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5waller5 last won the day on 28 September 2013

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About 5waller5

  • Birthday 1 May

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  1. I actually have a feeling we may be lining up our next manager so that it’s a dual announcement. But then it’s this kind of wishful thinking that leads to so much disappointment!!
  2. First team kit sponsor isn’t really comparable to the tea bags though is it. This will be a board level negotiation, just like severance compensation for 9 staff, the recruitment of a new first team manager, the preparation of a very hefty court case, new contracts for existing players and negotiating with new players (although you’d expect these to be left as late as poss). The bandwidth of the board is being stretched, and whatever your opinion of JR / The Board, they have a lot on their plate right now. Some decisions are always going to be affected by that workload, and Enzo leaving is bad news in this respect
  3. Negotiations with sponsor probably affected by managerial search?
  4. Typical Aussie with all that cheerful optimism!!!
  5. Ohhhh errrr Harry, just a sec, come in and sit down, let’s not be hasty eh?
  6. This is brilliant …. I’ve liked him as a manager for a while, his honesty and passion are infectious. It seems his tactics are a great fit - Gerrrrimmmmmin!!!
  7. I do agree with this, but I also really enjoyed having a manager with a plan. The reason him leaving feels so deflating is that I was really looking forward to signing 6/7 players identified to play the exact role he wanted them to. We played well with some square pegs in round holes, I’d allowed myself to hope for some recruitment matched to his plan. I’d bought into the 6 years nonsense Enzo told us when joining. We’ll never know how it turns out now!
  8. I really hope so…. But suspect it may have the opposite effect of Top thinking “blimey, good job I didn’t get rid of Johnny, he’s got to come up with another manager, and I wouldn’t have the first clue how to do that. JR, let’s buy you a car or something, you were right about Maresca all along”!!
  9. Whenever there’s an “if” with our board I now presume we’ll go with the “but” option!!
  10. Exactly. That momentum could have been worth 10 points. It’s so typical of us to squander any advantage
  11. A great summary of how I also feel. Instead of celebrating promotion we are searching for a manager, and yet I almost expected something like this to happen. Supporting our club is like having VAR always on… you can’t feel good because there’s always a risk they’ll find a way to disallow it!
  12. Great answer. In response to your last point about bravery, just like with politics, bravery is risky and potentially extremely costly. Hollywood is another example, a film maker can spunk a few hundred mill on a dead cert franchise movie or an actual story…. They pick the former even though nobody actually wants the lack a creativity - it’s that creativity / something different can crash. It’s why I suspect we’ll chase Moyes until he tells us to leave him alone!
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