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Bands & "musicians" that make you want to go on a murderous rampage.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Was on lastfm and for some reason unknown to me got recommended Haddaway. Yep that 90's icon. lol

Just thought out of curiosity what has he been doing since 1993 when What Is Love was a huge global success and then stumbled upon this on youtube. It's from 2010.

Arguably one of the most cringeworthy videos ever. What was the Director thinking!!

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Have I mentioned Marilyn Manson yet?

I have?

Nevermind, the utter scrotum scraping numbnut enrages me so much I'll mention him again. I heard his cover (does he do anything else these days?) of Suicide is Painless the other day. Complete and utter musical diarrhoea. How could he do such a poignant song so soullessly? Oh yea, I've just remembered - he doesn't understand music.

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Greg James (RAdio 1 DJ) was saying today that he can;t understand people who follow bands from the start and then when they become successful, get some media attention, they don't like them any more. He stated the example of Arcade Fire.

What he clearly doesn't understand is the reason bands like this "often" (not always) lose their appeal to their fans is because they water down their content, are not so innovetive and opt for the more-of-the-same-cos-that's-what-worked-last-time blandness that these kind of bands decend into. I think teh Arcade Fire are a good modern example of this. Their new single - after a couple of hearings - left me cold and I didn't like Neon Bible anywhere near as much as I liked Funeral (so much so that I didn't bother with The Suburbs) A similar thing happened to REM, but over a greater number of years and albums. After the success of Out of Time there was a gradual deterioration until I never listened to them after Monster.

So Greg James, if you're reading this, you're wrong and that is how it works. It's not musically snobbery, it's how it is.

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I don't know, it depends on the context. There certainly has always been the 'hipster theory' in effect. People get off on what they think is the obscurity in their music taste, get pretentious about it and become irritated when these "cool, undergrounds" become embraced by the masses because they've lost what they saw as "theirs." I've no tolerance for these people.

But at the same time, I do know what it's like to become disillusioned with a band who 'sells out' the core sound of their music and adopts a more 'mainstream' approach to their song writing purely for the sakes of mass appeal.

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Greg James (RAdio 1 DJ) was saying today that he can;t understand people who follow bands from the start and then when they become successful, get some media attention, they don't like them any more. He stated the example of Arcade Fire.

What he clearly doesn't understand is the reason bands like this "often" (not always) lose their appeal to their fans is because they water down their content, are not so innovetive and opt for the more-of-the-same-cos-that's-what-worked-last-time blandness that these kind of bands decend into. I think teh Arcade Fire are a good modern example of this. Their new single - after a couple of hearings - left me cold and I didn't like Neon Bible anywhere near as much as I liked Funeral (so much so that I didn't bother with The Suburbs) A similar thing happened to REM, but over a greater number of years and albums. After the success of Out of Time there was a gradual deterioration until I never listened to them after Monster.

So Greg James, if you're reading this, you're wrong and that is how it works. It's not musically snobbery, it's how it is.

Kings of Leon virtually changed there style there latest 5th Album is dire and so poppy it's not funny

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  • 4 weeks later...


Enough to turn even the most dedicated pacifist into Charles Bronson. Vile, vile covers. I'm hardly a fan of covers anyway. All of these High School Musical and Glee type shows can go fuck themselves.

Do I really need to explain?

Won't subject you to Baby so will post this video instead.

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Kings of Leon virtually changed there style there latest 5th Album is dire and so poppy it's not funny


A lot of people even said the same about Only By The Night but I thought that still had a lot of character to it and it was an incredible 4th album. It was just as good as the first 3 I can't get enough of. The 5th one I just can't get my head around. How they can go from Only By The Night which had so much to it to Come Around Sundown which just seems a bit heartless I have no idea.

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Because they are complete tosspots and have run out of ideas.

If bands change their style so they're not 'Playing it safe and appealing to the masses' it'd be a stupid move because A - It'd lose them just as many if not more fans. and B - Once you're well liked as a band, why change the formula simply for that reason?

Bands do also run out of ideas so stuff will sound more and more generic and boring eventually. Either way, doesn't take away from what they've already done, so to stop liking them is absurd, the old albums are still the same.

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By the numbers singers who clearly can sing, but just offer up emotionless cover versions of songs that are technically proficiant but nothing more.

Like this...

And I don't care that she's only 14, maybe at least there's time for her to learn what emotion means. Her AND Adele AND Eliza and all their kind.

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Bruno Mars - "Throw myself infront of a train for you", don't believe you, go ahead and prove it you ****ing ****.

Indeed. As he says in the song "and you won't do the same."

So essentially the song's message is, "I'm leaving you because you won't kill yourself." Romantic.

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