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Is the City of Leicester a dump?

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Belvoir Street proposals open for public debate as city council announces £3 million transformation

By PA_Warzynski  |  Posted: October 14, 2015


Artist's impression of how Belvoir Street will look with the addition of cycle lanes and new gravel footpaths

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A £3 million project to transform Belvoir Street and a stretch of Welford Road could includerelocatingicon1.png parking bays and bus stops, removing traffic lights and creating new cycle lanes.

Leicester City Council has launched a public consultation which asks members of the public for their views on a number of proposals aimed at improving access for cyclists and pedestrians.

City Mayor Sir Peter Soulsby said the scheme was aimed at encouraging more people to ditch their cars and use bikes or walk.

He said: "The key to making cycling a normal, everyday way of getting about in the city is safety.


"That's a really big concern for many people who want to cycle but don't.

"These schemes will extend the work we have already completed in the city centre, providing a more connected network of safe, attractive routes linking the Cultural Quarter, city centre shopping, our heritage attractions and sporting stadiums."

To support his vision for motivating more cycle-users, the plans include creating a new cycleway which connects Granby Street with Welford Road, although pedestrians will have to share the pavement with cyclists for a short stretch between Bowling Green Street and Market Street.

To make traffic flow more smoothly, three sets of traffic lights will also be removed along the stretch - one at the Belvoir Street and Granby Street crossroads, and the other two along Belvoir Street at the junctions with Wellington Street and Bowling Green Street.

All parking bays in Belvoir Street will be removed and relocated to side streets in Stamford Street and Albion Street.

And footpaths will be altered - widened at some spots and reduced at others to accommodate loading bays.




Artist's impression of Welford Road and the new two-way cycle lane

Changes to Welford Road include plans to move three bus stops between Tower Street and Regent Road, the services affected will be the 49, 49a, 49b, 47, 47a, 86, 88, 88a, 84, 85, 87 and X44.

The plans also include the introduction of asphalt and resin-bonded gravel pathways, the removal of two trees (near Tower Street and Marlborough Street), the planting of three more trees, and more proposed parking and loading bays.

Two pedestrian crossings will also be installed, one along Welford Road, near Mill Street and the other on Aylestone Road, near Leicester Royal Infirmary.

Finally, the bus lane in Welford Road, between the former council offices and the Tigers ground will be removed and replaced with a two-way cycle lane.

A 16-week experimental lane closure in Welford Road was carried out earlier this year to see if the scheme would work.

The council said the trial was a success.

However, it admitted queues were recorded at the junctions of Rutland Street and Aylestone Road.

Sir Peter added: "Officers have analysed the impact of the experimental lane closure and this shows that traffic flow on this busy route won't be adversely affected.

"The impact of traffic queues joining Welford Road is something that we will continue to look at, but that needs to be considered against the benefits of reallocating more safe space for cyclists and pedestrians.

"This latest proposal will keep the same number of general traffic lanes along this busy road while making a really significant contribution to the network of safe cycle routes in the city centre."

If given the go-ahead the work would start early next year, but is not clear how long the construction would last.

Members of the public can find out more about the proposals and view detailed plans at Leicester Adult Education Centre, where they will be on display until Friday 30 October.

To comment on the plans, email: [email protected]

Read more: http://www.leicestermercury.co.uk/Belvoir-Street-proposals-open-public-debate-city/story-27983427-detail/story.html#ixzz3oYGeBK1A 

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Of all the places in town that needs doing Belvior Street is near the bottom, sort out Charles Street at first which wouldn't look out of place in the third World.

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Of all the places in town that needs doing Belvior Street is near the bottom, sort out Charles Street at first which wouldn't look out of place in the third World.


Charles Street, Church Gate, Belgrave Gate - all need some kind of facelift. Spent all that money getting rid of that flyover when a little further down the road looks a ****ing tip

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Granby Halls car park site to go up for sale

By Tom_Mack  |  Posted: October 15, 2015

  • 11165001-large.jpg

    How the site used to look

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The former Granby Halls site in Welford Road is going up for sale tomorrow.

The 1.7-acre site is currently being used as a car park by NCP but with nearby Leicester Royal Infirmary currently expanding its parking facilities, Leicester City Council wants to put the land to better use.

It is now inviting interested buyers to come up with new uses for the land, which used to hold a concert venue and a roller rink.

Some suggestions made by the city council for its future use include offices, a hotel, student accommodation or some sort of community building.


City Mayor Peter Soulsby said: "This is a major city centre location.

"Now that work on the new car park at Leicester Royal Infirmary is nearing completion, we can begin to think about how this important site can be put to the best possible use in the future.

"We want to see something of high quality being developed here.

"It's important that any building on this site should be of architectural merit and that future use is not at odds with people who live in the area, or with the neighbouring prison, hospital or sports stadium.

"That's why we will not sell until we have assurance that the proposed development is the right one for this part of the city."

The sale follows news that Leicester City Council is investing in new pavements, bike lanes and pedestrian crossings along Welford Road.

No asking price has been set for the land and interested bidders will have to submit a sealed offer between now and November 27, along with outline details of their proposed development.

The city council will then chose which idea to push ahead with, although the sale will be subject to the buyer then getting planning permission from the city council planning department in the usual way.

City planners are only prepared to allow a structure of up to eight storeys high.

About 10 years ago a plan for a 27-storey complex at the site was scuppered after the Home Office complained people in the upper floors would be able to see over the walls into HMP Leicester.

For more information about the sale visit www.leicester.gov.uk/propertyshop

Read more: http://www.leicestermercury.co.uk/Granby-Halls-car-park-site-sale/story-27991772-detail/story.html#ixzz3oeHx9b92 

Follow us: @Leicester_Merc on Twitter | leicestermercury on Facebook

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Granby Halls car park site to go up for sale

By Tom_Mack  |  Posted: October 15, 2015

  • 11165001-large.jpg

    How the site used to look

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The former Granby Halls site in Welford Road is going up for sale tomorrow.

The 1.7-acre site is currently being used as a car park by NCP but with nearby Leicester Royal Infirmary currently expanding its parking facilities, Leicester City Council wants to put the land to better use.

It is now inviting interested buyers to come up with new uses for the land, which used to hold a concert venue and a roller rink.

Some suggestions made by the city council for its future use include offices, a hotel, student accommodation or some sort of community building.


City Mayor Peter Soulsby said: "This is a major city centre location.

"Now that work on the new car park at Leicester Royal Infirmary is nearing completion, we can begin to think about how this important site can be put to the best possible use in the future.

"We want to see something of high quality being developed here.

"It's important that any building on this site should be of architectural merit and that future use is not at odds with people who live in the area, or with the neighbouring prison, hospital or sports stadium.

"That's why we will not sell until we have assurance that the proposed development is the right one for this part of the city."

The sale follows news that Leicester City Council is investing in new pavements, bike lanes and pedestrian crossings along Welford Road.

No asking price has been set for the land and interested bidders will have to submit a sealed offer between now and November 27, along with outline details of their proposed development.

The city council will then chose which idea to push ahead with, although the sale will be subject to the buyer then getting planning permission from the city council planning department in the usual way.

City planners are only prepared to allow a structure of up to eight storeys high.

About 10 years ago a plan for a 27-storey complex at the site was scuppered after the Home Office complained people in the upper floors would be able to see over the walls into HMP Leicester.

For more information about the sale visit www.leicester.gov.uk/propertyshop

Read more: http://www.leicestermercury.co.uk/Granby-Halls-car-park-site-sale/story-27991772-detail/story.html#ixzz3oeHx9b92 

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Some giant carbuncle of 20,000 students flats it will be then. :/

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Thank god I've past my test and no longer have to venture to work through the city, more ridiculously underused cycle lanes.


Went into town the other day to drop the mrs off and was going past the old Pheonix where they put in the double cycle lane... some idiot was actually cycling on the road when he had that giant cyle lane totally empty and free to use. :frusty:

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Thank god I've past my test and no longer have to venture to work through the city, more ridiculously underused cycle lanes.


Went into town the other day to drop the mrs off and was going past the old Pheonix where they put in the double cycle lane... some idiot was actually cycling on the road when he had that giant cyle lane totally empty and free to use. :frusty:

It makes me so angry to think that anyone doing the right thing and running these cvnts over would be sent to prison for it.

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Anyone who believes Leicester City Council has the slightest intention of listening to anyone else's view on what to do with these streets is naive beyond belief. I've read so many such invitations I've lost count and the only thing I'm convinced of is that they never listen. It just seems to be like some statutory requirement or some exercise to make them feel democratic. They'll go for their own agenda whatever.  If memory serves the townsfolk were promised a recreational replacement for the Granby Halls and how many years ago was that? 

Edited by Thracian
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It makes me so angry to think that anyone doing the right thing and running these cvnts over would be sent to prison for it.


It makes me so angry to think that anyone doing the right thing and running these cvnts over would be sent to prison for it.




Went into town the other day to drop the mrs off and was going past the old Pheonix where they put in the double cycle lane... some idiot was actually cycling on the road when he had that giant cyle lane totally empty and free to use.  :frusty:


That place is a real tragedy waiting to happen.

Many cyclists use the roadway instead of the cycle path and one was freewheeling recently when he lost control of his bike, missed his pedals, slid off his bike and headed right towards where the backwheels of a slowly turning car would have passed right over his head but for the driver's instant evasive action.

Even so, if the leftside pavement hadn't been empty the bloke wouldn't have stood a chance. Doubtless the poor motorist would have got the blame if the cyclist had been killed when in fact he should have been cited for saving his life and the cyclist should have done time for being such a selfishly inconsiderate idiot.         

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As cities go Leicester is great! When I moved here at 17 (and that's a hard age to move) I couldn't understand people saying when I leave college/school I'm going here and there because Leicester is sh*t.

I had lived in a lot of places by 17 and here's what I saw:

First stepped into the city during 1st week of July in 1980 something and couldn't understand why there were no people about.

Didn't understand what a cob was.

Small compact city where you can walk to everything within a small radius.

Relatively un bombed in the war and not replaced by blocks whitewashed concrete.

Not much litter and no gangs of 30 youths in a huddle being a nuisance.

Nothing austere, dramatic or ostentatious. Hence probably the undiscovered city.


But most importantly of all ! The people of Leicester, of all creeds and colours, are the friendliest, most approachable, most diverse and accommodating cosmopolitan kind hearted thoughtful human beings in England.

I made many friends with ease.


If you think it's a dump then move. You'll be back.


Ps: smile at the next person you see in Leicester and it will stay this way.

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As cities go Leicester is great! When I moved here at 17 (and that's a hard age to move) I couldn't understand people saying when I leave college/school I'm going here and there because Leicester is sh*t.

I had lived in a lot of places by 17 and here's what I saw:

First stepped into the city during 1st week of July in 1980 something and couldn't understand why there were no people about.

Didn't understand what a cob was.

Small compact city where you can walk to everything within a small radius.

Relatively un bombed in the war and not replaced by blocks whitewashed concrete.

Not much litter and no gangs of 30 youths in a huddle being a nuisance.

Nothing austere, dramatic or ostentatious. Hence probably the undiscovered city.

But most importantly of all ! The people of Leicester, of all creeds and colours, are the friendliest, most approachable, most diverse and accommodating cosmopolitan kind hearted thoughtful human beings in England.

I made many friends with ease.

If you think it's a dump then move. You'll be back.

Ps: smile at the next person you see in Leicester and it will stay this way.

lol you need to get out more
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As cities go Leicester is great! When I moved here at 17 (and that's a hard age to move) I couldn't understand people saying when I leave college/school I'm going here and there because Leicester is sh*t.

I had lived in a lot of places by 17 and here's what I saw:

First stepped into the city during 1st week of July in 1980 something and couldn't understand why there were no people about.

Didn't understand what a cob was.

Small compact city where you can walk to everything within a small radius.

Relatively un bombed in the war and not replaced by blocks whitewashed concrete.

Not much litter and no gangs of 30 youths in a huddle being a nuisance.

Nothing austere, dramatic or ostentatious. Hence probably the undiscovered city.


But most importantly of all ! The people of Leicester, of all creeds and colours, are the friendliest, most approachable, most diverse and accommodating cosmopolitan kind hearted thoughtful human beings in England.

I made many friends with ease.


If you think it's a dump then move. You'll be back.


Ps: smile at the next person you see in Leicester and it will stay this way.



There are sides to Leicester that would make you cringe but the same shit floats through most cities. There's good aspects to Leicester too, without doubt, and a few more outside in the county.

But as a trading post - for all that it's our best - it's the only one I'm always glad to get away from.

The place is full of stress and despair and the market's siting doesn't help. It's a walk-through to the hospital, the courts, the prison, the social services and the job centre.

Never was so much misery crammed into such a few short walks. Even the Town Hall clock echoes the hours with what sounds like strikes on the hanging bell.    

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As cities go Leicester is great! When I moved here at 17 (and that's a hard age to move) I couldn't understand people saying when I leave college/school I'm going here and there because Leicester is sh*t.

I had lived in a lot of places by 17 and here's what I saw:

First stepped into the city during 1st week of July in 1980 something and couldn't understand why there were no people about.

Didn't understand what a cob was.

Small compact city where you can walk to everything within a small radius.

Relatively un bombed in the war and not replaced by blocks whitewashed concrete.

Not much litter and no gangs of 30 youths in a huddle being a nuisance.

Nothing austere, dramatic or ostentatious. Hence probably the undiscovered city.


But most importantly of all ! The people of Leicester, of all creeds and colours, are the friendliest, most approachable, most diverse and accommodating cosmopolitan kind hearted thoughtful human beings in England.

I made many friends with ease.


If you think it's a dump then move. You'll be back.


Ps: smile at the next person you see in Leicester and it will stay this way.

It may have escaped German bombing but the councillors  from the 60s onwards have done a better job of ruining what was a much more attractive city.

As for litter we used to be referred to as one of the cleanest cities in Europe if you think the city is clean all I can say is you must have lived in some tips.

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Amazon poised to open massive distribution hub near Coalville

By Leicester Mercury  |  Posted: October 21, 2015

By Lauren Mills, Deputy Business Editor

Amazon's Bardon warehouse11200471-large.jpg

Amazon's Bardon warehouse

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A massive distribution centre is planned for Leicestershire in a move that will create at least 2,000 jobs.

Sources say the £100 million project is for Amazon, the world's largest online retailer. The 1.3 million sq ft warehouse will be built at Little Battleflat Farm, on the outskirts of Ellistown, near Coalville

It will be so large, measuring more than 1,600ft by at least 600ft, that it will be able to handle more than 80 articulated lorries at one time.

It will be developed by Mountpark Logistics, which already has outline planning consent for the scheme.


It will be managed by Nottingham-based planning consultants Oxalis Planning.

In a letter to North West Leicestershire District Council, Oxalis planner Steve Harley, said: "The details submitted are to meet the specific requirements of a major occupier keen to establish a new facility on this site, bringing significant investment and job creation to the local area."

The application, which was submitted to the council last week, was filed under "reserved matters", which means it can be processed quickly to bring the site forward as soon as possible to meet Amazon's needs.

People familiar with the application say full planning consent could be announced within 28 days.

Andrew Bridgen, the MP for North West Leicestershire, said: "The potential to create more than 2,000 jobs is more good news for North West Leicestershire.

"It is a huge, long-term investment and a vote of confidence in the area. We are playing to the strengths of our strategic location at the centre of the UK."

Mr Bridgen added that Chancellor George Osborne's decision to allow local authorities to keep 100 per cent of business rate proceeds will also come as a welcome boost to the area, with an estimated £2 million of business rates likely to be generated by the site. This would be split 80:20 by the district and county councils respectively.

The application includes a section 106 planning agreement which will commit the developer to various local improvements, thought to include a £300,000 community fund, a National Forest buffer to separate the development from Ellistown, as well as road improvements and a new play area for the village.

Ellistown councillor Keith Merrie said: "We are looking to forge a strong relationship between the developer, the occupier and the local village to improve life for locals.

"The National Forest buffer means the development will have no visual impact on the village and we are working with the developer to ensure a robust routing strategy for HGV vehicles."

In August the Mercury revealed that Amazon was moving its Leicestershire delivery warehouse from Willow Farm Business Park, near Castle Donington, to a 250,000 sq ft building at the nearby Interlink Business Park in Bardon.

Amazon declined to comment on what it termed "speculation" about its new distribution hub.

Read more: http://www.leicestermercury.co.uk/Amazon-poised-open-massive-distribution-hub-near/story-28020320-detail/story.html#ixzz3pBtyuc7O 

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