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New kit designs revealed

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Quite like Riceys, it reminds me a bit of Ipswich and Cardiff's, both of which I think are quite nice. To be honest, I think I was the only one with a secret appreciation for the ol' Tartan one too mind. :D

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Well I voted for Ricey's (who I'd never heard of at the time, I just think it's the nicest!!! But the pinstripes would be an okay 2nd choice!!

Good luck!!!

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I've resigned myself to the fact that the pinstripe one will win, a lot of people liked it.

Things will become clearer on how the club will unveil the winner on Friday, I can't say more than that I don't think. The club don't seem very keen to keep fans up to date with how this competition will work.

We would be interested in your feedback on how this competition has worked Ricey.

From those originally displayed on the website, the shortlist was reduced to 2 via the TXT vote & also views from the Fans Consultative Committee. The last indication we got was the 80's based one was going to be the winner, however we are unclear on how 2 became one.

We know there was some concern to ensure next years kit was nothing like this years, as they felt the last 2 seasons kits were too similar & it had hit sales this time around. Yet another denial excuse, when the real reason for poor sales is the 1 year kit cycle as we always predicted.

Please e-mail [email protected] with your views

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yer conners..the link don't work!!! :cry: ...i need to see all the new kits until i can give them my loyal opinion!! :thumbup:

Yeah dont worry though, heres the one which we all think will win, and I think its the best. Take a look:


But I dont like it how it doesnt have any gold/yellow on it so I edited it :


Looks good now :thumbup:

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Yeah dont worry though, heres the one which we all think will win, and I think its the best. Take a look:

But I dont like it how it doesnt have any gold/yellow on it so I edited it :

Looks good now :thumbup:

You're a bit late.
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We would be interested in your feedback on how this competition has worked Ricey.

From those originally displayed on the website, the shortlist was reduced to 2 via the TXT vote & also views from the Fans Consultative Committee. The last indication we got was the 80's based one was going to be the winner, however we are unclear on how 2 became one.

We know there was some concern to ensure next years kit was nothing like this years, as they felt the last 2 seasons kits were too similar & it had hit sales this time around. Yet another denial excuse, when the real reason for poor sales is the 1 year kit cycle as we always predicted.

Please e-mail [email protected] with your views

Why should the club not try and make money? It's a business and if it tried not to make any revenue we would be stuck. Why don't you go and be a supporter of the bakruptm club. You forget what state the club was in you self-important fools. How about you do something useful and get your bucket and start raising some money instead of advising the club what to do. They are paid to do that not you and if you were in charge then maybe we would have to sell all our players instead of selling shirts, which would you prefer? :mad:

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Why should the club not try and make money? It's a business and if it tried not to make any revenue we would be stuck. Why don't you go and be a supporter of the bakruptm club. You forget what state the club was in you self-important fools. How about you do something useful and get your bucket and start raising some money instead of advising the club what to do. They are paid to do that not you and if you were in charge then maybe we would have to sell all our players instead of selling shirts, which would you prefer? :mad:

I'm with the Foxes Trust on this one.

I'm not particularly happy with buying a one-season wonder shirt, only to see it replaced. Can't help but feel that it is taking advantage of the good nature of the club's fans. There was a time when you could buy a shirt and be guaranteed two years worth of wear before replacing it. Whilst I applaud the club's attempts to boost revenues, this will not make the huge impact you suggest and tip the club back into bankruptcy if not actioned upon.

Now the obvious answer is that no one is forcing you to buy one year shirts. That is true, however it can be more damaging in encouraging an environment where people wear older shirts, rather than replace them. When kits were on a two year cycle, I would always buy the new shirt when it came out. Now they are on one year cycles, I think, forget it. It is now time to replace my Leicester shirt (on its two year cycle) and again, I am thinking forget it, there's not much point. I would be interested to know whether other people are going to buy the new kit, or whether they buy every year.

Whilst it does appear to be open season on the Foxes Trust, this is one area where I do not think they can be faulted.

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I will buy, but I'm classed as one of the morons that will do so regardless. If I had more will power, and refused to buy these things, you know, shirts, ST's etc, and others did the same, then the club would get the message, however I don't and the club will carry on regardless.

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I might buy the new shirt, I might not. I did buy this season's shirt even though it was only a one year cycle but to be honest I've not got my money's worth in terms of the number of times I've worn it. It just seems that the club is trying to shaft us supporters by brining out another new kit on a one year cycle, and quite frankly I'm fed up of it.

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We would be interested in your feedback on how this competition has worked Ricey.

From those originally displayed on the website, the shortlist was reduced to 2 via the TXT vote & also views from the Fans Consultative Committee. The last indication we got was the 80's based one was going to be the winner, however we are unclear on how 2 became one.

We know there was some concern to ensure next years kit was nothing like this years, as they felt the last 2 seasons kits were too similar & it had hit sales this time around. Yet another denial excuse, when the real reason for poor sales is the 1 year kit cycle as we always predicted.

Please e-mail [email protected] with your views

I will send you an email as if what you have put there is correct it's an outrage. The club stated all along that the winner would be decided purely on the text vote, not just cut down to 2 based on the text vote AND Fans Consultative Committee!! :mad:

I presume JJB and the club then decided which one won based on which was most different to last years. :mad:

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I will buy, but I'm classed as one of the morons that will do so regardless. If I had more will power, and refused to buy these things, you know, shirts, ST's etc, and others did the same, then the club would get the message, however I don't and the club will carry on regardless.

Ditto, but, only if I like the design of the sirt.

I love Ricey's design and I think anything based on that will sell really well.

The other design that is said to have made it to the final two (i.e. the 80's look shirt) looks, IMO, absolutely awful. I certainly won't be buying it if it looks anything like the mock-ups.

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Ditto, but, only if I like the design of the sirt.

I love Ricey's design and I think anything based on that will sell really well.

The other design that is said to have made it to the final two (i.e. the 80's look shirt) looks, IMO, absolutely awful. I certainly won't be buying it if it looks anything like the mock-ups.

Unfortunatley the club have decided on the 80's one, I wonder what their excuse will be this time if the kit doesn't sell very well.

My main aim with my design was to create a kit that wasn't too fancy but not too plain either so that it would appeal to most people, unfortunatley the winning design is going to be a bit like marmite I reckon.

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I will send you an email as if what you have put there is correct it's an outrage. The club stated all along that the winner would be decided purely on the text vote, not just cut down to 2 based on the text vote AND Fans Consultative Committee!! :mad:

To be fair, the text vote wasn't very popular (quelle surprise), and a lot those submitted were duplicate votes, and so had been taken out of the equation. We were asked to rank the designs, without knowing the results of the text vote, and the top 3 were in the same order. Unlike the votes, we were able to give our opinions, but we didn't have the final say on the matter.
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To be fair, the text vote wasn't very popular (quelle surprise), and a lot those submitted were duplicate votes, and so had been taken out of the equation. We were asked to rank the designs, without knowing the results of the text vote, and the top 3 were in the same order. Unlike the votes, we were able to give our opinions, but we didn't have the final say on the matter.

That's fair enough but:

  1. It wasn't the finalists fault the text vote was unpopular
  2. There were no rules stating about duplicate votes not being allowed
  3. The club still lied about how the winner would be decided
  4. The winner was no doubt ultimatley decided by the club, not the fans

Mine probably didn't win the text vote (like I said before I resigned myself to losing months a go) but it's the fact that the club have lied to the fans and done one over the 6 finalists that annoys me.

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That's fair enough but:

  1. It wasn't the finalists fault the text vote was unpopular
  2. There were no rules stating about duplicate votes not being allowed
  3. The club still lied about how the winner would be decided
  4. The winner was no doubt ultimatley decided by the club, not the fans

Mine probably didn't win the text vote (like I said before I resigned myself to losing months a go) but it's the fact that the club have lied to the fans and done one over the 6 finalists that annoys me.

It's like a lot of things the club does though, it balls up big time, then has to try and clean the mess up. There doesn't seem to be any thought or contingency plan, unless it involves sharing the ground. :whistle:
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It's like a lot of things the club does though, it balls up big time, then has to try and clean the mess up. There doesn't seem to be any thought or contingency plan, unless it involves sharing the ground. :whistle:

They have certainly ballsed up yet again, cheating fans in the process :(

My Dad spent about £30 on texts for this competition only to find out that duplicate texts are removed, no where on the rules did it state they weren't allowed. He's not best pleased as you can imagine.

I've contacted the Foxes Trust to see what action can be taken over this fiasco.

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in my opinion the best 2 designs were riceys and the 80s pinstripes . either of them i will be buying . saying that im with lisa on the buy it regardless boat

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They have certainly ballsed up yet again, cheating fans in the process :(

My Dad spent about £30 on texts for this competition only to find out that duplicate texts are removed, no where on the rules did it state they weren't allowed. He's not best pleased as you can imagine.

I've contacted the Foxes Trust to see what action can be taken over this fiasco.

If they were going to let the highest bidder decide which kit was used they would have run an auction, texting so many times was tantamount to trying to buy the vote.

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If they were going to let the highest bidder decide which kit was used they would have run an auction, texting so many times was tantamount to trying to buy the vote.

I'm not blaming them for discounting duplicate votes, however it would of been nice of them to say that in the rules before the competition started! How hard is it to put a sentence on the website stating no duplicate entries allowed?

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I'm not blaming them for discounting duplicate votes, however it would of been nice of them to say that in the rules before the competition started! How hard is it to put a sentence on the website stating no duplicate entries allowed?

Because if the organised a piss up in a brewery it would be an abandon one :P

Trouble is there's no one at that club that has any idea how to organise, they just thunk duh let's do this, without looking at what people might react and how things might go wrong etc.

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Because if the organised a piss up in a brewery it would be an abandon one :P

Trouble is there's no one at that club that has any idea how to organise, they just thunk duh let's do this, without looking at what people might react and how things might go wrong etc.

So true, its like they are incapable of thinking in-depth about something to realise the consequences of it.

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The poor sales was absolutely to do with the 1 year cycle. The kit itself wasn't too bad, especially compared with some of the kits other clubs have. This years sales will be worse cos it ain't out until mid-summer so by then they'll have missed half the main sales period i.e. people buying them for the summer holidays. If it's a 1 year deal (which as we all know it shouldn't be) then it needs to be on sale already. The useless tossers haven't got a clue.

The main way they are going to get good sales is to design a good kit that people want to wear, get it out for summer and wear it over two seasons. The Ricey kit was really nice (although I wasn't keen on the broad stripes on the front), and by far the best of the six.

The pin stripe shirt is absolutely minging (and though I remember one of the designs was even worse). If it ends up looking anything like the design only people with no shame would wear it, regardless of whether it was a 1, 2 or 5 year cycle.

As for the voting, why shouldn't duplicates count? All the club want is their share of the proceeds for the costs of texting in. They obviously had no intention of using the votes. If only 20 people or whatever texted then that's the clubs fault. They should still publish the results. It's just like the questionnaire when the club promised results would be published and all they did was print a vague article which basically twisted the results to however they wanted them!

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