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fazzyfox last won the day on 1 June 2019

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About fazzyfox

  • Birthday 10/01/1972

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  1. fazzyfox


    1 @tom27111 2 Izzy 3 Wymsey 4 Jaspa 5 Thefox81 6 tuna 7 goose2010 8 fazzyfox 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
  2. Did Ancellotti at Everton really happen or was it a silly dream I had after too much cheese and wine? Everton ffs!
  3. Think they could win the European Conference thingy next season. Sky will be creaming themselves at the thought of a League Cup or F.A.Cup Final v Man City, “Master vs Apprentice” narrative. Just hope Chilwell suffers from this change, I’ve always seen him as a potential Spurs player, I could see him in that shirt alongside the multitude of other “nearly-men” but with his injury record don’t know if they’d go for it. Just wary that Enzo has seen Alves close up and described him as special, hands off.
  4. Maybe if the Leeds strikers drank Red Bull they'd have scored a goal or two at Wembley
  5. The delay is all down to Enzo using the phrase regarding Chelsea needing to show us respect. They've had to send someone out to buy a dictionary as nobody at the club had a clue what the strange word meant.
  6. Another site says it’s Katie Price. It’s going to be Boom Boom or Bust next season
  7. Thought I saw Ruud Van Nistelroy at Oadby racecourse. Was sure it was him but as I got closer I noticed a 3rd and 4th leg
  8. Reckon they'll all have Nottingham postcodes, kind of trolling voters, happens on these kind of forum votes unfortunately (remember Man City's Stand "The Bell End", the "Boaty McBoat Face" boat name etc), either that or they own Waistcoat shops in Leicester. I'm just going to register my vote for "Manager McManager Face" and ignore the nonsense on here.
  9. Thought I saw Steve Cooper in Morrisons near the ground just now but I was mistaken. It was actually the Coldplay singer after taking a s**tload of acid and having been sucking on a vinegar bottle for an hour. Dead spitting image though.
  10. Wolfgang Wolf managed Wolfsberg to success. Arsene Wenger won trophies with Arsenal. Our destiny is therefore in the hands of Sheffield United and Wales coach Jack Lester. As long as Stefan Kuntz doesn't join Forest we'll be fine.
  11. We're part way in to what was always going to be a painful bit of dentistry, getting out of that hole of a league was essential, parade day was all well and good and some contracts ending has helped but there are more mountains ahead, it's going to take grit, determination, a good foothold and a bit of luck to navigate a way through. Last season there were divisions in the stands with some unity right at the end, we're going to need unity, patience and understanding from day one as every point will matter. That spirit vs WBA at home where we hung on by our fingertips (and Hamza's hair) will be needed every game. It's a strange feeling, not deflated, determined to get on with a tough dirty job but finding your tools are being nicked just when you're about to crack on with it!
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