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Sorry, not photos but unsure of where to put this otherwise. Enjoy. :)

‎12 of the finest (unintentional) Double-Entendres ever aired on TV and Radio

1. Ted Walsh - Horse Racing Commentator –

'This is really a lovely horse. I once rode her mother.'

2. New Zealand Rugby Commentator –

'Andrew Mehrtens loves it when Daryl Gibson comes inside of him.'

3. Pat Glenn, weightlifting commentator –

'And this is Gregoriava from Bulgaria .. I saw her snatch this morning and it was amazing!'

4. Harry Carpenter at the Oxford-Cambridge boat race 1977 –

'Ah, isn't that nice.. The wife of the Cambridge President is kissing the Cox of the Oxford crew..'

5. US PGA Commentator –

'One of the reasons Arnie (Arnold Palmer) is playing so well is that, before each tee shot, his wife takes out his balls and kisses them ........ Oh my god !! What have I just said??'

6. Carenza Lewis about finding food in the Middle Ages on 'Time Team Live' said:

'You'd eat beaver if you could get it.'

7. A female news anchor who, the day after it was supposed to have snowed and didn't, turned to the weatherman and asked,

'So Bob, where's that eight inches you promised me last night?'

Not only did HE have to leave the set, but half the crew did too, because they were laughing so hard!

8. Steve Ryder covering the US Masters:

'Ballesteros felt much better today after a 69 yesterday.'

9. Clair Frisby talking about a jumbo hot dog on Look North said:

'There's nothing like a big hot sausage inside you on a cold night like this. '

10 Mike Hallett discussing missed snooker shots on Sky Sports:

'Stephen Hendry jumps on Steve Davis's misses every chance he gets.'

11. Michael Buerk on watching Philippa Forrester cuddle up to a male astronomer for warmth during BBC1's UK eclipse coverage remarked:

'They seem cold out there, they're rubbing each other and he's only come in his shorts.'

12. Ken Brown commentating on golfer Nick Faldo and his caddie Fanny Sunneson lining-up shots at the Scottish Open:

'Some weeks Nick likes to use Fanny, other weeks he prefers to do it by himself.'


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Sorry, not photos but unsure of where to put this otherwise. Enjoy. :)

‎12 of the finest (unintentional) Double-Entendres ever aired on TV and Radio

1. Ted Walsh - Horse Racing Commentator –

'This is really a lovely horse. I once rode her mother.'

2. New Zealand Rugby Commentator –

'Andrew Mehrtens loves it when Daryl Gibson comes inside of him.'

3. Pat Glenn, weightlifting commentator –

'And this is Gregoriava from Bulgaria .. I saw her snatch this morning and it was amazing!'

4. Harry Carpenter at the Oxford-Cambridge boat race 1977 –

'Ah, isn't that nice.. The wife of the Cambridge President is kissing the Cox of the Oxford crew..'

5. US PGA Commentator –

'One of the reasons Arnie (Arnold Palmer) is playing so well is that, before each tee shot, his wife takes out his balls and kisses them ........ Oh my god !! What have I just said??'

6. Carenza Lewis about finding food in the Middle Ages on 'Time Team Live' said:

'You'd eat beaver if you could get it.'

7. A female news anchor who, the day after it was supposed to have snowed and didn't, turned to the weatherman and asked,

'So Bob, where's that eight inches you promised me last night?'

Not only did HE have to leave the set, but half the crew did too, because they were laughing so hard!

8. Steve Ryder covering the US Masters:

'Ballesteros felt much better today after a 69 yesterday.'

9. Clair Frisby talking about a jumbo hot dog on Look North said:

'There's nothing like a big hot sausage inside you on a cold night like this. '

10 Mike Hallett discussing missed snooker shots on Sky Sports:

'Stephen Hendry jumps on Steve Davis's misses every chance he gets.'

11. Michael Buerk on watching Philippa Forrester cuddle up to a male astronomer for warmth during BBC1's UK eclipse coverage remarked:

'They seem cold out there, they're rubbing each other and he's only come in his shorts.'

12. Ken Brown commentating on golfer Nick Faldo and his caddie Fanny Sunneson lining-up shots at the Scottish Open:

'Some weeks Nick likes to use Fanny, other weeks he prefers to do it by himself.'


These are all classics.... But the best ever for me has to be the infamous cricket one that was said on the radio when Brian Johnston came up with the pearler

'Well I can tell you the bowler's Holding the batsman's Willey'.
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My favourite quote and I'm pretty sure I've posted it someplace somewhere on here was a quote whilst watching the Snooker World Championship at the Crucible some many years ago 2003/2004?.

I can't remember the specific game, I think it may well have been Doherty vs Mark Williams(or someone equally dull). The shot was against Doherty and was a safety from the reds down to the top of the table. The white crept up the table after glancing off the red. However the white hit off the pink on the way up the table off the top cushion and didn't reach the brown as intended. The classic quote came from Virgo in his monotone voice.

"Ooooohhh...too much pink and not enough brown!"

I was stunned, and nearly wet myself laughing that Sunday afternoon. Myself and housemate at the time, assumed that Virgo had waiting his entire commentating career to spit those words out live on telly, and had won the that great pot of cash amongst the other commentators that had been pooled together just for the winner of this accolade.

I saw him in Sheffield two days later and couldn't muster the courage to ask if it had been deliberate.

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My favourite quote and I'm pretty sure I've posted it someplace somewhere on here was a quote whilst watching the Snooker World Championship at the Crucible some many years ago 2003/2004?.

I can't remember the specific game, I think it may well have been Doherty vs Mark Williams(or someone equally dull). The shot was against Doherty and was a safety from the reds down to the top of the table. The white crept up the table after glancing off the red. However the white hit off the pink on the way up the table off the top cushion and didn't reach the brown as intended. The classic quote came from Virgo in his monotone voice.

"Ooooohhh...too much pink and not enough brown!"

I was stunned, and nearly wet myself laughing that Sunday afternoon. Myself and housemate at the time, assumed that Virgo had waiting his entire commentating career to spit those words out live on telly, and had won the that great pot of cash amongst the other commentators that had been pooled together just for the winner of this accolade.

I saw him in Sheffield two days later and couldn't muster the courage to ask if it had been deliberate.

Another classic snooker quote was from back in the days where colour TV was a luxury,

"and for those of you who are watching in black and white, the pink is next to the green."

Not really a euphemism, but still brilliant.

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