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Ric Flair

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Choose increased debt, choose screwing the investors who saved us, choose imported mercenaries over homegrown talent, choose profit over football, choose Mandaric taking more money out of the club than any sharegolder or chief exec ever has, choose sacking managers regualrly, choose mortgaging every asset to the max, choose trusting someone with no connections to the club, choose baseless optimism (why not), choose bankrupcy if we don't go up and stay up, choose gamble everything for the dream, choose LEEDS, choose to believe the media over the Foxes Trust, choose to ignore the facts, choose to pin all your hopes on a profiteering businessman who's motives we know nothing about, choose to get bored typing now and woner how Ric went on for so long, choose to stop my fingers hurt. :D:ph34r:

Jon the Hat, wherever you are now, I salute you! :clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:

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I choose drugs, and climbing out of an Edinburgh bookies crapper!

Anything other than the dreary boolox I witnessed on Satdeh!

NIce on Ricclet!

I choose Jankers. :cry:

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I choose Jankers too. To think, we used to be able to come on here and enjoy his work. Now it's just Ultra's drivel.

Ultra has, and it pains me, a valid viewpoint on Holloway. I just wish he'd make the point once or twice and not in every post he makes. I don't agree with it - but what the hey!

Janx had a cracking sense of humour and that's what I miss.

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Let's do it!!!!

Few desperados in a pub, then we'll head to Willy Thornes and see if we can spot the great man himself plus Stearz, Weso and hopefully our Kentz - shoot a few frames of snooker (I like snooker) - quick go on the £250 JACKPOT fruities, a few cheeky champagne cocktails in a swanky bar, then off down Market Street to try our luck.

After that, we'd jump on a train to head over to TheSingh's place to sample his wife's curries. He'll get the whiskey out (you know what he's like) and we'll be sick in his garden.

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Few desperados in a pub, then we'll head to Willy Thornes and see if we can spot the great man himself plus Stearz, Weso and hopefully our Kentz - shoot a few frames of snooker (I like snooker) - quick go on the £250 JACKPOT fruities, a few cheeky champagne cocktails in a swanky bar, then off down Market Street to try our luck.

After that, we'd jump on a train to head over to TheSingh's place to sample his wife's curries. He'll get the whiskey out (you know what he's like) and we'll be sick in his garden.


I'd actually love all of that!

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To say i'm a little embarrassed by the origin of this thread would be an understatement! :D

I don't think anyone envisaged the horror-show we witnessed as a result of it all. It's still a quality post !! :D

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  • 3 years later...

Choose increased debt, choose screwing the investors who saved us, choose imported mercenaries over homegrown talent, choose profit over football, choose Mandaric taking more money out of the club than any sharegolder or chief exec ever has, choose sacking managers regualrly, choose mortgaging every asset to the max, choose trusting someone with no connections to the club, choose baseless optimism (why not), choose bankrupcy if we don't go up and stay up, choose gamble everything for the dream, choose LEEDS, choose to believe the media over the Foxes Trust, choose to ignore the facts, choose to pin all your hopes on a profiteering businessman who's motives we know nothing about, choose to get bored typing now and woner how Ric went on for so long, choose to stop my fingers hurt. :D:ph34r:

Strangely prophetic.

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  • 1 year later...

Choose finding a new club to fleece every five years or so.

Choose trying to put promotion rivals out of business by calling for 10-point deductions.

Choose sacking your manager every six months.

Choose relegation battles in seven years out of eight.

Choose blaming everybody but yourself when things go pear-shaped.

Choose thinking Jesus Gil and Ken Bates are positive role models.

Choose wrecking any chance of your club introducing a youth policy.

Choose turning a blind eye to convicted paedos.

Choose fleecing away fans by charging £30 to sit on an open-air wooden bench in the middle of winter.

Choose filling the side with third-rate Eastern Europeans out of their depth in English football.

Choose inciting one of the worst riots in Premiership history by hyping up a local derby as if it’s a Champions League final.

Choose patronising some of the most brain-dead thugs in the league and telling them how passionate they are.

Choose a catering service which make Leicester’s look like a five-star restaurant in comparison.

Choose to disregard the idea that supporters should have a say in what happens at their club.

Choose humiliation at home by fourth division opposition in cup competitions season after season.

Choose undermining the only decent manager you’ve ever hired, and then begging him to save your ass from relegation a year later.

Choose throwing matches to help send your rivals down.

Choose finding yet another excuse to explain why your promises are never kept.

Choose briefing your muppets in the media rather than let fans scrutinise your plans.

Choose launching smear campaigns against fans who’ve followed their team for decades longer than you have.

THAT’s what choosing Mandaric means….


Oh wow, I've just noticed Ultra has gone back to this post and given himself a rep point using his accesory account.................hhhhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa hahahaha

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