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Hugo Sanchez

Barclay Out

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Nope, didn't miss it-but I think that any watering down of what goes beyond overreaction on the part of the club is part of the problem. A real police caution, an actual CRB criminal record for throwing bags. So please let's not split hairs about what was going on when it happened-that is irrelevant. Any 'but' you use, sounds like a mitigation about how the club has behaved, and that's just not acceptable.

I think perhaps you should go back and read the post I quoted and what I said. He did not get chucked our for trying to create an atmosphere... the end!

I'm with Babs, a gross overreaction from the club without a doubt, no-one is denying that at all. But you start chucking stuff about and these health and saftey idiots will be all over you like a rash - it's shit, but it's not going to change, the club will bat away any allegations that they were in the wrong and protesting etc will get us nowhere because as far as the H&S nobheads at the club are concerned, everything they did yesterday was well within their rights. It's a shame because Weasel had obviously done loads to improve the atmosphere that day, but one daft moment and now we're not talking about the great atmosphere, all we're talking about is a bloke getting a criminal record for lobbing some bags about when it needn't have happened.

I just think we need to be a little less naive and try to beat them at their own game. I would recommend going through the official channels like the FSF and fighting this all the way though, as this is a disgraceful reaction from the club.


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Sorry for shouting, but any protest against Barclay will be stupid and in the context of this incident wrong, and easy to argue against, in a best case scenario and a million to 1 chance, they sack Barclay they are going to replace him with someone else who will do nothing different.

In the case of weasel pursue official channels, but if you want to protest at the game then chant:

Justice for Football fans.

With everything that has happened this year with Hillsborough, and the numerous other cases of harshly treated football fans it is a chant with real meaning and one if sung on Sky would actually spark some media interest and not be a petty vendetta against someone who works at the club, I am sure that you can easily compile an extensive list of mis-treatment by fans at the club, and I'm sure fans of other clubs will be able to help and provide the same, and may even take up the chant.

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Thanks for your view-can you let me know when I'm allowed to cheer too please? Can I wear my away shirt to a home game? Can I stand up if the bloke in front does? I had no idea you were in charge, and I neeeed to know...

Don't miss the point, the club has deliberately participated in getting a fan a record for what is at worst a trivial offence. If you complained about this in the playground, the teacher would tell you to grow a pair, if you complained about this at Filbert St in the 90s you'd have got your head kicked in. Perspective, please!

That's not what I meant, I meant that all the people that moan about atmos are the ones that sit in the 3 qtrs of the ground that dont sing.. Its quite clear L1 is where the atmos is so i was suggesting that instead of moaning about it move to the area that stands, sings and has an atmosphere

And I understand the point, I just think its irrelevant to every fan except the individual involved.

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"i dont have any issue with the atmos at kp ????????????" oh come on mack , the kp is the worst stadium for atmosphere ive been . its embarrassing , you can at least admit that ?

not where I am its not. I stand in L1 and the atmosphere there is great. I moved there for the atmosphere and I have not been let down.. What the rest of the stadium does is up to them..If you dont like it MOVE!

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What's going on?! Someone's thrown a roll of sandwich bags and been thrown out of a game, and now a massive protest is being planned... am I missing something? Was he beaten by the police? What's there to protest over? :unsure:

Got arrested and cautioned too.

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not where I am its not. I stand in L1 and the atmosphere there is great. I moved there for the atmosphere and I have not been let down.. What the rest of the stadium does is up to them..If you dont like it MOVE!

cant move got season tickets . the whole stadium is what i look at , like i look at the whole team and not individuals . and when i look at the picture of the whole stadium im embarrassed . i cheer on my own sometimes but it would be nice to hear the whole crowd sing . the whole crowd get involved with a pathetic mexican wave , why not singing , or have i got that wrong too ?

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cant move got season tickets . the whole stadium is what i look at , like i look at the whole team and not individuals . and when i look at the picture of the whole stadium im embarrassed . i cheer on my own sometimes but it would be nice to hear the whole crowd sing . the whole crowd get involved with a pathetic mexican wave , why not singing , or have i got that wrong too ?

Not everyone wants to sing, it's the same at every stadium in the country. Get over it.

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I think you will find he got ejected for throwing a role of sandwich bags, and not for creating an atmosphere... and the last time I checked lobbing a roll of bags hardly adds to the atmosphere.

Whilst he was dealt this exceptionally harshly and with a typical lack of common sense once again that we see down there. There was no need to do what he did, so lets not hide behind the fact it was because he was creating an atmosphere.

I'm totally behind him and many others are, no one is hiding behind anything he is trying to create atmosphere to get the crowd going and gets chucked out its laughable. What's wrong with confetti and big roll being thrown about? Nothing.

Lighten up babys.

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I'm totally behind him and many others are, no one is hiding behind anything he is trying to create atmosphere to get the crowd going and gets chucked out its laughable. What's wrong with confetti and big roll being thrown about? Nothing.

Lighten up babys.

Well firstly, he didn't get chucked out for throwing confetti and secondly - no-ones actually saying there's anything wrong with throwing a roll of sandiwch bags about other than the fact that it's a bit daft and doesn't particularly contribute to the atmosphere at all. Some of us are just saying that you shouldn't be naive enough to think that the H&S mob won't be all over you if you start chucking what they deem to be 'missiles' about.

All it does is play into their hands and give them ammunition to clamp down on any genuine attempt at creating an atmosphere. If it wasn't for a moment of sillyness, we'd be talking about what a great success Saturday was, not this.

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I'm totally behind him and many others are, no one is hiding behind anything he is trying to create atmosphere to get the crowd going and gets chucked out its laughable. What's wrong with confetti and big roll being thrown about? Nothing.

Lighten up babys.

You are, because you keep mentioning it was about creating an atmosphere. Throwing what he did had nothing to do with that in the slightest.

If you don't want problems, don't do stupid things as you just play into their hands. Their reaction to treat him as they would someone lobbing a blooming coin is ridiculous. But if you want to get heard, claiming it was all in the name of atmosphere is a poor excuse and you will get ignored.

As for lightening up. I seem to remember something rather similar on here a while back with the Fosse boys. Something happened and a twisted version gets posted on here that has people up in arms... when the truth came out and people realised they hadn't been all sweetness and light and their version of events wasn't true, they lost any credibility on here with a lot of people. So I tend to treat these "It weren't me guv, I'm innocent honestly" with caution.

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I'm totally behind him and many others are, no one is hiding behind anything he is trying to create atmosphere to get the crowd going and gets chucked out its laughable. What's wrong with confetti and big roll being thrown about? Nothing.

Lighten up babys.

I agree weasel's been treated harshly but I still question how throwing a roll of sandwich bags really 'creates atmosphere'. Perhaps it's just me that simply doesn't find flying sandwich bags that exciting. :dunno:

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I agree weasel's been treated harshly but I still question how throwing a roll of sandwich bags really 'creates atmosphere'. Perhaps it's just me that simply doesn't find flying sandwich bags that exciting. :dunno:

Are you under 18 years of age? If not then I'd imagine it's highly unlikely you'd find it a) funny or b) good for atmosphere.

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Are you under 18 years of age? If not then I'd imagine it's highly unlikely you'd find it a) funny or b) good for atmosphere.

lol I wish! :P

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I agree this incident had nothing to do with atmosphere, we allowed to stand unchallenged and create noise as we wished for 90 minutes.

It was a moment of misjudged passion that was unfortunately caught on camera, he was then dealt with as yo would expect but it's the excessive sanction for someone with a previously unblemished record at the ground that is the annoying part. Take his details, eject him and warn him not to break ground regs again would have been sufficient in t circumstances. This is the resolution he must try to gain throughout the appropriate and correct channels using the assistance and sway that someone in t media such as Stringer has due to the effect of placing it in the public domain.

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I agree this incident had nothing to do with atmosphere, we allowed to stand unchallenged and create noise as we wished for 90 minutes.

It was a moment of misjudged passion that was unfortunately caught on camera, he was then dealt with as yo would expect but it's the excessive sanction for someone with a previously unblemished record at the ground that is the annoying part. Take his details, eject him and warn him not to break ground regs again would have been sufficient in t circumstances. This is the resolution he must try to gain throughout the appropriate and correct channels using the assistance and sway that someone in t media such as Stringer has due to the effect of placing it in the public domain.

Absolutely nailed it.

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I was reading a interview with tim davies in the fox the other day and he said the people in charge of health and safety at the walkers at the time where to over the top. He said other grounds in england weren't as bad for health and safety as we were

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What was the context? Was it a dense roll that he chucked or was the intention for it to unfurl like a bog roll and to add to the confetti etc?

Sounds like he was punished unnecessarily but at the same time he has given H & S a reason to kick him out. Anyone particularly bothered about it should conduct a large group synchronized sandwich bag throwing at the next home game.

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we allowed to stand unchallenged and create noise as we wished for 90 minutes.

In the cold light of day that's a great point and I've just mellowed massively about my feelings toward the club. The club allowed us to have that little section without any harassment and deserve credit for that. The stewards retrieving the beers (which aren't allowed to be above the concourse) and clearing the gangways did so with a smile and politeness and nobody was ejected for it (AFAIK).

Contrast P2 back rows on Saturday to a typical day out at Elland Road where you get the snarling pack of attack dogs advancing to harass you into sitting down.

For me, they fvcked up on the handling of one incident but credit where it's due for allowing a cracking standing/singing section to happen.

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Anyone want to hear a story? Tough, I'm going to tell it anyway.

I don't know whether this involved Barclay but it involved someone in officialdom at the club. I had a season ticket for all three of our playoff seasons in the 90s. For the one I want to talk about, we had those plastic cards which they marked with permanent marker to indicate you had purchased a ticket for Wembley.

A few days after buying my ticket I received a letter from the club. It informed me that I was banned for an amount of matches and could be banned altogether if I infringed their rules again. The letter accused me of removing the permanent marker and attempting to buy a further ticket. It also included the offending season ticket.

My first thought was that I must have dropped my season ticket card and someone had picked it up to use it. In a bit of a panic I looked in my wallet only to discover my season ticket where I usually kept it.

I rang the club about the letter. I spoke to a member of staff who was determined to extract his pound of flesh for my transgression and repeated the warnings in the letter. I let him finish. Then I asked him, if what he said was true, how come I had my season ticket in my wallet? He of course had no answer. So I suggested to him that more than one person of my name might have a season ticket and not only had I been subjected to a nasty letter and been treated in an impolite manner on the phone, but they had now sent someone else's season ticket to me.

The bloke apologised but my blood was up at the time and I said an apology wasn't good enough. He asked me what I wanted. I said I wanted some free tickets to give to friends. He agreed and sent me two tickets for the main stand !!

I don't know whether this was Barclay as I don't know how long he has been at the club. It did feel good to turn the tables on who ever it was though.

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