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Coronavirus Thread

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13 minutes ago, Webbo said:

2 of my daughter who only the slightest possible conditions have both got appointments. If you've got asthma you should have been called by now. You should ring your GP.

I have and was told because I’ve never spent a night in hospital they wouldn’t do it, despite being in a n e 3 or 4 times with it lol 

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1 hour ago, Costock_Fox said:

Any asthmatics that haven’t been admitted to hospital had any joy in getting a jab? Wondering if I turned up at the peepul centre in the walk ins this weekend whether I would get it.

Our neighbour went to the mosque? in Leicester where there was a walk in vaccine centre. he's under 50 but quite badly asthmatic. His wife went and got the vaccine too. Thye were told there were plenty of spare slots as people were not coming forwards.

They found the info on twitter. Checked before going it was ok.

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4 minutes ago, reynard said:

Our neighbour went to the mosque? in Leicester where there was a walk in vaccine centre. he's under 50 but quite badly asthmatic. His wife went and got the vaccine too. Thye were told there were plenty of spare slots as people were not coming forwards.

They found the info on twitter. Checked before going it was ok.

Thanks, I might turn up at the peepul centre tomorrow and see if they will do it.

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6 minutes ago, reynard said:

Best of luck. our son is asthmatic and was admitted to hospital as a child, lives in Birmingham now but can't get a jab.

That makes no sense does it. If he has spent the night in hospital the government have said he can get a jab, it’s on Asthma UKs website.

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6 hours ago, dsr-burnley said:

Do you believe that there is zero possibility of you carrying the virus and transmitting in future?

Or do you believe that the jab will make no difference to the possibility of you carrying the virus and transmitting it in the future?


I refuse to believe that you don't care who you transmit the virus to, so I would guess it has to be one of the above.

Can you give me factual evidence concerning the transmission of the virus? Are people that have had covid more likely to transmit the virus more than people who have had the jab?

6 hours ago, Line-X said:

I'm sure that your encouragement is a real "shot in the arm" for others. Regarding your own, isn't it false? - and that's where the difficulties lie? They may roll up your sleeve and discover it?


Actually, I put it to you, that you are not in actual fact the real Rod Hull, but an imposter...a "cheap fabrication". 

I`ll have the jab for a bowl of green jelly, I just love jelly. I am him btw.

6 hours ago, Nod.E said:

Top notch? lol


Why are you bragging about your immune system? 

No but yes 

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3 hours ago, I am Rod Hull said:

Can you give me factual evidence concerning the transmission of the virus? Are people that have had covid more likely to transmit the virus more than people who have had the jab?

Yes.  The virus is transmitted through the air, usually by breathing in air that someone else has breathed out.  Being vaccinated or having had the jab before does not make you immune from breathing in the virus, it just makes the virus particles that you breathe slower to reproduce so you are less badly affected.  Because you have fewer virus particles you are less likely to infect other people but you still can.  The biggest spreaders of any virus tend to be those who have got the virus but don't know it because they have few or no symptoms.  


Can you give me factual evidence that having the vaccine will make no difference to whether you spread the virus or not?  Because like I said, there are only two reasons not to have it if you agree in principle with vaccination.


Reason 1.  You are certain that in your case vaccination can make no difference whatsoever to your chances of spreading the disease.

Reason 2.  You are certain that you will be OK whether vaccinated or no, and you don't give a stuff if you spread the disease.

Edited by dsr-burnley
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Boris suggesting people have had 'enough days off' and should make a 'passing stab' at getting back to the office. 


Nevermind the fact that's complete horse shit and people are working at home...why does he have to speak like such a ****ing c u n t. 

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1 hour ago, foxile5 said:

Boris suggesting people have had 'enough days off' and should make a 'passing stab' at getting back to the office. 


Nevermind the fact that's complete horse shit and people are working at home...why does he have to speak like such a ****ing c u n t. 

Because, he is indeed a fvcking cvnt?!

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8 minutes ago, foxile5 said:

What's a 'passing stab'. 


Stop talking in ridiculous, private school metaphor and act like a ****ing leader. 


He's so blithely ignorant of his own failings. 

The most dangerous thing about big BJ is that he has convinced the world (for the most part) that he is this blubbering idiot when infact, he is a very intelligent, cunning and calculated individual. 

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2 hours ago, foxile5 said:

Boris suggesting people have had 'enough days off' and should make a 'passing stab' at getting back to the office. 


Nevermind the fact that's complete horse shit and people are working at home...why does he have to speak like such a ****ing c u n t. 

Thats a bit of shitty thing for him to say but if his badly made point was to try to get people back in the office (ie what Sunak said last week) then I get their point.


They need people back in the offices to support the knock on economy likes the shops around the office, transport, coffee shops, pubs and restaurants, let alone office space / the need for commercial property rental.


I had to go into the office, which is based in the City of London. When walking about at lunchtime it hits home the volume of outlets that are closed that could have easily opened under current guidelines but didnt as the potential footfall wouldnt have been worth it.

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Was talking to a bus driver yesterday and he was telling me how from after the rush hour, which isn’t really a rush hour at the moment anyway, he often drives the entire bus route without a single stop.  Made me realise just how bad town must be at the moment with barely anyone having a reason to go there. 

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4 hours ago, foxile5 said:

Boris suggesting people have had 'enough days off' and should make a 'passing stab' at getting back to the office. 


Nevermind the fact that's complete horse shit and people are working at home...why does he have to speak like such a ****ing c u n t. 

A lot of things he says pisses me off but that did more than other things yesterday. 

He'll pass it off as 'banter' but it's just a really twattish thing to say. I expect nothing less :dunno:

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26 minutes ago, StanSP said:

A lot of things he says pisses me off but that did more than other things yesterday. 

He'll pass it off as 'banter' but it's just a really twattish thing to say. I expect nothing less :dunno:

It's unreal he's in the position he is. If it were some junior minister or a civil servant you could chalk it up to inexperience or naivety. But the man is the PM and should know better. 

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5 hours ago, foxile5 said:

Boris suggesting people have had 'enough days off' and should make a 'passing stab' at getting back to the office. 


Nevermind the fact that's complete horse shit and people are working at home...why does he have to speak like such a ****ing c u n t. 

This is back on the agenda, is it? Like last year's effort to get people back into the office which saw them threatened with losing their jobs if they didn't.


****ing hell, we're only just being allowed to go outside with other people after three months, no doubt when public transport is filling up again you'll get panic and worry about the spread.

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16 hours ago, reynard said:

Our neighbour went to the mosque? in Leicester where there was a walk in vaccine centre. he's under 50 but quite badly asthmatic. His wife went and got the vaccine too. Thye were told there were plenty of spare slots as people were not coming forwards.

They found the info on twitter. Checked before going it was ok.

How are they keeping track of who's been vaccinated and with which vaccine for these adhoc visits?


My Mrs works in a dental surgery (not even in the City) and the amount of Muslim patients in particular who have identical names and birthdays makes me think it'll be a nightmare for the NHS! (I say identical birthdays because many don't seem to know theirs so they'll all put 1st January).

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13 minutes ago, DennisNedry said:

How are they keeping track of who's been vaccinated and with which vaccine for these adhoc visits?


My Mrs works in a dental surgery (not even in the City) and the amount of Muslim patients in particular who have identical names and birthdays makes me think it'll be a nightmare for the NHS! (I say identical birthdays because many don't seem to know theirs so they'll all put 1st January).

NHS ID/number? 

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On the “returning to the office” question, to me the Conservatives simply look behind the times on it. It’s something that I believe would genuinely cost them votes in the long run - a lot of ordinary, introverted people have been converted to the idea of working from home and see little point any more in returning to the office, with commuting time, unwanted co-workers, oppressive presence of bosses, and any number of other things now avoidable with no drop in productivity. People have proven they can do it. Technology has largely proven to be up to the job. There are still difficulties in networking (which a lot of people hate anyway) and on-boarding, but they can be overcome.


The world has moved on and many people will feel it’s a better option for them now. If the Tories don’t move on with it and understand this, people will move away from them. Because make no mistake, there are “quiet Conservative” votes hooked up in this.

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9 minutes ago, Dunge said:

On the “returning to the office” question, to me the Conservatives simply look behind the times on it. It’s something that I believe would genuinely cost them votes in the long run - a lot of ordinary, introverted people have been converted to the idea of working from home and see little point any more in returning to the office, with commuting time, unwanted co-workers, oppressive presence of bosses, and any number of other things now avoidable with no drop in productivity. People have proven they can do it. Technology has largely proven to be up to the job. There are still difficulties in networking (which a lot of people hate anyway) and on-boarding, but they can be overcome.


The world has moved on and many people will feel it’s a better option for them now. If the Tories don’t move on with it and understand this, people will move away from them. Because make no mistake, there are “quiet Conservative” votes hooked up in this.

This is the issue for me - there seems to be some in the Tory party (PM included) who seem so far detached from reality of the general working folk :dunno:

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15 minutes ago, Dunge said:

On the “returning to the office” question, to me the Conservatives simply look behind the times on it. It’s something that I believe would genuinely cost them votes in the long run - a lot of ordinary, introverted people have been converted to the idea of working from home and see little point any more in returning to the office, with commuting time, unwanted co-workers, oppressive presence of bosses, and any number of other things now avoidable with no drop in productivity. People have proven they can do it. Technology has largely proven to be up to the job. There are still difficulties in networking (which a lot of people hate anyway) and on-boarding, but they can be overcome.


The world has moved on and many people will feel it’s a better option for them now. If the Tories don’t move on with it and understand this, people will move away from them. Because make no mistake, there are “quiet Conservative” votes hooked up in this.



My work place announced that my job is now home working or redundancy which suits me.

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2 minutes ago, StanSP said:

This is the issue for me - there seems to be some in the Tory party (PM included) who seem so far detached from reality of the general working folk :dunno:

Certainly I think there’s an element here of people concerned about their investments in London office buildings going down the pan, and rating those concerns over the wishes of the populace. And indeed a degree of ivory tower thinking. Whether Boris himself is part of that thinking or just appeasing it is unclear. Indeed, it’s unclear exactly what Boris believes a lot of the time.


I think there is also an element here of worrying what genie might have been let out of the bottle though. For instance, if companies decide they don’t need physical offices anymore, how long before they decide they don’t need UK workers anymore either? There could be some unpleasant consequences down the road that the government don’t want to countenance or answer.


However, trying to stop the world from turning is rarely the right answer. They probably need to start making plans for hybrid working or protective legislation instead.

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3 minutes ago, Costock_Fox said:



My work place announced that my job is now home working or redundancy which suits me.

My workplace has been very good over the matter, and I recognise I’ve been fortunate that way. I haven’t been back to my office since last March, and continued working online throughout. I think my company’s future will be hybrid working - part office, part home. But they’re in no rush on it and are going with the flow. Which is how it should be, I reckon.

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It's not so much the going back to the office issue but the way it's couched. The Prime Minister is effectively suggesting people working from home are being idle. They're not. They're doing their best in a difficult situation. 


Of course I'm sure none of the party have a vested financial interest in having office buildings full. 

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Sounds like we may be getting some Moderna doses next month.


Could be allocated to the under 50s perhaps as doing so won't impact those awaiting 2nd doses?


How you'd spread the doses around the country though (apparently only hundreds of thousands are expected initially) could be very difficult logistically, especially while trying to organise 2nd doses of Pfizer and Oxford AZ jabs for groups 1-9.

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