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British legend (or should it be scottish legend :whistle: is what I meant, I doubt very much if he will make it much higher in the rankings.

Henman in wimbledon was given very good draws, yes he beat good players but usually not until the 5th round at the earliest, and always lost out in the end.

I admit I never liked henman, his fake looking passion and his spoon in the mouth upbringing always irratated me. Murray on the other had has already achieved a lot that Henman did and is only 21. I like his attitude and passion.

Fair enough. :)

Each to their own I suppose... I can't stand his "passion" as it seems put on... it's just my opinion so don't start berating me for it but I think he just looks like he is doing it for the crowd as one second he is roaring with his ugly mouth and then the next he will be completely back to his surly self. If things go wrong for him... my God he gets grumpy. I also get very annoyed with myself when things go wrong when I play but I never start playing in such a negative way... he always looks like he's hunching over and it's a real faff that he's out there... again, I say these things only as my opinion so if you like him, fair enough. :)

What I will say though is that despite me not liking him or his attitude, he is a better player than Henman and will achieve more... just not better than Djoko, Rafa or Fed.

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Djokovic is younger than Murray and a much better 'all-round' player.

In a couple of years, Djokovic will be at the same standard as Nadal is now (if not better when the age Nadal is now). Murray will for still years to come struggle to compete with Fed, Nadal and Nole.

I agree completely... I don't think that Djokovic will be of the same standard as Nadal when he is his age as there is only 1 years difference and Nadal plays such incredible defensive and attacking tennis but I will say that because Djoko and Rafa will both keep improving so much Murray will struggle to keep pace with them because 1. I don't think he can improve that much more... I just can't see him getting much better and 2. If he does get better, it will take a lot longer because of his genetical make-up... it is a lot more work for him, as already proven, to get fit and to the standard required to challenge the top players.

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Murray may not appear to have many "weapons" compared to his opponents but is very good tactically, a bit like Brad Gilbert.

But being tactically astute will not be enough to stop the top 3, or possibly in the future other top players... you NEED to have weapons and that is why I have been saying he is no real long term match for the top players in the world...

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Jesus ladies, can't you give someona a bit of credit! 4th in the world is one hell of an achievement. 20 successive grand slams wouldn't be enough for some of you twats :rolleyes: .


Of course it would! What we are saying is that Murray won't be that person to get close to getting 20 Slams... Djoko, Rafa and Fed are more likely to get near that... of course they won't be near it but they will be closer than Murray... I was merely starting the argument against him because I don't like him or the way people go on about him like he's some frickin' tennis God! :P

Edited by FilboFox
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But being tactically astute will not be enough to stop the top 3, or possibly in the future other top players... you NEED to have weapons and that is why I have been saying he is no real long term match for the top players in the world...

Yeah you do and Murray has some good shots on him. He may not have one outstanding shot but is just as good on either side. That is not a weakness. He's not 4th in the world for no reason. We haven't had a British Grand Slam winner since Fred Perry (I think), Murray won't be one of the all time greats in the game of tennis but come on, he's in with a decent chance of getting a Grand Slam and that should be applauded. :chant: :chant: :chant:

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Well I can't see how you can call Murray very good... I am yet to see him play consistently good tennis over more than a couple of sets... yes, he has made 4th in the world but I really don't know how! Yes, he's done well to get up there and well played to him. Perhaps its when I try to compare him to Nadal, Federer or Djokovic that makes him look much worse...
And yes, I do have a clue what I'm talking about... I've been watching tennis tournaments religiously for many many years now and have watched all kinds of matches from tens of different tournaments so for you to even ask that is fairly insulting and completely unfounded.

:crylaugh: :crylaugh: :crylaugh:

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Yeah you do and Murray has some good shots on him. He may not have one outstanding shot but is just as good on either side. That is not a weakness. He's not 4th in the world for no reason. We haven't had a British Grand Slam winner since Fred Perry (I think), Murray won't be one of the all time greats in the game of tennis but come on, he's in with a decent chance of getting a Grand Slam and that should be applauded. :chant: :chant: :chant:

OK fair enough. He has a chance and that is better than most players so well done to him... I for one though won't be cheering him on for any of them. :)

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It'd be nice to see Murray challenging for third in the world, although until after the Australian open thats not realistic at all with the gap the top 3 have on the rest of the pack. Unless Murray wins the U.S, that is, which I don't see happening (Nadal in 4 sets, surely?)

Third place would be an achievement. Federer and Nadal are both players that'll be namechecked in breathless tones for years to come, to be best of the rest behind those two is no bad thing. Also, both Rusedski and Henman achieved career highs of 4th in the world, to better that record too would be nice.

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It'd be nice to see Murray challenging for third in the world, although until after the Australian open thats not realistic at all with the gap the top 3 have on the rest of the pack. Unless Murray wins the U.S, that is, which I don't see happening (Nadal in 4 sets, surely?)

Third place would be an achievement. Federer and Nadal are both players that'll be namechecked in breathless tones for years to come, to be best of the rest behind those two is no bad thing. Also, both Rusedski and Henman achieved career highs of 4th in the world, to better that record too would be nice.

Rusedski was 4th!?! Did everyone else have a year off or summat?!?! lol

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Very good start from Murray. Wins the first set 6-2, the second set is 2-2 and on serve so far.

Yeah I checked the score on BBC and couldn't quite believe it. Got it streaming now - don't know whether to carry on watching or switch to England.

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There you go mate. Which p2p site do you use? I stick with myp2p.eu, always plenty of links available.

Yeah I use myp2p.eu as well. And it looks like your link is in fact exactly the same one as mine anyway pretty much. Seems the problem is just my loser internet connection.

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