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Milan: Tell me why you sang for Allen

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Someone said WBA weren't much of a side. Well they had Hartson and Bednar up front and we had only three older players apart from the first 10 minutes - Maybury, Kenton and Ferreira. And Ferrerra was replaced after 35 minutes.

John Hartson lives in Coleorton, he's not a footballer anymore he's a full time drinker.

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Another who wants to reduce every problem down to the kids. Why not bawl at the likes of Kisnorbo and McAuley? After all McAuley's boobed for two matches running.

What's really needed at our club is vision, leadership, stability and common sense.

Players who created 20-odd chances against Blackpool and beat Watford 4-1 are not without ability. But playing people out of position in a side that barely knows each other is close to lunacy.

So is having a fundamentally defensive strategy when the club is essentially full of attacking players. Home or away the players don't change.

Our first major problem Saturday was the loss of Wesolowski - a youngster. We didn't address that problem sensibly at all.

As DavieG so rightly pointed out last night Chambers is arguably our best attacking right-back but has played there only once. Ridiculous.

Stearman has looked far more comfortable and effective as a centre-back than a right-back yet, despite our problems in the heart of our defence, he never plays there.

You single out young players for criticism but if you give three points for a goal and one for an assist Sheehan would be top of the list. That's not to elevate his contribution at all. But what the hell have Cort, Newton, Kishishev, McAuley - all vastly experienced players - done for our cause this season. Why not have a go at them?

Second thoughts don't. All are decent players, no question, and lambasting any player is counter productive. Alan Pardew is right when he says that team (and club) spirit is the most vital element of success.

But all we've got is upheaval at first team level yet what a contrast last night with the reserves.

There weren't ever going to be eight players underperforming in that side - I reckon we must have had six shots in the first 10 minutes and around 25 in the first half alone. Everyone, young and old, played his part with enthusiasm and commitment.

Someone said WBA weren't much of a side. Well they had Hartson and Bednar up front and we had only three older players apart from the first 10 minutes - Maybury, Kenton and Ferreira. And Ferrerra was replaced after 35 minutes.

Five of our players were existing or recent Academy graduates, six when Ferreira went and seven when Chambers came on second half.

Yet together there was a unity of spirit which was so refreshing. A team simply focused on trying to win a game by scoring more goals than the opposition over 90 minutes.

People hung around afterwards to give them a standing ovation and they deserved it. City won the match and the fans were thoroughly entertained.

Steve Beaglehole and Mike Stowell did appear on the sidelines to offer timely advice. But essentially they let the team play and express themselves.

Both were focused on simply getting the best out of everyone. There was no thought of anyone being "much of a muchness".

And before anyone gets the impression it was all pretty, pretty against inadequate opposition I remember Maybury diving in at considerable risk to himself to block a goalbound shot - minutes from the end when we were leading 3-0.

And McKay chasing 30 yards to close a defender down, then 20 yards to close the keeper, then another 20 to confront their right-back and finally forcing WBA to oncede a throw in near their own goalline. Again the match was long won. He did it because that was the spirit instilled into the side.

People complain that I won't hear a word against our youngsters. That's dead right.

And a manager of our club should be even worse. Cos he shouldn't have a bad word against anyone. Not in public. Not ever. All the players should know he has faith in them and that he's the one person they could trust with their life to stand alongside them.

That if they failed he'd fail. That there'd be no shifting the blame as Megson seems to do.

Then perhaps they wouldn't fail. Perhaps they'd stand tall and do the club proud.

I've seen their capabilities lots of times and I saw some more last night. City's players can beat Watford and anyone else in the sodding Championship given the right inspiration.

How anyone can oversee eight players underperforming at once in the same match I don't know. It's miserable. We need someone to put a smile back. And we don't need negative 1-0's. Even SGE says he's going to attack more.

You're going to meet us all Thursday Mr Mandaric. Time enough to see the light I hope.

Yeah I just picked out Stearman and Sheehan to wind you up.

Shame it didn't work.

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My word.

The fact that Stearman and Sheehan are both youngsters are inconcequential.

It's the fact that they both aren't our best options.

Stearmans not that badder player but I don't see room for him in the team, Sheehans just a left foot.

You can have all the faith you like in McAuley/Kisnorbo but as a pairing they always seem vulnerable to me and I'd go with N'Gotty/Stearman for the sort of team I'd want to play.

Similarly I'd have Sheehan over Mattock right now. Both have made mistakes - Mattock's arguably cost us the game against Blackpool - but Sheehan's not only compensated with two goals and an assist but is forever capable of putting dangerous balls into the box both from outfield and dead ball situations.

Mattock doesn't seem to have that effect despite trying to support attacks.

Sheehan shhould certainly work on his right foot, on tightening his marking and perhaps increasing his urgency but the first two apply to Mattock as well.

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You can have all the faith you like in McAuley/Kisnorbo but as a pairing they always seem vulnerable to me and I'd go with N'Gotty/Stearman for the sort of team I'd want to play.

Similarly I'd have Sheehan over Mattock right now. Both have made mistakes - Mattock's arguably cost us the game against Blackpool - but Sheehan's not only compensated with two goals and an assist but is forever capable of putting dangerous balls into the box both from outfield and dead ball situations.

Mattock doesn't seem to have that effect despite trying to support attacks.

Sheehan shhould certainly work on his right foot, on tightening his marking and perhaps increasing his urgency but the first two apply to Mattock as well.

Stearman lol

at centre back

instead McAuley or Kisnorbo. lol

You do relise we have the 2nd best defensive record in the league. I'll admit dropping one for N'gotty is a good idea but the other for Stearman, I think not. Solid as he did look against Telford washing machines and all, I don't think it will improve the team.

Sheehan rarely looks dangerous from outfield, in fact at the City ground he was floating all his balls in. Mattocks is alot younger than Sheehan, he has a long way to come.

Neither are paticularly good options for left back at this level, although Mattock could well grow into the role given time.

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Telford Washing Machines are a highly competitive outfit, I'll have you know!

In the field of Washing Machinery they are second to none.

They sold me a whirpool at a very competitve price, with a free packet of Calgon.

And washing machines live longer with Calgon.

However, they're shit at football, I herd Brain Carey now plays for them.

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In the field of Washing Machinery they are second to none.

They sold me a whirpool at a very competitve price, with a free packet of Calgon.

And washing machines live longer with Calgon.

However, they're shit at football, I herd Brain Carey now plays for them.

I herd sheep.

Sorry, Mablo - I don't usually pick up on spelling but that made me chuckle.

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I've got a horrible feeling that some morons might drive him away forever or something tomorrow.

It'd be like some horrible fickle mob from the Simpsons except not funny.

Im afraid you might be right pal. :(

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I've got a horrible feeling that some morons might drive him away forever or something tomorrow.

It'd be like some horrible fickle mob from the Simpsons except not funny.

Im afraid you might be right pal. :(


As long as he can get his money back, and I don't think that would be difficult, he might just do it.

Perhaps Abramovich could buy us for a hobby.

Avram Grant la la la.

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Another who wants to reduce every problem down to the kids. Why not bawl at the likes of Kisnorbo and McAuley? After all McAuley's boobed for two matches running.

What's really needed at our club is vision, leadership, stability and common sense.

Players who created 20-odd chances against Blackpool and beat Watford 4-1 are not without ability. But playing people out of position in a side that barely knows each other is close to lunacy.

So is having a fundamentally defensive strategy when the club is essentially full of attacking players. Home or away the players don't change.

Our first major problem Saturday was the loss of Wesolowski - a youngster. We didn't address that problem sensibly at all.

As DavieG so rightly pointed out last night Chambers is arguably our best attacking right-back but has played there only once. Ridiculous.

Stearman has looked far more comfortable and effective as a centre-back than a right-back yet, despite our problems in the heart of our defence, he never plays there.

You single out young players for criticism but if you give three points for a goal and one for an assist Sheehan would be top of the list. That's not to elevate his contribution at all. But what the hell have Cort, Newton, Kishishev, McAuley - all vastly experienced players - done for our cause this season. Why not have a go at them?

Second thoughts don't. All are decent players, no question, and lambasting any player is counter productive. Alan Pardew is right when he says that team (and club) spirit is the most vital element of success.

But all we've got is upheaval at first team level yet what a contrast last night with the reserves.

There weren't ever going to be eight players underperforming in that side - I reckon we must have had six shots in the first 10 minutes and around 25 in the first half alone. Everyone, young and old, played his part with enthusiasm and commitment.

Someone said WBA weren't much of a side. Well they had Hartson and Bednar up front and we had only three older players apart from the first 10 minutes - Maybury, Kenton and Ferreira. And Ferrerra was replaced after 35 minutes.

Five of our players were existing or recent Academy graduates, six when Ferreira went and seven when Chambers came on second half.

Yet together there was a unity of spirit which was so refreshing. A team simply focused on trying to win a game by scoring more goals than the opposition over 90 minutes.

People hung around afterwards to give them a standing ovation and they deserved it. City won the match and the fans were thoroughly entertained.

Steve Beaglehole and Mike Stowell did appear on the sidelines to offer timely advice. But essentially they let the team play and express themselves.

Both were focused on simply getting the best out of everyone. There was no thought of anyone being "much of a muchness".

And before anyone gets the impression it was all pretty, pretty against inadequate opposition I remember Maybury diving in at considerable risk to himself to block a goalbound shot - minutes from the end when we were leading 3-0.

And McKay chasing 30 yards to close a defender down, then 20 yards to close the keeper, then another 20 to confront their right-back and finally forcing WBA to oncede a throw in near their own goalline. Again the match was long won. He did it because that was the spirit instilled into the side.

People complain that I won't hear a word against our youngsters. That's dead right.

And a manager of our club should be even worse. Cos he shouldn't have a bad word against anyone. Not in public. Not ever. All the players should know he has faith in them and that he's the one person they could trust with their life to stand alongside them.

That if they failed he'd fail. That there'd be no shifting the blame as Megson seems to do.

Then perhaps they wouldn't fail. Perhaps they'd stand tall and do the club proud.

I've seen their capabilities lots of times and I saw some more last night. City's players can beat Watford and anyone else in the sodding Championship given the right inspiration.

How anyone can oversee eight players underperforming at once in the same match I don't know. It's miserable. We need someone to put a smile back. And we don't need negative 1-0's. Even SGE says he's going to attack more.

You're going to meet us all Thursday Mr Mandaric. Time enough to see the light I hope.

I agree with you a good manager can improve players as he gets the best out of them, the fact we thrashed watford does indicate ability exists in the team and when we play poorly we are underperforming not down to lack of ability.

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Milan Mandaric said 'if you chanted for Martin Allen then come and see me face to face'. He is throwing down the gauntlet, saying 'are you man enough to tell me you're unhappy with what I'm doing?'

If you want to complain you should be man enough to go, that isn't idiocy it's honesty. If you don't even go asking for the answers, don't complain when you don't get them. If no more than 100 or so people turn up, Mandaric will use that against the 'boo boys' forever. And so will Bill Anderson, in fact, it will probably make Bill Anderson's millennium, proving once and for all that the same people who once chanted against him - if you can remember that far back - are spineless and only capable of voicing opinions from the safety of numbers. If you're unhappy or you want your questions answering, take up this invitation, because your presence is important. For that reason I'll be there.

Remember Mandaric needs the fans behind them. And no it's not unreasonable to be chanting Martin Allen's name, not if you spent a lot of money buying season tickets to see an up and at 'em Martin Allen side, rather than a Gary Megson team which takes a striker off for a defender when we're 2-0 down. Not if you felt upbeat about a side who'd hammered one of the league's best sides 4-1, only to have all that shattered because Mandaric didn't like Allen very much. This isn't Mandaric's money we're talking about, it's our money. And if we stop spending our money, it's not going to help the chairman either. Leicester City will survive, one way or the other. This man is a custodian.

Now, for once, it's those defending the chairman who are being irrational. Normally it's the moaners and groaners, but let's look at this objectively. I'm not going to jump on Megson's back, it's far too early in the day for that, even though he's clearly that rare type of boss who blags supposedly good jobs with a very questionable track record. Yet Mandaric hasn't overwhelmed us with quality signings, no more than our old board did in 2004. He's promised us something, taken our money and moved the goalposts. Now we have 6 points from 6 games. That's the reality. What, exactly, should we be so very thankful about? And should we accept being accused of poisoning the club, just because we disapprove of Mandaric's actions? Those chants didn't get us in the situation we're in now, but the chairman's erratic decision making and failure to put his money where his mouth is most certainly did.

And as for Anderson, you get more truth out of Goebbels.


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As long as he can get his money back, and I don't think that would be difficult, he might just do it.

Perhaps Abramovich could buy us for a hobby.

Avram Grant la la la.

No chance.

He has invested upwards of £4m on transfer fees and signing-on fees and the club hasnt excelled to warrant bids big enough to get his money back.

I`d be absolutely shocked if a businessman like MM actually cowered to the moaning sections of our fans and just packed his bags and left. Actually, I`d go as far as saying that I wouldn't want him here if that was the type of attitude that he would display. In reality though he will use this as a PR exercise to get the boo boys on board by telling everyone he is in it for the club, some fans will be converted after being mesmerized by his nose and before you know it the dust will settle and the fans will turn their energy towards singing for the team. Milan will then think twice about how often he is in the media and we will only see him on SS 4 times a week instead of six.

The show must go on.

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