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About Monsell1976

  • Birthday 27 September

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  1. šŸ˜‚ trust me I donā€™t want attention, I donā€™t really want to talk about Pearson, I get dragged in from my dislike for the arrogant **** and I donā€™t hide my dislike, in truth Iā€™ve not really been on this forum as much as I used to as itā€™s become very boring, so much so I received an email saying contribute to foxes talk, come back on a hot topic is filled with meaningless puns about fish related stupid crap or whatever it was. Then constant Pearson threads, some need to get over him, heā€™s had so many bites of the cherry, we are so far beyond Pearson šŸ˜‚ Time to log out again, until the forum can actually talk about football related stuff, or relevant to the club nowšŸ„±šŸ„± On a serious note I actually think some on here are bigger supporters of Pearson than the club, itā€™s like watching the Democratic Party in America realising trump won šŸ˜‚ Bye all šŸ‘‹
  2. šŸ˜‚ ok you go to work ask your boss to punch you and demote you for motivation šŸ˜‚ The is a line between being no nonsense, and strict, and not taking shit, to becoming physical because someone challenges you
  3. Donā€™t think mills is suggesting he was just dropped is he, if he was assaulted as mills is suggesting, a sacking offence, I donā€™t think keeping a player out the side is, be sensible Pearson šŸ‘
  4. The bloke ainā€™t getting a job, talking about reputations in football, heā€™s got one and it ainā€™t good, doubt many chairmanā€™s will want to work with him. When Pearson never comes back, youā€™d better jog on to the lower leagueā€™s to follow him šŸ‘
  5. Probably a bit like bullying in a normal work place, mills could have probably took on Pearson in a fight, I donā€™t know either so from my point of view. Like all bullies Pearson held the power, and if he reported it, Iā€™m guessing it was just the two in the office, so his word against Pearson, and could have ruined his career being known as a problem player. Or as happened Pearson refused to let him near the first team, potentially damaging his mental well being if it is as he says, he did nothing but ask a question, and being assaulted, and the fear of facing that bully every day. It was the worst kept secret at the club, everyone talk about it on here at the time, but either way, with Pearsonā€™s surly, arrogant, egotistic behaviour with opposing players, and media, I wouldnā€™t be surprised if he would become violent if somebody questioned him, in my opinion. Bullying and other issues are rife in football, as in all work places, and behaviour like this if proven, or any proven bullying, should mean the instant dismissal, bullying is vile and shouldnā€™t be accepted in any walk of life, or allowed due to the bullies position of power, this is why I disliked Pearson, his personality has the appearance of a bully, and I hate bullies, but that on own take on Pearson
  6. So mills confirms what Iā€™ve always thought Pearson is an egotistical bully. The book says take the head off the snake šŸ˜‚, I believe mills is suggesting he was assaulted, as he stumbled out of the room, Pearson should have been sacked. Pearsonā€™s behaviour got more aggressive, and letā€™s be honest strange with the pressure of managing above his comfort zone, it sounds like there was many occasions he could, or should of been sacked. People seem to think heā€™s a nice guy, I hate bullies, and think their is a fine line between being assertive and being a bully, and in his actions we did see, I think he crossed that line, and rumoured all the time as well, and I think I tend to believe the rumours.
  7. Wages I accept, donā€™t know about expansion yet, and with the training ground I should imagine they are loans from king power I believe or a large part of it, and wouldnā€™t affect ffp as unlike wages, infrastructure doesnā€™t come into the budget. Transfers, since winning the league have we really spent anywhere near on players than we have got from sales. I think our biggest problem is wages, massively high for an average squad, we need better quality for the expensive wage bill, ridiculous some of the wages some of the bang average, unused players are on. Donā€™t think top wouldnā€™t recruit better players, no point building a state of the art training facilities to attract better players, and build a stadium extension with a squad that isnā€™t that good. To pay for all the infrastructure we need to compete in Europe, finish high and fill the extension, this squad isnā€™t good enough, and with others constantly improving their squads, lack of investment in players would be a very dangerous game to play. Both spurs and arsenal struggled after a lack of investment after building new stadiums, both sides had far better squads than us, and have really struggled since.
  8. Iā€™d take alonso and over the Ā£68 mil record for his position, Iā€™d be laughing all the way to the bank for a player never worth that much šŸ˜‚. The only thing I donā€™t like is the reporting that we need to sell chilwel and nacho to free up funds, we have made major money through title wins, champions league, and silly amounts in transfers, like 80 mil cash for maguire last season, why would we have to sell to buy, off load because we donā€™t want them, I cannot see us having to sell, sounds like bollocks
  9. Half a dozen quality signings for competition for places as we are in Europe, and for me itā€™s about out goings, no point having massive earning players on the books that are never going to play. Rodgers has hinted the squad is to big, and wants it down to 25, as he stated itā€™s hard to keep players happy, interview earlier in the year.
  10. Positiveā€™s are we collected enough points first half the season, that the team letting us down with a shocking second half of the season didnā€™t cost us a European place completely. Other than that I canā€™t see what positiveā€™s came out of losing most weeks, and getting hammered by Bournemouth who couldnā€™t buy a win. Saying that at least Rodgers knows which players he can trust, and fit in to his plans, and hopefully bin the shite
  11. He would have had time to assess what he has and needs, so as long as the club back him in the summer, yes it will be his squad so he has to be judged on results. I rate Rodgers, but any repeats of the usual half season results from this squad itā€™s on him, he should be more than of the problem players, and those that let him down. His biggest job is to get rid of those he doesnā€™t want and those that are not good enough, all on lucrative contracts off the books to free up the wages budget, as we shouldnā€™t have problems with transfer feeā€™s with all the sales recently, but the massive wage bill for sub standard players could hinder terms we need to offer to recruit better players.
  12. Not a problem if he goes for me, I have been hoping we are going to freshen up the squad, this would be a good start. No **** all about kasper, been loads of rumours about his attitude, running to the chairman etc, not really bothered about that, he hasnā€™t been great last couple of seasons, has many weaknesses, and if Man U fans arenā€™t happy with their mistake ridden keeper, šŸ˜‚ I hope they buy him just for the entertainment, the keeper they have is leagues above kasper šŸ˜‚
  13. Young and English and capped, and they have to have a percentage of home grown for champions league I believe. Premier league clubs go mad for young English players, and most are shite, but hyped up and over rated because they are English Why did Man U pay over 80 mil for maguire, is he better than soyuncu, in my opinion heā€™s older than soyuncu, and is definitely not better than him, I personally think by the time soyuncu is maguireā€™s age he will be twice the player. If Man U came in for soyuncu at the time they did for maguire, they could have got him for about 30 mil, and saved 50 mil, itā€™s not like soyuncu wasnā€™t an international, with a good reputation and highly rated, thatā€™s why we brought him.
  14. Iā€™m sure with europa league football and a high profile manager, and the wages we pay, we can attract better in my opinion, but Iā€™m far from scared of losing him, Ricardo, wilf and a few others I am. I agree, drinkwater ruined his career going to Chelsea, and I can see the same with chilwel, he gets groans here, but heā€™s not Chelsea level, the fans are more expectant, they will linch him. Not like drinkwater to be on piss on the picture šŸ˜‚
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