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Uncle Albert


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Too early for Wrestlemania talk surely? I don't think they could string it out that far. I think they'll give Sting the belt and he'll lose it at some point pretty quickly then he'll go into the Hall of Fame next year having won the WWE title at least once.

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Too early for Wrestlemania talk surely? I don't think they could string it out that far. I think they'll give Sting the belt and he'll lose it at some point pretty quickly then he'll go into the Hall of Fame next year having won the WWE title at least once.

It's never too early for Wrestlemania talk.

Daniel Bryan vs Dean Ambrose (WWE Championship)

Seth Rollins vs Triple H

Undertaker vs Brock Lesnar

Bray Wyatt vs Sting

Roman Reigns vs John Cena (US Championship)

Randy Orton vs Big Show (Career vs Career)

The Dudleys vs The Hardys vs The New Day (Tag Team Championship TLC Match)

Andre The Giant Memorial Battle Royal

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My prediction/hope is for Sting to win.

He holds until Hell in a Cell and whilst he is defending it against whoever, just as it is about it end, lights go out, GONG, undertaker appears...tombstone, Sheamus cashes in and it's all set up for Wrestlemania.

Would love that

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Rumour going round that The Rock maybe Roman Reigns and Dean Ambrose's partner v The Wyatt's on Sunday!

Also that WWE want Roman Reigns to reign as WWE Heavyweight Champion longer than CM Punk's title run, WWE don't want anything to do with Punk or his name being associated with any achievement, shame really.

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Rumour going round that The Rock maybe Roman Reigns and Dean Ambrose's partner v The Wyatt's on Sunday!

Also that WWE want Roman Reigns to reign as WWE Heavyweight Champion longer than CM Punk's title run, WWE don't want anything to do with Punk or his name being associated with any achievement, shame really.

I heard that WWE want Cena to get his record title off Reigns at some point in 2016. If that happens Reigns won't be holding it for that long just yet.

Who knows, if Punk absolutely fails in UFC, bridges can be built if needs be. Would LOVE him back

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It's ****ing horrible watching him wrestle these days, even TNA knew when to call it a day. I'm actually hugely disappointed in him that he chose to come to the WWE when he was close to becoming 60, at that point you might as well continue to abstain and become one of the rare few genuinely big stars not to join WWE when it became the monopoly. 

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Don't know why they keep bringing the oldies back, Undertaker collapsed after his Summerslam match, while Sting got legit fvcked up last night. They are not capable of putting on stellar matches anymore.

It's like the WWE don't trust there talent to main event, Rollins is the only one who has been given a sustainable push. Apart from him it's still Cena, Orton, Lesnar, Taker now Kane again. Sheamus will be at the top if he has a successful cash in, yet another guy who has been around for a while.

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They haven't got the stars to do it and they've shot themselves in the foot with the network, they're so desperate for subscriptions they're just bringing back wrestlemania wrestlers to generate a bit of interest for any nostalgia fan. Honestly feels like the new generation era a bit, god knows what it'll be like when Cena their only genuine star at this point retires.

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They haven't got the stars to do it and they've shot themselves in the foot with the network, they're so desperate for subscriptions they're just bringing back wrestlemania wrestlers to generate a bit of interest for any nostalgia fan. Honestly feels like the new generation era a bit, god knows what it'll be like when Cena their only genuine star at this point retires.

They won't create stars if the likes of Cena keep hogging the spotlight.

They have invested in one talent so far & that's Rollins. The likes of Rusev, Owens, Ambrose etc... are main event quality & bloody good wrestlers. They will get shit on as long as Vince & Kevin Dunn are around.

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at least not anymore, idk why anyone is so outraged about Rollins dropping the US belt to Cena really. It keeps quite frankly an irrelevant belt from the future star and gives chance for Cena to put someone else over.

I'm not the result was to be expected, does Cena have to keep having title runs though?

Ambrose, Reigns, Cesaro, Rusev etc... would be worthy US Champs, yet they are either in shitty feuds or doing jack shit, disappointing to see.

Fvck knows who will take the title off Cena, genuine heel competition? Can't think of many considering he has already beat Rusev & Owens.

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I'm not the result was to be expected, does Cena have to keep having title runs though?

Ambrose, Reigns, Cesaro, Rusev etc... would be worthy US Champs, yet they are either in shitty feuds or doing jack shit, disappointing to see.

Fvck knows who will take the title off Cena, genuine heel competition? Can't think of many considering he has already beat Rusev & Owens.


But the idea of Cena having the title is that he will defend every week on TV, wrestle every week against the younger guys and give them meaningful matches. I would rather see Cena defend the title v Neville, Stardust, Cesaro and co than an awful 6 man tag involving any of Reigns, Ambrose, The Wyatt's, Rollins, Kane Orton, Sheamusand Big Show.

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I'm not the result was to be expected, does Cena have to keep having title runs though?

Ambrose, Reigns, Cesaro, Rusev etc... would be worthy US Champs, yet they are either in shitty feuds or doing jack shit, disappointing to see.

Fvck knows who will take the title off Cena, genuine heel competition? Can't think of many considering he has already beat Rusev & Owens.

the belt means jack, Cena doesn't need the US belt, the US belt needs Cena. Cena having it makes it actually mean something, the midcard belts usually hinder the likes of Ambrose so it's much better for them in the long run to stay away from it. As well as that, the open challenges returning is a win win for pretty much everyone, Cena and his opponents. Cena getting the belt back was the most sensible move.

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But the idea of Cena having the title is that he will defend every week on TV, wrestle every week against the younger guys and give them meaningful matches. I would rather see Cena defend the title v Neville, Stardust, Cesaro and co than an awful 6 man tag involving any of Reigns, Ambrose, The Wyatt's, Rollins, Kane Orton, Sheamusand Big Show.

The US Open Challenges were fun; however very predictable. Owens came along, you thought he was taking the title off Cena but nope.

Neville & Cesaro for example will put on a bloody good show, yet what are they doing now for example? Absolutely nothing. They turn up for an open challenge match, put on a good show yet get pushed straight back to shit a week or so later, what's the point?

Ambrose or Reigns could have the title, one of them feuds with the Wyatt's over it, there you go they are actually fighting for a prize. WWE being WWE don't think that way & they just get chucked in a pointless mid card feud...dumb!

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the belt means jack, Cena doesn't need the US belt, the US belt needs Cena. Cena having it makes it actually mean something, the midcard belts usually hinder the likes of Ambrose so it's much better for them in the long run to stay away from it. As well as that, the open challenges returning is a win win for pretty much everyone, Cena and his opponents. Cena getting the belt back was the most sensible move.

All depends on booking mate, if Ambrose was booked well then it wouldn't hinder him.

You can say the same for the Intercontinental Championship needing Owens, Owens having the title now creates interest. US belt only needs Cena for open challenges, as I said if Ambrose for example was booked well then fans will be invested in his reign, after all he is popular, fans are begging for the likes of Ambrose & Cesaro to get title shots.

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All depends on booking mate, if Ambrose was booked well then it wouldn't hinder him.

You can say the same for the Intercontinental Championship needing Owens, Owens having the title now creates interest. US belt only needs Cena for open challenges, as I said if Ambrose for example was booked well then fans will be invested in his reign, after all he is popular, fans are begging for the likes of Ambrose & Cesaro to get title shots.

Oh yeah, but the booking won't change. Which is why it's best for Cena to have it. They're awful at having midcard champions, Cena adding relevance to it while putting over people coming up just helps it. Only solution I see is them merging the two titles, but they'd still probably **** that up. I wouldn't be sure about that tbh, Owens will fizzle because of it most likely. At least with the more only watch RAW kinda crowd.

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