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Finger Pointing?

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Why is Leicester City Football Club in the position that it finds itself in today? Clubs such as Sheffield Wednesday, Manchester City & Sn*ttingham F*rest have plummeted down to Div 3. LCFC & Leeds who have a "Big (ish) Club" Tag like the other 3 mentioned, are also looking down the barrel of third tier footie!

Why has it come to this for these clubs and ours?

MONEY! We need "where's all the money gone" back!

Where do we start with the finger pointing? Elsom Walker & Taylor Fiasco? The saviors with the clubs best interests @ heart who did not invest majorly. Some of these "Fans like us" have much more money than Mr Mandaric so where was their investment to match their passion like us? All we ever got was slogan's from them, "we're in it together" & "Keep the faith" what shiite! Looks brighter with Mandy here i have to say, he is the 1 bright ray of sunshine on our club ATM from a financial view.

PLAYERS? Passion, work rate, talent, decisions, etc.... all lacking

From League cup wins, regular top half Prem finishes and European trips to seaside trips, bottom half Champ finishes and performing vs Prem sides for 1 game per season really shows how far we have fallen! That is due to lack of; Judgment, funds available, and a poor team spirit which LCFC prided themselves on with the "Foxes Never Quit" (slogan see above point :blush: ) which is nowadays a joke!

FANS The Crowds & the noise

From regular 32000 to losing 12000 fans shows the Premiership attraction! The noise which is made in the stadium is poor! You can blame acoustics all you want but Villa, Sheff Wed sounded Great this season and thats a fact! We constantly have over 15000 more fans than even the best supported sides but as we know home fans don't sing en mass! The Fans have been better since the N block opened & the Drum on Satdi was goos as we could all sing in time but these measures are as a result of admitting poor atmosphere! My conclusion if you don't make a racket when we play the team will under perform.

Miserable & Frustrated :@:frusty:

Tom :thumbup:

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Why is Leicester City Football Club in the position that it finds itself in today? Clubs such as Sheffield Wednesday, Manchester City & Sn*ttingham F*rest have plummeted down to Div 3. LCFC & Leeds who have a "Big (ish) Club" Tag like the other 3 mentioned, are also looking down the barrel of third tier footie!

Why has it come to this for these clubs and ours?

MONEY! We need "where's all the money gone" back!

Where do we start with the finger pointing? Elsom Walker & Taylor Fiasco? The saviors with the clubs best interests @ heart who did not invest majorly. Some of these "Fans like us" have much more money than Mr Mandaric so where was their investment to match their passion like us? All we ever got was slogan's from them, "we're in it together" & "Keep the faith" what shiite! Looks brighter with Mandy here i have to say, he is the 1 bright ray of sunshine on our club ATM from a financial view.

PLAYERS? Passion, work rate, talent, decisions, etc.... all lacking

From League cup wins, regular top half Prem finishes and European trips to seaside trips, bottom half Champ finishes and performing vs Prem sides for 1 game per season really shows how far we have fallen! That is due to lack of; Judgment, funds available, and a poor team spirit which LCFC prided themselves on with the "Foxes Never Quit" (slogan see above point :blush: ) which is nowadays a joke!

FANS The Crowds & the noise

Kilwoth..me and you agree on most things...but it's bloody hard to keep singing with the excuse for a team we have at the moment...the drum was a good idea on Saturday but the geezer banging it appeared to be leaning over a table to do it! :blink:

What was that all about?

Miserable & Frustrated :@:frusty:

Tom :thumbup:

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We don't have enough confidence.

As soon as Earnie came on yesterday our heads dropped and we allowed them to come on to us. We gave him too much respect, granted that he's a class act but we should've gave him no time or space, which we didn't, why? Because of the respect we gave him - and not one player believed in themselves yesterday.

If no-one believes in their own ability we're going to be stuck in a rut.

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I say a combination of everything! Managers, players, signings, Boards, money - everything!! There is no single reason why we find ourselves in this potential disaster! The only question is, do we have the balls to get out of it!??

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There's a big, old bald bloke in front of me in E-block. I blame him...never sings, never shouts, never claps. If it wasn't for the fact that I saw him move slightly on Saturday (and the lack of decomposition smell) I'd swear he was dead.

The bloke in front of me represents everyone that was happy to pay lip service to the old board; everyone that was happy to repeat the nauseating phrase about Kelly being a nice bloke and a good coach; all of you that bitched about Mandaric being the son of Satan.

I blame the silent fans in the Kop and the arse kissers in the rest of the ground. They allowed a situation to continue by not vocalising their discontent. Everyone that voted in a poll that Kelly should stay one week, should be sacked the next, and then another reversal in the third. Everyone that sits on their arse for 90 minutes and laps up every bit of banal shite our team have slapped us in the face with.

I blame every ****ing "fan" that has pumped the ego's of our bunch of overpaid idiots. "Ooooo Richard! Richard Stearman! We luuuuuuurve you Richard Stearman!" - Yea right! Like that long-ball humping **** needed his over-inflated self-opinion notching up a couple more pegs.

I blame Rob Kelly. Nice bloke? **** off. Saved the club? Did he ****. I blame him for molly-coddling the squad, for allowing them to believe they didn't have to work harder in training and harder on the pitch. I blame him for creating a situation that we have now. I blame him for shite loans and shite buys, shite training and shite tactics. I blame him for us being 2 points from the bottom.

I blame EVERYONE associated with the old board for their lack of ambition, their management by committee and their ****ing awful appointments. From the appalling Marketing witch to the diabolical Foxlot farce.

I blame the Foxes Trust Executive for their obsequious attitude to the management of the club; fawning and simpering in the Directors box and the "listening in" role at meetings. Rather than say anything of worth like "Stop ****ing up the club" they settled for a free program and a half-time sarnie. They sold us all out. Wankers.

I blame the players...every single one of them. Not one of them has had the bollocks to stand up on the pitch and be counted. Not one of them has grasped the mettle and started bollocking the rest of the team for not doing the business. As Kisnorbo lofts another ball into the ether - who slaps him into reality? As Stearman dicks about like a pissed Bambi on ice - who roasts him? No one. Not one player is willing to take charge on the pitch.

Still - we are where we are, eh?! :rolleyes:

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There's a big, old bald bloke in front of me in E-block. I blame him...never sings, never shouts, never claps. If it wasn't for the fact that I saw him move slightly on Saturday (and the lack of decomposition smell) I'd swear he was dead.

The bloke in front of me represents everyone that was happy to pay lip service to the old board; everyone that was happy to repeat the nauseating phrase about Kelly being a nice bloke and a good coach; all of you that bitched about Mandaric being the son of Satan.

I blame the silent fans in the Kop and the arse kissers in the rest of the ground. They allowed a situation to continue by not vocalising their discontent. Everyone that voted in a poll that Kelly should stay one week, should be sacked the next, and then another reversal in the third. Everyone that sits on their arse for 90 minutes and laps up every bit of banal shite our team have slapped us in the face with.

I blame every ****ing "fan" that has pumped the ego's of our bunch of overpaid idiots. "Ooooo Richard! Richard Stearman! We luuuuuuurve you Richard Stearman!" - Yea right! Like that long-ball humping **** needed his over-inflated self-opinion notching up a couple more pegs.

I blame Rob Kelly. Nice bloke? **** off. Saved the club? Did he ****. I blame him for molly-coddling the squad, for allowing them to believe they didn't have to work harder in training and harder on the pitch. I blame him for creating a situation that we have now. I blame him for shite loans and shite buys, shite training and shite tactics. I blame him for us being 2 points from the bottom.

I blame EVERYONE associated with the old board for their lack of ambition, their management by committee and their ****ing awful appointments. From the appalling Marketing witch to the diabolical Foxlot farce.

I blame the Foxes Trust Executive for their obsequious attitude to the management of the club; fawning and simpering in the Directors box and the "listening in" role at meetings. Rather than say anything of worth like "Stop ****ing up the club" they settled for a free program and a half-time sarnie. They sold us all out. Wankers.

I blame the players...every single one of them. Not one of them has had the bollocks to stand up on the pitch and be counted. Not one of them has grasped the mettle and started bollocking the rest of the team for not doing the business. As Kisnorbo lofts another ball into the ether - who slaps him into reality? As Stearman dicks about like a pissed Bambi on ice - who roasts him? No one. Not one player is willing to take charge on the pitch.

Still - we are where we are, eh?! :rolleyes:

I agree.

We're just not loyal supporters though mate.

They hate us because we see.

Like I've said - there are none so blind as those who do not want to see.. and shockingly there are still some who refuse to see.

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If it wasn't for RK we would have been in Div 1 this season, or was it Joey that kept us up......?

These are worse than the Pleat days in the old east stand...........

RK has been involved in Levein's and his own tenures.

He's not the only problem but he's been a large part of it.

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The board initially.

All businesses need strong management and great decision makers and we have had neither. The board have made some terrible decisions in recent times on the manager front and one after the other has messed us up that little bit more. Not one has moved us forward. the board also for mismanaging money to the extent that a club which came out of administration and sacked loads of staff but still get 22,000+ at home games manage to put themselve in a position where they cant afford to bring in players on LOAN unless they sell players.

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The Club. Kelly should have been sacked months ago,half way through the season it was clear this group of players wernt going to achieve anything,especially under Kelly. The club need to make decisions at the right time.

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