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Unpopular Opinions You Hold

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4 hours ago, Alf Bentley said:



I'm curious about why you both feel this way, as a fair few people do. I should stress that I'm not having a go at anyone. I appreciate from your comments that you're not hostile to gay men - and are quite brave to be honest about how you feel.


Would you feel that 2 women holding hands didn't "look right" or would you find women kissing "a little revolting"? I'm not being naive. I know that lots of straight blokes (myself included) find the idea of lesbian sex a turn-on. Presumably that's because straight blokes enjoy seeing women getting sexually aroused, but have no interest in seeing men getting aroused? If someone enjoys or doesn't mind lesbians snogging but is uncomfortable with gay men doing so, is that because they've placed certain boundaries on male behaviour? Snogging women is manly, snogging men is unmanly? Out of curiosity, how would you feel if you saw a very dominant woman with a very submissive man? Would that make you uncomfortable? Do you have particular expectations of men? It's certainly different from, say, a hardline religious bigot who thinks all same-sex activity is an abomination against the word of the Lord!

I'm not talking about socially inappropriate behaviour - two men slobbering all over one another in public, fondling one another etc. If I ever saw that (I don't think I ever have), I'd be thinking "get a room" just as I would if it was a man and a woman or two women. When I see two men display public affection in a socially appropriate way (a quick snog, holding hands), I feel pleased for them - that they feel free enough to do that. When I was young, it wouldn't have happened in public (gay bars apart).


I had a self-revelation when I was in my 20s. I was on a London bus and some young black blokes were getting rowdy in a non-aggressive way. I got uptight, expecting serious violence in a way that I wouldn't have done if it had been a load of white blokes. Afterwards I had to conclude that I had certain subliminal racist assumptions - probably partly because I'd grown up in a very white area, so black people were more alien and unknown to me.


I have another unpopular opinion that I hold: I find Serena Williams a sexually desirable woman. I assume this is an unpopular opinion as I've seen several people post negatively about her appearance. Well, Serena, if you ever get bored with all that tennis, you're welcome to come round mine, jump astride and have your wicked way with me. With those powerful thighs and nether regions, I'd expect to have a very good time indeed. :D 


Alf hits it for six again, especially the bolded part.


It's not the case with all, but the same folks who are disgusted by the idea of two blokes getting off tend to change their tune when it's two women doing it instead. That, right there, is some serious hypocrisy.

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2 hours ago, Footballwipe said:

Hope this isn't too controversial, but I have zero respect for you, and I hope I'm not alone.

The thought of humans having such ridiculous opinions and archaic views such as yours, just isn't right.


Curious also that you limit your disgust to men. Either a hypocrite with females or just so in the closet even Narnia is behind you :)

why did you tell him that you had zero respect for him then end your post with a smiley face?

don't be passive-aggressive, just own it! and above that, you are suggesting that he is hiding his sexuality. you can at least give him the courtesy of not sugar coating what you are trying to say.

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With all due respect, why does Wymsey need a break? He's a big boy airing his unpopular  opinions on the Internet. He posted it knowing deep down its a backwards opinion so he should be able take / discuss any flak he's getting like a man. 


Anyway, I'll leave it there. Webbo is hovering about and 'trophying' his posts so I imagine I'll get a ban for some reason or another whilst more popular forum members with unpopular views will continue to post untouched. 



Edited by lifted*fox
joking webbsy, please don't ban me fam - it's match day.
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I don't believe I made an offensive post, I got an opinion that might be controversial for one side of the coin but there's others that would agree with my viewpoint.

I posted my opinion on it, which isn't a bitter one by the way, having heard something on television about it..wished I didn't now as feel the reaction towards my comment is somewhat harsh.

For example, Angela Merkel has the same viewpoint as me on this topic matter, and she's both had some people supporting and opposing it. It's certainly not as if I'm looking for a negative reaction, it's an opinion, although it's contested by some etc, that can be mentioned as someone's (who is 'neutral) viewpoint.


For what it's worth, I know a couple of people who are gay for years, and have no problem with them personally; so it's not as if I'm directly against this sexuality is it?..


Edited by Wymeswold fox
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Not harsh dude, I just don't understand the logic. I'm sure you're a perfectly good guy but with a weird, outdated and mostly inexplicable opinion.


But, if you post something like that on an open internet forum in this day and age, you should be aware that you're going to be in the minority.


I don't know how old you are but this ain't the 70's where people are scared of gay people like it's some alien shit any more.


Most young people are very liberal and open about sexuality so you're likely to find agreement with an older crowd but people like myself are going to be pretty shitty about it.


There's bigger things to worry about than two guys holding hands in public.


No hard feelings though (that isn't a dick pun by the way... lol)

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10 minutes ago, lifted*fox said:

Not harsh dude, I just don't understand the logic. I'm sure you're a perfectly good guy but with a weird, outdated and mostly inexplicable opinion.


But, if you post something like that on an open internet forum in this day and age, you should be aware that you're going to be in the minority.


I don't know how old you are but this ain't the 70's where people are scared of gay people like it's some alien shit any more.


Most young people are very liberal and open about sexuality so you're likely to find agreement with an older crowd but people like myself are going to be pretty shitty about it.


There's bigger things to worry about than two guys holding hands in public.


No hard feelings though (that isn't a dick pun by the way... lol)


To be fair, Whymsey hasn't expressed an opinion on homosexuality per se, just that overt public displays of male affection make him feel uncomfortable.



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1 minute ago, Buce said:


To be fair, Whymsey hasn't expressed an opinion on homosexuality per se



I'd argue this is tbf:


2 hours ago, Wymeswold fox said:

In basic terms, the opinion is just the rather traditional belief that marriage should be a man and woman.


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7 minutes ago, leicsmac said:

Alf hits it for six again, especially the bolded part.


It's not the case with all, but the same folks who are disgusted by the idea of two blokes getting off tend to change their tune when it's two women doing it instead. That, right there, is some serious hypocrisy.

First I need to say I have no problem with guys or girls making out with whomever even though I think they need to be respectful to others when in public spaces. Kissing is fine and I normally agree with you and Alf but think this lesbian kissing argument is completely false. Firstly Wymsey doesn't say anything about girls kissing - he may hate that too - but the idea that some old guys accept women kissing but not men because they get their rocks off to it is just a ludicrous argument. Do those same old men get excited by watching guys kissing - if so you may have the start of an argument.


personally even though I have no problem at all with homosexual relationships and in fact I'm happy to see that they are so much more accepted now, I don't revel in the thought of guys having sex together in fact I rather dislike the thought of anal sex. That doesn't make me homophobic, I also dislike the thought of anal sex between guys and girls. All the ladies I know have found anal sex either painful or degrading or both. It seems to be more of a power play than a pleasurable  sharing act of love. So maybe you can discuss with Wymesy his possible homophobic tendencies but the argument of women kissing being fine or not liking the thought of gratuitous shows of passion in public (or anal sex) are not necessarily signs of homophobism.

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9 minutes ago, FIF said:

It seems to be more of a power play than a pleasurable  sharing act of love. 


That's a bit of a sweeping generalisation. 


I've known plenty of men and women who love a bit of bum play - either by themselves or with a partner. 


There's an entire sub-set of anal specific sex toys that exist and I'm pretty sure there are plenty of couples who purchase them to enjoy them together - without feeling like it's degrading and a power thing (unless power things are your thing... of course). 


Just because your sexual preferences might be vanilla (they might not be, who knows that you're into) doesn't mean that everyone else's preferences are vanilla too. 


There are plenty of people out there who are free of inhibition who don't mind a finger in the ass during sex, etc. 


This is why it makes me laugh that people can be bothered by two men holding hands - it's like the least offensive thing ever tbh. What kind of a sheltered sex life have must you have led where that could possibly make you shudder?


Edited by lifted*fox
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7 minutes ago, FIF said:

First I need to say I have no problem with guys or girls making out with whomever even though I think they need to be respectful to others when in public spaces. Kissing is fine and I normally agree with you and Alf but think this lesbian kissing argument is completely false. Firstly Wymsey doesn't say anything about girls kissing - he may hate that too - but the idea that some old guys accept women kissing but not men because they get their rocks off to it is just a ludicrous argument. Do those same old men get excited by watching guys kissing - if so you may have the start of an argument.


personally even though I have no problem at all with homosexual relationships and in fact I'm happy to see that they are so much more accepted now, I don't revel in the thought of guys having sex together in fact I rather dislike the thought of anal sex. That doesn't make me homophobic, I also dislike the thought of anal sex between guys and girls. All the ladies I know have found anal sex either painful or degrading or both. It seems to be more of a power play than a pleasurable  sharing act of love. So maybe you can discuss with Wymesy his possible homophobic tendencies but the argument of women kissing being fine or not liking the thought of gratuitous shows of passion in public (or anal sex) are not necessarily signs of homophobism.

Thanks for the well-rounded reply, first off.


I guess I don't have much to show regarding the argument about "gay guys bad, lesbians good" other than anecdotal evidence, but it is a viewpoint I have heard expressed by many homophobes I have had the misfortune of running into on the Internet. Of course Wymsey said nothing about it (which is why I attempted to qualify my remarks, as did Alf) but while it's not a straight causality it repeats enough to be a factor to be mentioned, IMO. And I stand by my assertion that it's hypocritical - being OK with one but not with the other is exactly that.


Regarding the second paragraph, lifted makes pretty much the argument I wanted to about that, and I would certainly agree that I'm not a fan of public displays of affection to a really overt degree, regardless of who's doing it and not liking it isn't a sign of homophobia. However, again as pointed out above it was mentioned that Wymesey believes in the idea of "traditional" marriage (whatever that means, another can of worms right there) which is quite indicative.

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57 minutes ago, FIF said:

To give Wymsey a break:


I hold the opinion that single people shouldn't be funded by the state to have kids. (I also believe that couples shouldn't be but that might not get the heat off Wymsey). If you want children, great, but don't expect others to pay for what you want. If you can't afford to have kids then don't have them.

Yeh.. and all those people dying of cancer... if you want drugs n shiz to stay alive thats fine... but dont expect me to pay for it! :)

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1 minute ago, ozleicester said:

Yeh.. and all those people dying of cancer... if you want drugs n shiz to stay alive thats fine... but dont expect me to pay for it! :)

but do you? ;)


Talking about NHS payments I don't think that people should be having cosmetic surgery (other than after accidents) on the NHS either, there just isn't enough money to go around. Choices have to be made.

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also, I'm not a fan of anyone shoving their tongue down another person's throat in public BUT behind closed doors? put whatever you want in whatever hole you fancy if it feels good... 




I did have a MMF threesome in some woods on a golf-course back in the day though so I can't really talk about public decency. 


yes, that's two men and a woman and yes I did see my best mates cock and no I wasn't offended. 

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1 hour ago, FIF said:

To give Wymsey a break:


I hold the opinion that single people shouldn't be funded by the state to have kids. (I also believe that couples shouldn't be but that might not get the heat off Wymsey). If you want children, great, but don't expect others to pay for what you want. If you can't afford to have kids then don't have them.


I hold the opinion that a state shouldn't have whole sections of society unable to afford children, while other sections monopolise and accumulate more wealth than they can possibly spend.


Besides, if we plebs don't have kids, who's going to fight all the establishment's wars for them? Are  they going to send their own kids off to die?








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7 minutes ago, leicsmac said:

Thanks for the well-rounded reply, first off.


I guess I don't have much to show regarding the argument about "gay guys bad, lesbians good" other than anecdotal evidence, but it is a viewpoint I have heard expressed by many homophobes I have had the misfortune of running into on the Internet. Of course Wymsey said nothing about it (which is why I attempted to qualify my remarks, as did Alf) but while it's not a straight causality it repeats enough to be a factor to be mentioned, IMO. And I stand by my assertion that it's hypocritical - being OK with one but not with the other is exactly that.


Regarding the second paragraph, lifted makes pretty much the argument I wanted to about that, and I would certainly agree that I'm not a fan of public displays of affection to a really overt degree, regardless of who's doing it and not liking it isn't a sign of homophobia. However, again as pointed out above it was mentioned that Wymesey believes in the idea of "traditional" marriage (whatever that means, another can of worms right there) which is quite indicative.

I can't defend his comment about "traditional" marriage. I don't agree with the commercialism of any marriage and I'm not one for church marriages. It was more the points I covered I thought needed some defence.


3 minutes ago, lifted*fox said:

also, I'm not a fan of anyone shoving their tongue down another person's throat in public BUT behind closed doors? put whatever you want in whatever hole you fancy if it feels good... 




I did have a MMF threesome in some woods on a golf-course back in the day though so I can't really talk about public decency. 


yes, that's two men and a woman and yes I did see my best mates cock and no I wasn't offended. 

I really don't have a problem with (truly) consenting anal sex behind closed doors, I made it clear that I have personal difficulties with the thought of anything pushed up my arse including suppositories.


Did you mate penetrate your ass and did you like it? - no really I don't want an answer to that, I'm happy for you to do anything consensual that makes all parties happy I'm just glad I wasn't trying to get out of the bunker.



1 minute ago, ozleicester said:

sigh...yep... guess im just a big softy at heart

For me it's more the use of limited financial resources. Having a big heart is great as long as you'll back it up with your own hard earned cash.


7 minutes ago, Buce said:


I hold the opinion that a state shouldn't have whole sections of society unable to afford children, while other sections monopolise and accumulate more wealth than they can possibly spend.


Besides, if we plebs don't have kids, who's going to fight all the establishment's wars for them? Are  they going to send their own kids off to die?








I agree. I was reading the some research findings on happiness and money the other day and as anyone with an ounce of intelligence would have thought the research found that money does give more happiness to a certain level and then the happiness plateaus. IMO no-one should be paid more (nor less) than this plateau amount for an honest month's work. However neither do I feel that people should be able to financially benefit from producing children. We have a terrible system in place with regards what's good for the young in our society. 

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Just now, FIF said:

I really don't have a problem with (truly) consenting anal sex behind closed doors, I made it clear that I have personal difficulties with the thought of anything pushed up my arse including suppositories.


Did you mate penetrate your ass and did you like it? - no really I don't want an answer to that, I'm happy for you to do anything consensual that makes all parties happy I'm just glad I wasn't trying to get out of the bunker.


Haha, nah man - we didn't **** each other, just this chick at the same time.

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1 hour ago, lifted*fox said:

With all due respect, why does Wymsey need a break? He's a big boy airing his unpopular  opinions on the Internet. He posted it knowing deep down its a backwards opinion so he should be able take / discuss any flak he's getting like a man. 


Anyway, I'll leave it there. Webbo is hovering about and 'trophying' his posts so I imagine I'll get a ban for some reason or another whilst more popular forum members with unpopular views will continue to post untouched. 



Don't flatter yourself, I've no interest in your opinion and I don't ban people because I disagree with them.

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