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The sooner MM sells out the better...

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thrac man, I am just as wound up as you but I dont agree that MM leaving would be to the benefit of this club. There are still 43 games to play this season, we can still achieve a whole lot.

I agree with most of your opinion of MM but that doesnt mean he's a bad thing for this club, and to be honest we still dont know the full story behind this.

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I'm sick of all this talk of "imagine where we'd be if MM hadn't saved us." No one knows for sure where we'd be if MM hadn't come along, just as know one knows precisely what went on between MM and MA.

For all we know, Kelly could have been sacked and we may well have appointed MA anyway. With his track record of dragging teams out of the mire who's to say that he couldn't have done the same here - without MM's millions? It would have certainly been interesting to see MA try and rebuild the squad without vast resources and an egomaniac sticking his oar in at every opportunity.

Truth is, we'll never know where we would be now if MM hadn't stepped in and although it is easy to speculate that we would be up shit street it might not necessatily have been the case.

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Don`t be ridiculous.

We all know he isn't here to stay forever anyway as he is not from the area and has no links with the club or the community but to want him out after he saved us from god knows what last season and then allowed a new manager to spend approx £5m on transfer fees and signing-on fees would be yet another knee-jerk reaction with no basis to the decision.

From what I can see, the only thing MM has done wrong was to appoint a manager and then dismiss him 3 months in. On another thread I said this was too soon and maybe he didn't research MA enough before the appointment because maybe he wouldn't have appointed him in the first place if he knew all about the man as maybe, they are simply the types of people who clash. MA however must have known what MM is like so he too didn't turn up with his eyes closed surely?

As for your over the top reactions, the answer is simple, sell your season ticket and I`ll but it if you like. If you think that Milan is such a devil over this one decision, then more fool you. It seems that you are totally ignoring all the good he has done at the club and I bet had you bothered keeping score like you did with MA, he`d be a +50 by now lol

Grow up Thrac because some of your posts are brinking on juvenile.

If you want my season ticket at face value put your money where your mouth is.

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I'm sick of all this talk of "imagine where we'd be if MM hadn't saved us." No one knows for sure where we'd be if MM hadn't come along, just as know one knows precisely what went on between MM and MA.

For all we know, Kelly could have been sacked and we may well have appointed MA anyway. With his track record of dragging teams out of the mire who's to say that he couldn't have done the same here - without MM's millions? It would have certainly been interesting to see MA try and rebuild the squad without vast resources and an egomaniac sticking his oar in at every opportunity.

Truth is, we'll never know where we would be now if MM hadn't stepped in and although it is easy to speculate that we would be up shit street it might not necessatily have been the case.

I know for one thing, we wouldn't have the likes of Clemence, N'Gotty, Campbell, Kaebi & Kishishev if Mandaric didn't buy us. We wouldn't have Hume, Kisnorbo & Wesolowski either as they'd have been sold in a firesale.

Ok, so perhaps another buyer would have saved us had we really been on the verge of Admin, but there was never any other takers before Mandaric stuck his neck out so i'm inclined to believe there's no evidence we would have been saved without Milan.

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If you want my season ticket at face value put your money where your mouth is.

I can get that deal from the club. If you don't want the filthy ticket and watching football at a club with a filthy owner, sell it to me for a filthily low price. Of course, you will probably be as keen on the money back for it despite the fact that it was a gift. You're as money hungry as MM lol

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You talk total bull shit mate.

Everyone was shocked and upset over the departure of Martin Allen but we must move on, if the man behind the cash doesnt think he can work with him then so be it, THE ONLY THING MILAN MANDARIC WANTS IS TO SEE LEICESTER CITY IN THE PREMIERSHIP, dare i remind you that without him we would more than likely be in the same position as Forest or Leeds soon enough.

Would you prefer last seasons useless squad of pricks or this seasons squad? i think there is no question there and that is down to Mandaric, he will bring in another manager and we will get promotion within the next 2 years and when that happens you'll be loving the man so shut the f**k up and get behind the team, these are still the most exciting times in our club since MON.

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I know for one thing, we wouldn't have the likes of Clemence, N'Gotty, Campbell, Kaebi & Kishishev if Mandaric didn't buy us. We wouldn't have Hume, Kisnorbo & Wesolowski either as they'd have been sold in a firesale.

Ok, so perhaps another buyer would have saved us had we really been on the verge of Admin, but there was never any other takers before Mandaric stuck his neck out so i'm inclined to believe there's no evidence we would have been saved without Milan.

True, we wouldn't have the likes of the players you mentioned above but we might have had some young, hungry up and coming players discovered by a young, hungry and up and coming manager such as MA.

I'm not siding with anyone here, I'm just trying to point out that no one knows for certain where we'd have been had MM not bought into us. Chances are, yes, we'd be shafted but in football you just never know what's going to happen.

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I can get that deal from the club. If you don't want the filthy ticket and watching football at a club with a filthy owner, sell it to me for a filthily low price. Of course, you will probably be as keen on the money back for it despite the fact that it was a gift. You're as money hungry as MM lol

Don't be so stupid. The money is for the person who provided the present.

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It's all very well you ganging up on him telling him we all welcomed MM with open arms as well as the problems we'd be in without him. But Thracian never wanted him at the club from the start, not all of our supporters are driven by the need to witness mediocre Premier League football every week some of them just want to be entertained.

Thracian has always made it clear he wants a self suffcient squad with a few imports and a few academy graduates blended together in a balanced attacking side, thats all he wants nothing more. He felt we could achieve that without MM.

The sacking of MA is unjust to say the least, it's all very well saying we don't know what went on, we do know what went on, use your brains the rumours were there, they developed, and they were clearly true. We're in for Robbie Fowler one minute, then we're not, a unfit JFH turns up for a medical, MA doesn't want another striker never mind a 36 year old unfit one so he sends him packing. Then the rumours start :dunno: then theres the Riordan thing, we haven't signed any one for ages so it's clear they can't agree on who to sign. So MA has gone, because the Chairman thinks he can run the transfer market it's not right.

I know exactly why MM has done this as well, he never used to be like this, at Standerd Liege and Nice he stepped back and let the managers do their job. However after Pompey and actually having something of a success as a Chairman and a good working relationship with HR he thinks he knows it all.

Obviously I'm not going to go OTT like Thracian but he's entitled to his pov, that MA should of been given a chance to do his job unhindered by a power hungry Chariman. To me, thats completley reasonable.

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Don't be so stupid. The money is for the person who provided the present.

Exactly. The present was to you so its yours to do what you will. You obviously don't want to lose out on the deal and thats exactly how MM is approaching managing the club. He wants the best he can get for it and wont do it the cheap way, even if it means dismissing a manager and having to pay him a very healthy pay-off. If he wasn't managing teh club in the interests of the club he would have said no to DJ and got RF on a bosman, he would have said no to Clem and played Levi, the most naturally gifted player we have in central midfield :| and would not have dismissed MA but almost force him to resign by making his life a misery.

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I think the main reason a number of people are upset, and I am one of them, is that Leicester has always been a very fair honest club, despite what others may think (like the Forest fans the other night). So something like this, where we've sacked a manger without seemingly giving him a chance to get the results on the pitch, leaves a very sour taste, because it is not what we are used to or what we are about.

Think about it, every fans favourite player has nearly always been an honest hard-working player, who epitomised everything about Leicester. Our fans have in the main always given players a chance (despite what some may think), so that if a player comes back and works hard (like De Vries), he has a second chance. As long as a player is shown to be giving his all without any attitude, he is given a chance.

So this is upsetting because it is a shape change from the club we know and the way we expect our club to behave towards its staff and players. That's why this is so divisive.

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Obviously I'm not going to go OTT like Thracian but he's entitled to his pov, that MA should of been given a chance to do his job unhindered by a power hungry Chariman. To me, thats completley reasonable.

Yes but football isn't always reasonable and MA must have down what he was getting involved with here, but yet he still took the pay-cheque every week etc etc and did the job. It takes two to argue... and he was part of that.

Quite simply, you don't work for Milan Mandaric if you want to be your own man working alongside a non-interfering chairman.

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Yes but football isn't always reasonable and MA must have down what he was getting involved with here, but yet he still took the pay-cheque every week etc etc and did the job. It takes two to argue... and he was part of that.

Quite simply, you don't work for Milan Mandaric if you want to be your own man working alongside a non-interfering chairman.

Any suggestions for manager then?

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It's all very well you ganging up on him telling him we all welcomed MM with open arms as well as the problems we'd be in without him. But Thracian never wanted him at the club from the start, not all of our supporters are driven by the need to witness mediocre Premier League football every week some of them just want to be entertained.

Thracian has always made it clear he wants a self suffcient squad with a few imports and a few academy graduates blended together in a balanced attacking side, thats all he wants nothing more. He felt we could achieve that without MM.

The sacking of MA is unjust to say the least, it's all very well saying we don't know what went on, we do know what went on, use your brains the rumours were there, they developed, and they were clearly true. We're in for Robbie Fowler one minute, then we're not, a unfit JFH turns up for a medical, MA doesn't want another striker never mind a 36 year old unfit one so he sends him packing. Then the rumours start :dunno: then theres the Riordan thing, we haven't signed any one for ages so it's clear they can't agree on who to sign. So MA has gone, because the Chairman thinks he can run the transfer market it's not right.

I know exactly why MM has done this as well, he never used to be like this, at Standerd Liege and Nice he stepped back and let the managers do their job. However after Pompey and actually having something of a success as a Chairman and a good working relationship with HR he thinks he knows it all.

Obviously I'm not going to go OTT like Thracian but he's entitled to his pov, that MA should of been given a chance to do his job unhindered by a power hungry Chariman. To me, thats completley reasonable.

If they're happy to listen to the rumours about disagreements over transfers, then why are the anti-Mandaric motorbike and sidecar completely ignoring all these rumours that the players hated Allen, he upset everyone at the club and Mandaric acted before the club imploded?

It's easy to pick up on the JFH thing because it was reported in the media but there's no smoke without fire and we've had countless reports that Allen pissed off everyone at the club with his general manner. I'm as inclined to believe that as I am to believe the disagreements over transfers.

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Yes but football isn't always reasonable and MA must have down what he was getting involved with here, but yet he still took the pay-cheque every week etc etc and did the job. It takes two to argue... and he was part of that.

Quite simply, you don't work for Milan Mandaric if you want to be your own man working alongside a non-interfering chairman.

I'm disappointed Milan didn't recognise the potential difficulties of employing someone like Allen when he was searching for a manager.

And this intefering side is one I don't like at all. However I know I have to accept it and move on. When we hailed Mandaric as our saviour we all bought in to his methods. For better or worse.

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Any suggestions for manager then?

Completely pointless because it's up to Milan.

It has to be someone Milan wants. I'm not going to try to second guess him or his motives.

I'm above that and by nature of that fact, above you.

Now get on with your tut-tutting, your head shaking, your shallow veil of indignation and sympathy with MA as it suits your current gripe with the club and leave us to it.

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Just a few months into his reign as Leicester city supremo I've no doubt in my mind - Milan Mandaric is a liability to our club and the sooner he's gone the happier I'll be.

In this MM is right - money talks louder than any momentary screams from despatched employees.

And as is conveniently uttered - life goes on - ironically, not by courtesy of Mandaric as he'd like to think - but by courtesy of people he would summararily dismiss.

Truly when I think of Mandaric this morning I want to puke over everything he stands for.

And that's to put it mildly.

I agree with Thracian, but NOT for the reasons he states.

Ever since Mandaric took over LCFC, the day I have really looked forward to is the day he sells the club, I feel by hook or by crook he WILL get us to where his vision for us is, namely "Into the premiership".

Once he has forfilled his "Goal" he will sell us on , and it is the Mandaric CONTACTS to enable him to do this that REALLY EXCITES ME.

At this moment in time the Premiership stands as a locked door right in front of us all. But no one should be in any doubt whatsoever that MANDARIC IS THE KEY to unlock it and deliver us into the hands of a Mega Rich franchise.

So lets use him and not abuse him, If people started to think of Mandaric as a means to an end, nothing more, (AS I DO) they would not get so hot under the collar. :yesyes::scarf:

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It's all very well you ganging up on him telling him we all welcomed MM with open arms as well as the problems we'd be in without him. But Thracian never wanted him at the club from the start, not all of our supporters are driven by the need to witness mediocre Premier League football every week some of them just want to be entertained.

Thracian has always made it clear he wants a self suffcient squad with a few imports and a few academy graduates blended together in a balanced attacking side, thats all he wants nothing more. He felt we could achieve that without MM.

The sacking of MA is unjust to say the least, it's all very well saying we don't know what went on, we do know what went on, use your brains the rumours were there, they developed, and they were clearly true. We're in for Robbie Fowler one minute, then we're not, a unfit JFH turns up for a medical, MA doesn't want another striker never mind a 36 year old unfit one so he sends him packing. Then the rumours start :dunno: then theres the Riordan thing, we haven't signed any one for ages so it's clear they can't agree on who to sign. So MA has gone, because the Chairman thinks he can run the transfer market it's not right.

I know exactly why MM has done this as well, he never used to be like this, at Standerd Liege and Nice he stepped back and let the managers do their job. However after Pompey and actually having something of a success as a Chairman and a good working relationship with HR he thinks he knows it all.

Obviously I'm not going to go OTT like Thracian but he's entitled to his pov, that MA should of been given a chance to do his job unhindered by a power hungry Chariman. To me, thats completley reasonable.

I like this post. At the end of the day, why cant we just wait and see what happens. We should reconviene in May 2008 and then we can slate/sing the praises of MM. We just dont know. Theres pros and cons to both sides of the arguments. Yes, we could have suceeded with home grown talent. But, in MY opinion, last season was cr*p. Since we have had MM, we have hope and expectation.. And its hope and expectation that urges me to get my ar*e down to the Walkers every other saturday. I think certain people need reminding that it was MM who provided us with this hope orginally, not MA. I understand some people didnt want MM to take us over. To be quite honest, I was shocked when he appointed some "unheard of" 2nd rate manager when he did with MA. But I was soon won over.

All I'm trying to say is, give it time. See if MM delivers this season. If not, we can slate him here, and lynch him in the car park!

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If they're happy to listen to the rumours about disagreements over transfers, then why are the anti-Mandaric motorbike and sidecar completely ignoring all these rumours that the players hated Allen, he upset everyone at the club and Mandaric acted before the club imploded?

It's easy to pick up on the JFH thing because it was reported in the media but there's no smoke without fire and we've had countless reports that Allen pissed off everyone at the club with his general manner. I'm as inclined to believe that as I am to believe the disagreements over transfers.

So what if they hate him ffs? I hate my boss but I wouldn't expect the owner to sack her because of this, they all loved Kelly and look where that got us, he isn't there to be liked or disliked he's there to do his job!

And when did these rumours surface anyway and wheres the linkage? The main rumours have all been RE differnces over transfer targets and have been around for weeks.

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So what if they hate him ffs? I hate my boss but I wouldn't expect the owner to sack her because of this, they all loved Kelly and look where that got us, he isn't there to be liked or disliked he's there to do his job!

And when did these rumours surface anyway and wheres the linkage? The main rumours have all been RE differnces over transfer targets and have been around for weeks.

I think what Fez and others are getting at is that he rubbed people up the wrong way, his methods were questioned and MM acted before the shit hit the fan, or whatever.

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