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Under 25s could lose housing benefit - Cameron

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I wonder which governments have been in charge during the peaks of the graph?

1983-1987: Thatcher 10.3-11.8% unemployment

1993: Major 10.4% unemployment

2009: Brown 7.9% unemployment

2010+:Cameron 8.3% unemployment


Labour spend all the money, the Tories clean up the mess. It was ever thus.

My point which you again ignored completely was that through tax credits, Brown trapped a whole new swathe of people into thinking they are owed something by the state, simply by giving them back their own money. See also people in work needing housing beneift becuase they can't keep enough of the money they earn as they pay too much tax. It is a vicious circle created by socialists as a means of control. For some reason you seem to have got it into your head that it is there to help people.

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Labour spend all the money, the Tories clean up the mess. It was ever thus.

My point which you again ignored completely was that through tax credits, Brown trapped a whole new swathe of people into thinking they are owed something by the state, simply by giving them back their own money. See also people in work needing housing beneift becuase they can't keep enough of the money they earn as they pay too much tax. It is a vicious circle created by socialists as a means of control. For some reason you seem to have got it into your head that it is there to help people.


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It's wrong to create public sector jobs? Fvck. Right. Off. Anyone claiming this has clearly never lived on the breadline, never suffered a period of unemployment, never been pushed out by society.

I hate party politics, but more than hating party politics I loathe petty-minded, imbecilic, Tory dogma which is the product of selfishness and stupidity.

In this thread, every advocate of Cameron's brain fart has failed to stump up a single piece of supporting fact/statistic - why? Because they can't: it's all about them, their tax, their house, their life. Considering some of them purport to be intelligent I'd have thought they'd have the decency to put their hands up and admit it. This isn't about the economy, superfluous public sector posts or housing - it's about their selfishness.

Recent regression analysis has shown that increasing public sector employment is a short-term boost to employment figures. In the longer term, it crowds out private sector employment and can aid the decline of manufacturing.

Here is a summary of the report:


The full report:


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This would be brilliant, put the idea forward to Dave and Nick!!! :thumbup:

Not sure Daggers and myself are the perfect duo to judge people after just hearing them for a minute....... oh wait.... I think we could perhaps do a job here afterall.....

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I just wish I could tick a box to direct my taxes to places where I thought my extremely hard earned tax money would be best spent.

Much needed drastic reforms on welfare payments and public sector pension schemes are always going to get massive oposition for obvious reasons, but in this current climate its clear to most that these are the two of the areas that need to be tackled ASAP.

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To eradicate the Kyle subculture that pervades our society and is a cancer upon the nations moral fibre and well-being one needs to tackle the problem by instilling in our children the Tory values of hard work, self sufficiency and the ethos of "all for none and one for oneself"

The answer is to simply provide an education for all our children in an environment in which their future earning potential can be maximised and in which they can be moulded to cherish the core Tory values of "self" and "money" throughout their lives.


Simplistic in your wind up and simple to see through. The truth of the matter is the educated left wing thought is full of " if only we could educate those below us to our standard of comprehension all the worlds ill's will be put to right'.

Of course because those of a left wing bent are so naive, they cannot comprehend that the simple premise they espouse is flawed by the fact that most peoples education far outstrips their I.Q and so is a complete waste of time anyway.

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Simplistic in your wind up and simple to see through. The truth of the matter is the educated left wing thought is full of " if only we could educate those below us to our standard of comprehension all the worlds ill's will be put to right'.

Of course because those of a left wing bent are so naive, they cannot comprehend that the simple premise they espouse is flawed by the fact that most peoples education far outstrips their I.Q and so is a complete waste of time anyway.

lol lol lol lol lol

I've used five laughey faces. I forget how many you (over)use, but thought this example deserved much more than one! :thumbup:

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The irony of your statement, and the illiteracy of it, is clearly lost on you. Calling it a 'gift' certainly takes something special.

Oh your still sore eh ? and it should read " the lack of literacy" :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup: stupid boy.

Actually it doesn't take anything special to tug your boat.

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Oh your still sore eh ? and it should read " the lack of literacy" :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup:

Still sore about which? I've yet to see your sparkling wit put anyone in their place. And your correction is in fact incorrect. My statement is grammatically correct. Try again.

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It's still sore about " what " try again.

If you are trying to be clever you are failing miserably.

By the use of the word 'which', I am referring to 'which...post/incident/indictment of character' to 'which' you obviously blazed me in your tiny mind.

Please share it I have a terribly short memory.

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Simplistic in your wind up and simple to see through. The truth of the matter is the educated left wing thought is full of " if only we could educate those below us to our standard of comprehension all the worlds ill's will be put to right'.

Of course because those of a left wing bent are so naive, they cannot comprehend that the simple premise they espouse is flawed by the fact that most peoples education far outstrips their I.Q and so is a complete waste of time anyway.

The post which you refer to was a bit of banter directed to one particular poster and to be fair to you (which goes against the grain) I can't expect that you could have recognised that. However I haven't a clue what your response is about but do find it quite amusing that you feel so obviously bitch-slapped because I disagreed with one of your posts in another thread.

I'm glad that you've picked up the cudgel again. You're easy meat because you're so thick!

Keep up the good work wolfie lol:thumbup:

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Labour have really f*#cked out country up

- The public sector workforce is so large and powerful its almost impossible to do anything about it, just look at the recent pension reform protests! Servicing the debt on the pension deficit alone is one of our countries biggest outgoings, and for that the previous governments should be asbolutely ashamed

- The welfare state in this country is out of control, millions have no incentive to work their way out of it. For all the people that don't like to see welfare reform, I would ask them, what would they do to cut our countries outgoing in this area?

- The national deficit is so massive that measures like these being proposed aren't anywhere near large enough to make any impact on it - yet any that are preposed are automatically shouted down by our countries "tory haters". I think David Cameron is in an impossible situation to be honest

I'm not a traditional tory voter, but its clear to me that we need a series of drastic, possibly unpopular, but absolutely necessary measures to get ourselves out of this mess. For me this should just be the start

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Shelter have had the funding stopped at one of their offices in Leicester meaning it has closed down. Good timing but hey as long as the rest of us have a roof over our head why worry about it. Nothing to do with us and probably their own fault if more become homeless.

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Labour have really f*#cked out country up

- The public sector workforce is so large and powerful its almost impossible to do anything about it, just look at the recent pension reform protests! Servicing the debt on the pension deficit alone is one of our countries biggest outgoings, and for that the previous governments should be asbolutely ashamed

- The welfare state in this country is out of control, millions have no incentive to work their way out of it. For all the people that don't like to see welfare reform, I would ask them, what would they do to cut our countries outgoing in this area?

- The national deficit is so massive that measures like these being proposed aren't anywhere near large enough to make any impact on it - yet any that are preposed are automatically shouted down by our countries "tory haters". I think David Cameron is in an impossible situation to be honest

I'm not a traditional tory voter, but its clear to me that we need a series of drastic, possibly unpopular, but absolutely necessary measures to get ourselves out of this mess. For me this should just be the start

This, basically.

Labour nonchalantly swaggered out of the parliamentary bog at the last General Election, just as the economic cistern was draining itself out through the shit-stained bowl of society, taking a good portion of the private sector Toilet Duck with it, leaving a massive, stinking floater of a budget deficit behind for the next parliament to deal with.

Unfortunately, the only way to clear this massive turd of economic mismanagement is for some people to get shit on their fingers. Otherwise that floater is going to swell up and block the drain and we'll all end up with shitty water everywhere.

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The unemployed, homeless and low paid earners are already in the shit so why should the ones at the top of the cistern be sucked down with them?

I'm sure from what I've read in this thread many will agree with that statement.

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The unemployed, homeless and low paid earners are already in the shit so why should the ones at the top of the cistern be sucked down with them?

I'm sure from what I've read in this thread many will agree with that statement.

I disagree - the ones that work extremely hard to maintain a minimal standard of lifestyle, whilst they see their taxes increased to subsidise unfair public pensions, and support a massive proportion of the public on welfare payments are those most unfairly treated.

If this was about fairness, massive public sector pension schemes would be altered to help subsidise the "unemployed, homeless and low paid earners" that you speak of

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Simplistic in your wind up and simple to see through. The truth of the matter is the educated left wing thought is full of " if only we could educate those below us to our standard of comprehension all the worlds ill's will be put to right'.

Of course because those of a left wing bent are so naive, they cannot comprehend that the simple premise they espouse is flawed by the fact that most peoples education far outstrips their I.Q and so is a complete waste of time anyway.

And aren't you a good example of that?

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From the Guardian which sums up Cameron's unworkable idea:

"With the cosy middle-class assumption that mum and dad can always welcome back jobless twentysomethings, this sounded like a suggestion from a gin-soaked colonel in his clubhouse. Does Mr Cameron even know that he recently legislated for cuts to force council tenants to downsize once adult children flee the nest? What about youngsters whose parents are mad, bad or dead? The PM talked about the special circumstances of foster care leavers, but what about those leaving prison? Would it be a good idea to have them roaming the streets? And what about the thousand who get the coach out of dead-end towns and find a job but don't earn enough to put a roof over their heads without some help from the state?"

There do appear to be situations where young single parents can get social housing, which in many areas can be the only affordable accommodation. Similarly, socail housing should be for limited periods - there are many people on relatively high incomes paying very little rent in social housing.

However, in many areas, rents are too high for people on low incomes to rent housing without support from the state. Is it better, for example, to move away from a parent/guardian at 18+ to start working than stay with them and claim Jobseeker's Allowance from home where there may be no jobs. And if that person is then made redundant? Is he/she homeless?

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