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Hugo Sanchez

Barclay Out

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Anyone want to hear a story? Tough, I'm going to tell it anyway.

I don't know whether this involved Barclay but it involved someone in officialdom at the club. I had a season ticket for all three of our playoff seasons in the 90s. For the one I want to talk about, we had those plastic cards which they marked with permanent marker to indicate you had purchased a ticket for Wembley.

A few days after buying my ticket I received a letter from the club. It informed me that I was banned for an amount of matches and could be banned altogether if I infringed their rules again. The letter accused me of removing the permanent marker and attempting to buy a further ticket. It also included the offending season ticket.

My first thought was that I must have dropped my season ticket card and someone had picked it up to use it. In a bit of a panic I looked in my wallet only to discover my season ticket where I usually kept it.

I rang the club about the letter. I spoke to a member of staff who was determined to extract his pound of flesh for my transgression and repeated the warnings in the letter. I let him finish. Then I asked him, if what he said was true, how come I had my season ticket in my wallet? He of course had no answer. So I suggested to him that more than one person of my name might have a season ticket and not only had I been subjected to a nasty letter and been treated in an impolite manner on the phone, but they had now sent someone else's season ticket to me.

The bloke apologised but my blood was up at the time and I said an apology wasn't good enough. He asked me what I wanted. I said I wanted some free tickets to give to friends. He agreed and sent me two tickets for the main stand !!

I don't know whether this was Barclay as I don't know how long he has been at the club. It did feel good to turn the tables on who ever it was though.

Isn't he just head of health and safety? doubt it would have had anything to do with him regardless of whether he was there.

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I remember years ago going to Old Trafford and the tour bloke said there was no bins anywhere on the ground because of potential bomb attacks so everyone used to throw their rubbish around. He didn't mention any rubbish/sandwich bag injuries although I don't think its the same there now

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I'm amazed at the lack of common sense. Yes, you run the risk of being thrown out if you throw something, but it was a sandwich bag and a police caution was given.

Why are so many people just accepting that this is right because the powers that be say so? It's clearly very unfair and did not warrant any police involvement.

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But apparently there are rules, which should be obeyed without question.

It's a joke how few people seem to think it's ok to question this.

I'm amazed at the lack of common sense. Yes, you run the risk of being thrown out if you throw something, but it was a sandwich bag and a police caution was given.

Why are so many people just accepting that this is right because the powers that be say so? It's clearly very unfair and did not warrant any police involvement.

Plenty of people have said that it should be questioned. I've said that we should complain to the club and the fan involved should be contacting the FSF immediately. But the minute you start throwing objects towards the pitch, you run the risk of being thrown out. You can have no complaints about that. HOWEVER - myself and several others have said that the police involvement and the caution are completely over the top.

Personally, I think he should've just been warned about it, perhaps ejected as a last resort, but that's where it should have ended. What I don't agree with is people getting all high and mighty just because it was some sandwich bags - that's not the point. You throw stuff, you run the risk of getting thrown out.

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The problem is, and the guy admitted it himself that he was in the wrong.

Now being arrested and cautioned in this circumstance is harsh but not totally 100% unjustified!

Am i happy that the club treats fans in this manner? No

Would i kick up a fuss over it when the guys already admitted he was in the wrong but feels he was treated harshly? No

Do i think action on the matter would make a blind bit of difference anyway? No

I don't know if he has spoken to stringer or the Merc but they are the best bets for getting the issues aired so should be done! I'm sympathetic but i myself wouldn't go to a game and throw a roll of sandwich bags! Confetti yes - but sandwich bags no!

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You people make me laugh.

Safety is the single most important thing in any football ground. The people that maintain it are NOT jobsworths but good people performing an

essential role. The sooner the club clamps down on yobbish behaviour the better. For a start they should eject anyone flaunting stadium rules by standing during the game. Does no one remember Hillsboro or Heysel?

Get off the back of officialdom and support the club.

I guess you got bullied at school too

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I can't believe how long this thread has droned on for but, at the risk of making myself very unpopular with certain members of the forum, as the old adage goes, 'if you can't do the time, don't do the crime'


1. Sandwich bag. Not sure now whether it was one small flimsy plastic bag (in which case admittedly, ejection seems a little excessive), a roll of them or a box full. Either way in the case of the latter two, in recent weeks on Match of the Day we've seen instances where various missles have been thrown onto the pitch and possibly stewards have been alerted to clamp down on such behaviour. Whilst Weaselboy and his mates may know of only one flimsy plastic bag, though it could have been a roll, all a steward might see is a missile being thrown thereby ejection could reasonably be expected. Therefore if you throw a missile and get caught...tough.

2. Standing up. Whether you, I, or anyone else think we should or should not stand up (and I'm not against it by the way), whether we like it or not the rules say you can't. So as for the individual that felt unjustly treated because he and his mates, when going for a half time burger got singled out from a group (suggesting that the stewards had no bottle to deal with the larger group that had been standing), firstly I say well done for the stewards for firstly using their initiative, as to go into a crowd to drag individuals out might have caused a riot. For those that got chucked out... tough, you shouldn't have been standing in the first place so don't whine if you get caught out.

3. Racist Chanting. In fairness I don't think that goes on at our ground but my point is meant as a general one. If a large group of 50+ people engage in this or similar activity, then it would be very difficult for stewards or even police officers to arrest, eject or otherwise deal with such numbers. But if I was doing it and was sitting/standing on the end of a row and got carted off because I was an easy target...then tough, I would deserve it, any whining about 'there were loads doing it' won't wash and neither would it make my actions right.

Police and stewards have a job to do even when some of those tasks are things that we don't paticularly agree with, but none of us can say we don't go into a ground without knowing what is deemed reasoably acceptable. In Weaselboys case, then whilst a bit of confetti might be seen as reasonable, anything seen by a steward that could appear to be construed as a missile then I would suggest he was always, even if there was no malice intended on his part, going to be on dodgy ground. So just take it as a lesson learned and don't whine about it. As for demonstrations...all a bit pathetic I feel, lets save such things until we have a real concern one day otherwise such actions become the norm and laughable.

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lol Yeh I read about it in mein bags.

There was also Crystalnacht where he chucked confetti at Palace fans. That was some serious shit.

I'm still recovering from the horrors of Auschwich, not to mention Bacon-Belsen.

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