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Action against the Mirror

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Milan has got a lot of fans to win over, this article stirs up hatred against him. If you were Milan would you ignore it? I wouldn't, I'd want to prove to the fans that it's a load of bollucks and that I'm really a really nice bloke, which I am

Yes but the smart ones already know it wasn't MA who saved CC's life. And the thick one's who ring the moan in and such are lost causes. If people really get drawn into believing every word of that or any mirror/tabliod article is frankly stupid. MM should get on the phone to Paul Jewell or Simon Grayson and call his lawyers at a later date, if at all.

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Don't try and get clever.

We're sueing them for Defamatory, which is damage to reputation by printing false information. Theres nothing in there that damages Milan Madarics reputation, besides the use of the word sacked which I have already said is incorrect.

EDIT: And you know it was Dave Rennie do you because I've herd different.

Milan isn't sueing the Mirror. Leicester City are the ones taking legal action.

Whether LCFC have been defamed is for the judge/court to decide, not you or I.

Given that the Mirror report that Kisnorbo stated it was Dave Rennie who gave mouth-to-mouth (it's quoted above) I'd say it's a safe bet that whatever you've heard, or whatever was previously reported by the Mirror, was untrue.

See, I don't have to try to get clever, it just comes naturally.


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Milan isn't sueing the Mirror. Leicester City are the ones taking legal action.Whether LCFC have been defamed is for the judge/court to decide, not you or I.Given that the Mirror report that Kisnorbo stated it was Dave Rennie who gave mouth-to-mouth (it's quoted above) I'd say it's a safe bet that whatever you've heard, or whatever was previously reported by the Mirror, was untrue.See, I don't have to try to get clever, it just comes naturally.:P
I suspect the action arises from the original headline, which maybe should have read "Brainless".And if you think the club would engage in potentially expsensive litigation without the say-so of its owner, then you're being slightly naive.
Do you flies up and release the children, Ultra.
Give it a rest before you're banned.
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Milan isn't sueing the Mirror. Leicester City are the ones taking legal action.

Whether LCFC have been defamed is for the judge/court to decide, not you or I.

Given that the Mirror report that Kisnorbo stated it was Dave Rennie who gave mouth-to-mouth (it's quoted above) I'd say it's a safe bet that whatever you've heard, or whatever was previously reported by the Mirror, was untrue.

See, I don't have to try to get clever, it just comes naturally.


Leicester City owned by MM so yes he is taking action.

And other reports have said MA did give some mouth to mouth.

Not that it matters who gave mouth to mouth anyway it's the defibulator that saved him

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And if you think the club would engage in potentially expsensive litigation without the say-so of its owner, then you're being slightly naive.

Of course MM would have given the go ahead for the lega action, but, that is irrelevant and wasn't the point I was making.

Pablo had suggested that the legal action was being taken by Milan as the article was defamatory against him personally. I was pointing out that the legal action was brought by the club as they judged the article to be defamatory against LCFC as an organisation.

This fact made Pablo's previous post largely mute... sheesh, do I need to deconstruct everything to make it obvious to some people?

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ok... lets look at this another way... lets read between the lines...

say the mirror is MM's mouthpiece - nothings going to happen from the legal action, as someone said, a subliminal apology in the travel section...

but what it guarantees is more juicy column inches for the MM publicity bandwagon, and a handy pageturner for the mirror - this is more business, this is why MM should be trusted...

believe me, this is all part of the plan - turning a bad bit of publicity into, well, more publicity - and in the tabloid world of 'entertainment' (which is what football is, these days) people will soon forget this but the club, the chairman, everything has become a little more well known...

pretty bleedin obvious, if you ask me

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Leicester City has today confirmed that it is taking legal action against the Daily Mirror newspaper following an article published on Thursday, August 30.

The Club considers the article to be defamatory as the events portrayed were completely false and, accordingly, the Club is seeking substantial damages from the paper and is also requesting that a formal apology is published.

Note the highlighted text - the events portrayed were completed false.

And what did the Mirror write?

Ruthless Leicester owner Milan Mandaric sacked Martin Allen yesterday just hours after the manager helped save the life of Clive Clarke by giving him mouth-to-mouth resuscitation.

Allen, only appointed the Foxes boss in late May, was one of the first on the scene when Clarke, 27, collapsed after a heart attack at half-time in Tuesday night's Carling Cup tie at Nottingham Forest. Allen attempted mouth-to-mouth to revive Clarke after the defender lost consciousness in the dressing room.

Allen, 42, said: "I'm fine. But a lad nearly died on Tuesday night and 24 hours later I've been told to leave.

"It is very strange after four games, two wins, one draw and one defeat but I can't say any more for legal reasons."


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Clarke's heart stopped beating twice and paramedics at the City Ground eventually got Clarke breathing again by using a defibrillator.

Dubliner Clarke, on loan from Sunderland, is now in a stable condition at Nottingham's Queen's Medical Centre undergoing further tests.

But Allen's brave role in the terrifying drama has not spared him from the axe following a series of rows with Mandaric.

The colourful chairman, who took control in February after selling his Portsmouth stake for £25m, fired Allen yesterday morning before visiting Clarke in the afternoon.

Ex-Brentford and Barnet boss Allen, who has brought in 14 players this summer at Leicester, was last night coming to terms with an astonishing series of events.

Leicester, who are ninth in the Championship, were losing 1-0 at Forest on Tuesday before the match was abandoned and have put academy manager Jon Rudkin, coach Steve Beaglehole and goalkeeping guru Mike Stowell in charge for Saturday's game at Plymouth.

Chelsea reserve team coach Brendan Rodgers is the surprise name in the frame with Gary Megson and Neil Warnock also on the list of candidates.

Mandaric is now looking for his fourth manager in six months at Leicester after releasing a statement about Allen's exit saying there was a "difference of visions".

Allen's final result was a 4-1 home win over Watford on Saturday when Clarke played 90 minutes.

And Mandaric is hoping the defender makes a full recovery after claiming Clarke was yesterday talking with staff and family.

"It is encouraging news that he is stabilising and has sat up and spoke and is quite comfortable and resting," revealed Mandaric after visiting the player yesterday.

"While everybody at the club was hit by the sadness caused by such a tragic incident, we have now been lifted by the remarkable progress Clive has made over the last 24 hours.

The highlighted text above were the events "portrayed" by the Mirror - which are all completely true. Allen "helped" save Clive Clarke's life, as did others - it doesn't say Allen single-handedly saved Clarke's life on his own, or even that Allen saved Clarke's life - helping to save somebody's life could mean lots of things - calling the nearest paramedic, calling the ambulance etc. And nobody really knows if Allen did or did not "attempt" mouth-to-mouth - Mandaric may not even know if this occurred if he wasn't in the changing rooms.

As for the other events I have highlighted - they all appear to be true too:

- Clarke's heart stopped beating twice

- A defibrillator was used

- Clarke is now stable

- Mandaric and Allen had a series of rows

- We were losing 1-0

So much for the events portrayed by the Mirror being completely false, eh Milan? :rolleyes:

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Note the highlighted text - the events portrayed were completed false.

And what did the Mirror write?

The highlighted text above were the events "portrayed" by the Mirror - which are all completely true. Allen "helped" save Clive Clarke's life, as did others - it doesn't say Allen single-handedly saved Clarke's life on his own, or even that Allen saved Clarke's life - helping to save somebody's life could mean lots of things - calling the nearest paramedic, calling the ambulance etc. And nobody really knows if Allen did or did not "attempt" mouth-to-mouth - Mandaric may not even know if this occurred if he wasn't in the changing rooms.

As for the other events I have highlighted - they all appear to be true too:

- Clarke's heart stopped beating twice

- A defibrillator was used

- Clarke is now stable

- Mandaric and Allen had a series of rows

- We were losing 1-0

So much for the events portrayed by the Mirror being completely false, eh Milan? :rolleyes:

I doubt the average Mirror reader is as rigourous with their analysis of the printed word as you Anish! It's all semantics at the end of the day. The Mirror action could just be another smokescreen by the MM publicity juggernaut?

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I doubt the average Mirror reader is as rigourous with their analysis of the printed word as you Anish! It's all semantics at the end of the day. The Mirror action could just be another smokescreen by the MM publicity juggernaut?

Indeed, a cynic like myself, assuming that the Mirror is the unofficial leak generator for Mandaric might take the view that there is a mutual benefit to be gained from this kind of spat, especially if there is a low level retraction in the next day or so underneath a full page advert for Friends ReUnited. :D

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Indeed, a cynic like myself, assuming that the Mirror is the unofficial leak generator for Mandaric might take the view that there is a mutual benefit to be gained from this kind of spat, especially if there is a low level retraction in the next day or so underneath a full page advert for Friends ReUnited. :D

Milan trying to use the press to his advantage?

A national paper looking for some extra publicity?

Chance'd be a fine thing!

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Note the highlighted text - the events portrayed were completed false.

And what did the Mirror write?

The highlighted text above were the events "portrayed" by the Mirror - which are all completely true. Allen "helped" save Clive Clarke's life, as did others - it doesn't say Allen single-handedly saved Clarke's life on his own, or even that Allen saved Clarke's life - helping to save somebody's life could mean lots of things - calling the nearest paramedic, calling the ambulance etc. And nobody really knows if Allen did or did not "attempt" mouth-to-mouth - Mandaric may not even know if this occurred if he wasn't in the changing rooms.

As for the other events I have highlighted - they all appear to be true too:

- Clarke's heart stopped beating twice

- A defibrillator was used

- Clarke is now stable

- Mandaric and Allen had a series of rows

- We were losing 1-0

So much for the events portrayed by the Mirror being completely false, eh Milan? :rolleyes:

I dont understand how you came to this conclusion, you highlighted the bit about MA giving mouth to mouth, no one knows that this is true? In fact to me you have highlighted the key points that are not true!

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I dont understand how you came to this conclusion, you highlighted the bit about MA giving mouth to mouth, no one knows that this is true? In fact to me you have highlighted the key points that are not true!

You ought to go back to school if you think the bits I've highlighted are not true.

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He is fighting the Mirror over the term "sacked", that's it.

They will need MA to stand up in court and say he was - which he will not do - so the Mirror will end up giving Mandy an out of court settlement.

clever Milan. He'll end up getting the money back he paid MA...

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