good on me if I answered that particular question. There are a few people I perhaps dislike for their style of posting, but I have never met those posters in person so I can’t judge their character.


1. Why is use of the C word and the 'Annie' sketch off Little Britain so attractive when drunk?

I don’t know, I need to be in that state to answer your question! Oh, and I haven’t enacted the ‘Annie’ noise for a while…

2. You are posh, why is this?

I am not. Who on earth told you that? I merely speak without a Lestoh accent, that doesn’t make me posh, innit?

3. How many weetabix do you eat each morning to make you such a post whore?

Seeing as I rarely see the morning, Weetabix is never an option. Cornflakes are much better anyway.

4. Are you useful from all set pieces? Or just corners? If yes, please elaborate.

Corners count as set pieces, don’t they? Well, I think I offer some sort of threat from free kicks because of my immense movement.


Do you want to get it on with Louise?



1. what is your favourite planet?


2. what sort of music do you like?


3. chips or crisps?


4. why do you post so much?

Because I have plenty of free time, but that will soon change.

5. who was/is your favourite dictator?

I didn’t/don’t have one.

6. most hated current leicester player?

I don’t ‘hate’ any of our current players. The only player I’ve hated wearing a Leicester shirt was Dennis Wise.

7. kerryh or lisa?

Both are fantastic ladies. I love them both to bits.

8. which is your favourite part of the day?

9:00pm – When I know work is finished for the day

9. foxestalk biggest a-hole?

I won’t answer that…


What is the meaning of life?

Good question. I don’t know. Ask Louise though.

Can you tell the difference between butter and I can't believe its not butter?

I would love to be able to tell you that, but I don’t consume butter.


How much time a week do you spend on forums and why?

Probably too much. I’m a bit of lazy bastard, so that contributes to it. I’m on most days for a couple of hours at a time, depends on what I’m up to. It’s a great way of keeping in touch with people I know off here, and it’s a great community to be fair. I suppose it’s difficult for those who haven’t met us to understand how addictive the forum is.

Which of moderators do not like the most and why?

Do I not like most? I have no problem with any mod, we’re all a team.

Where's the tenner you owe me?

Destroying my liver, sorry.


1) Coke or Pepsi?

Coke – compliments the vodka better, but I’m not too fussed really.

2) If you could be a household appliance, which one would it be, stating your reasons?

Interesting. Probably a duster, so I can get in to those hard to reach places. Oooer.

3) Am I the best left winger you've played against?

Well, in terms of energy, yes. Up and down that left wing without fail.


Is Michael Jackson guilty?

Doesn’t look too clever for him, does it?

Are we real, or do we only exist in Gods imagination?

Yes, you’re real, I think.


1. How long does it ACTUALLY take you to do your hair?

Not that long surprisingly. When it’s just been cut, only a few seconds. When it gets a bit longer, then it becomes harder to style, therefore takes me a little longer. Less than 5 minutes I would imagine.

2. Why do you dislike your brother so much?

I don’t. I’m probably the most generous brother he could have!


What's your worst fear??

Full time work.


1) What is your take on the War on Iraq?

Totally unnecessary. There was no evidence of there ever being any WMD, but the cynical side of me suggests it was to do with oil.

2) Where do you see yourself in 5 years time?

Working full time, hopefully doing something I enjoy such as sports journalism.

3) What do you think of L1 in one word?



Do you wink after everything you say in real life?

No, otherwise it would look like I have some sort of twitch. And that wouldn’t look very good.

Did you know you are still the 2nd highest poster on Talking Balls?

Yes. What a whore I was…


1. Hairy armpits or hairy legs on a woman? You have to choose one!

It would have to be hairy armpits then. A bit of a cruel question in all honesty.

2. You can have unlimited vodka for free for the price of one testicle - Would

you be tempted?

I’m not that desperate!

3. You are walking along the road and see Matt Heath injured - would you

play the good Samaritan or just kick him as you walk past?

Just leave him there to suffer, I suppose.


Will David Connolly be top goalscorer in the Championship next year?

I very much doubt it. Although, he should get nearer to 20 goals next season.


Walkers or McCoys?


Derby or Forest?


Saddam or Osama?


Amount a week you spend on Alcohol?

Weekends usually mean about £50 or more.

You every personally meet Scowcroft?

Yes. He’s a mardy bastard. Me and my brother were walking around the ground before the Preston cup game this season, and we decided to wait to see a few of the players arrive. Scowcroft pulled up in his BMW, came over to us, and we had a brief chat. I asked him if he was playing tonight, he said: I don’t know yet. I then replied: I can’t see you being dropped because Micky always plays you. He then went quiet and looked a bit disgruntled by that comment. Ha.

What is the time?


What’s the weather like?


Are you sure?



I think so.

What day is it today?


Do you enjoy doing this?

Yes, when I’m answering the more stimulating questions.

Snooker or pool?


For or against fox hunting?

Against – Barbaric.

What do you intend to achieve in Tenerife?

Get drunk quite a lot.

Could you drink a bar dry?

Depends on the size of the bar.

Ever done a beer funnel?


Carling or Fosters?


Do you get paid for Leicester Mad?

Yes, not very much though at the moment.

Can you drive?

I’ve had 15 lessons so far, so I’m getting there.

Every had a go on a motorbike?


Ideal car?


Do you want me to go on?

Is that it?


What really goes through your mind when someone pays you a genuine compliment?

I’m usually a little surprised when anyone pays me a compliment. I don’t really believe in myself, and at times lack confidence, so that plays a part in my refusal of accepting compliments.


if you were stranded on a desert island with one item what would it be ?

My bed.


How long are you going to grow the hair on your mole?

I’m not planning to.

Do you like Louise?

Yes, she is a brilliant person.


Teeno or Tomassi? (Two winners of the Members v Members Competition)

It wouldn’t be fair on either to choose one since I know them both.

Forest or the Sheep?

That has already been asked…

What's your favourite song?

At the moment – Taking Back Sunday – Set Phasers To Sun. I don’t have an all time favourite.

Abi Titmoose or Jordan? Why?

Abi Titmoose – Because she is better looking and perhaps less of a slag.

Would you have it off with a bloke for £100K?



What would you say to Chandler if you were to meet him face to face?

I would say he’s a fickle bonehead.

If you had the choice to decapitate one current Leicester City player, who would it be, and why?

Jason Wilcox – Hopefully he wouldn’t be able to claim from his ‘pay as you play’ deal then.

Marmite; yes or no?

Yes. It’s alright – Not good, not bad. Shocking.

Yourself or Louise?

Both, together.


blonde or brunette


do you look round when you trip up a curb?

No, I walk straight on.

do you get annoyed by people asking about louise and yourself?

Not really, I bet Louise does though.


Give up football for a year (including watching and playing) or give up sex?



Will you marry me?

Yes, if you want me.


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Guest freund
who will you nominate for next go?


I don't know yet.


I reckon Mr.C or kerryh.

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great answers mark, good read. Sorry i got no questions down i didn't get a chance to be on comp long last night - for one i fell asleep after my driving lesson (thankfully not during lol) and for the time i was awake i was revising.

Be more confident in your-self ;)

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Guest freund
who will you nominate for next go?


I don't know yet.


I reckon Mr.C or kerryh.


Thats nice...shame its not up to you ah?! :rolleyes:


Yes, I was just saying those are 2 I would like to see

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who will you nominate for next go?


I don't know yet.


I reckon Mr.C or kerryh.


Thats nice...shame its not up to you ah?! :rolleyes:


Yes, I was just saying those are 2 I would like to see


would you be up to the challenge freundy? ;) B)

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Guest freund
who will you nominate for next go?


I don't know yet.


I reckon Mr.C or kerryh.


Thats nice...shame its not up to you ah?! :rolleyes:


Yes, I was just saying those are 2 I would like to see


would you be up to the challenge freundy? ;) B)


of course, but I know I would just get questions like 'why are you such a twat' etc

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