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Troubles In Leicester

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On 19/09/2022 at 11:51, Finnegan said:


So, lots of countries in the world are suffering with a rise in right wing populism. The right wing (from the centre right all the way out to the far right) have been using the economy to fuel populist rhetoric and build support for increasingly right wing ideologies for the last couple of decades (well, forever, but it's been much easier since the global financial meltdown.)


In the States they had the Tea Party and later MAGA and Trump, over here you've got Farage, BJ and Brexit, in France it's Le Pen and Co, all different brands of the same thing using nationalist, patriotic sentiment, fear mongering, often using religion and identity politics to divide and conquer. 


Well India is no different, Narenda Modi (their leader) is low key terrifying. His political party are far right populists but beyond that he's also a member of a fascist paramilitary organisation (RSS) that seems to be weirdly normalised in Indian politics. Modi uses Hindu nationalism as a platform and is violently opposed to anyone that, well, isn't a Hindu nationalist. This isn't good news for Muslims and Sikhs in particular. 


Like lots of extremist paramilitary groups, the RSS does outreach in its diaspora globally (like the IRA and UVF courting American sympathisers during the Troubles) and is suspected to be behind a lot of campaigning in Hindu Indian communities in the UK (and probably elsewhere) and is alleged to be behind an increasing rise in anti Muslim and anti Sikh sentiment in Leicester. 


There are accusations that pro RSS / Modi youths have been provoking Muslim communities in Leicester over recent times and that things came to a head recently following the cricket but the cricket was more a spark that lit a lot of gasoline that's been lobbed around as opposed to really the cause itself. 

This is absolutely spot on. Whatever may have happened after this may be unacceptable too from both sides however this is the cause of this all beginning.

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On 19/09/2022 at 17:46, Free Falling Foxes said:

No. Let's please nip this in the bud: They are British passport holders. There is a difference.

Many Asians I know that we're even born here, refer to India as home or were 'imported' here as wifes. (Frightening how many such arrangements like this that I'm aware of)


Regarding the division in their society, I work with and have friends from both sides and my impression is that, until now, they've tolerated one another.


That is, a fragile co-existance.


One of the most racist people I know is an Hindu I work with. He often sent me jokes about Pakistanis (He used the unacceptable shortend word) I asked him to stop. Yet on the surface he is a passive, quietly spoken chap.





I dont want to generalise them all but in my experience a lot of hindus that i have come into contact with or heard about have similar thoughts to the person you work with. They also seem to be proud of the fact that they have these feelings

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1 hour ago, CosbehFox said:

@David Hankey laugh all you want but don't make statements without foundation. When nearly half of the arrests over the last weekend are not Leicester residents and you have a head of state elsewhere whom is stirring up such emotions, to say Community leaders and faith leaders in Leicester have a lot to answer for is unfounded. 

All I was saying is that the game of cricket has become embroiled in this but is not the cause of the unrest. Religion, in this instance, is.

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14 minutes ago, Mickyblueeyes said:

Honest question - not having a dig but what do they have to answer ? 

When anyone has to say they are "not having a dig" invariably means they are, however, being that as it may do you think religious and community leaders could do more in lowering tensions rather than stating we are a "peaceful" city? In that respect they are way out of touch.

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Bit touchy. 

Most community leaders/faith leaders from both sides have spent there last few days on the streets urging some of these guys they don’t know to calm down. 

The big riots, what the videos don’t show you is leaders joining the police on the street. 

The issues yesterday outside the city, it was two religious leaders who worked on members of the crowd to disperse them. 

What more do you want them to do ?

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12 hours ago, Mickyblueeyes said:

The problem we (community groups at both ends) are having at this moment is controlling the information and what is factual and what is not. I’m part of 5 WhatsApp groups dealing with the police, councillors, local community groups and national community groups - the amount of messages coming in has me sat with the IPHONE charger next to me. I’ve not shared any of these videos because there is no point. 

There is genuine hate on both sides and misinformation. Some guys just in it for a laugh and fight - actually most. 

This is a new ideology which Leicester hasn’t seen before BUT on the other end there is also a thug like mentality which is equally bad. 

One thing that has not only given me peace but showed me how great this city will continue to be was an argument between the an Imam and a priest of one of the Mandir. They were arguing about covering the cost of the other in case of any further damage and/disturbances - anyone whose seen Gujarati uncles having an argument as to who pays on a night out, this was it - as long as we have that dialogue, we’ll be ok. 


11 hours ago, Raj said:

That sounds brilliant, I can imagine that!!

Same lol


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