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Barnsley Post Match

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So fvcking fed up of losing to shit teams, we would have won this game 2 months ago. Our players can't even hit a fvcking barn door at the moment, they were bloody woeful today. Let's hope we produce a Cardiff-esque performance against Brighton, but not concede an undeserved late goal again!

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I'm sorry, but I said this earlier when someone said something similar, certain people must be very weak minded.

If someone slags me off in my work I work harder, I prove them wrong, I suppose I am quite a competitive, strong willed and like proving people wrong, as professional sportsmen you'd think the players would have a similar mind set. Maybe not.

I wouldn't think a lot of them would have as most of them probably haven't had to operate in the normal world but i find a lot of younger people today give up pretty quickly when faced with a bit of adversity. I also think at times like this we need some experience and older heads in the team but NP has driven most of them out or refuses tio have experienced players in the squad unless they are central defenders

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That was an absolute disgrace.

From the off they were all over us and we lost not because we have the worse players but because they showed more effort, more commitment, more application. And to lose on that front is scandalous. The worst I've seen us play in a very long time and when you consider what we've shown ourselves capable of earlier this season it makes that defeat all the worse.

That back four was a shambles. Konchesky has deteriorated so much this season it's unreal yet he seems to escape any criticism, with people singing his name regardless of what he shows on the pitch for some bizarre reason. If he wasn't being out-paced he was mindlessly and aimlessly smashing balls forward. And when he wasn't clumsily bringing people down he was all over the shop positionally. Awful.

Whitbread. What a clumsy, bumbling, lazy bufoon. Clearly couldn't give a crap about playing for this club and what a horrendous signing he has been from the off. Injuries, red cards and awful performances. He did not have a clue where he was today and I think Keane (normally classy and composed) really suffered for having this fool alongside him in place of Morgan who has been a rock. And to think that I thought he was a ball playing centre half when we got him...

In the midfield they played round us in the middle of the park like it was a training exercise. King and James were nowhere to be seen. Dyer was Dyer, hot and cold. Knockaert and Marshall were both ineffectual (the stick Marshall got as he sauntered over to take that corner as if he were still in Portugal was more than justified, never mind the fact that not one of his deliveries beat the first man - if it's not working ****ing mix it up a bit).

Up front Wood and Nugent did nothing. There was one point where one of their defenders brought it out of the back four and Nugent started to pressure him, the defender opened his legs up a bit and Nugent just gave up chase as if it were no longer his problem that his man had taken the ball into the next third. It summed the attitude up and defending from the front was non-existant. Alongside Moore, Schlupp, the only other player to come out with any credit, showed how it was done when he came on, getting his reward with a couple of chances. If it's not going for you (as it isn't for Wood and Nugent) then work hard and make something happen.

But the whole ethic of the team just stank. Players weren't bothered about picking up their men, pressure was half-hearted and no-one was prepared to step up to the plate by taking the ball and making something happen. They literally couldn't care less and I think the only thing that bothered them about the whole thing was the inconvenience of having to walk past the away end on their way back to the dressing room.

I'm a big Pearson fan, what he's done in twelve months has been huge and we saw what we were capable of pre-February. But that performance today is one that has switched me to the thought that he has to go. That was not the performance of a team that is going to suddenly start getting results for their current manager. I don't know how, I don't know why, but it's beyond repair for Pearson now so rather than inevitably sacking him at the end of the season let's just do it now and see if a new manager can stop this rot whilst there's half a chance of some salvation.

Thanks for laying what I believe are very promising foundations Nigel but it's time to depart.

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Lets all calm down here:

Breakfast: 3 eggs, 2 toasts and tea

Lunch: lentil curry

Dinner: 2 baby seals

Mood: back to work Tomo so very good but not pleased about the result

Music: Mumford and sons

Reading: storm of swords

Everyone else?

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That was an absolute disgrace.

From the off they were all over us and we lost not because we have the worse players but because they showed more effort, more commitment, more application. And to lose on that front is scandalous. The worst I've seen us play in a very long time and when you consider what we've shown ourselves capable of earlier this season it makes that defeat all the worse.

That back four was a shambles. Konchesky has deteriorated so much this season it's unreal yet he seems to escape any criticism, with people singing his name regardless of what he shows on the pitch for some bizarre reason. If he wasn't being out-paced he was mindlessly and aimlessly smashing balls forward. And when he wasn't clumsily bringing people down he was all over the shop positionally. Awful.

Whitbread. What a clumsy, bumbling, lazy bufoon. Clearly couldn't give a crap about playing for this club and what a horrendous signing he has been from the off. Injuries, red cards and awful performances. He did not have a clue where he was today and I think Keane (normally classy and composed) really suffered for having this fool alongside him in place of Morgan who has been a rock. And to think that I thought he was a ball playing centre half when we got him...

In the midfield they played round us in the middle of the park like it was a training exercise. King and James were nowhere to be seen. Dyer was Dyer, hot and cold. Knockaert and Marshall were both ineffectual (the stick Marshall got as he sauntered over to take that corner as if he were still in Portugal was more than justified, never mind the fact that not one of his deliveries beat the first man - if it's not working ****ing mix it up a bit).

Up front Wood and Nugent did nothing. There was one point where one of their defenders brought it out of the back four and Nugent started to pressure him, the defender opened his legs up a bit and Nugent just gave up chase as if it were no longer his problem that his man had taken the ball into the next third. It summed the attitude up and defending from the front was non-existant. Alongside Moore, Schlupp, the only other player to come out with any credit, showed how it was done when he came on, getting his reward with a couple of chances. If it's not going for you (as it isn't for Wood and Nugent) then work hard and make something happen.

But the whole ethic of the team just stank. Players weren't bothered about picking up their men, pressure was half-hearted and no-one was prepared to step up to the plate by taking the ball and making something happen. They literally couldn't care less and I think the only thing that bothered them about the whole thing was the inconvenience of having to walk past the away end on their way back to the dressing room.

I'm a big Pearson fan, what he's done in twelve months has been huge and we saw what we were capable of pre-February. But that performance today is one that has switched me to the thought that he has to go. That was not the performance of a team that is going to suddenly start getting results for their current manager. I don't know how, I don't know why, but it's beyond repair for Pearson now so rather than inevitably sacking him at the end of the season let's just do it now and see if a new manager can stop this rot whilst there's half a chance of some salvation.

Thanks for laying what I believe are very promising foundations Nigel but it's time to depart.

You've pretty much said everything what I wanted to say!

Before I go any further I should say I am a Pearson man and was at the game. That performance though was appalling. We were utterly abject apart from a 10-15 minute period when we looked half decent. That was the worst we played in a very long time, up there with the dark days of Sousa, Holloway and Levein. Only Schlupp, Moore and Kasper can come out with any credit, the rest were dreadful. Whitbread, James and Konchesky especially.

As has been said, the players do need to stand up and show some responsibility for the performances they have put in, some of them recently have been really bad. This is the one that just sums up the complete and utter collapse we've had. before the game I was defending Pearson in the pub, I can't defend him now after that game unfortunately. We do look completely void of ideas atm. The only saving grace he has is that there really isn't that many other options out there. I can't see MON coming back and McDermott is the only other choice I would maybe consider.

All in all a terrible display. The fact Chris O'Grady of all players was taking the piss out of us and skinning our players sums up this afternoon's performance.

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Absolutely disgraceful performance from the team, I'm fuming after having to sit through that 90 minutes of utter incompetent shit from a bunch of highly-paid players, overseen by a manager who has sadly lost control.

There were no positives whatsoever to take from that. Apart, maybe, from the fact it wasn't 6-0. We were second best in every area to a Barnsley side that looked confident and nothing like a struggling team. They showed us how to pass the ball, how to move the ball, how to create chances, strikers that got the ball and tested the defence.

It's sad to say but I think we need a change. You have to evaluate it all and we've lost our way under Pearson, but most crucially, I don't see it changing any time soon. We have nothing to lose now, if we finish 7th or 15th it doesn't really matter in real terms, it isn't the top six. Maybe we could get a new manager bounce.

But it's a collective thing. The players did not know how to string a decent move together for most of the game. Chris Wood I can't recall doing anything of note. Konchesky was a liability. The CM pairing barely made an impression. Dyer hardly touched the ball. The only players with any credit were Schmeichel and Schlupp, with Marshall not too bad.

Abysmal, pathetic, disgraceful, pitiful. Not enough words can be used to describe our display today.

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I'm struggling to defend Pearson anymore. I seriously have never seen such a poor performance, I'm genuinely sticking that as number one in the most inept, pathetic performances I've ever seen.

The worst ever. Lucky to only lose 2-0 to a side that were 23rd. TWENTY THIRD.

I'll be stunned if we even get top six. We are the most frustrating club in the country to support. Bar none.

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To be honest, when both Corky and Dan say we played badly (two usually pretty positive judges of performances) you know we did play badly.

I wasn't there but it really does sound like today was an absolute stinker.

That's just a nice way of calling me a Happy Clapper isn't it? :D

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Guest ttfn

As the last few posters (the ones who it looks like went to the game) have said, today was nothing short of disgraceful.

I'm past the point of being cross about it now. I was when we lost at home to Sheffield Wednesday. I said then that I'd be surprised if Pearson was still in a job on the Monday and to the Thais' credit they've stuck with him. But in the intervening time we've not won and lost to Millwall, Derby and Barnsley without making an impression in any of those games.

I and many others had high hopes that the two week international break and the trip to Portugal would reinvigorate the players but nothing has changed. In fact, we've got worse. We've barely created a chance in losing 2 games without scoring to teams really struggling at the wrong end of the table.

I've been watching us regularly since 2003, and the team I saw in September to October was the best City side I can remember seeing. In ten years. And the last two months? The worst City side.

Forget Levein's side. Forget Kelly's side. Forget even Megson, Holloway and Sousa's teams (**** me we've seen some rubbish). This has been the absolute nadir. I didn't for one minute think we'd win today, and we were playing the side 23rd in the league. What does that tell you?

Peterborough (A) 1-2

Charlton (H) 1-2

Huddersfield (H) 1-2

Blackpool (A) 0-0

Blackburn (H) 3-0

Ipswich (A) 0-1

Leeds (H) 1-1

Sheffield Wednesday (H) 0-1

Cardiff (A) 1-1

Derby (A) 1-2

Millwall (H) 0-1

Barnsley (A) 1-2

Forget the fact that it is 1 win in 12. Just look at the teams we've played in that time. None of those teams were even in particularly good form when we played them. What sort of level of club would think that was an ok or acceptable run of results?

Not bottom of the Championship, you'd go down.

Not top of League One, you'd not rate your chances of competing the next year with results like that.

Upper mid-table League One? Maybe, but you'd like to think you'd do better than lose at home to Huddersfield, Charlton, Sheffield Wednesday (all of whom were league one last season remember) and Millwall.

So we're left with a lower half of League One side or below that might think these results were vaguely acceptable. I don't think it is being arrogant or particularly entitled to suggest that we are not, and never have been a club which aspires to that level of performance. Two months ago, we looked like challenging for promotion, and now we look like a side who'd struggle to stay in League One.

I've not even mentioned the specifics of the game today yet.

King and James were so bad they made me wish Drinkwater was playing. Then I remembered Drinkwater has been playing like a dick for 2 months and I thought better of it. Overrun by Mellis and that midget with the blond hair.

Keane had a ridiculous first 20 minutes where it seemed that he could barely control the ball and managed to (somewhat unfortunately) score an own goal.

Whitbread and Konchesky were embarrassing. To think they've both played in the Premier League in the last 2 years.

Wood was pathetic in the first half and slightly less so in the second half.

Dyer may as well not have been there.

Schlupp was so much better than anything else we've seen up front recently.

Schmeichel's a hero. We'll lose him this summer.

Fair play to Barnsley, they were excellent. Had they won 5 or 6-0 I would have had no complaints. But we were just as bad as they were good - let's not forget, they were 23rd this morning. The chances are we made them look good rather than they made us look bad.

I've completely lost faith in Pearson. I will be so sad to see him go, and I am sad to have seen this spell of form under him because he's the best City manager I've seen, but he's lost it completely and whatever "it" is, he doesn't know how to get it back.

The only thing I enjoyed today was the gallows humour. People are criticising the fans, and some pretty counter-productive chants started in the second half, but I thought a lot of the fans stayed with the side for a surprisingly long time given the repeated shit we've seen in the last 2 months.

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As the last few posters (the ones who it looks like went to the game) have said, today was nothing short of disgraceful.

I'm past the point of being cross about it now. I was when we lost at home to Sheffield Wednesday. I said then that I'd be surprised if Pearson was still in a job on the Monday and to the Thais' credit they've stuck with him. But in the intervening time we've not won and lost to Millwall, Derby and Barnsley without making an impression in any of those games.

I and many others had high hopes that the two week international break and the trip to Portugal would reinvigorate the players but nothing has changed. In fact, we've got worse. We've barely created a chance in losing 2 games without scoring to teams really struggling at the wrong end of the table.

I've been watching us regularly since 2003, and the team I saw in September to October was the best City side I can remember seeing. In ten years. And the last two months? The worst City side.

Forget Levein's side. Forget Kelly's side. Forget even Megson, Holloway and Sousa's teams (**** me we've seen some rubbish). This has been the absolute nadir. I didn't for one minute think we'd win today, and we were playing the side 23rd in the league. What does that tell you?

Peterborough (A) 1-2

Charlton (H) 1-2

Huddersfield (H) 1-2

Blackpool (A) 0-0

Blackburn (H) 3-0

Ipswich (A) 0-1

Leeds (H) 1-1

Sheffield Wednesday (H) 0-1

Cardiff (A) 1-1

Derby (A) 1-2

Millwall (H) 0-1

Barnsley (A) 1-2

Forget the fact that it is 1 win in 12. Just look at the teams we've played in that time. None of those teams were even in particularly good form when we played them. What sort of level of club would think that was an ok or acceptable run of results?

Not bottom of the Championship, you'd go down.

Not top of League One, you'd not rate your chances of competing the next year with results like that.

Upper mid-table League One? Maybe, but you'd like to think you'd do better than lose at home to Huddersfield, Charlton, Sheffield Wednesday (all of whom were league one last season remember) and Millwall.

So we're left with a lower half of League One side or below that might think these results were vaguely acceptable. I don't think it is being arrogant or particularly entitled to suggest that we are not, and never have been a club which aspires to that level of performance. Two months ago, we looked like challenging for promotion, and now we look like a side who'd struggle to stay in League One.

I've not even mentioned the specifics of the game today yet.

King and James were so bad they made me wish Drinkwater was playing. Then I remembered Drinkwater has been playing like a dick for 2 months and I thought better of it. Overrun by Mellis and that midget with the blond hair.

Keane had a ridiculous first 20 minutes where it seemed that he could barely control the ball and managed to (somewhat unfortunately) score an own goal.

Whitbread and Konchesky were embarrassing. To think they've both played in the Premier League in the last 2 years.

Wood was pathetic in the first half and slightly less so in the second half.

Dyer may as well not have been there.

Schlupp was so much better than anything else we've seen up front recently.

Schmeichel's a hero. We'll lose him this summer.

Fair play to Barnsley, they were excellent. Had they won 5 or 6-0 I would have had no complaints. But we were just as bad as they were good - let's not forget, they were 23rd this morning. The chances are we made them look good rather than they made us look bad.

I've completely lost faith in Pearson. I will be so sad to see him go, and I am sad to have seen this spell of form under him because he's the best City manager I've seen, but he's lost it completely and whatever "it" is, he doesn't know how to get it back.

The only thing I enjoyed today was the gallows humour. People are criticising the fans, and some pretty counter-productive chants started in the second half, but I thought a lot of the fans stayed with the side for a surprisingly long time given the repeated shit we've seen in the last 2 months.

Sorry, fookup...... :dunno:

I was going to say that these same players (pretty much) got us top of the table in october but then had all the life, confidence and purpose drained from them by the most appalling, inept period of management that i have seen at this club, and yes that includes Peter Taylor....... :o

But I couldn't be arsed, far too complicated for most on here, I thought I would be just wasting my time....... :dunno:

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I've completely lost faith in Pearson. I will be so sad to see him go, and I am sad to have seen this spell of form under him because he's the best City manager I've seen, but he's lost it completely and whatever "it" is, he doesn't know how to get it back.

The only thing I enjoyed today was the gallows humour. People are criticising the fans, and some pretty counter-productive chants started in the second half, but I thought a lot of the fans stayed with the side for a surprisingly long time given the repeated shit we've seen in the last 2 months.

Agree with virtually all you've put but these stood out.

It's a massive shame to see such vitriol towards Pearson, a seemingly decent man who has done many good things for the club, but it is understandable, mostly through frustration I think rather than any hatred for the guy.

I didn't like the booing of Marshall straight after the incident but I did enjoy the ole's! when we managed to put a couple of passes together and the "watching Brazil" chant.

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To be honest, when both Corky and Dan say we played badly (two usually pretty positive judges of performances) you know we did play badly.

I wasn't there but it really does sound like today was an absolute stinker.

It was a total disgrace. I honestly cannot remember such an embarrassing display in my life.

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Just watched the league show, Barnsley looked good and as if they were the team vying for 6th spot with a vengeance - while we looked every bit like we were the team two from bottom before start of play!

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