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Trouble after the game

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As much as you people think that this doesn't happen anymore it does, but no where near as much as it used too. There are still many active people for most clubs including approx 200/300 Leicester, the police have nearly complete control on the matter so it only happens in patches here and there nowadays. Why do you think these league one teams bar Leeds/Millwall have never seen as many police around their city and ground when Leicester are in town think about it? I witnessed it kick off big time at Chelsea last year before the game and in many games since in patches but they were quickly quelled by the police. I am not sticking up for anyone here or condoning anything i'm just stating that trouble does still happen but alot of you just don't see it therefore palm it off as the odd 'drunken chav' kicking up a fuss which is not the case.

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and half the little bellends hanging around the away fans busses at the walkers every week? :huh:

My thoughts on those fans have been made clear on numerous occassions. I think they may have been the lads who gave it large at Luton in pre-season, only to try and get on the train with turned off phones after the full-time whistle. May be wrong, but I doubt it.. :rolleyes:

As much as you people think that this doesn't happen anymore it does, but no where near as much as it used too. There are still many active people for most clubs including approx 200/300 Leicester, the police have nearly complete control on the matter so it only happens in patches here and there nowadays. Why do you think these league one teams bar Leeds/Millwall have never seen as many police around their city and ground when Leicester are in town think about it? I witnessed it kick off big time at Chelsea last year before the game and in many games since in patches but they were quickly quelled by the police. I am not sticking up for anyone here or condoning anything i'm just stating that trouble does still happen but alot of you just don't see it therefore palm it off as the odd 'drunken chav' kicking up a fuss which is not the case.

No, people are still active and people will continue to be. But it'll never be anywhere near the scale it has been in the past, it'll never be as organised and it'll only get harder and harder for these people to stay active. OB are on top of just about everything, and quite frankly it's for the best. Still, if these people seriously want to punch each other to ****, why not do it in the middle of a big field or a forest somewhere well outside the city, with equal numbers, away from everyone, and not use the NHS when things go wrong, like they do in Poland etc? It's about the only decent thing these people could ever do.

Bunch of fookin cowards the lot of em!

How very brave to throw a brick at a coach then run off!

How noble to storm around the streets with 20 mates throwing cheap punches at each other.

Send some of these twa@ts out to Iraq or Afghanistan and lets see how 'hard' they are.

Ha! As if they'd go to Iraq or Afghanistan! They'd choke and freeze, and be blown apart. They wouldn't last 5 minutes out there.

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This is what we saw when leaving the pub.

We were walking down the street and some Leicester ''lads'' come running up the street telling us the Orient lot are coming and to get safe.

Before he had finished that there was about seven lads come up the street, so we went round the corner. Heard a bottle get smashed then saw the old bloke pick what was left of it up and go over to them saying 'lets fooking have it come on' then we headed off round the corner and heard a lot of shouting, dont know what happened then we got well out the way.

Fair play though they wanted to be nobs but was telling us and another family before hand to get away somewhere safe so we werent caught up in it.

Surprised you didn't get involved you big hooligan. :P:whistle::thumbup:


Without being rude, if that is your idea of huge then your missus must be permanently let down.


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Bunch of fookin cowards the lot of em!

How very brave to throw a brick at a coach then run off!

How noble to storm around the streets with 20 mates throwing cheap punches at each other.

Send some of these twa@ts out to Iraq or Afghanistan and lets see how 'hard' they are.


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Without being rude, if that is your idea of huge then your missus must be permanently let down.

By turnout I mean "boys" or "hooligans" or whatever you want to call them. It's all daft now because as already mentioned, this is 2008 not 1988. Anyone caught doing anything at football now gets banged up longer than nonces. Is it really worth all the agg?

We took about 1,100 up there though which is good for us. We're slowly starting to get the numbers back but it'll take time.

As for the comment about kids living off the past, tell me about it. Millwall probably suffer more than most when it gets bods come down simply because of the name of the club and they've seen it on Football Factory. They embarrass us. When big games come about that these kids disappear. Millwall will never change.

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Bunch of fookin cowards the lot of em!

How very brave to throw a brick at a coach then run off!

How noble to storm around the streets with 20 mates throwing cheap punches at each other.

Send some of these twa@ts out to Iraq or Afghanistan and lets see how 'hard' they are.

From wikipedia (on football hooliganism)

Between the two world wars, there were no recorded instance of football hooliganism,...

Says it all, really.

The happy slappers of today are just a bunch of bored, spoilt kids with a lust for disorder and too much time at their hands. One could say that hooliganism is another pasttime and a sign of a decadent society (?):

By the 1960s, an average of 25 hooligan incidents were being reported each year in England.

...it started to attract media attention in the early 1960s.

So, in essence, these sickos crave the attention and dwell on it.

Don't feed the trolls and remember Heysel!

And should you still feel like fighting, search yourself a remote area where you can't harm anybody else and just be nice to each other. Before and after.

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From wikipedia (on football hooliganism)

Says it all, really.

The happy slappers of today are just a bunch of bored, spoilt kids with a lust for disorder and too much time at their hands. One could say that hooliganism is another pasttime and a sign of a decadent society (?):

So, in essence, these sickos crave the attention and dwell on it.

Don't feed the trolls and remember Heysel!

And should you still feel like fighting, search yourself a remote area where you can't harm anybody else and just be nice to each other. Before and after.

It all runs a bit deeper than that fella.

Lots of young men like to fight, whether you or I agree with that or not.

Young men like to feel apart of a tribe or a gang or a belonging with your pals etc.

From the mods & rockers through to football hooliganism. It's all a tribal/gang thing. Times have changed but the minds of lots of young men haven't.

When you consider lots of young men are drinking more than ever and sticking half of columbia up their noses it's hardly surprising that they still want to fight.

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It all runs a bit deeper than that fella.

Lots of young men like to fight, whether you or I agree with that or not.

Young men like to feel apart of a tribe or a gang or a belonging with your pals etc.

From the mods & rockers through to football hooliganism. It's all a tribal/gang thing. Times have changed but the minds of lots of young men haven't.

When you consider lots of young men are drinking more than ever and sticking half of columbia up their noses it's hardly surprising that they still want to fight.

Which proves my point about the rise in decadence quite appropriately.

I'm not opposed to fighting. I have no issues with proper one-on-ones.

However, I despise every form of mass cowardice, as the majority of your "fellas" only do harm because they feel safer in a group than they would on their own. It also removes or lowers any form of social and personal responsibility, as anyone in a gang will do damage because they know the chance of being caught in a group is way lower.

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It all runs a bit deeper than that fella.

Lots of young men like to fight, whether you or I agree with that or not.

Young men like to feel apart of a tribe or a gang or a belonging with your pals etc.

From the mods & rockers through to football hooliganism. It's all a tribal/gang thing. Times have changed but the minds of lots of young men haven't.

When you consider lots of young men are drinking more than ever and sticking half of columbia up their noses it's hardly surprising that they still want to fight.

Agreed, tribalism is part and parcel of our heritage, it maybe genetically inherent, it comes from our animalistic roots!!

Unfortunately it's displayed when alcohol fueled and governed by a violent act!!!

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