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Bluearmy 316

Where are the Pearson haters now?

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Equally you cant give people shit for judging on a bad run if you rub noses in after just seven games, its madness that this thread can be justified in this manner.

I agree, I've said many times before that people blindly supporting the manager are as bad as those who blindly criticise him.

But for the anti-Pearson set to come on here and say 'you can't judge his performance as a manager until the end of the season' when those very same posters were calling for his resignation at several points during last season... Well that's just complete hypocrisy in my opinion.

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With Mark_w on this, it is not about posters criticising Pearson, it is about the posters that clearly have an agenda against Pearson. He is undeniably the most successful manager we have had since Mickey Adams, and that is a lot of managers, he may not be the best manager in the world, but he is the best we've had and the best we could get. It's like the posters that criticise Lloyd Dyer for being one dimensional, or King for not having more influence on the game. 




We can't attract the best players, the best manager, and at the moment we can't afford them either, based on the last 10 years we are an upper championship side, we attract upper championship players and managers, we finish in the play-offs, to get promoted we need one thing and that is that bit of magic that gets everything clicking at the same time. We've seen it before with these player and this manager, last season we went on winning runs unheard of in the past 10 years. We have the players and manager to get promoted. 


So what I don't get is the hatred and vitriol aimed at the best manager resultswise in the last decade, not to mention frugal and forward thinking. We are in a better position now than at any point in the last decade to actually get promoted and stay up, and I just want to ask all of those Pearson haters, who would you replace him with, and what proof do you have they could do a better job? Just to give you an idea of the job managers are up against at Leicester, managers that have failed here:


Craig Levein

Rob Kelly

Nigel Worthington

Martin Allen

Gary Megson

Ian Holloway

Paulo Sousa

Sven Gorn Eriksson


Probably missed a couple, but the point is we don't seem to be an easy team to manager, managers with more experience than NP have failed here, and managers have done badly here and gone on to better things, this is a poisoned chalice and the only person who has sipped from it and succeeded is NP, so why do people hate him? I just don't get it.


Nail on head, great post.


I accept that he's not a god or a miracle worker, but he's the most likely ticket out of this division in recent years and there aren't many objectively better alternatives.


We've been crying out for stability in recent years and I called for it under Sven. That model wouldn't have been sustainable though, despite the cracking football at times, I realise that now. Pearson has given this along with a prudent attitude in the transfer market and with the financial side of the club in general. I empathise with the people who don't rate him, I can see his limitations but in my mind it's just an unnecessary gamble.

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Equally you cant give people shit for judging on a bad run if you rub noses in after just seven games, its madness that this thread can be justified in this manner.


I don't agree with the people doing that, it's satisfying at the moment but it could just as easily go to shit in the next 4 or 5 games or after Christmas or whenever and we all look stupid. I would say most people on here are just taking a positive attitude and it's a minority who are 'rubbing it in'.


It's funny though, despite their extreme views all the 'haters' disappear when we're doing well and mainly comment when we're doing badly whereas the people in support of him are a lot more consistent. I think that's another interesting thing to note about these 'fans'.

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I never wanted him out in the first place and for some reason unknown to me some fans seem to think a new manager would of made everything good, all sweetness and light and we would dick everyone 5-0. Realistic fans know Pearson is perfectly good enough for the job and we have had a good start and we know there is a long way to go but I see no reason why we can't get promotion. The other top teams aren't that good, I see no team who I think we can't beat home or away. We have a good squad and we have added experience that I think we needed. Up the foxes!

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I loved NP first time round. I was desperate for NP to come back (he was my second choice after MON). I was very happy with him and then last season I lost my confidence in him. I thought he was arrogant and recalcitrant, awkward, obstinate, and had lost the dressing room. I wanted him out to be honest. Over the summer it appears that FFP has worked for him. He has pushed out the deadwood and achieved a band of brothers who are playing as a unit with a smile on their faces. They appear to be greater than the sum of their parts. Thanks the Lord we didn't buy 6 or 7 over the summer. Of course the jury is out but things are looking good.

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Probably missed a couple, but the point is we don't seem to be an easy team to manager, managers with more experience than NP have failed here, and managers have done badly here and gone on to better things, this is a poisoned chalice and the only person who has sipped from it and succeeded is NP, so why do people hate him? I just don't get it.


Agreed 99% with your post, but just to pick up one point, the City job isn't a poisoned chalice - we've just had a series of either shit managers or bad decisions from chairmen. It's no coincidence that as soon as we combine a decent manager with a period of stability, we start to do better. Not rocket science really. But I think you have to credit the Thais for just letting NP get on with his job.

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I think what pro-Pearson posters find frustrating about posters like you, is that you're calling for his head when we're losing regardless of other factors. None of us were pleased when we went on that dreadful run, but we could see that he had built what was undeniably a talented young squad that was only going to improve in the seasons that would follow. If people like you had got your wish and he had been sacked after one poor run then there's every chance that all of that would have been undone as we jumped back on the managerial merry-go-round. Posters who want a manager to be sacked every time we have a poor run really frustrate me because they're often not willing to take a step back and look at whether the manager has had a positive or negative impact on the club. Teams go through rough patches it happens to everyone, we will have a bad patch again at some point this season but it doesn't mean that the person in charge isn't good enough. The only fair way to judge a manager is to look at their performance over the course of a full season and last year, despite an appalling run of form at the end, we finished exactly where we as fans said we expected the club to finish.

With Mark_w on this, it is not about posters criticising Pearson, it is about the posters that clearly have an agenda against Pearson. He is undeniably the most successful manager we have had since Mickey Adams, and that is a lot of managers, he may not be the best manager in the world, but he is the best we've had and the best we could get. It's like the posters that criticise Lloyd Dyer for being one dimensional, or King for not having more influence on the game. 




We can't attract the best players, the best manager, and at the moment we can't afford them either, based on the last 10 years we are an upper championship side, we attract upper championship players and managers, we finish in the play-offs, to get promoted we need one thing and that is that bit of magic that gets everything clicking at the same time. We've seen it before with these player and this manager, last season we went on winning runs unheard of in the past 10 years. We have the players and manager to get promoted. 


So what I don't get is the hatred and vitriol aimed at the best manager resultswise in the last decade, not to mention frugal and forward thinking. We are in a better position now than at any point in the last decade to actually get promoted and stay up, and I just want to ask all of those Pearson haters, who would you replace him with, and what proof do you have they could do a better job? Just to give you an idea of the job managers are up against at Leicester, managers that have failed here:


Craig Levein

Rob Kelly

Nigel Worthington

Martin Allen

Gary Megson

Ian Holloway

Paulo Sousa

Sven Gorn Eriksson


Probably missed a couple, but the point is we don't seem to be an easy team to manager, managers with more experience than NP have failed here, and managers have done badly here and gone on to better things, this is a poisoned chalice and the only person who has sipped from it and succeeded is NP, so why do people hate him? I just don't get it.

I think NP is now showing us what he has been trying to put together since his return, an actual team. A group who work hard and play for each other.

As an aside I think pearsons subtle handling of knocky has been superb, allowing him time after the playoff and preventing any potential suitors in the transfer window by not showing him off too much. He seems to have been much more involved since the window shut.

3 great posts.

You need to look at more than just results when it comes to Pearson's management of Leicester city the backroom team he brings are fantastic look how little injuries we have do to the scientific approach he and the backroom team take to training and match days the scouting network is the best I can ever remember us having. How well have the youth teams performed in the last 2 years and in the next couple of years there should be another 2 or 3 players that our "own" break through. Look at how he has got rid of loads for the deadwood that were only here to milk as much money out of us as possible and kept us competitive with young players. And the biggest thing of all he and his team have got into a position that we should make the ffp to be fair.

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I agree, I've said many times before that people blindly supporting the manager are as bad as those who blindly criticise him.

But for the anti-Pearson set to come on here and say 'you can't judge his performance as a manager until the end of the season' when those very same posters were calling for his resignation at several points during last season... Well that's just complete hypocrisy in my opinion.

I don't see it as hypocrisy, I think a lot of us changed our minds about Pearson last season when we started off playing fast passing football on the ground.

I certainly started to think that he'd perhaps learnt and moved forward as a manager then that particularly bad run started (and we had 2 or 3 of them last season) when we reverted to defensive play and hoofball. At that point I realised that he hadn't changed that much and his default setting seemed to be defend first.

Because of those runs last season it seems quite reasonsable to me for people to say that we should all calm down and not presume that this form will continue all season.

There was even someone saying that he should have his contract extended the other day.

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The title of the thread has got lost, methinks.

Well, little chappie, we are not haters, but those of us who do not believe he is right for the job, are still here, don't you worry.

The proof of the pudding will be at the end of the season, and not before.

But why hasn't the proof been in the pudding at the end of each of his previous 3 full seasons in charge?  Why is it all about this season?


1st season - promotion from league 1 after rebuilding a squad, and fans confidence in the club


2nd season - added a few key additons and got us into the playoffs and if we're really, really honest with ourselves that was a great achievement considering what we were starting to get used to in this division


3rd season - Tore apart the previous regime, rebuilt and has us playing fantastically.  Again if we're really honest then most of us would have taken a playoff spot before last season started.  Yes we fell apart but we still made it, and it doesn't matter what the circumstances were, we were 1 kick away from the playoff final.


Love him or loathe him no one can deny that Nigel Pearson has done far more good for this club than he has harm.  He has had us consistently competing at the right end of this division and every single one of us believes that we can achieve a playoff spot at worse.  6,7,8 years ago and anyone who truly believed we could achieve that would have been laughed at.


Yes he's dry, no he doesn't have this open, happy relationship with the fans.  He's dark and stubborn.  He does sometimes lack the knowledge to get us out of a scrape, he has a plan and he will stick to it.


But I like him, I like him because I can see the good he's done here.  If he hadn't then I wouldn't like him. I don't care about how he comes across, I don't want him as my best mate. (on a side note I once stood and had a drink with Holloway, he bought me a drink in the White Horse in Quorn, great bloke, great banter, really nice and passionate but would you want him back here?)


I don't want this post or this topic to come back and bite me.  It is far too early to be shouting about our league position this season, but the base of the posts in support of Nigel is that it's about the work he continually does for the good of this club.


Where we finish this season is anyones guess! Could we get a better manager in charge? I don't know, its the nature of the sport!


But for the time being we have Nigel effing Pearson in charge, he and his team of Shakey and Walsh have us competing again in this division and as long as that continues then I'm fully behind him and our team.

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Pearson is not a great talker no course he isn't but that doesn't matter. It doesn't matter what he says to the press or tv. What he says to the players is what counts. And it's working so happy days. I do sometimes think some fans are getting like Forest fans and seem to think we have a right to win every week but obviously we don't. Get behind the manager in the good moments and then when we have a bad moment don't just slag him off without any kind of logic.

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But why hasn't the proof been in the pudding at the end of each of his previous 3 full seasons in charge? Why is it all about this season?

1st season - promotion from league 1 after rebuilding a squad, and fans confidence in the club

2nd season - added a few key additons and got us into the playoffs and if we're really, really honest with ourselves that was a great achievement considering what we were starting to get used to in this division

3rd season - Tore apart the previous regime, rebuilt and has us playing fantastically. Again if we're really honest then most of us would have taken a playoff spot before last season started. Yes we fell apart but we still made it, and it doesn't matter what the circumstances were, we were 1 kick away from the playoff final.

Love him or loathe him no one can deny that Nigel Pearson has done far more good for this club than he has harm. He has had us consistently competing at the right end of this division and every single one of us believes that we can achieve a playoff spot at worse. 6,7,8 years ago and anyone who truly believed we could achieve that would have been laughed at.

Yes he's dry, no he doesn't have this open, happy relationship with the fans. He's dark and stubborn. He does sometimes lack the knowledge to get us out of a scrape, he has a plan and he will stick to it.

But I like him, I like him because I can see the good he's done here. If he hadn't then I wouldn't like him. I don't care about how he comes across, I don't want him as my best mate. (on a side note I once stood and had a drink with Holloway, he bought me a drink in the White Horse in Quorn, great bloke, great banter, really nice and passionate but would you want him back here?)

I don't want this post or this topic to come back and bite me. It is far too early to be shouting about our league position this season, but the base of the posts in support of Nigel is that it's about the work he continually does for the good of this club.

Where we finish this season is anyones guess! Could we get a better manager in charge? I don't know, its the nature of the sport!

But for the time being we have Nigel effing Pearson in charge, he and his team of Shakey and Walsh have us competing again in this division and as long as that continues then I'm fully behind him and our team.

Some great positive posts in here. I like Pearson. I just think that folk who slate the man, don't really see the bigger picture, I put that down to a lack of intelligence.

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Why were posters like you calling for him to be sacked at several points during the season if we can't judge the manager till the end then?

lol Quite so.  


it seems it's ok to jump to the negative conclusion that he'll eventually fail, but anyone prepared to give him a reasonable chance to build a squad  is somehow lacking in brain cells. 

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Agreed 99% with your post, but just to pick up one point, the City job isn't a poisoned chalice - we've just had a series of either shit managers or bad decisions from chairmen. It's no coincidence that as soon as we combine a decent manager with a period of stability, we start to do better. Not rocket science really. But I think you have to credit the Thais for just letting NP get on with his job.


But Holloway isn't a shit manager, he was just shit here, Sousa wasn't a shit manager, he was shit here, Megson and Worthington have both been successful beofre taking us on although hard to judge their time here as it was so short, similarly Allen, Craig Levein was successful with Hearts, and afterwards with Raith and Dundee, so much so he got the Scotland job, now that's a poisoned chalice, Finally Sven world renowned international manager.


Maybe the problem is us and not them.

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Really, check out Svenssons post above.


The truth is that there is a middle ground with a lot of fans.


The ones who "hate" him and the ones that "love" him are the ones that shout the loudest.  When in fact I bet there are more who like him, and his faults, because of how he performs. 


There will be more people who stand in the pub and criticise him for certain situations and praise him for others. 


The "hater" and "lovers" are polar opposites and will never meet in the middle of all the bickering

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As the poster who made the person out thread last season and many more since 2008(including one this season when we went 1-0 down at boro), I thought this is aim at me a bit. We're all Leicester fans and their no need to gloat because you can look very stupid, very quickly. Say we lose the next 6 games. He'll be sacked. Say Vardy starts playing like he did last season in the next 6 games. He'll be out on loan at some league 2 team.



Love this attitude.


Good results = gloating is childish, you're all quite sad really, we're all Leicester fans lets enjoy it together, I'll be more than happy if I am proved wrong there is no need for I told you so's


Bad results = Simple minded Idiots! I told you then buffon should of walked 2 seasons ago, fans backing Pearson should be ashamed of themselves if we had sacked the incompetent moron we'd be in the Premier League by now! I told you so!.



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But Holloway isn't a shit manager, he was just shit here, Sousa wasn't a shit manager, he was shit here, Megson and Worthington have both been successful beofre taking us on although hard to judge their time here as it was so short, similarly Allen, Craig Levein was successful with Hearts, and afterwards with Raith and Dundee, so much so he got the Scotland job, now that's a poisoned chalice, Finally Sven world renowned international manager.


Maybe the problem is us and not them.

There'sa lot of truth to that.

Wouldn't have mattered who'd been in charge the season we went down to Division 3, nobody could have turned that around.

That is one thing I do thank Pearson for, although I think almost any manager could have got that team promoted, he gave me back my pride in my club after we'd reached ourr lowest point ever.

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There'sa lot of truth to that.

Wouldn't have mattered who'd been in charge the season we went down to Division 3, nobody could have turned that around.

That is one thing I do thank Pearson for, although I think almost any manager could have got that team promoted, he gave me back my pride in my club after we'd reached ourr lowest point ever.

Based on what facts could "any manager" have done that? Sheff Wed/Utd , leeds and Notts Florest will all disagree with that. Its a tough league to get out of.

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