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Racism at Doncaster?

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You can start by trying to prove it's wrong and actually offer a decent counter argument.


I haven't heard one yet.

You're unlikely to get one, if you truly believe what you wrote then no matter how many facts were put in front of you they'd all be wasted.

It wasn't that long ago an agent phoned me up about a CAD Operator I wanted to employ, he described him as having curly hair, this was in multicultural London.

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You're unlikely to get one, if you truly believe what you wrote then no matter how many facts were put in front of you they'd all be wasted.

It wasn't that long ago an agent phoned me up about a CAD Operator I wanted to employ, he described him as having curly hair, this was in multicultural London.


That's code for 'I've got not actual argument, I'll just insult you to try and make myself look clever'.


Your usual way of 'debating'.

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Only 5% of Spurs fans are actually Jewish, David Baddiel likened it to a team in Brixton having 95% white support who refer to themselves as N Army.

Certain fans make hissing noises when playing Tottenham, it shouldn't be ignored.

I said sometimes not always.


This case in point.

seems we had one moron using racist comments he's now got 5 pages of fame.


So out of 3 to 3.5k of our traveling fans this one moron gets more pages than the match thread.

Whats the next one get more pages than Maynard.

The more they are played upto the more they will do it.

He should have been reported to the police and this thread should not have been.


That is what I mean by ignoring.

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It really isn't. It's that you are beyond help.


lol Alright son, when you can retaliate with an actual argument I'm all ears.


Coming out with comments like yours and hackney's doesn't make you clever or right, it just means you don't have the intelligence to accept that you are wrong.

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Well if you read the comment above you might.


It's pretty irrelevant either way now isn't it? Black people are actually prospering nowadays. What with all their terrible rap music being lapped up by the masses, especially the younger the generation. A lot of black footballers fill the Premier League and are idolized. They don't have it rough in this country.


It's also naivety to think something like that can't slip out when you're angry. He was probably pissed and very annoyed (much like a lot of fans would have been I know) and I'm sure he just wanted to offend the bloke on the other team. That doesn't mean he's a racist, just that he was using racist terminology in a poorly thought out attempt to get back at someone.

So a few black rappers and footballers (don't forget all those fast runners as well) have prospered, therefore black people as a whole are prospering nowadays.

Well they maybe, but clearly not as well as you & I, after all there are plenty of white multi millionnaire bankers in this country therefore we must all be multi millionnaires?


If you use racist terminology in an attempt to wind up someone because of their colour you are a racist, I don't know how that can be argued against.

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Yes and fair play to him for doing so imo. For whatever reason he called himself this itll have certainly put an end to any potential future racism from those work colleagues.

Then those work colleagues will think it perfectly acceptable to call any other asian workers 'shoe bomber' in the future.


Many blacks call each other the N word, would it be acceptable for you to call them the same (I'm assuming you are white)?

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Then those work colleagues will think it perfectly acceptable to call any other asian workers 'shoe bomber' in the future.


Many blacks call each other the N word, would it be acceptable for you to call them the same (I'm assuming you are white)?

Theyve got to be pretty thick if they believe that just because one Pakistani told them to call him that that it means it's ok for them to call every Pakistani that.

And yeh if a black bloke told me to call him nigger though id perhaps feel slightly weird at first in doing so i would still do it.

Id probably give him a name he could call me by too so we're both doing it. It wouldnt bother me. Most people have nicknames where i work anyway. Perhaps you may find it weird if your job is desk based and you try and imagine turning around to someone behind you using a ridiculous nickname to address him. It's a bit different away from a desk job

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Theyve got to be pretty thick if they believe that just because one Pakistani told them to call him that that it means it's ok for them to call every Pakistani that.

And yeh if a black bloke told me to call him nigger though id perhaps feel slightly weird at first in doing so i would still do it.


I don't recommend that you work in Hackney or Brixton and call a workmate Nigger while you're out in the public then.

I worked with a white guy who used to phone one of his mates and call him Nigger, I had to explain to him that what was acceptable in private between them wasn't acceptable in the work place.

I had to explain to a black colleague that the guy was stupid not racist and he didn't need to punch his lights out the next time we went for a drink.

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So again, should I not call my mate Ginge, Ginge, when out in public in case it upsets another ginger haired person?

I've never gone out of my way to change how I speak to my mates and what I call them nor never will. I'm not an apologist should other people take offence to something that wasn't aimed at them/dont know the context in which something is said.

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So again, should I not call my mate Ginge, Ginge, when out in public in case it upsets another ginger haired person?

I've never gone out of my way to change how I speak to my mates and what I call them nor never will. I'm not an apologist should other people take offence to something that wasn't aimed at them/dont know the context in which something is said.

You call your mate whatever you want, but the same applies to you as applies to the guy who got twatted, if you shout what can be taken as racist abuse in public you shouldn't be too surprised if someone else takes umbrage and pulls you up for it.

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My word, kitch is clearly saying that the boundries for success of ethnics in this country is no different from a white British. He has given examples of this, sure theyre ate going to be more examples of white british wealth, most of it inherited. His original point is correct.

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Yes racism shouldn't be tolerated but this wasn't dealt with correctly. 

I didn't see the prelude to the attack, the racism that caused it.

Instead, I witnessed an old boy getting his face smashed in, in front of his wife/gf.

I don't want to see racism, but those of you saying you're glad he got a seeing to, grow up.

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Its very unfortunate that you had to be born ginger but its not quite the same thing.

That is oh so very BAD. Oh dear we have a fascist in our midst just as bad as any racist, what a terrible thing to say. It is very unfortunate you were born black/ born ginger/ born Asian/ born a woman. There is no difference so don't come back with all this gingers don't matter fascist shit, all those comments are outrageous. And no I'm not ginger
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lol Alright son, when you can retaliate with an actual argument I'm all ears.


Coming out with comments like yours and hackney's doesn't make you clever or right, it just means you don't have the intelligence to accept that you are wrong.



No argument at all from me .... You are so ignorant I don't know where to start ... so will leave you in your blissful ignorance. It's not my problem, and In older age I'm learning to walk away from things I can't change .... and your intelligence is something I can't change.

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That is oh so very BAD. Oh dear we have a fascist in our midst just as bad as any racist, what a terrible thing to say. It is very unfortunate you were born black/ born ginger/ born Asian/ born a woman. There is no difference so don't come back with all this gingers don't matter fascist shit, all those comments are outrageous. And no I'm not ginger


You haven't read Milktray's stuff before, have you?

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I said sometimes not always.


This case in point.

seems we had one moron using racist comments he's now got 5 pages of fame.


So out of 3 to 3.5k of our traveling fans this one moron gets more pages than the match thread.

Whats the next one get more pages than Maynard.

The more they are played upto the more they will do it.

He should have been reported to the police and this thread should not have been.


That is what I mean by ignoring.



I heard....  *Maynard is a racist!  :ph34r:


*Attempted humour not to be taken seriously

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I'm not seeing much evidence for what you're saying.

There's plenty of evidence to suggest they're doing fine. Like I say, it's not like we couldn't name many many hugely successful black people in this day and age is it?

I'm sure you can pick out a few isolated incidents where racism has stopped someone getting a job but I've never once encountered anything like that in real life nor has there been even a hint that it's an issue in anything I've experienced. Nor have I heard anyone I know or have met complain about it with any conviction let alone concrete evidence.

If you're so big on evidence please go ahead and provide some proof of black people's equal success in the UK. Other than their success in rap music which we all know is the international standard measure of equality.

If everything is so equal could you explain why it took until 2009 for there to be a black CEO of a FTSE 100 company? (As far as I'm aware there is still only one?)

As for your comment excusing this racist cvnt because he was probably pissed, deary me. None of the people I know have ever let a racist remark out at a football match and I'm fairly sure none of them have turned up to a City game sober since about 2006. It may come as a surprise, but anyone that says a racist remark as an insult, is, by definition, a racist.

I don't particularly condone violence but the guy cannot have any complaints if he was filled in. He needs to learn.

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If you're so big on evidence please go ahead and provide some proof of black people's equal success in the UK. Other than their success in rap music which we all know is the international standard measure of equality.

If everything is so equal could you explain why it took until 2009 for there to be a black CEO of a FTSE 100 company? (As far as I'm aware there is still only one?)

Rome wasn't built in a day, just because there isnt many examples doesnt mean there isnt the opportunity. In fact if there is one, so it should prove that barriers are definately coming down. There are many examples of the ethnic community suceededing and excelling in our society, doctors, dentist, politicians etc. Its a decent country where anyone can suceed if they have the skills and application, jumping to their defence in such an aggresive manner is treating them as inferior and undoes any right you have to feel upset. Ive some friends from different backrounds and we have plenty of banter on the subject, if you overhear it please keep your oversensitive bullshit to yourself.
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Whilst it is great that he got a kicking, it won't change his views and I dare say he will do it again. Shame that he couldn't have been taken to the police and banned from games. There should be better measures in place to report people andc get them banned. That way next generation will begin to understand its not necessary

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