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Stringer and Young.. the worst?

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Stringer can be intensely irritating, especially on days like today when he spent a full ten minutes on Radio Leicester discussing the possibility of Harry Redknapp coming to City - even though, as he well knows, there is no substance whatsoever in it.

How do you know that?

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Young - aided and abetted by Stringer, in some cases - is well-known for his vendettas against certain players. Last season it was Bamba and Beckford. This year it is Knockaert (!) and Dyer.

Stringer can be intensely irritating, especially on days like today when he spent a full ten minutes on Radio Leicester discussing the possibility of Harry Redknapp coming to City - even though, as he well knows, there is no substance whatsoever in it.

Manish Bhasin - yeah, fair enough. Ha has a TV gig Stringer would kill for.

Geoff Peters (or as he's known on Twitter, DJ W***er) - lol lol lol

Geoff Peters? sure lives up to his nickname
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don't normally post on here but felt the need to say i no longer can bear listen to them pair on the radio, rather just wait til full time and get the result online. Like people have said Alan Young has a massive hate campaign against some players, Stringer just winds me up with his RIDICULOUS annoying comments (he must think they are funny - in which case he is an idiot).

listening to the Hull game driving back from Birmingham i really wouldn't have minded to much if my car veered off through the central reservation into oncoming traffic, and we were winning the whole time i was listening.

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Played football with stringer around a year or so ago. Top bloke, and a decent left foot actually aha. However, on the radio sometimes I feel he's very over the top but - i think that is more due to his love of the club. Young, appears to have a lot of heart for the club, but does like a good moan.

It could be worse, we could have two blokes who really couldn't give a rats ass if we succeed or not.

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The 'moan-in' as described aptly, is a farce. It's said that anyone who calls in gets on is primarily true. However the construct doesn't work, and always attracts the wildest and sometimes off the wall opinions. The handling of the callers for me is sometimes disrespectful and aggressive at times. Jumping on a caller who has made the effort to make a constructive point, usually Stringer, with interruption and then a spot question to the caller, which usually has them flailing with the audible amusement of the studio. This is unacceptable, and if the production want to encourage reasonable input and not idiots then a different attitude should be applied. If this isn't the case, and they actually want morons to call in with 'Nigel out', 'Why isn't Heskey signed' type callers, then nothing will change and it's exactly how they want it to be.

To me it seems it's Youngy who's always putting doen sensible callers (like the bloke who was criticising Sven with some well thought out arguments). At the end of last season I remember Stringer doing it a couple of times with the idiots who were just rambling nonsense without having a decent argument, and tbh, that's what I want to here. If somebody can't form well-reasoned arguments they will sound embarrassed when asked a searching question.

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I've never like Stringer, but this year he seems to have an ego like no other.

I listen to radio leicester cycling home and when he does his 2 minutes of sport he likes to try and take the p*** out of his colleagues on air. I was interviewed by the radio once and he was in reception, and again he started mocking people including the young receptionist who looked too scared to say anything.

The biggest annoyance is this attitude he has that he thinks he is part of the team and name drops all the time.

As for Youngy, i usually switch off after the game when he is on because he just argues with people who don't agree with him.

But i suppose we all have our own opinion

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I've never like Stringer, but this year he seems to have an ego like no other.

I listen to radio leicester cycling home and when he does his 2 minutes of sport he likes to try and take the p*** out of his colleagues on air. I was interviewed by the radio once and he was in reception, and again he started mocking people including the young receptionist who looked too scared to say anything.

The biggest annoyance is this attitude he has that he thinks he is part of the team and name drops all the time.

As for Youngy, i usually switch off after the game when he is on because he just argues with people who don't agree with him.

But i suppose we all have our own opinion

Agree with you there. He was talking to Lloyd as though they were best mates after Saturday's game. Taking the piss out of him for rarely giving interviews - LD didn't seem to see the funny side.

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Thanks for the constructive feedback! ;)

It was my second-ever game that I'd ever done. Gotta start somewhere - still plenty to learn and improve upon. I can assure you, it's a very difficult thing to do.

Fair enough. Granted, there were some technical issues and hopefully be better next time. I'm not saying you're a bad broadcaster, I just didn't really like your commentary. For what it's worth, I think what you do regularly is very good.

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I had the misfortune to listen to Bournemouth vs Walsall on BBC Radio Solent on Saturday, and to be honest, I wasn't even sure what the score was half the time, let alone which half of the pitch the ball was in! Absolutely shocking commentary. Stringer and Youngy are OK by me.

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I had the misfortune to listen to Bournemouth vs Walsall on BBC Radio Solent on Saturday, and to be honest, I wasn't even sure what the score was half the time, let alone which half of the pitch the ball was in! Absolutely shocking commentary. Stringer and Youngy are OK by me.

Exactly, i mean have these people moaning actually heard the dross forest, derby and cov have to listen to. Stringer and youngy are football genius' compared to their local commentators

The derby one is the best, he gives Clough a hard time wether they lose or win. God knows how he puts up with it.

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The worst thing is S&Y are so much better than R5 who when they did a commentary last season spent most of the match talking about stuff between themselves. Gone are the days when sporting commentators would create a picture in your mind and have you feel that you are part of what is happening. Mind you pies are very very important !

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I'm old enough to have listened to both these "broadcasters" which is why the Stringer/Young combination is so utterly disappointing.

Anyone else you could probably make a case but there is no defending John Barber, the guy was a clueless, boring, sheep shagging moron. Some of the mistakes he made on air were laughable sometimes he didn't even know which team we were playing against.

For various reasons I rarely listen to the pair anymore but I've never really had a problem with Stringer, I've never met him but it wouldn't suprise me if he was annoying and arrogant off air but on air he always seems adequate to me, he's not perfect but it's local radio when all is said and done and he's better than most, he has the advantage of following John Barber I suppose so that might make him look better.

Young on the other hand is over opinonated, negative and his views on football tactics and team selections are utterly bizare sometimes. The few times I've herd him speak to fans he has shouted them down with deranged arguements, like the example I put in another thread when he shouted down a fan making a perfectly good point about us needing better wingers (this was pre Knockaert and Marshall and look what they have done for us) by yelling at him that no pro teams play 4-4-2 anymore, how out and out wingers are dead no longer a part of the game and that his views were out of date. Good one Alan.

Thanks for the constructive feedback! ;)

It was my second-ever game that I'd ever done. Gotta start somewhere - still plenty to learn and improve upon. I can assure you, it's a very difficult thing to do.

If it's any concelation I was having a discussion about the RL commentary with a mate of mine and he said he thought you were excellent and wouldn't mind seeing you do it every week. He's a bit of a dip sh1t though so don't get too excited.

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How anyone could want Steve Walsh to co-commentate is beyond me. He's dreadful. At least with Youngy you might get a comment on the game now and again, with Walshy it's 90 minutes of what he used to do, and how the world revolves around him.

Honestly speaking, they're not that bad by national standards. I've had the displeasure now of listening to commentaries from Radio Nottingham, Sheffield and the national commentaries, which in our case are always heavily biased against us. None give any better an insight into the match than ours. The Sheffield commentary of Wednesday against Bolton which I had on while I was moving up here was dreadful - you'd have better luck tieing your socks together and running a marathon than either getting relevant information or staying awake during it.

Seriously, by comparison, Stringer and Young do an alright job. These threads always show up after a match, theyre just getting fooking old now. You dont HAVE to listen to the commentary, you know.

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Honestly dont get the criticism levels aimed at these guys....

Granted AY can be very irritating but the guys are much better than many other commentary teams on other channels.

I like Stringer, he's passionate about the team and tries his hardest to get us the up to date interviews/information. Seriously dont know whats wrong with some of you and who exactly you want to commentate!

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Just watched a bit of the Huddersfield game on Foxes player, complete game with the radio commentary added.

Listening to their commentary when you can actually see the game, it's hilarious.... :crylaugh:

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The worst thing is S&Y are so much better than R5 who when they did a commentary last season spent most of the match talking about stuff between themselves. Gone are the days when sporting commentators would create a picture in your mind and have you feel that you are part of what is happening. Mind you pies are very very important !

I agree, R5 commentators tend to do this if the game is shit and there's not much action. They have no vested interest. But messrs. Young and Stringer do it every game. We're not interested in their in-jokes and name dropping or what the guy in front of them is wearing.

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Seriously, by comparison, Stringer and Young do an alright job. These threads always show up after a match, theyre just getting fooking old now. You dont HAVE to listen to the commentary, you know.

Actually, I DO.

And anyway, it's only my opinion, so calm the fook down.

I never said they weren't doing their job, it's just that they irritate ME when I have to listen to the commentary because I don't have any other way of following the game live.

And, judging by the replies, I'm not the only one that isn't a fan.

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Honestly dont get the criticism levels aimed at these guys....

Granted AY can be very irritating but the guys are much better than many other commentary teams on other channels.

I like Stringer, he's passionate about the team and tries his hardest to get us the up to date interviews/information. Seriously dont know whats wrong with some of you and who exactly you want to commentate!

See above

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