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The sooner MM sells out the better...

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Just a few months into his reign as Leicester city supremo I've no doubt in my mind - Milan Mandaric is a liability to our club and the sooner he's gone the happier I'll be.

All his money, all his posturing and his king-sized ego don't impress me. The man is a dinosaur, a big, brash control-freak who devours anyone who has the courage or recklessness to stand in his path.

How many managers has he bitten into and spat out the carcasses - managers he chose?.

If they were all shit then the shit came out of his own arse.

His latest show of dictatorial muscle was indefensible. A disgrace and an embarrassment to what was once our club.

But people still pay lip to the guy because they are seduced by his money and wallow in his wake like avaricious treasure hunters who have found the source of endless riches.

Me I'm disgusted. My season ticket was a gift. I was looking forward to witnessing a footballing adventure.

Now that ticket feels like a turd in my pocket. It's the representation of the most loathesome man I have ever known to be associated with Leicester City.

I would simply love it if everyone in football refused to work with him. But it won't happen. People aren't like that.

In this MM is right - money talks louder than any momentary screams from despatched employees.

And as is conveniently uttered - life goes on - ironically, not by courtesy of Mandaric as he'd like to think - but by courtesy of people he would summararily dismiss.

Truly when I think of Mandaric this morning I want to puke over everything he stands for.

And that's to put it mildly.

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Thracian, you normally talk a load of balls. Today, I agree wit your sentiments. I'm glad someone had the balls to say it (it's a bit strong in parts though, MM doesn't make me physically ill)

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Utter tripe… too many people are forgetting where we’d be without MM, its time they got some perspective and thought about what was best for the club rather than wallowing in delusional sentimentality.

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Just a few months into his reign as Leicester city supremo I've no doubt in my mind - Milan Mandaric is a liability to our club and the sooner he's gone the happier I'll be.

All his money, all his posturing and his king-sized ego don't impress me. The man is a dinosaur, a big, brash control-freak who devours anyone who has the courage or recklessness to stand in his path.

How many managers has he bitten into and spat out the carcasses - managers he chose?.

If they were all shit then the shit came out of his own arse.

His latest show of dictatorial muscle was indefensible. A disgrace and an embarrassment to what was once our club.

But people still pay lip to the guy because they are seduced by his money and wallow in his wake like avaricious treasure hunters who have found the source of endless riches.

Me I'm disgusted. My season ticket was a gift. I was looking forward to witnessing a footballing adventure.

Now that ticket feels like a turd in my pocket. It's the representation of the most loathesome man I have ever known to be associated with Leicester City.

I would simply love it if everyone in football refused to work with him. But it won't happen. People aren't like that.

In this MM is right - money talks louder than any momentary screams from despatched employees.

And as is conveniently uttered - life goes on - ironically, not by courtesy of Mandaric as he'd like to think - but by courtesy of people he would summararily dismiss.

Truly when I think of Mandaric this morning I want to puke over everything he stands for.

And that's to put it mildly.

I'm sorry, but if you are going to post stuff like this in the depth and numbers like you do about our academy then one of us has got to go. I can't put up with it. Mandaric isn't going anywhere for a long while, so you either accept it or at least put your thoughts about it to one side. Because drilling us with endless stuff about how much of a rascal Mandaric is, is really going to rile a lot of people on here.

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Just a few months into his reign as Leicester city supremo I've no doubt in my mind - Milan Mandaric is a liability to our club and the sooner he's gone the happier I'll be.

All his money, all his posturing and his king-sized ego don't impress me. The man is a dinosaur, a big, brash control-freak who devours anyone who has the courage or recklessness to stand in his path.

How many managers has he bitten into and spat out the carcasses - managers he chose?.

If they were all shit then the shit came out of his own arse.

His latest show of dictatorial muscle was indefensible. A disgrace and an embarrassment to what was once our club.

But people still pay lip to the guy because they are seduced by his money and wallow in his wake like avaricious treasure hunters who have found the source of endless riches.

Me I'm disgusted. My season ticket was a gift. I was looking forward to witnessing a footballing adventure.

Now that ticket feels like a turd in my pocket. It's the representation of the most loathesome man I have ever known to be associated with Leicester City.

I would simply love it if everyone in football refused to work with him. But it won't happen. People aren't like that.

In this MM is right - money talks louder than any momentary screams from despatched employees.

And as is conveniently uttered - life goes on - ironically, not by courtesy of Mandaric as he'd like to think - but by courtesy of people he would summararily dismiss.

Truly when I think of Mandaric this morning I want to puke over everything he stands for.

And that's to put it mildly.

You're an idiot.

1) We don't know the full story of MM/MA.

2) It's MM's club. For him to go, which you appear fairly desperate to do, I suggest you set about finding someone who can match Milan's asking price! When you do find them, why not ask them where they were last time and the time before that...

3) How someone you've never met and probably never will can be described as 'loathesome' is bizarre. To be quite honest, both MM and MA are known as manipulators of the media and spin merchants so to even try to read anything in to all the media releases is ridiculous.

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I'm sorry, but if you are going to post stuff like this in the depth and numbers like you do about our academy then one of us has got to go. I can't put up with it. Mandaric isn't going anywhere for a long while, so you either accept it or at least put your thoughts about it to one side. Because drilling us with endless stuff about how much of a rascal Mandaric is, is really going to rile a lot of people on here.

Of course it is. With very few exceptions you all welcomed him with open arms. And you'll have to lick from his bowl for the duration now.

As for me - any ideas for an unwanted season ticket?

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Well 1 thing already seems sure - that it has created a divide in opinion - two sides which are a distance apart. I'm with Thracian on this one - having money allows you to do a lot - it does not however give you class or the moral fibre to be above all. It just means that you can surround yourself with people who will not argue.

I came down to the Watford game filled with the excitement of a child and nothing will change my passion for City - but this last week has turned me off good style.

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Of course it is. With very few exceptions you all welcomed him with open arms. And you'll have to lick from his bowl for the duration now.

So the alternative was preferable?

Don't you remember your constant stream of complaint under the previous regimes?

At least there is something purposeful about us now. Yes, managers will be sacked. Some duff players will be signed. Money in places will be wasted... but at least it's in the pursuit of something now.

You have to break a few eggs to make an omelette Thracian. And it's not always the nicely nicely side that gets promotion. Don't you remember last time?

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for all we know MA could well have been a disaster waiting to happen. The MM interview on the BBC footy website has the interviewer asking about how a lot of people at the club found him very hard to work with, and MM couldn't deny it. ok so maybe MM is lying there, and has made a huge mistake, but i for one am seriously glad we have him at this club. We'd finish this season 18th - 24th without him. With him we've got a chance of going somewhere.

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Of course it is. With very few exceptions you all welcomed him with open arms. And you'll have to lick from his bowl for the duration now.

As for me - any ideas for an unwanted season ticket?

My mate will have it for free, he's not a drama queen.

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Of course it is. With very few exceptions you all welcomed him with open arms. And you'll have to lick from his bowl for the duration now.

As for me - any ideas for an unwanted season ticket?

You are entilted to your opinion, I strongly disagree with it but i'm not going to ask you to change it. But I would ask you to not force it down our throats on every occasion now. You've made your point clear you despise Milan, but please keep your vitriol to yourself as much as possible because the forum will suffer if you endlessly barrack Milan Mandaric on here.

You've never been overly keen on Mandaric from the start, fair enough. So this news is hardly going to strengthen your admiration for the man, but there was a massive majority of people who wanted him here. We bought in to this revolution with Mandaric, so we have to back him.

You didn't, so you don't have to. But cut out the bad mouthing as much as possible please, we don't need it at the minuter. We're all feeling a bit bewildered and you're not helping.

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If this means an end to the endless idiotic statements about Hammond, the faux indignation over the sacking and the retarded points awarding system - it will be the greatest gift Mandy has given the fans of City & FoxesTalk yet.

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Yeah i am just adding to what people have said here, if it wasnt for MM we would be in so much shite..... its amazing how quickly people forget things.... i am gutted allen has gone but Milan is the gaffer... he is top dog and he makes the rules....

Everything will smooth over and we need to get back on track after this event filled week....

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If this means an end to the endless idiotic statements about Hammond, the faux indignation over the sacking and the retarded points awarding system - it will be the greatest gift Mandy has given the fans of City & FoxesTalk yet.

MA at the end ....+17. :D

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Just a few months into his reign as Leicester city supremo I've no doubt in my mind - Milan Mandaric is a liability to our club and the sooner he's gone the happier I'll be.

All his money, all his posturing and his king-sized ego don't impress me. The man is a dinosaur, a big, brash control-freak who devours anyone who has the courage or recklessness to stand in his path.

How many managers has he bitten into and spat out the carcasses - managers he chose?.

If they were all shit then the shit came out of his own arse.

His latest show of dictatorial muscle was indefensible. A disgrace and an embarrassment to what was once our club.

But people still pay lip to the guy because they are seduced by his money and wallow in his wake like avaricious treasure hunters who have found the source of endless riches.

Me I'm disgusted. My season ticket was a gift. I was looking forward to witnessing a footballing adventure.

Now that ticket feels like a turd in my pocket. It's the representation of the most loathesome man I have ever known to be associated with Leicester City.

I would simply love it if everyone in football refused to work with him. But it won't happen. People aren't like that.

In this MM is right - money talks louder than any momentary screams from despatched employees.

And as is conveniently uttered - life goes on - ironically, not by courtesy of Mandaric as he'd like to think - but by courtesy of people he would summararily dismiss.

Truly when I think of Mandaric this morning I want to puke over everything he stands for.

And that's to put it mildly.

Don`t be ridiculous.

We all know he isn't here to stay forever anyway as he is not from the area and has no links with the club or the community but to want him out after he saved us from god knows what last season and then allowed a new manager to spend approx £5m on transfer fees and signing-on fees would be yet another knee-jerk reaction with no basis to the decision.

From what I can see, the only thing MM has done wrong was to appoint a manager and then dismiss him 3 months in. On another thread I said this was too soon and maybe he didn't research MA enough before the appointment because maybe he wouldn't have appointed him in the first place if he knew all about the man as maybe, they are simply the types of people who clash. MA however must have known what MM is like so he too didn't turn up with his eyes closed surely?

As for your over the top reactions, the answer is simple, sell your season ticket and I`ll but it if you like. If you think that Milan is such a devil over this one decision, then more fool you. It seems that you are totally ignoring all the good he has done at the club and I bet had you bothered keeping score like you did with MA, he`d be a +50 by now lol

Grow up Thrac because some of your posts are brinking on juvenile.

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