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10 hours ago, Carl the Llama said:

Keep us updated how it went, I'll be play a bit of Fallout 3 to kill the time while I wait.

Works fine and with a full screen. Load times are instant can't wait to blast through all this and the DLC.


i turned my laptop off and on again to make sure it still works and it loaded no problem. The FPS hav been reduced but you can only tell when u to in the wasteland and the far distant buildings aren't visible. Doesn't change the gameplay so I'm not bothered

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Well I sure hope Brock at Rivet City isn't particularly important to any missions: I bee-lined my way there after getting out of the vault so I can take the intelligence bobblehead from the lab there (after getting suitably distracted by various world-map goings on of course) and I just found found poor old Brock fallen to his death on one of the outside deck areas. lol 

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Quick update. Fallout 3 still working fine. I did find one play through the sound wasn't working properly. I could hear the music but the speech wasn't working. Played last night and all was fine. I'm loving this. Just killed smiling jack and took his "The Terrible Shotgun". I remember this being my weapon for ages. Also found a fat man with 8 mini nukes next to it. Couldn't believe how lucky I was lol 

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Wow i forget how good Fallout 3 is. Absolutely loving it. Still having problems with the voices. Last couple of goes ive found i cant hear the speech or gun fire etc. Ive checked the settings and sound is all on. Its obviously something on the Laptop causing it. Any ideas?

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Think i found the problem. Whenever i turned my laptop on after approx 5 mins a PC clean up starts to check for viruses. I was starting the game up before this had started. Last night i left the laptop on and didn't start Fallout until the clean up had finished (Doesn't take long). Started Fallout and worked no problem with all sounds. Will just have to leave my laptop on for 10 minutes before i play. I can live with that 

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ARGFFHSTSTIGSHS Just been wandering through the wasteland going through dead towns that aren't 'locations' and taking out raiders and collecting caps and a few skill books.  Came upon a train yard place where some raiders had a few survivors captive and started picking them off quite easily then, under absolutely no pressure and in no danger from my attackers whatsoever, completely in control of the situation, I walk up to a bouquet of grenades and blow myself up.  After half an hour or so of gameplay with no saves and having passed no autosave points lol   Fuch you KC

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lol i was on it again last night. Already level 15. Just done Point Lookout and now gone back to the main mission. Was that the train yard with the Behemoth in the cage? The exact same thing happened to me where a grenade bouquet killed me but luckily i saved it about 5 mins before. I've just brought FIFA but all i'm thinking about is when i can get back to the Capital Wasteland. I forgot how much i loved this game. Once i've clocked this i will do New Vegas again.


You know you are delighted i have reintroduced this to you. Ive been walking around being a good boy but i wish i just went round blasting everyone i see lol 

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5 minutes ago, kingcarr21 said:

lol i was on it again last night. Already level 15. Just done Point Lookout and now gone back to the main mission. Was that the train yard with the Behemoth in the cage? The exact same thing happened to me where a grenade bouquet killed me but luckily i saved it about 5 mins before. I've just brought FIFA but all i'm thinking about is when i can get back to the Capital Wasteland. I forgot how much i loved this game. Once i've clocked this i will do New Vegas again.


You know you are delighted i have reintroduced this to you. Ive been walking around being a good boy but i wish i just went round blasting everyone i see lol 

Got me thinking I should pick it up

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Been ploughing through F3 the past few nights and after things like clearing the Mall of Super Mutants or taking a quick poke around Deathclaw infested Old Olney where I took all enemies out in a few shots each without dying once or even using that much ammo I found myself thinking that this game's much easier than I remember it being... Checked the gameplay settings and it's set to normal so I figured I may as well put it up to very hard because hard surely isn't much of a step up from how easy it's been.  Must have had more deaths in the past few hours of gameplay than in the entire week or so's worth combined and for the first time since I've started playing I'm actually leaving some areas with a net loss in stimpaks.  And don't get me started on my ammo consumption...  


That tree at Oasis though lol

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5 hours ago, Carl the Llama said:

Been ploughing through F3 the past few nights and after things like clearing the Mall of Super Mutants or taking a quick poke around Deathclaw infested Old Olney where I took all enemies out in a few shots each without dying once or even using that much ammo I found myself thinking that this game's much easier than I remember it being... Checked the gameplay settings and it's set to normal so I figured I may as well put it up to very hard because hard surely isn't much of a step up from how easy it's been.  Must have had more deaths in the past few hours of gameplay than in the entire week or so's worth combined and for the first time since I've started playing I'm actually leaving some areas with a net loss in stimpaks.  And don't get me started on my ammo consumption...  


That tree at Oasis though lol

I always play it in normal mode never tried it in hard mode. I've been blasting FIFA last few nights but I did go on F3 Monday. Went to a vault that was full of clones called Gary. They just go around saying GARRRRYYYYYYY. Freaky as hell lol 

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8 hours ago, kingcarr21 said:

I always play it in normal mode never tried it in hard mode. I've been blasting FIFA last few nights but I did go on F3 Monday. Went to a vault that was full of clones called Gary. They just go around saying GARRRRYYYYYYY. Freaky as hell lol 

Haha yeah I did that one the other day.  I recommend putting the settings up a bit because it forces you to play a lot more tactically.  Case in point I encountered a Super Mutant Overlord with a gatling laser and where normally I'd just hit him with a few headshots and maybe take a little bit of flak from his gun, my shots were barely registering damage and just a few seconds in his firing line took me out for good so I ended up having to target his weapon first, making it fly out of his hands, hit him with my dart gun to slow his attempts to retrieve it then get close and personal with my shotgun while he chased after his weapon, rinse and repeat.  Finally killing him felt a lot more satisfying than going pew pew a few times with my rifle.

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42 minutes ago, Svetkin357 said:

I'm playing at rise of the tomb raider. I love this series of games. I've been waiting for a long time this game on PC

any good? i played the first half hour or so, wasn't as impressed as i was with the previous reboot

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Blasted F3 again last night. Went to Old Olney and smashed about 20 Deathclaws. My Energy and Explosive skill is maximum and my Big Guns is at 69 (giggety) So im just going around with Laser Rifles, Frag grenades and Missile Launchers and blowing everything to shit lol I normally just upgrade my rifles etc so went for something different.


I also found the Prototype Medic Power Armour so now it screams at me when an enemy is nearby.


Got pissed off though when i accidently used my best ultimate Laser Pistol to repair a shitty normal one. Now ive lost that awesome Laser Pistol. 


Oh i went to the Republic of Dave aswel and just nailed everyone lol God i love this game

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  • 1 month later...

FNV is great, much better than F3 imo.


I've been waiting to play F4 for ages and finally my new machine might actually arrive this week (damn you msi and your ridiculous stock levels.)


Heard mixed reviews, though, apparently it's a bit shallow?


In other steam news, I noticed this earlier and realised how boring I am:






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