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Absolute *** of our time Pt.MXXVI

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Yes that one.

An off-duty policeman ran John Lennon's mum over as well years ago and killed her.

I bet you could tell us what colour underpants John Lennon was wearing at the time.

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What a total cock! Got very angry at the ex-wife too - her choosing to put up with being beaten up is one thing and I do know its not that easy to just walk away if youre frightened of someone or have such low self esteem but to not protect her kids from that abuse until she felt the "time was right" is unforgivable. :angry:

The second he laid his hands on one of my kids Id have been onto the police

The prosecuting counsel is good, I've seen her before.

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Nothing surprises me any more. I am not a pet lover, but what a cowardly, scummy thing to do. As others have said, I wonder how these thugs would react to having their heads stamped.

She was carrying Sandy through her local park on Monday when the Jack Russell, its tail wagging, wandered over to three teenage boys in jeans and hooded tops.

Was the bit in bold really necessary? I mean, we can picture the scene enough as it is, and don't need any more reason to feel horrified.

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Was the bit in bold really necessary? I mean, we can picture the scene enough as it is, and don't need any more reason to feel horrified.

It's not necessary, but for an article, it adds to the emotion and emphasises the mood of the dog, which seemed to be inquizative, and in no way threatening.

I read this yesterday, my friend in my class was from St. Neots, and he'd been in that park many times... obiously a sick thing to do, and a shame that people do these kinds things.

But whats gonna happen if they get caught... and ASBO, a fine, community service... will it teach them a lesson, will it heck as like.

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It's not necessary, but for an article, it adds to the emotion and emphasises the mood of the dog, which seemed to be inquizative, and in no way threatening.

I know that, but really.....

I guess I'm am just not that sensitive; I prefer to read the facts. :whistle:

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I cant imagine a 10 week old puppy ever being seen as aggressive... no need for the tail wagging bit! I got incredibly upset when I saw this yesterday, being an owner of a similar dog AND having a 15 year old Daughter. Poor kid must have been so traumatised to see this happen. Like someone else said my main concern is the person who did this has some serious Psychological problems and is a ticking time bomb. Next time it'll be someones Son he kills. :angry:

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I guess I'm am just not that sensitive; I prefer to read the facts. :whistle:

If it's tail was wagging, that's a fact isn't it :P

I cant imagine a 10 week old puppy ever being seen as aggressive... no need for the tail wagging bit! I got incredibly upset when I saw this yesterday, being an owner of a similar dog AND having a 15 year old Daughter. Poor kid must have been so traumatised to see this happen. Like someone else said my main concern is the person who did this has some serious Psychological problems and is a ticking time bomb. Next time it'll be someones Son he kills. :angry:

Not a lot we can do though, seems like this country has gone completely soft on thugs and crime. Just be thankful your daughter hasn't fallen into the wrong crowd, and as long as she stays in the right crowd, she should never experience anything like this, or ever be threatened or in danger (her and your dog :D) :thumbup:

These incidents are (thankfully) rare, hence why they are reported, and of course it's not nice and provokes the understandable reaction, I live in Braunstone (the nice bit :P) and I have been lucky enough never to have witnessed the kind of absolute scum that live around here, because there are some. Some fall into the trap of having nothing, some don't.

Stable parents, stable family, stability, they're so, so vital to young people. I know there are some right 'ones' who may have all of this and still be horrific, but stability is really important.

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Sick, braindead chav scum strike again. As others have said, little shocks us any more but this actually upset me to read it.

No way would a puppy do anything that could be construed by anyone owning a functioning brain cell as aggressive, and even if it did, what the hell did they think a little Jack Russell puppy was going to do to them? The fact is that such stupid people as the morons the puppy approached know only one way to react to anything they're unsure of, violent aggression. It's something we see fairly regularly if we're honest, a brush past an acne victim in any town centre can often be met with threats of violence and a tirade of abuse.

What's worst of all though is that this idiot minority give all young people a bad name, the majority of whom are decent, law-abiding citizens. I feel for this poor girl, especially given the reasons behind her having the puppy in the first place. Let's just hope this experience doesn't damage her too much, and that one day the wastes of ovary space who killed her dog are met by something or somebody far better equipped to defend themselves.

Edited by Bilo
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Sick, braindead chav scum strike again. As others have said, little shocks us any more but this actually upset me to read it.

No way would a puppy do anything that could be construed by anyone owning a functioning brain cell as aggressive, and even if it did, what the hell did they think a little Jack Russell puppy was going to do to them? The fact is that such stupid people as the morons the puppy approached know only one way to react to anything they're unsure of, violent aggression. It's something we see fairly regularly if we're honest, a brush past an acne victim in any town centre can often be met with threats of violence and a tirade of abuse.

What's worst of all though is that this idiot minority give all young people a bad name, the majority of whom are decent, law-abiding citizens. I feel for this poor girl, especially given the reasons behind her having the puppy in the first place. Let's just hope this experience doesn't damage her too much, and that one day the wastes of ovary space who killed her dog are met by something or somebody far better equipped to defend themselves.

Great post and agree with every word of it. Well said. :thumbup:

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Was the bit in bold really necessary? I mean, we can picture the scene enough as it is, and don't need any more reason to feel horrified.

It was a rehash of a wire news piece, the journo did nothing more than rewrite it for the Express and added in comments like that one for effect - it wasn't on the wires.

Sums up the piece of shit that the Express is.

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Can I please add Marlon King to this list?

18 months for Sexual Assault and Actual Bodily Harm...

He qualifies as a ****, especially the amount of chances he has been given in life. In prison once already, driving ban, now this, on the night his GF found out she was pregnant no less.

Fun times

Shit. Had no idea about this bit.

Feel sorry for her - one for being associated with him, and two, because the kid is his son :(.

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Can I please add Marlon King to this list?

Oh yes.

Premier League footballer Marlon King has been jailed for 18 months for sexually assaulting a woman in a bar.

The Wigan Athletic striker was repeatedly "cold-shouldered" by the 20-year-old student in London last December, Southwark Crown Court heard.

He groped her and then punched her, leaving her with a broken nose.

The father-of-three, from Waltham Cross, Hertfordshire, had insisted it was a case of mistaken identity, but the jury returned a unanimous verdict.

King was convicted of sexually assaulting the woman and causing actual bodily harm.

The assault happened at the Soho Revue Bar at a time when he was on loan with Hull City.

King was celebrating two occasions - his wife's latest pregnancy and the scoring of a winning goal - with a night out in the West End.

He was repeatedly "cold-shouldered" by women in the bar, the court heard.

'Gratuitous violence'

Prosecution lawyer Roger Daniells-Smith said King had struck up a conversation with his victim by saying: "Don't you know who I am? I'm a millionaire."

The court heard she replied: "I don't care who you are; take your millionaire self away from our table."

He groped the woman and she told him: "Don't do that, it's not nice. Don't touch me."

King was warned off her again but he continued to stroke the woman's hair and then told her she was not in his league, the court heard.

After she pushed him in the chest, King lost his temper and a moment of "completely gratuitous violence" led to him "smashing" the victim to the floor, jurors were told.

Two other people standing beside him were also knocked away as a result of the force of the blow he inflicted.

Several witnesses testified that King was responsible, despite his denial.

They included a football coach who insisted the 29-year-old Jamaican international was the assailant.

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What a complete Twat! Just cant stand the attitude of blokes like him who think women should be feigning all over them just because hes a (2nd rate) footballer and if they dare to knock him back it gives him the right to smack her one. Tosser!

Bet his Girlfriend has stood by him too. Out trying to get laid the night she announces shes pregnant... nice! :rolleyes:

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