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great post lol

What a great retaliation!

First of all Bristol is quite clearly...

a) A city (much bigger than leicester)

b) In western england, geography not your strong point obviously!

c) What was being chanted at you by the rovers fans is quite clearly true, which you would know asuming you live in the sesspit that is leicester!!

Plenty of Asians in Leeds aren't there?

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well thought it was a bit stupid of him trying to have a pop at us saying that 'what the Bristol fans were saying is true' when Leeds is quite multicultural itself

He's too ignorant to notice that though, so everyone should just ignore him now.

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great post lol

What a great retaliation!

First of all Bristol is quite clearly...

a) A city (much bigger than leicester)

b) In western england, geography not your strong point obviously!

c) What was being chanted at you by the rovers fans is quite clearly true, which you would know asuming you live in the sesspit that is leicester!!

You're quite clearly an example of everything that is wrong in football ........... and society in general.

Oh and before going on about cess-pits then at least learn how to spell it!!

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might book my Holiday to Turkey tomorrow....

Not helpful. Just bloody ignore him.

Edit: posted at the same time at Corky - didn't mean to just echo him!

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I come in Peace!

This site was linked on our forum. Can I first apologise for the behaviour of some of our fans.

I wanted this game to be a draw and to be played in good spirits, in the memory of a friend (Leicester fan, who recently died). The antics of some of our fans has left a sour taste in my mouth, talk over PC gone mad! no it is common decency that seems to have gone adrift.

I expected some Ollie banter (as he is still a cult hero for many of us Gasheads).

I ask you not to think that all Rovers fans are meatheads, some of us are OK. good luck with the promotion push.


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I come in Peace!

This site was linked on our forum. Can I first apologise for the behaviour of some of our fans.

I wanted this game to be a draw and to be played in good spirits, in the memory of a friend (Leicester fan, who recently died). The antics of some of our fans has left a sour taste in my mouth, talk over PC gone mad! no it is common decency that seems to have gone adrift.

I expected some Ollie banter (as he is still a cult hero for many of us Gasheads).

I ask you not to think that all Rovers fans are meatheads, some of us are OK. good luck with the promotion push.



We have no problem with Rovers fans, just the ones that sang the chants. There's no need for that in society. The rest of your support is very good and loyal.

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Kirsty Pugh, press and public relations officer for Bristol Rovers, "There is no room in football for racism."

Hang on a minute Kirsty Pugh, press and public relations officer for Bristol Rovers, there's no room for racism anywhere let alone football. :rolleyes:

It's a football against Racism phrase.

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I come in Peace!

This site was linked on our forum. Can I first apologise for the behaviour of some of our fans.

I wanted this game to be a draw and to be played in good spirits, in the memory of a friend (Leicester fan, who recently died). The antics of some of our fans has left a sour taste in my mouth, talk over PC gone mad! no it is common decency that seems to have gone adrift.

I expected some Ollie banter (as he is still a cult hero for many of us Gasheads).

I ask you not to think that all Rovers fans are meatheads, some of us are OK. good luck with the promotion push.




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so easy to wind up you bunch of inbreds hahaha!!

Get aids chum, you deserve it.

I come in Peace!

This site was linked on our forum. Can I first apologise for the behaviour of some of our fans.

I wanted this game to be a draw and to be played in good spirits, in the memory of a friend (Leicester fan, who recently died). The antics of some of our fans has left a sour taste in my mouth, talk over PC gone mad! no it is common decency that seems to have gone adrift.

I expected some Ollie banter (as he is still a cult hero for many of us Gasheads).

I ask you not to think that all Rovers fans are meatheads, some of us are OK. good luck with the promotion push.


Well said buddy, certainly was not the majority. The people that sung it need a good bloody hiding.

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One would think that, as every there's some sort of negative publicity every time a group of fans sing something like "town full of Pakis," people would realize that this is a stupid thing to do even if you don't count in the racist moron factor. Yet idiots continue to think that this is a genius and funny thing to do. It's such childish behavior, really.

The people that sung it need a good bloody hiding.

At that age, those folks are, plain and simply, hopeless. :nono:

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My point is explained in my reply to The Singh.

Basically that if you give five years to someone chanting a racist slogan, that policy should be implemented consistently and in this country it would never even be considered consistently - as The Singh appropriately demonstrates.

It would also be interesting applying proportionate sentences for such as those guilty of violence and intimidation in that London march.

What i was getting at is that 'J' is so over the top you shouldn't really be drawing comparisons.

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WRONG, I have young kids and I do take my kids to games and I would never want my kids to hear this kind of bullshit, and suffer the type of abuse I have growing up in Leicester and at Leicester games, it's disgusting!!!!!! Personally i would have thought society has gone past racial boundaries!!

Thracian don't intermingle situations a pro palestinain rally has fook all to do with a footy match, one is of a political nature and feelings and emotions are very high, and one is of a socail sporting event that should be enjoyed by all, emotions are one of a competitive nature where we support our local team!!

I've been to India on several occasions and racism is rife amongst all Indians of the many different ethnic backgrounds and as far as I'm aware it isn't against the law and if it is, it certainly isn't enforced that often!

I'd say that your children are more protected in this country then they would be in India. Would you agree with me or not?

This in no way makes it ok to do it in this country but you have to at least give this country some credit for the steps taken in recent years to rid society of the issue.

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a) I wasn't thinking of you at the time but I'm happy to accept your point although for you to suggest that society has gone past racial boundaries is ridiculous not just in England but elsewhere and in India as much as elsewhere from what these articles suggest.



b) I don't see any reason for idealistic or racist threatening behaviour or public disorder/disrespect whether it be concerned with politics or sport.

Those scenes in London were appalling.

What hypocrisy to condemn a bout of tasteless racist chanting on the one hand yet excuse the violent disorder (and doubtless vile anti-Israeli & anti-Western slogans) of the Palestine march on the other.

The Police in London were being threatened with violence as well as verbal abuse. Some were quite clearly concerned for their safety which was never the case at Bristol. And there's no two ways about it.

Yet you dismiss it as politics. What excuse is that? Especially as I'm quite sure it wasn't police who were attacking Palestine, or the people living in that area of London who doubtless daren't step out of their homes.

As usual, one attitude for white racist behaviour and quite another when it's someone else...

Mate, forget about India, I have stated on here many occasion that India is the MOST racist place I have ever been, blah, blah etc, i'm very honest when it comes to picking on my 'own' and others!! I don't live in India, I was born in Britain and consider my myself British, i'm just glad the roots that I come from (Punjabi\Sikh) atleast try to outlaw the disgusting nature of those of the Indus valley, infact punjab is the only place where calling a 'low class'\dalit a 'chamar' a derogatory term is a criminal offence. This law was forced through by a Sikh political group!!

I don't dismiss politics but what has this got to do with racist chanting at a footy game??? I agree with you Thracian on your points on violence and political fervour but linking it to a footy game is abit weak. My point is simple if you don't like Britian, then fook off!!! Britian has provided a save haven for many and given more equal rights then any other nation!!

Anti white racism is no different from any other racism and should be condemned like any other!! The fact remains in any nation, that racial abuse is usually dished out by the majority to persecute people of different complection, race etc!!

Unfortunately in the UK, there are groups which haven't really integrated into 'mainstream' society or have come form backgrounds where certain behaviour is acceptable and these groups have been given a 'free' licence to continue to behave in this way. And the government or pc groups instead of tackling the issue have wrapped themselves and these groups in cotton wool, allowing these groups to dictate and give rise to anti british feelings

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Mate, forget about India, I have stated on here many occasion that India is the MOST racist place I have ever been, blah, blah etc, i'm very honest when it comes to picking on my 'own' and others!! I don't live in India, I was born in Britain and consider my myself British, i'm just glad the roots that I come from (Punjabi\Sikh) atleast try to outlaw the disgusting nature of those of the Indus valley, infact punjab is the only place where calling a 'low class'\dalit a 'chamar' a derogatory term is a criminal offence. This law was forced through by a Sikh political group!!

I don't dismiss politics but what has this got to do with racist chanting at a footy game??? I agree with you Thracian on your points on violence and political fervour but linking it to a footy game is abit weak. My point is simple if you don't like Britian, then fook off!!! Britian has provided a save haven for many and given more equal rights then any other nation!!

Anti white racism is no different from any other racism and should be condemned like any other!! The fact remains in any nation, that racial abuse is usually dished out by the majority to persecute people of different complection, race etc!! Unfortunately in the UK, there are groups which haven't really integrated into 'mainstream' society or have come form backgrounds where certain behaviour is acceptable and these groups have been given a 'free' licence to continue to behave in this way. And the government or pc groups instead of tackling the issue have wrapped themselves and these groups in cotton wool, allowing these groups to dictate!!

I agree with most of what you say but what "groups" are you on about?

I find that these days the minority voice is heard well and above the voice of the majority!

Just because a few fvckwits haven't yet and never will get the message on racism doesn't mean the message isn't getting across to the decent members of society!

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I've been to India on several occasions and racism is rife amongst all Indians of the many different ethnic backgrounds and as far as I'm aware it isn't against the law and if it is, it certainly isn't enforced that often!

I'd say that your children are more protected in this country then they would be in India. Would you agree with me or not?

This in no way makes it ok to do it in this country but you have to at least give this country some credit for the steps taken in recent years to rid society of the issue.

Mate, my kin have been subjected to attacks of genocide just over 20 years ago, SIkhs aren't even in the constitution and hence have no particular rights, Sikhs are forced to grouped as hindus and have to agree to the 'hindu marriage act' when they wed......the list goes on!!! Why do you think there has been a mass exodus of Sikhs from the punjab post 1986, Sikhs have flourished abroad, where many nations have treated them like there equals!!

A short answer is yes, Sikhs have more rights in this country then hindustan!!!

Mate, i love this country, it's mine and my families HOME, and yes I do apprechiate the life it's given to my family, but we as British still have alot of work to do...............................

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