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On 09/01/2018 at 07:34, ozleicester said:

An interesting read, as with all studies, reports and investigations, i would like to know a little more about the author and quoted Doctors.


Either way, its pretty obvious to me that our lives and lifestyles play a part in our mental well being...but, i will leave this for discussion in other threads.


For anyone struggling/suffering please always remember there are people that love you and will help you. If you can do anything, talk to someone. :thumbup:

I’ve just finished this book.  Interesting read!

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1 hour ago, Jon the Hat said:

Right, going cold turkey on Citalopram for five days is not the best plan I’ve ever had.  Going to do half dose every other day to see if my head feels less shit!

Be careful, maybe talk to your doc or expert?

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8 hours ago, Jon the Hat said:

Right, going cold turkey on Citalopram for five days is not the best plan I’ve ever had.  Going to do half dose every other day to see if my head feels less shit!


Depending how long you’ve been taking it, Jon, I’d say that’s much too sudden. 


As Oz suggested, ask your GP for guidance. 

Edited by Buce
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15 minutes ago, Jon the Hat said:

Indeed, I’m going to take half does daily for a couple of weeks I think.  




Withdrawal symptoms seen on discontinuation of citalopram


Abrupt discontinuation should be avoided. When stopping treatment with citalopram the dose should be gradually reduced over a period of at least one to two weeks in order to reduce the risk of withdrawal reactions (see section 4.4 Special Warnings and Special Precautions for Use and section 4.8 Undesirable Effects). If intolerable symptoms occur following a decrease in the dose or upon discontinuation of treatment, then resuming the previously prescribed dose may be considered. Subsequently, the physician may continue decreasing the dose, but at a more gradual rate.


Withdrawal symptoms when treatment is discontinued are common, particularly if discontinuation is abrupt (see section 4.8). In a recurrence prevention clinical trial adverse events after discontinuation of active ingredient were seen in 40% of patinets versus 20 % in patients continuing citalopram.

The risk of withdrawal symptoms may be dependent on several factors including the duration and dose of therapy and the rate of dose reduction. Dizziness, sensory disturbances (including paraesthesia), sleep disturbances (including insomnia and intense dreams), agitation or anxiety, nausea and/or vomiting, tremor, confusion, sweating, headache, diarrhoea, palpitations, emotional instability, irritability, and visual disturbances are the most commonly reported reactions. Generally these symptoms are mild to moderate, however, in some patients they may be severe in intensity. They usually occur within the first few days of discontinuing treatment, but there have been very rare reports of such symptoms in patients who have inadvertently missed a dose. Generally these symptoms are self-limiting and usually resolve within 2 weeks, though in some individuals they may be prolonged (2-3 months or more). It is therefore advised that citalopram should be gradually tapered when discontinuing treatment over a period of several weeks or months, according to the patient's needs (see “Withdrawal symptoms seen on discontinuation of citalopram”, Section 4.2 Posology and Method of Administration).

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2 hours ago, foxoffderby said:

I tried to come off it really made me worse. Then it takes a few weeks for it to kick back in once your back on it. Take it easy.

Fortunately the side effects of withdrawal are all physical so far.  Feeling pretty determined to get off them, but going to take it slower now.  Feeling better today although sill a little woozy.


Thanks all for your concern!

Edited by Jon the Hat
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I usually take myself off ssris cold turkey when I feel the need or whim to be honest. I haven't taken flouxetine in a week and it's the third or fourth time I've just dropped it. 


You may run in to some physical side effects, some may well be psychosomatic to be honest. But generally you'll be fine in a day or two. 


I wouldn't expect any immediate short term shift in mood either, other than placebo.

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I had a telephone consultation with someone from Open Mind today and asked for counselor sessions with a view to going through stress management after that. I genuinely feel scared because most of it has stemmed from issues at home and it occasionally effects my concentration at work. What I don't want to do is tell my parents out of fear they will overreact and say that I'm just overreacting. I told them over the phone that I just want to get back to being my normal happy go luck self, and not feel like I'm putting on an act just to show people that I'm fine.

Edited by Dipak83
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1 hour ago, Finnegan said:

I usually take myself off ssris cold turkey when I feel the need or whim to be honest. I haven't taken flouxetine in a week and it's the third or fourth time I've just dropped it. 


You may run in to some physical side effects, some may well be psychosomatic to be honest. But generally you'll be fine in a day or two. 


I wouldn't expect any immediate short term shift in mood either, other than placebo.

I am pretty much convinced it was only ever Placebo for me anyway.  Hopefully in a better place now, plus some decent counselling going on at the moment.

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Feeling so anxious about a big family get together this weekend. There are some people I haven't seen in a long time, before my depression started in fact. I was in a much better place back then and probably look an absolute train wreck in comparison. Would take any opportunity to miss it but it's a sibling's birthday so I feel obliged to be there.


I just don't know how I can handle so many people at once. Particularly those who might make snidy comments or judge me, even if it's a joke I know I'll take it personally.


Started to slowly come out of my shell and met certain friends over the past month but I just feel this has come way too soon. Too big a step which I'm not ready for.


It's gonna be the biggest challenge in my road to recovery so far. If I can make it through this I'll have done well. But fretting so much I've not slept well this week at all thinking about it. 

Edited by TK95
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On 1/23/2018 at 21:32, Dipak83 said:

I had a telephone consultation with someone from Open Mind today and asked for counselor sessions with a view to going through stress management after that. I genuinely feel scared because most of it has stemmed from issues at home and it occasionally effects my concentration at work. What I don't want to do is tell my parents out of fear they will overreact and say that I'm just overreacting. I told them over the phone that I just want to get back to being my normal happy go luck self, and not feel like I'm putting on an act just to show people that I'm fine.

Well done for making the call... talking is really important and that you have recognised that there is an issue is terrific.


Take you time with things that cause difficulties (eg parents) and listen to your counsellor, stick with it, there will be dificult times, but in most circumstsances, you and your life will be better, just dont give in.  


Good Luck :)

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1 hour ago, TK95 said:

Feeling so anxious about a big family get together this weekend. There are some people I haven't seen in a long time, before my depression started in fact. I was in a much better place back then and probably look an absolute train wreck in comparison. Would take any opportunity to miss it but it's a sibling's birthday so I feel obliged to be there.


I just don't know how I can handle so many people at once. Particularly those who might make snidy comments or judge me, even if it's a joke I know I'll take it personally.


Started to slowly come out of my shell and met certain friends over the past month but I just feel this has come way too soon. Too big a step which I'm not ready for.


It's gonna be the biggest challenge in my road to recovery so far. If I can make it through this I'll have done well. But fretting so much I've not slept well this week at all thinking about it. 

wow, good luck pal, it sounds a really difficult situation and props to you for making the effort.


Sounds great that you are making progress in coming out etc and this event will certainly challenge you... remember if you need to take a break and a breath..its cool to get away and find a place that is more safe and comfortable.


all the best :)

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10 hours ago, TK95 said:

Feeling so anxious about a big family get together this weekend. There are some people I haven't seen in a long time, before my depression started in fact. I was in a much better place back then and probably look an absolute train wreck in comparison. Would take any opportunity to miss it but it's a sibling's birthday so I feel obliged to be there.


I just don't know how I can handle so many people at once. Particularly those who might make snidy comments or judge me, even if it's a joke I know I'll take it personally.


Started to slowly come out of my shell and met certain friends over the past month but I just feel this has come way too soon. Too big a step which I'm not ready for.


It's gonna be the biggest challenge in my road to recovery so far. If I can make it through this I'll have done well. But fretting so much I've not slept well this week at all thinking about it. 

I totally understand your anxiety mate and I’m sure we all empathise with you. I’d be surprised if people judge you or make snidy comments at the party, and well if they do, then frankly - fvck em.


I guess it’s about trying to take control of the situation and approach it in a positive manner rather than being fearful of it. In my experience, most people love talking about themselves so I’d detract the focus from me onto them by asking the questions and listening. Take the spotlight off you and put it onto them instead.


It is a big challenge but imagine how good you’ll feel when you ‘survive’ it. Like you say, you’ll have done well and you’ll be proud of yourself. The first part of recovery is acceptance so please forgive yourself and be comfortable with where you’re at right now. Most people will understand and if they’re family I’d like to think they’ll be fully supportive of your situation.


Good luck. Relax, be in the moment and ignore any crooked thinking you might have. Let us know how it goes and I’ll bet it goes much better than you think....


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I've been doing really well recently, I've started a new job in the months before Christmas as a temp and they extended my contract until at least May. I still have sporadic anxiety attacks but citalopram and some counselling seem to have equipped me with the tools to deal with it.


Today, pretty much out of the blue, me and my Girlfriend went our seperate ways. 18 months, not that long but at 22 it's a big thing. She's been there for me at my darkest moments and stuck by me through them all. Distance has been the main obstacle but it's ended amicably and I'll always cherish the things we did as a pair, I'm a much healthier, self-aware and positive person now compared to when I met her. However it means the next chapter, I need to hold it together, to further myself. I've just brought myself a cheap keyboard on amazon as I've always wanted to learn how to play and now seems like the perfect time to get stuck into it. If anybody else has any post break up tips, please let me know.


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10 hours ago, Lionator said:

I've been doing really well recently, I've started a new job in the months before Christmas as a temp and they extended my contract until at least May. I still have sporadic anxiety attacks but citalopram and some counselling seem to have equipped me with the tools to deal with it.


Today, pretty much out of the blue, me and my Girlfriend went our seperate ways. 18 months, not that long but at 22 it's a big thing. She's been there for me at my darkest moments and stuck by me through them all. Distance has been the main obstacle but it's ended amicably and I'll always cherish the things we did as a pair, I'm a much healthier, self-aware and positive person now compared to when I met her. However it means the next chapter, I need to hold it together, to further myself. I've just brought myself a cheap keyboard on amazon as I've always wanted to learn how to play and now seems like the perfect time to get stuck into it. If anybody else has any post break up tips, please let me know.


Lovely to hear from you again mate and it’s wonderful that you’ve been doing so well lately with your counselling and meds :thumbup:


Sorry to hear you’ve split with your GF but it’s good that it was amicable and that you’re grateful for your time together. Unfortunately I’ve been married for 20 years so don’t have any advice or post break up tips! But I’m sure there’s some posters on here who can give you some pearls of wisdom :)


All I do know is that you’re still young and have the rest of your life ahead of you. It might feel tough right now but it’s a new beginning and a new opportunity for you to get out there and enjoy the dating game again when you’re ready. 


Getting a keyboard now sounds like perfect timing so good luck learning to play! Keep us posted on how you get on with everything and stay positive. You’re doing great fella :)

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27 minutes ago, tom27111 said:

Bad couple of weeks at work. Got that knot in my stomach and feeling shitty about everything. 


Don't even know why, but feel I'm slipping back in to it.


Don't want to go to the doc again, but might have to

Hi Tom. Sorry to hear you're feeling shitty mate :(


The way you turned it all around over the last 12 months has been an inspiration to all of us but I guess this just shows that we're never truly cured - just in and out of recovery..


I still stand by my philosophy that we're 'living in the feeling of our thinking, 100% of the time'. So if you're feeling shitty and like you're slipping back, I'd suggest this has stemmed from some new negative thinking about stuff. So what's changed about your thought process recently? 


And remember 'our thoughts are not always to be trusted' and are not our reality. I still suffer from lots of 'What if?' crooked thinking but I've learnt to catch it now and stop myself disappearing down those rabbit holes.


I know you've also had lots of empowering and positive thoughts about how you've turned this around because you've shared them on here. These are the thoughts to shine a light on and pay conscious attention to - not the negative ones.


Sorry if I'm sounding like a scratched record as I always end up banging on about this. But I now truly believe it's the difference that makes the difference - well for me anyway.


Seeing the Doc again might not be a bad thing mate. You'll follow your instincts and do what's right for you I'm sure. Just remember we're all here for you.


Love you dude..



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32 minutes ago, Izzy Muzzett said:

Hi Tom. Sorry to hear you're feeling shitty mate :(


The way you turned it all around over the last 12 months has been an inspiration to all of us but I guess this just shows that we're never truly cured - just in and out of recovery..


I still stand by my philosophy that we're 'living in the feeling of our thinking, 100% of the time'. So if you're feeling shitty and like you're slipping back, I'd suggest this has stemmed from some new negative thinking about stuff. So what's changed about your thought process recently? 


And remember 'our thoughts are not always to be trusted' and are not our reality. I still suffer from lots of 'What if?' crooked thinking but I've learnt to catch it now and stop myself disappearing down those rabbit holes.


I know you've also had lots of empowering and positive thoughts about how you've turned this around because you've shared them on here. These are the thoughts to shine a light on and pay conscious attention to - not the negative ones.


Sorry if I'm sounding like a scratched record as I always end up banging on about this. But I now truly believe it's the difference that makes the difference - well for me anyway.


Seeing the Doc again might not be a bad thing mate. You'll follow your instincts and do what's right for you I'm sure. Just remember we're all here for you.


Love you dude..




Cheers Izz 


Just can't put my finger on it, things are good but just have this feeling.


Been like it about a week, losing motivation. Just want to nip it in the bud.


Don't want to get to where I was before. It's hard to explain.


Thanks for your thoughts though, I just don't want it it to be like before .


Love you too x

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Absolutely taken through the ringer by my therapist yesterday who cracked me like an egg. Very emotionally draining session. 


Came out afterwards, went upstairs to have a piss and collect myself before leaving. 


Coming back down the narrow staircase afterwards, who should be coming the other way but an ex's (who I didn't exactly treat wonderfully) mother. lollol


Talk about ****ing awkward. 

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On 1/27/2018 at 01:45, ozleicester said:

Well done for making the call... talking is really important and that you have recognised that there is an issue is terrific.


Take you time with things that cause difficulties (eg parents) and listen to your counsellor, stick with it, there will be dificult times, but in most circumstsances, you and your life will be better, just dont give in.  


Good Luck :)

Thanks for your kind words, it genuinely means a lot to me. I've had a follow up call and I've agreed to go on a waiting list to speak to a counselor due to demand but take stress management course while I wait for a counselor. Some days are better than others, some days I could just feel down because of a sarcastic comment or be really happy because I've simply had no issues. There are days where I just don't want to do anything or speak to anyone. I understand that things may get worse before they get better, but I'm determined to work at it, even if things get worse.

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4 hours ago, Finnegan said:

Absolutely taken through the ringer by my therapist yesterday who cracked me like an egg. Very emotionally draining session. 


Came out afterwards, went upstairs to have a piss and collect myself before leaving. 


Coming back down the narrow staircase afterwards, who should be coming the other way but an ex's (who I didn't exactly treat wonderfully) mother. lollol


Talk about ****ing awkward. 

Nightmare!  At least it shows you are dealing with your issues!

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2 hours ago, Dipak83 said:

Thanks for your kind words, it genuinely means a lot to me. I've had a follow up call and I've agreed to go on a waiting list to speak to a counselor due to demand but take stress management course while I wait for a counselor. Some days are better than others, some days I could just feel down because of a sarcastic comment or be really happy because I've simply had no issues. There are days where I just don't want to do anything or speak to anyone. I understand that things may get worse before they get better, but I'm determined to work at it, even if things get worse.

Good on ya mate :thumbup:


Your determination to not let this beat you will see you through I'm sure. It is a roller-coaster of ups and downs but you recognise this and are aware of it.


If you have days where you don't feel like talking to anyone you can always post on here. We're all in the same boat and know exactly how you feel.


All the best with the counselling. Best thing I ever did and hopefully you'll feel better after the process. 

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