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Is a takeover in the offing?

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Was doing some weekly shopping at Morisons today and saw Chris Powell in the queue with a couple of rather odd looking Thai businessmen and none other than Paulo fooking Sousa!. They were in front of me in the queue buying loads of alcohol, party snacks, tumblers etc. No word of a lie. Must be something, surely.

They were having a right laugh with what looked like Milan's credit card at the checkout.

Funnily enough, pre season training starts tomorrow, right?

Is this a joke? How the hell would you know it was Milan's credit card?!

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Mandaric is looking for financial help but the
Middle East
men, including Thais and Malaysians, are in the market for 100 per cent ownership.

Class journalism from The People.

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Milan should sell to the consortium...

Inject lots of money into the first team and expanding the stadium, create a bigger fanbase and we will be playing Champions League football in 5 years tops...

All aboard the Optimistic Bus :ermm:

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Milan's credit card at the checkout.

That's quite correct, I saw them in Nandos, CP used the same credit card ( Amex Gold card ) to pay for the Portugese food.

Must have made Sousa feel at home, but the Chinkies were struggling trying to eat the food with chop-sticks.

It was a scorching hot day, but Sousa had his overcoat on with his scarf & collar turned up, as if people wouldn't recognise him!

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my next door neighbour is part of leicesters training team or something and from what he said earlier a few months ago a friend who works around the buissness side of leicester city told my neighbour that there was a polish millionaire looking into taking over leicester... from what i was told the polish bloke made his money in poland selling paper and is said to have a fortune of over £340m

i dont believe it though else would of heard something by now... someone who has a fortune of over £350 million aint gonna buy leicester SADLY :(

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skysports news says milan mandaric talking to potential investors from thailand...

Please God let it be a collective of Bangkok Ladyboys looking to invest their pension savings.

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I just like the word offing. Everything should be in the offing really, just for the fun of it,

OFFING. Is something in the OFFING? Hell yes!


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The Ship of the Spring in the offing at last !

Oh, rude blew the hindering gales,

But perfumes entrancing, the danger o'erpast,

Are wafted afar, from her sails !

The bearer of treasure more fragrant than myrrh—

More precious than jewels of Inde,

The stars in their courses keep watch over her,

The gods for her temper the wind.

She comes as a maid whom life's vision elates,

Out-spreading her draperies white ;

She comes as a bride whom a lover awaits

With proud and impatient delight.

A queen, as she glides to the goal of her dreams

With movement majestic and slow,

So still is her beauty, half-conscious she seems,—

But the heart in her breast is aglow ;

For she hears the far murmur of myriad things

That shall at her coming have birth.

O sails in the offing ! ye are as the wings

Of angels that bring her to Earth !

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Oh, well, if it's culture we're after, how about The Sea Gypsy?

I AM fevered with the sunset,

I am fretful with the bay,

For the wander-thirst is on me

And my soul is in Cathay.

There's a schooner in the offing,

With her topsails shot with fire,

And my heart has gone aboard her

For the Islands of Desire.

I must forth again to-morrow!

With the sunset I must be

Hull down on the trail of rapture

In the wonder of the sea.

Richard Hovey

Sounds perfect for pre-season training under Sousa: "on the trail of rapture".

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Oh, well, if it's culture we're after, how about The Sea Gypsy?

I AM fevered with the sunset,

I am fretful with the bay,

For the wander-thirst is on me

And my soul is in Cathay.

There's a schooner in the offing,

With her topsails shot with fire,

And my heart has gone aboard her

For the Islands of Desire.

I must forth again to-morrow!

With the sunset I must be

Hull down on the trail of rapture

In the wonder of the sea.

Richard Hovey

Sounds perfect for pre-season training under Sousa: "on the trail of rapture".

So Hovey is saying Hull are fooked? If I'd known poetry had a football prediction element I'd have got better grades in English Literature!

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Personally I agree with the comments above..... something would of deffo been leaked by now if it was true.

If this somehow turns out to be true (although I highly doubt it), lets hope that this investor knows how to run a football business! . When people hear of a takeover first thing that comes to mind is shit loads of money and new exciting players, however there is a lot more to it in order to run a successful club! These days it seems as though there are too many investors who have no clue about how to run a club and end up leaving the club in a worse off state than previous. Investors that have no previous experience running football clubs tend to be high risk! Although Milan doesn't have shit loads of cash it is re-assuring that he knows what he is doing and has good experience in the football industry.

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