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Did you play a speed server last time? Speed servers are killer, you get bummed left right and centre if you are not on 24-7, I have only ever played normal servers, they take a year but are less intense, I played with a bunch of serious pros in alliance called TLW we pretty much won every server, in one way or another.

Latest version of Travian is quite different, Heroes are massively important and go on their own "quests" to find equipment that make them more awesome, I don't know if there were artifacts when you guys played, they were good fun too. It seemed to be dying though a year ago, especially the UK servers.

Can you sum up how you got on as the FT alliance?

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We did alright back in the day, it was on the old servers about 4 years ago though lol. Unfortunately other things became more important for everyone and we eventually got over ran by those who played 24-7. Then people got fed up with it and we lost interest. We took it sort of seriosly at points though, as you can see from the 50 sommit pages of the thread.

Basically we tried but didn't really make it. Some of us stayed and battled on, but yer.

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I was alright at building the fields and shit, but I got lost when it came to building an army. I seem to recall having even just one soldier required a fvck off amount of wheat, and then you'd send him into battle and he'd come back dead. :glare:

There tended to be a lot of waiting, as well.

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Yeah the accounts that were top normally had 3-4 people playing it as a team and were just bankrolling it with gold, one of the guys I paid with would spend about a £10 on every new village to get up quickly as soon as he settled, there was also lots of accusation of people using bots to automatically build things and send raids while the account was inactive, it all got particularly unpleasant when the mods, multi hunters and game admins were caught cheating and got kicked off the UK servers. I used to get proper obsessive and lose a lot of sleep playing this game, even setting my alarm to get up at stupid o'clock in the morning to defend an attack.

The funniest was my house mate who got me into this stupid game, we were down the pub with a couple of other lad, and he has some attacks coming in, and makes his excuses and leaves, he did it in such a weird way I had to explain why he was really going back, thought we were going to get ripped to shreds for being massive geeks, but it turned out one of the lads we were with was also playing this stupid game.

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Mods were cheating? That would explain why the same ones were winning. It helped the top ones having players all over the wprld, always someone to take over at short notice. Started with Romans then tried Gauls. Never did the others but when I packed in it was taking too much time and I think I had started another game. Tribal Wars. Packed that in too. I made sure somebody was prepared to take over first though. With that it was getting too personal.

There was a leader with us who was pretty good and we all used to plan tactics on Skype. Anyway it was revealed she had cancer and a month or two later her brother posted to say she had died. Our group was being swamped by another team and ours split up. This womans name came up on Skype or Tribe message and somebody was saying things about her and I replied that it was not very nice to speak about someone who could not answer. They replied then that she faked her own death and was still playing as someone else.

i did not know who to believe and then lost interest. I could not believe anyone could take a game that serious. There was a lot of dirty tricks. At one point our leaders left to join someone else and never told anyone and when questioned said it was a ploy to trick the others but they never came back.

I have removed all contacts now from Skype apart from my two brothers so there may be some on Foxestalk I have deletd. I wasnt sure who a lot of the contacts were so started afresh.

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Mods were cheating? That would explain why the same ones were winning. It helped the top ones having players all over the wprld, always someone to take over at short notice. Started with Romans then tried Gauls. Never did the others but when I packed in it was taking too much time and I think I had started another game. Tribal Wars. Packed that in too. I made sure somebody was prepared to take over first though. With that it was getting too personal.

There was a leader with us who was pretty good and we all used to plan tactics on Skype. Anyway it was revealed she had cancer and a month or two later her brother posted to say she had died. Our group was being swamped by another team and ours split up. This womans name came up on Skype or Tribe message and somebody was saying things about her and I replied that it was not very nice to speak about someone who could not answer. They replied then that she faked her own death and was still playing as someone else.

i did not know who to believe and then lost interest. I could not believe anyone could take a game that serious. There was a lot of dirty tricks. At one point our leaders left to join someone else and never told anyone and when questioned said it was a ploy to trick the others but they never came back.

I have removed all contacts now from Skype apart from my two brothers so there may be some on Foxestalk I have deletd. I wasnt sure who a lot of the contacts were so started afresh.

Yeah people take it proper serious, I have seen some serious ructions amongst friends, and some serious skype stalking. I only ever played with people I trusted and you were only allowed in if you were known by someone already in the alliance, proper cloak and dagger stuff, I did my fair bit of spying and dirty tactics within the rules of the game. I managed to get an account in a rival alliance and passed on info, I also got someone to sit that account who was drunk and accidentally sent a message to the whole rival alliance when drunk exposing our spying. That account didn't last long after that :D

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No i refuse to play....too addictive and requires 24 hours a day commitment and i currently enjoy my life.

Never a truer word spoken... i would love to play the game again, but i would need to be a millionaire divorcee thats confined to a wheelchair on the top floor of a block of flats with a broken lift before i could justify the time needed to give it a serious go...

Yeah people take it proper serious, I have seen some serious ructions amongst friends, and some serious skype stalking. I only ever played with people I trusted and you were only allowed in if you were known by someone already in the alliance, proper cloak and dagger stuff, I did my fair bit of spying and dirty tactics within the rules of the game. I managed to get an account in a rival alliance and passed on info, I also got someone to sit that account who was drunk and accidentally sent a message to the whole rival alliance when drunk exposing our spying. That account didn't last long after that :D

lol. At first i was pretty disgusted at the spying and deceit that went on.... i thought it amounted to cheating and didnt consider it fair after the amount of money i put into the game... slowly sank in how much of the tactics depended on it!

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Never a truer word spoken... i would love to play the game again, but i would need to be a millionaire divorcee thats confined to a wheelchair on the top floor of a block of flats with a broken lift before i could justify the time needed to give it a serious go...

lol. At first i was pretty disgusted at the spying and deceit that went on.... i thought it amounted to cheating and didnt consider it fair after the amount of money i put into the game... slowly sank in how much of the tactics depended on it!

Spying almost always came about from people stuck in alliance led by bellends, getting sick of the way alliances ran and got pissed off, knew they couldn't leave the alliance because they would get destroyed, and alliances tend to group together, I always tended to chat to my enemies and most of them had no loyalty to the alliance and would happily give over info and let me sit their account. The moral is you don't want spies don't treat people like sh*t, people want to have fun, when it stops being fun they start looking for other ways to have fun.

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I was given c0-leader once because of a rubbish leader. Started when I accidently sent an attack on a tribemate. Next day there was a tribe message from the leader giving me a rollocking and a warning. I msd him and said something like could you have not PM'd me first. I also sent a message to the player I attacked and they dismissed it as an accident. Then other players started messaging me saying the leader was out of order. Two or three left the tribe because they had a row with him.

He ap0ologised, said he was under pressure in and out the game he then offered me co-leader. I was not bothered TBH. The tribe was on its way out anyway and other players kept turning to me for advice. Towards the endgame I was being asked the tactics. I didn't know had not played the game before. Did strike up friendship with some I started sending suicide missions to. teamed up instead.

Was told i was made co leader because I was calmer and thought about decisions. I am not keen on being sponsibility though.

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I'm not sure I like it tbh these new versions seem a bit farfetched with the hero and missions and things. It's all a bit Ott.

You need to get yourself signed up for Batracer instead. :cool:

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But i have joined trav now not sure about it but a bit addicted. I don't get batracer how does it work?

You slide bars around to try and get a good car set-up, then you see how you fare against everyone else. There's a lot less going on that the likes of Travian, but it's fairly easy to grasp.

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Last time I played this I ended up in the top 10 on attack (s2) and our alliance (well one of the ones we were eventually affiliated with) won in the end - quite enjoyed it.. BUT, it took a year of my life! Never again, sorry.


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Last time I played this I ended up in the top 10 on attack (s2) and our alliance (well one of the ones we were eventually affiliated with) won in the end - quite enjoyed it.. BUT, it took a year of my life! Never again, sorry.


What year was that? I played S2 and ended up taking on 6 alliances, with my alliance of 16, the ridiculous thing is we won, that was 2010, when Debello won, but then that was always going to happen.

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Wish i hadn't started playing now! I'm being farmed left right and centre and I only have 1 cranny. My hero died so that ate up resources to rejuvinate him and now I have no protection, no resources and nothing to play for. Bad times.

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  • 3 years later...

nah not time consuming really, just good one to pass the time.

you have a village and you have to build up your resources then get an army. you can then attack other people etc.

idea is to build up a strong vilage and jin a strong allaince with lots of people with strong villages then battle against the alliances.

is pretty fun.

Not time consuming the man says. And we fell for it.

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Not time consuming the man says. And we fell for it.

lol it was good though. I just read through all the pages and got quite excited. Reading about people's victories and woes. Back when you had to imagine things in your head to play a game online. Wish I had time to play a game like this again. It really was quite intense at the time.

When we went to war with TW that alliance was people at school who were bullying me. So to take them down really meant a lot lol.

Forgot how many of us got involved in it.

Love you all


X x

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