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I'm a massive fan of autobiographies. I think I tallied three by the time holiday was finished.

Russell Brand's booky wook is actually bloody brilliant, even if your not a fan of his act.

Louis Moody 2003/204 diaries was pretty shite.

Stephen Fry- Moab is my washpot. Quite enjoyable.

The last autobiography I read was Vic Reeves', and I enjoyed that a lot.

Has anyone read the Mark E Smith one yet? Although I understand it's not so much an autobiography as Mark rambling on about a variety of subjects whilst presumably slagging a lot of people off and not taking the blame for all the stuff that's gone tits up

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I watched the film American Psycho the other day, and thought it was interesting, so i thought i'd sound out a few opinions about the book.


I was amazed by the book - seriously amazed. I had only recently finished Less Than Zero (which I hated with a passion) before being conned into reading Psycho. I didn't want to read it because I thought it would be the same illiterate ramble through a man's back passage.

It isn't.

It is unparalleled in the genre.

Compelling, disconcerting, intricate - it is the only book I have ever read where I have pulled the book away from my face, wincing at the description...especially the bit where he uses the bolt gun.

It is nothing like the film or rather - the film is nothing like the book. The film is a Disney Princess movie compared to the book.

A stunning tour de force, a gripping read. Buy it.

Has anyone read the Mark E Smith one yet?

Nope. Not yet.

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I was amazed by the book - seriously amazed. I had only recently finished Less Than Zero (which I hated with a passion) before being conned into reading Psycho. I didn't want to read it because I thought it would be the same illiterate ramble through a man's back passage.

It isn't.

It is unparalleled in the genre.

Compelling, disconcerting, intricate - it is the only book I have ever read where I have pulled the book away from my face, wincing at the description...especially the bit where he uses the bolt gun.

It is nothing like the film or rather - the film is nothing like the book. The film is a Disney Princess movie compared to the book.

A stunning tour de force, a gripping read. Buy it.

fully agree with all of that. It is possibly the most enthralling insight into a psychotic mind I've read and Ellis's technique is astounding.

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I was amazed by the book - seriously amazed. I had only recently finished Less Than Zero (which I hated with a passion) before being conned into reading Psycho. I didn't want to read it because I thought it would be the same illiterate ramble through a man's back passage.

It isn't.

It is unparalleled in the genre.

Compelling, disconcerting, intricate - it is the only book I have ever read where I have pulled the book away from my face, wincing at the description...especially the bit where he uses the bolt gun.

It is nothing like the film or rather - the film is nothing like the book. The film is a Disney Princess movie compared to the book.

A stunning tour de force, a gripping read. Buy it.

Nope. Not yet.

fully agree with all of that. It is possibly the most enthralling insight into a psychotic mind I've read and Ellis's technique is astounding.

Well i think that seals it!

Thanks for the tips guys and the buying advice 'kokopos and valerenga!

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I just used it to hunt for some Dad's Army...but Amazon was cheaper than anything it pulled up.

It's not always perfect but it's generally pretty good. Occasionally it won't pull up a major site like Amazon or Play (I'm guessing because of the way they're listed), so it's always worth checking any big ones that aren't shown. It's pretty good at finding bargains though.

Edit: Which series? Because I just had a random look at series 3 and it showed up with Amazon on there being more expensive (which is the case).

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It's not always perfect but it's generally pretty good. Occasionally it won't pull up a major site like Amazon or Play (I'm guessing because of the way they're listed), so it's always worth checking any big ones that aren't shown. It's pretty good at finding bargains though.

Edit: Which series? Because I just had a random look at series 3 and it showed up with Amazon on there being more expensive (which is the case).

I am a tit.

I totally forgot that I have a LoveFilm account.

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I'm working my through the original Ian Flemming James Bond books. Just about to start 'Diamonds are Forever'.

Not much of a stretch mentally but enjoyable non the less.

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Never really been into reading but picked up a book at Gatwick for the plane and have been hooked ever since

Just finished reading "Top boys" by Cass Pennant for the 2nd time. Basically it's interviews with 20 different football hooligans from back in the day, their memories, the days out and what they do with themselves now.

Interview with a Leicester guy in there obviously ex B.s.

Found it a great read.

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  • 1 month later...

i finished 'the gargoyle' and it is definitelynot for an 8+ age group as the industry recommends: that is, the porn, sex and drugs at the start and some violence towards the end aren't - the rest is quite tame and probably about right for someone quite young.

well, it wasn't a bad read, but nowhere near as enjoyable as


...my first Auster book, and i polished it off in days, very readable and an author i am definitely gonna read more of :thumbup:

not sure what to go for next yet, experimented with reading and listening simultaneously to a Steig Larson novel on the train, in norwegian, but i need a proper read so probably gonna try 'the enchantress of florence' by Salman Rushdie...

anyone read it, or any of his stuff???

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Just finished Watchmen.

My first (Non-Japanese) "Graphic-Novel". Really enjoyed it, an now looking forward to seeing how the film ruins it!

49ers, Top 10, SMAX, his co-writing of Captain Britain and all of the stuff he did on 2000AD are to be strongly recommended...not forgetting V for Vendetta. :thumbup:

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