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The Politics Thread

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6 minutes ago, Buce said:

We haven't actually left yet.

No but most economists were predicted the instability would hit us hard, instead we have seena  small currency and market crash already recovering and our output it at it's highest for a while. Not to mention Scottish independence which also looks a dead duck (yougov poll today 55-45 against still) after we were told it was almost certain to happen. It's been a pretty decent start for Brexit put it that way.

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On 7/29/2016 at 08:15, Rincewind said:

Politics is in a right mess now with in house fighting from both parties and full of career politicians. Corbyn does not have the glitzy smile or charisma to attract the majority of Labourites who now have their own houses 2.4 kids and everything that goes with it. Long gone are the manufacturing factories which was the core of the vote.

Is it not the role of the opposition to attack the party in power and not their own members. We have even had Labour MP's praising Tory speeches. How crazy is that?

It's years since Labour represented the British working class. I'm not even sure it "represents" anyone anymore, apart, perhaps, from incomers using them as a convenient vehicle for their own journeys, those supporting others on their journey (a la Vaz), or people  blindly following communal direction. It's like a political tumour to me. Something no-one likes but can't completely get rid of.      

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Thracian makes a good point. The Labour party have lost touch with the working class in the last few years. The party is full of New Labour types who are pretty close to being Tory without joining them. I don't think they are alone though. Many MP's have lost touch.

Corbyn may not be perfect for the role of PM but who else in the party is going to go against the trend of playing it safe?

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1 hour ago, Rincewind said:

Thracian makes a good point. The Labour party have lost touch with the working class in the last few years. The party is full of New Labour types who are pretty close to being Tory without joining them. I don't think they are alone though. Many MP's have lost touch.

Corbyn may not be perfect for the role of PM but who else in the party is going to go against the trend of playing it safe?


Corbyn's certainly gone against the trend in suggesting Vaz "doesn't seem to have done anything wrong" and that the matter should be regarded as a "private" issue.    


If I'd kept my dog on a lead as long as Corbyn seems to condone, the whole country would have been tripping over it. 

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I live in Northwest Leicestershire. Coalville is probably the best example of a working class Labour leaning area as we have in the County and the Tories have run the local council for the last 10 years (ish). The local Tory MP (Andrew Bridgen) got in with a majority of 11,500 last year.

 Why is this important? The area is slowly changing. The pits and the heavy industry have gone, I suspect the Corbyn style of yesteryear Socialism will play just as badly here as elsewhere.  It might well solidify core support and electrify a member here or there to knock a few more doors but not the wider population.

 I heard with more own ears a resident telling a local Tory to "beat those Commie b*******s" at a polling station last year. That was with Ed Miliband in charge, what will they say and do with Jeremy Corbyn at the helm?

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On 9/5/2016 at 10:39, Rincewind said:

Thracian makes a good point. The Labour party have lost touch with the working class in the last few years. The party is full of New Labour types who are pretty close to being Tory without joining them. I don't think they are alone though. Many MP's have lost touch.

Corbyn may not be perfect for the role of PM but who else in the party is going to go against the trend of playing it safe?

There is a grey area between playing it safe and turning your party into a bomb site.


Corbyn doesn't know who Ant and Dec are, can't book a train journey properly, goes to events supporting the Cuban government and spends time trotting around garnering support for failed regimes in South America, he's as out of touch with oridnary people as any Labour leader ever has been. Just because he lives in a small house doesn't make him a man of the people anyone than Ed Miliband's kitchen did.

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8 minutes ago, IrememberBobHazell said:

I live in Northwest Leicestershire. Coalville is probably the best example of a working class Labour leaning area as we have in the County and the Tories have run the local council for the last 10 years (ish). The local Tory MP (Andrew Bridgen) got in with a majority of 11,500 last year.

 Why is this important? The area is slowly changing. The pits and the heavy industry have gone, I suspect the Corbyn style of yesteryear Socialism will play just as badly here as elsewhere.  It might well solidify core support and electrify a member here or there to knock a few more doors but not the wider population.

 I heard with more own ears a resident telling a local Tory to "beat those Commie b*******s" at a polling station last year. That was with Ed Miliband in charge, what will they say and do with Jeremy Corbyn at the helm?


tbf, he sounds like a right thick twat.

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2 minutes ago, Buce said:


tbf, he sounds like a right thick twat.

Agree, although no different to the idiots who run away still trying to claim the Tories are racists and bigots, of which there are many.

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It appears Theresa May quoted a 'racist' Twitter Troll to attack Mr Corbyn. Methinks her research team should work a little harder and thorough in their work.



Source an independent site that invites anyone to write for them on various topics. read the about us, much I agree with in regards to the MSM. http://evolvepolitics.com/about-us/


Maybe one of the posters on here could submit an article  on how Troxyist Corbyn supports the violent element of the group momentum. I am sure it will be an excellent unbiased article which quite a few will agree with.

There have been many well informed posts on here showing Corbyn up for what he truly is. Keep up the good work.

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57 minutes ago, Rincewind said:

It appears Theresa May quoted a 'racist' Twitter Troll to attack Mr Corbyn. Methinks her research team should work a little harder and thorough in their work.



Source an independent site that invites anyone to write for them on various topics. read the about us, much I agree with in regards to the MSM. http://evolvepolitics.com/about-us/


Maybe one of the posters on here could submit an article  on how Troxyist Corbyn supports the violent element of the group momentum. I am sure it will be an excellent unbiased article which quite a few will agree with.

There have been many well informed posts on here showing Corbyn up for what he truly is. Keep up the good work.

Have you even clicked on these links @Rincewind ? I've just done so on that and these are all the headlines instantly visible on the front page.


"Corbyn unveils BOLD new energy strategy, but Owen Smith and the pro-frackers are unimpressed"

"Disibility campaigners shut down Westminster in solidarity with those killed by Tory austerity"

"Theresa May reads out 'racist' Twitter Troll to attack Mr Corbyn"

"The Great Wall of Calais, a Trump solution is no solution"

"Criticise Vaz for his politics, not personal life"

"The Sun's latest smear on Corbyn uses a fake expert, fake quotes..."

"Despite hiring racist killers, Theresa May hires G4S..."

"Owen Smith says his sexist remarks are just banter..."

"Owen Smith supported PFI but says Corbyn to blame..."

"This suggest Labour are only intent on purging Corbyn supporters"

"Labour purge, Corbyn councillor suspended for being rude...."

"Right wing entryists ban left wing entryists..."

"This is why it's essential Corbyn wins the Labour leadership..."

"Labour purge in overdrive as Corbyn supporter banned..."

"Another week, another lamentable intervention from Daily Mail Bigot herder Katie Hopkins"


Do you really believe anyone is going to fall for that being neutral and independent? They can't even give a left wing Labour member of 20+ years a fair hearing, I'll set you a challenge, find me a pro-right wing article on the whole website.

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1 hour ago, Rincewind said:

It appears Theresa May quoted a 'racist' Twitter Troll to attack Mr Corbyn. Methinks her research team should work a little harder and thorough in their work.



Source an independent site that invites anyone to write for them on various topics. read the about us, much I agree with in regards to the MSM. http://evolvepolitics.com/about-us/


Maybe one of the posters on here could submit an article  on how Troxyist Corbyn supports the violent element of the group momentum. I am sure it will be an excellent unbiased article which quite a few will agree with.

There have been many well informed posts on here showing Corbyn up for what he truly is. Keep up the good work.


I can't deny, May's team should have taken a much closer look at where they were sourcing their tweets etc, and it's made them look a bit bloody stupid. No doubt someone will be facing the consequences for that! However, as Matt pointed out, posting from there is the same as me posting this story...which you could easily argue is the same as, if not worse than the May story, and it's not exactly the first time. No one from here needs to write an article regarding what you suggested, as he does a good job of silently supporting them by not condemning them. Besides there's plenty of articles such as the one below which do the job.



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