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Absolute *** of our time Pt.MXXVI

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Shame they didn't let them finish each other off.


It must take a special effort to raise someone to be that much of a cvnt. Instead of keeping their heads down, reflecting on what they've done and serving their time, it's as if they're staging a gladitorial contest to see who's the biggest twat in the world. I honestly pity them, it's beyond pathetic

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  • 3 weeks later...
****tards with axes to grind, resulting in offensive or threatening PMs. None of them ever arrive in the pub to vocalise and follow through, but it is still a tad unpleasant. A post count really isn't important but to some it appears to make up for their lack of penis.

Let me guess, Tommy G?

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Daily Mail's own ill conceived crusade against the MMR vaccine.

Thanks a lot, Daily Mail

I had a girlfriend who was dead set against all forms of vaccination and medication because she was convinced that the mmr jab had made her brother Autistic. I hated her narrow minded views to be fair, drove me mad when she wouldn't even take medicine for a cold.

Narrow Minded people at the Daily Mail too to be fair.

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I had a girlfriend who was dead set against all forms of vaccination and medication because she was convinced that the mmr jab had made her brother Autistic. I hated her narrow minded views to be fair, drove me mad when she wouldn't even take medicine for a cold.

Why is she narrow minded for suspecting this?

In the US the number of children with Autism shot up after the MMR jab started being used. I think that they started using it in the late 80's and it was stopped a couple of times because of problems. In 1997 about 1 in 500 children were Autistic and this decade (since the jab has been common) it is more like 1 in 150 in some parts.

Autism only appeared after certain vaccines were introduced all over the world.

It first appeared in the USA a couple of years after the Pertussis vaccine became available. The first known cases were reported in the US in 1943 and only upper class peoples children were getting Autism. And at that time only upper class people had been giving their children the Pertussis vaccination ( cos you had to pay for this new medical 'advancement' and poorer people couldn't afford it ). 10 or so years later when the lower classes started giving their children the vaccination Autism started appearing in all classes of people and not just the upper class.

Also in Japan, the first case of Autism was reported in 1945, just after the USA had occupied Japan and started a mandatory vaccine programme for Japanese citizens. Hundreds of new cases of autism were being diagnosed annually in Japanese children from then on.

Europe began promoting the Pertussis vaccine in the 1950s. The first cases of Autism began to appear there a few years later. In England the pertussis vaccine wasn't promoted on a large scale until the late 1950s. Shortly after, in 1962, the National Society for Autistic Children in Britain was established.

It sure seems strange to me how Autism pops up everywhere as soon as certain vaccinations are being used.

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In the US the number of children with Autism shot up after the MMR jab started being used.

The number of children diagnosed as having ADHD has increased dramatically since peace was declared at the end of WW2.

We obviously need to start another global conflict to help these poor mites.

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Autism only appeared after certain vaccines were introduced all over the world.

Could it not be that more people are diagnosed with the condition because it is recognised as a condition more in recent times than it was in the past?

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You have to weigh up which is worse, the small percentage chance of developing autism or the very real risk of measles, mumps or rubella.

Yes I agree, it's just one of the many decisions parents have to make.

I don't know if the MMR jab is to blame or not, but I tend to think that the evidence points to the chemicals in some vaccines having a serious effect on how the brain works in around 1% of cases.

I've heard discussions where some doctors say the single vaccinations for this kind of jab were their preferred method.

There are many people in the UK who haven't even given their child any vaccination whatsoever and the children have grown up fine.

Who knows which method is best :dunno:

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The study that prompted the Daily Mail (and other newspapers) to whip up a storm of panic has since been completely discredited, which is why they've gone a bit quiet on it of late. The really cunty thing about it all is that they chose to ignore the substantial body of credible, peer reviewed research that was unable to establish a link between MMR and autism, and banged on a about the findings of a small, flawed study that produced a more alarming, and frankly more newsworthy outcome.

The conditions that vaccinations protect da kids from are serious and can lead to chronic health problems and a lot of suffering, so if you're going to scare people shitless about them and undermine confidence in the vaccination programme, surely it would be best to have some hard evidence to hand that backed up your story, and the Daily Mail didn't

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Could it not be that more people are diagnosed with the condition because it is recognised as a condition more in recent times than it was in the past?

I'm not sure about that cos I think that doctors have known about for at least 60 years. It seems too much of a coincidence that every time certain vaccines were used many more cases started to appear all of a sudden. And in the 90's and 00's cases have more than doubled, since this one vaccine came out.

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Yes I agree, it's just one of the many decisions parents have to make.

I don't know if the MMR jab is to blame or not, but I tend to think that the evidence points to the chemicals in some vaccines having a serious effect on how the brain works in around 1% of cases.

I've heard discussions where some doctors say the single vaccinations for this kind of jab were their preferred method.

There are many people in the UK who haven't even given their child any vaccination whatsoever and the children have grown up fine.

Who knows which method is best :dunno:


There are also many people in the UK today who have had every vaccines possible and havnt been diagnosed with any forms of Autism...


Autism Speaks, the nation's largest autism advocacy group, recently made its clearest public statement yet that minimizes the link between vaccines and autism.

In a prepared interview posted on the Autism Speaks Web site, the group's chief science officer, Dr. Geri Dawson, says that scientific studies have found no link between thimerosal, a mercury preservative used in certain vaccines, and autism. Nor have they found a connection between the measles-mumps-rubella vaccine and autism.

"So ... given what the scientific literature tells us today," she says, "there is no evidence that thimerosal or the MMR vaccine cause autism" and "evidence does not support the theory that vaccines are causing an autism epidemic."

Read more: http://www.post-gazette.com/pg/09228/99123...m#ixzz0YTbqHrMW

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  • 1 month later...

Just to revive the thread with the latest brainwave of one of the most heinous and dangerous cunts alive in Britain today. If he really does go ahead with this, I can't help thinking that Muslims many times more decent than he could ever dream of being will become victims of the fall-out. Despicable waste of oxygen.


Mind you, excellent response from a real Muslim in The Guardian.


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