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Redknapp - "no contact with Leicester"

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You know what, most of the people suggesting various shows of support for Pearson and those questioning the integrity of the owners for possibly talking to another manager will be the first, the very first, to be booing Pearson the first time we hit a bit of bad form.

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You know what, most of the people suggesting various shows of support for Pearson and those questioning the integrity of the owners for possibly talking to another manager will be the first, the very first, to be booing Pearson the first time we hit a bit of bad form.

:chant: correct. Cant say I'm looking forward to it if/when we hit a dip in form but the violent swinging from unbridled confidence to deep despair and knee jerk reaction will at least be slightly amusing to watch

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You know what, most of the people suggesting various shows of support for Pearson and those questioning the integrity of the owners for possibly talking to another manager will be the first, the very first, to be booing Pearson the first time we hit a bit of bad form.


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Agreed. What an extraordinary generalisation. I've been vehemently behind Pearson even when we haven't been getting the results this season and don't trust the Thais as far as I could throw them.

But apparently as soon as we lose a couple I'll be demanding him out? Ok then.

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You know what, most of the people suggesting various shows of support for Pearson and those questioning the integrity of the owners for possibly talking to another manager will be the first, the very first, to be booing Pearson the first time we hit a bit of bad form.

Absolute rubbish, my current doubts about the owners are based on their perceived lack of trust in Pearson because "we hit a bit of bad away form", the last thing I want to see is another managerial upheaval especially when we're playing the best football with the most skilful team we've had in a decade.

It's people like you making outrageous generalisations that's the problem.

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Absolute rubbish, my current doubts about the owners are based on their perceived lack of trust in Pearson because "we hit a bit of bad away form", the last thing I want to see is another managerial upheaval especially when we're playing the best football with the most skilful team we've had in a decade.

It's people like you making outrageous generalisations that's the problem.

For me, the problem is the amount of vitriol aimed towards the owners because of unsubstantiated rumours. And...if we had lost the two away games, the same people showing their 'passion' to keep Pearson today would probably have been the same people singing 'Pearson out'! lol

It is a generalisation, sure. There will be people to whom it does not apply but probably far more it does apply to. Your pricked ego is not going to change an opinion based on two decades of being around City fans.

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For me, the problem is the amount of vitriol aimed towards the owners because of unsubstantiated rumours. And...if we had lost the two away games, the same people showing their 'passion' to keep Pearson today would probably have been the same people singing 'Pearson out'! lol

It is a generalisation, sure. There will be people to whom it does not apply but probably far more it does apply to. Your pricked ego is not going to change an opinion based on two decades of being around City fans.

Well your'e still saying the same generalisation and by repeating it doesn't make it any more of a fact.

What's my ego got to do with anything or the amount of time you've been around City fans, if that's the requirement for being the most correct then I win because i've been around City fans for 50 years :P

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Well your'e still saying the same generalisation and by repeating it doesn't make it any more of a fact.

What's my ego got to do with anything or the amount of time you've been around City fans, if that's the requirement for being the most correct then I win because i've been around City fans for 50 years :P

I didn't say it was a fact, I said it was my opinion. While being a pretty committed City fan, I spend a fair amount of time despairing of my like kind! lol

50 year of supporting City either means great wisdom or the early onset of dementia. Maybe we should have a poll? :P

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I didn't say it was a fact, I said it was my opinion. While being a pretty committed City fan, I spend a fair amount of time despairing of my like kind! lol

50 year of supporting City either means great wisdom or the early onset of dementia. Maybe we should have a poll? :P

Well it must be dementia because it sure isn't wisdom otherwise I'd have been supporting my place of birth team, Chelsea for all those years.

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For me, the problem is the amount of vitriol aimed towards the owners because of unsubstantiated rumours. And...if we had lost the two away games, the same people showing their 'passion' to keep Pearson today would probably have been the same people singing 'Pearson out'! lol

It is a generalisation, sure. There will be people to whom it does not apply but probably far more it does apply to. Your pricked ego is not going to change an opinion based on two decades of being around City fans.

It might not change it, but it's still wrong. The majority of those posting in support of Pearson have been doing so both when we've been playing poorly and when we've been doing well. Quite a few of those who have been anti-Pearson have not been online for a few weeks conveniently. Those who have concerns about the ownership of the club (I haven't seen much 'vitriol') have in the most part had those concerns long before we were linked to Redknapp.

Sure there are one or two who swing from being anti-Pearson to 'best manager since O'Neill' every win/loss, but it is nowhere near the majority.

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Whilst your views on NFP's and the teams performances are perfectly sound, others look at them differently. Results wise august was horrible, sure the team was showing attacking intent but it was also, in the main losing.

By the end of the month I was pretty twitchy and I don't have £60m invested in a club that has just been beaten, quite comprehensibly, by Burton Albion.

Thats Burton fooking Albion FFS.

I find it entirely reasonable that, at that point in time, the owners would be looking at the possibility of replacing NFP, but I very much hope that the last 5 weeks have changed their mind.

It is now pretty clear how the squad is developing and that is very encouraging, but could you say the same back at the end of august with poor results and disgruntled players hanging around like a bad smell?

I've not forgotten Burton Albion and I don't think nigel Pearson did. In fact I think it may have turned out to be a blessing. Pearson sure focused on getting the remaining dross out of our system after that. And maybe the Thais should have recognised that too and given their backing rather than seeming to backhandedly undermine him if they really did pursue an altrnative manager.

Again, and as you rightly mention, it's doubtless about money. The millions invested generally and the millions invested specifically in Beckford, Mills etc.

Problem is the owners couldn't sack themselves - yet it was they who charged in like blind bulls in a field full of cows and sprayed their financial seed with no seeming idea of what it was going into and whether there'd be a worthy return.

They did it with every good intention but it was they who made the mistakes and it is they who should be damned grateful that Pearson has been such good value for money and not only put together a proper team of people who compliment one another but quickly and ruthlessly got rid of those who don't/won't fit in and, again, saved our owners millions.

All Pearson did wrong in putting out his often brilliant team and creating countless chances was to get the wrong results for a while and often courtesy of carelessness, brilliant goalkeeping or rank bad refereeing decisions. It was clear he'd assembled a good team and the Thais - like so many of our fans - just lost their nerve from the way i read it.

They've had a lesson they should learn from both in patience and integrity.

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It might not change it, but it's still wrong. The majority of those posting in support of Pearson have been doing so both when we've been playing poorly and when we've been doing well. Quite a few of those who have been anti-Pearson have not been online for a few weeks conveniently. Those who have concerns about the ownership of the club (I haven't seen much 'vitriol') have in the most part had those concerns long before we were linked to Redknapp.

Sure there are one or two who swing from being anti-Pearson to 'best manager since O'Neill' every win/loss, but it is nowhere near the majority.

I'm not sure it's wrong. It obviously doesn't apply to all but many/most football fans are very prone to kneejerk reactions. This is especially true at games and to be fair, it is probably one of the reasons we keep going when all reason dictates otherwise.

So while I am as likely as anybody else to get a bit carried away at a game, I do try to be reasonable and restrained away from it. I'm not sure this is true of every City fan, or even a majority of us. If we had lost our last two games, would a majority of fans be saying they are going to vocally support the manager? I very much doubt it. If we lose our next two, the boos will be back.

I think some of the statements about the Raksriaksorns have been vitriolic. They most certainly haven't been supportive. This at a time when their investment finally seems to be paying off and their only crime is to be the subject of some pretty unlikely media speculation.

I've said elsewhere that I think the Raksriaksorns are the best owners the club has ever had. The proof of this will be the club being more successful than it has ever been in the past. This hasn't happened...yet. But I'm taking a punt on the Raksriaksorns delivering on their promises. People can wring their hands about the risk of financial armageddon but they are just as likely to get it right in my opinion.

Settling for the status quo was not an option. The club was in a steady decline and, again in my opinion, we were rescued by getting 'dream' owners.

How can people still be complaining?

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You know what, most of the people suggesting various shows of support for Pearson and those questioning the integrity of the owners for possibly talking to another manager will be the first, the very first, to be booing Pearson the first time we hit a bit of bad form.

By what logic you've pulled that one from the hat I've no idea.

Having been both a vehement critic and a passionate supporter of Pearson at different times my stance is simple.

I wanted he, and every other manager who's been here to gather an attacking team and commit themselves and their players to trying to win every game, home and away, to so score the goals and collect the points necessary to have even a chance of gaining promotion.

That statement is entirely unambigous and has been consistently true throughout my time on this forum. It has also been my philosophy in various sports during years of being a player and coach.

At times Pearson has put out teams which have made a mockery of the word football and I've sat in cold, damp stadiums watching us fail to create hardly a single chance or to have a single shot on goal of any consequence. Pearson got exactly what he deserved for that - a verbal barrage.

But Pearson changed and I gladly give him credit for that.

He went away to places like Blackburn. Palace and Wolves and did so with a team full of positive players with positive intentions. None of those were ever going to be easy games but we played some super football, created chances galore and, although we lost for various reasons, everyone deserved credit and support for their efforts.

And even despite the disappointments, every time I watched my team, I enjoyed seeing them play. They passed the ball with speed and panache, they worked hard in every department, they forged chances from all directions and there was drama either in terms of goals scored, point-blank saves, extraordinary misses, the injustice of goals being disallowed or alllowed and so much more.

I looked at our team and, irrespective of the results, believed for the first time in years that they were a match and more for anyone we'd come up against in the Championship. They were good enough to give us a chance of going up and the manager was letting them express that ability.

I saw no reason to change that view because of results because every team and every player has things go wrong - and there is nothing for it but to have faith and patience.

If Pearson goes back to being negative - perhaps when the nerves start rattling as the stakes get higher - then I'll criticise him again. But I'll do nothing but support him - and our players - for trying to do the right thing and the only thing that will ever get us up which is to attack, to score goals and to try to win whether at home or away.

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So you think the owners are the best the club has ever had, your evidence for this has yet to happen, and as a result you have total faith in the owners?

Not total faith, they have clearly made mistakes. But they have also attempted to put right their errors. If they were going to cut their losses and run, they would have already done so, not invested more money in the club and strengthened ties with King Power.

You are right that the evidence of the Raksriaksorns being the best owners the club has had is yet to materialise. But I think it will for one simple reason. They are not competing against much are they? Someone who has watched the club longer might correct me on this but it seems to me that successive boards of local businessmen failed to realise the potential of a club the size of Leicester City. Clubs of similar size have had far more success than Leicester. Successive Leicester chairmen have either been on the make, inept or too timid to have any ambition. None of these things seem true of the Raksriaksorns.

Furthermore, does anyone seriously want to go back to the situation before Mandaric? The club was heading for administration and the lower leagues anyway. Where were the local owners who were going to have the capital and the will to turn this around? They had plenty of opportunity to show up and they didn't.

I think we owe them more gratitude than many Leicester fans realise.

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Not total faith, they have clearly made mistakes. But they have also attempted to put right their errors. If they were going to cut their losses and run, they would have already done so, not invested more money in the club and strengthened ties with King Power.

You are right that the evidence of the Raksriaksorns being the best owners the club has had is yet to materialise. But I think it will for one simple reason. They are not competing against much are they? Someone who has watched the club longer might correct me on this but it seems to me that successive boards of local businessmen failed to realise the potential of a club the size of Leicester City. Clubs of similar size have had far more success than Leicester. Successive Leicester chairmen have either been on the make, inept or too timid to have any ambition. None of these things seem true of the Raksriaksorns.

Furthermore, does anyone seriously want to go back to the situation before Mandaric? The club was heading for administration and the lower leagues anyway. Where were the local owners who were going to have the capital and the will to turn this around? They had plenty of opportunity to show up and they didn't.

I think we owe them more gratitude than many Leicester fans realise.

It's early days to be judging that but, yes, they do seem to be trying to set standards within our club and I accept that they'll sometimes make mistakes. Like Pearson as a manager, the important thing is to recognise the mistakes and try to put them right or do things differently the next time.

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For me, the problem is the amount of vitriol aimed towards the owners because of unsubstantiated rumours. And...if we had lost the two away games, the same people showing their 'passion' to keep Pearson today would probably have been the same people singing 'Pearson out'! lol

It is a generalisation, sure. There will be people to whom it does not apply but probably far more it does apply to. Your pricked ego is not going to change an opinion based on two decades of being around City fans.

What are you basing this on?

Sure, there's a few who have changed their tune in recent games - but as the poll showed a few weeks ago, very few wanted Pearson out in the first place.

It's far more likely that the majority people who are questioning the owners for talking to Redknapp are the ones who have always backed Pearson, because they will be the ones most annoyed by the idea of replacing him.

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