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Stringer and Young.. the worst?

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Stringer puts a hell of a lot of work in that goes un-noticed, there's more to his job than commentating. Might not be everyone's cup of tea, but he's the best we've had since foulger.

Young is set in his ways I'm afraid.

This. For crying out loud remember Coventry supporter John Barber?

They are a good duo, leave them alone.

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Guest BlueBrett

I enjoy their commentaries and I think the fact that they both go to every game of the year helps radio listeners to gain more of an insight into form and other recurrent themes so I wouldn't favour rotating summarisers.

Listening on RL is far better than listening to national broadcasts of Championship games where the commentators only know about half of the players names and their lack of interest is palpable.

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I liked it when Sinclair and Stringer switched every quarter of the game, as it seemed to work. Whilst Sinclair isn't the best commentator ever, whenever I hear his voice, I just think of Leicester's days under Micky Adams, etc. Foulger & Sinclair were also great together.

Did anybody listen to the Burton friendly? Jason Bourne was commentating in that, and he was truly dreadful. Stringer could speak in French and I'd still rather listen to him.

I think just about everything that can said about Young, has been. Wears his heart a little too high on his sleeve and his "passion" can make him sound an idiot, a lot of the time. I much preferred Walshy.

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I said, in the OP, that I didn't doubt their passion for LCFC. It's just that the commentary isn't inspiring or even very informative. It's dull. I'm sorry, it's just my opinion and I can see valid points in the some of the replies in support of them, but it mainly boils down to them being fans of the club. Which is fine, don't get me wrong. I just wish their commentaries were less... I dunno... DULL and self gratifying.

There has to be a better summariser than "Youngy"... someone younger, with more up to date opinions on match-play and tactics.

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I like them both Stringer and Young, and think they mean well, but I have some thoughts on each.

The most annoying thing about Stringer's commentary is when he describes a situation as having no danger for us, then a second later the ball is in the back of our net! This is so annoying! A recent example was the Hull goal last week. He said something like "Hull player shoots, it's wide (making it sound like it had gone out), it's fallen for Simpson, goal for Hull." In my minds eye I see the ball being struck and flying wide into the stand, not going across the face of our goal like it actually did. He needs to be careful the way he describes things like that. Also with penalty calls, there is nothing worse as a fan listening and thinking we have a penalty when we don't. Foulger used to do both of those as well, and I guess it's a hard skill to learn, but the 5 live boys never seem to do it.

Stringer could also improve his Pearson interviews. He could find a way of asking the same questions without winding Pearson up IMO. It's not the questions, its the words or the tone used that wind Nigel up. Saying things like "I have to ask" which isn't true. Say instead "The fans would like me to ask" That's just one example, there are always more in pretty much every Pearson interview he does.

Young, like others have already said, can be very negative at times. Even to the point I switch off because I can't stand listening to his negativity. He also comes out with some strange ideas, for example dropping Knockeart for away games, when he hadn't even started an away game yet. Plus the now infamous 'Yakubu only scores goals' school of thought originated from him I think.

I did prefer Walsh, but I think Stringer picked Young because he needs the money more than Walsh does. Young played in a time when there wasn't as much money in the game, so why not help an old pro out a bit?

Finally they both seem to have a bias towards any player that has ever co-commentated with them. Once a player has done that they are then seen more as a friend and will not be criticised in the same way. I'm not saying that is on purpose, it's just the way it is, a person isn't going to be as harsh on a friend as they are on someone they don't know as well. Recent examples of this would be Wellens, Gallagher, and Danns, who I believe have all done a commentary stint or two in the last couple of years?

All in all I don't mind them, but there is definitely room for improvement.

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Did anybody listen to the Burton friendly? Jason Bourne was commentating in that, and he was truly dreadful. Stringer could speak in French and I'd still rather listen to him.

Thanks for the constructive feedback! ;)

It was my second-ever game that I'd ever done. Gotta start somewhere - still plenty to learn and improve upon. I can assure you, it's a very difficult thing to do.

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Think they have both been better this season, stringer at least most of the time is focussed on the game, Young defo have his faves and is still a bit 1985 about tactics etc. But, thumbs up... much like the team, they have improved this season and hopefully that will continue :)

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You know, there's only one thing worse than listening to Ian Stringer and Alan Young......................and that's not being able to listen to Ian Stringer and Alan Young!

When you are not at the match and there's no streaming available, at least you know what the score is and have an idea of how we are doing.

At the end of the day (or match!), the result is the most important fact. No one is obliged to listen, either before, during or after the game.

The banter between them is to my mind, probably not a lot different to what fans are saying to each other round the ground but without the expletives!

Live and let live. We've all got our opinions and we should respect the right of everyone to state them, even if we disagree with them.

What really annoys me is those people who think there are two opinions, theirs...........and the wrong one!

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I said, in the OP, that I didn't doubt their passion for LCFC. It's just that the commentary isn't inspiring or even very informative. It's dull. I'm sorry, it's just my opinion and I can see valid points in the some of the replies in support of them, but it mainly boils down to them being fans of the club. Which is fine, don't get me wrong. I just wish their commentaries were less... I dunno... DULL and self gratifying.

There has to be a better summariser than "Youngy"... someone younger, with more up to date opinions on match-play and tactics.

Age doesn't preclude you from appreciating new tactics or ideas.

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You know, there's only one thing worse than listening to Ian Stringer and Alan Young......................and that's not being able to listen to Ian Stringer and Alan Young!

When you are not at the match and there's no streaming available, at least you know what the score is and have an idea of how we are doing.

At the end of the day (or match!), the result is the most important fact. No one is obliged to listen, either before, during or after the game.

The banter between them is to my mind, probably not a lot different to what fans are saying to each other round the ground but without the expletives!

Live and let live. We've all got our opinions and we should respect the right of everyone to state them, even if we disagree with them.

What really annoys me is those people who think there are two opinions, theirs...........and the wrong one!

That's Youngy in a nutshell. ;):ph34r:

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You know, there's only one thing worse than listening to Ian Stringer and Alan Young......................and that's not being able to listen to Ian Stringer and Alan Young! anything at all.

When you are not at the match and there's no streaming available, at least you know what the score is and have an idea of how we are doing.

At the end of the day (or match!), the result is the most important fact. No one is obliged to listen, either before, during or after the game.

The banter between them is to my mind, probably not a lot different to what fans are saying to each other round the ground but without the expletives!

Live and let live. We've all got our opinions and we should respect the right of everyone to state them, even if we disagree with them.

What really annoys me is those people who think there are two opinions, theirs...........and the wrong one!

I have to agree with that.

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Thanks for the constructive feedback! ;)

It was my second-ever game that I'd ever done. Gotta start somewhere - still plenty to learn and improve upon. I can assure you, it's a very difficult thing to do.

FWIW I thought you were okay for a first timer. You were very unlucky with the technical issues, and did well to get anything on at all. Good effort! I like your interviews as well, a more tactful approach with Nigel than Mr Stringer, which I prefer. :thumbup:

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I quite like the combo to be honest. Agreed they're not gonna win any awards and their famed 'radio Leicester gloss' does wear thin at times.

You've just gotta take it with a pinch of salt.

Stringer is a blagger, he'd admit that himself but fair play to the guy. He makes his opportunities and has certainly got stuck in down at city.

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I quite like the combo to be honest. Agreed they're not gonna win any awards and their famed 'radio Leicester gloss' does wear thin at times.

You've just gotta take it with a pinch of salt.

Stringer is a blagger, he'd admit that himself but fair play to the guy. He makes his opportunities and has certainly got stuck in down at city.


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The thing that pisses me off about Ian Stringer is that he's not a qualified journalist, he's a former Apprentice contestant. His understanding and reading of the game is fairly poor so when you listen to his commentary, you're not really getting an accurate sense of how the game is actually going (when he bothers to actually describe what's going on).

Then his interviews with NP - where to start? NP is obviously a very guarded individual when it comes to dealing with the media and Stringer's moronic lines of questioning are hardly getting the best out of what must be a quite difficult interviewee. This was summed up for me when Stringer interviewed NP towards the end of the transfer window and proceeded to ask:

Stringer: Any players in or out before the end of the window?

NP: I'd rather not comment on that.

Stringer: Any players in?

NP: I've just said I'd rather not comment on that.

Stringer: Any players out?

NP: I've just told you I'm not commenting!

Now I know it'd be nice if NP were more open with journalists but he's not and being questioned by muppets like this week in, week out is hardly going to convince him to change. Perhaps a more subtle line of questioning would yield better results. I would much prefer a qualified broadcast sports journalist to be appointed by the BBC to interview the management and players.

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I like alan young I can't see the vendettas against players always find him fair, stringer is ok I find him more annoying when he is doing his banter with Ben Jackson, Ben comes across as ok stringer sounds a idiot, the birch annoys me he shouldn't be on the boot room, I understand he can't slag off the people he works with but he get so many splinters sitting on that fence every week it gets boring, and I agree for local radio it's ok, radio Leicester is a breeding ground for talent, I.E mannish basin. Geoff peters,

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Young - aided and abetted by Stringer, in some cases - is well-known for his vendettas against certain players. Last season it was Bamba and Beckford. This year it is Knockaert (!) and Dyer.

Stringer can be intensely irritating, especially on days like today when he spent a full ten minutes on Radio Leicester discussing the possibility of Harry Redknapp coming to City - even though, as he well knows, there is no substance whatsoever in it.

radio Leicester is a breeding ground for talent, I.E mannish basin. Geoff peters,

Manish Bhasin - yeah, fair enough. Ha has a TV gig Stringer would kill for.

Geoff Peters (or as he's known on Twitter, DJ W***er) - lol lol lol

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I know that JB is reading this, but this argument has been rolling for a very long time. This isn't in my view the personal vendetta thread. I thought you did well the other day given your experience, and for me was refreshing to hear a different approach to the match commentary.

The thought shared that 'if you don't like it don't listen' is simply rubbish. If you are out of Leicestershire during a match, or outside the broadcast area you would think you could rely on Foxes Player to give you the commentary that you need (if it works!). However, guess what, it's just the Radio Leicester feed, like most other <insert team's online broadcast player> services for clubs who do the exact same.

For me this lack of competition breeds complacency and some might argue desperation. I've had plenty to say about Stringer and Young historically and won't bore you with repeating it, and for awhile some of the more constructive comments that were made years back on 606's website, and here, made a small difference. Though as said, complacency kicked in. I'd like to be a fly on the wall on the production meetings, as I would be interested to hear their own evaluation on their own weeks work, specifically to do with LCFC.

The 'moan-in' as described aptly, is a farce. It's said that anyone who calls in gets on is primarily true. However the construct doesn't work, and always attracts the wildest and sometimes off the wall opinions. The handling of the callers for me is sometimes disrespectful and aggressive at times. Jumping on a caller who has made the effort to make a constructive point, usually Stringer, with interruption and then a spot question to the caller, which usually has them flailing with the audible amusement of the studio. This is unacceptable, and if the production want to encourage reasonable input and not idiots then a different attitude should be applied. If this isn't the case, and they actually want morons to call in with 'Nigel out', 'Why isn't Heskey signed' type callers, then nothing will change and it's exactly how they want it to be.

The Boot Room is a different kettle of fish, and though I don't have the opportunity to listen it often, it does what it says on the tin, but it could do with thinking outside the box to keep it a bit more interesting and a better draw.

I'm sure the production team would love to receive some ideas, and as most of the them read FT, they can steal them from here. :thumbup:

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