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Guest nathan.

EDL (English Defence League)

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I'm a non-believer but I I have no problem with others believing. Yes I am sure there are different levels as in all faiths but as long. The rules are passed down generation to generation by chosen priests etc. The interprutt the holy books to suit the community.

If there was a faith that did not involve praying to an imaginary super being and promises of after life that would be closer to what I want to live my life treating others with respect regardless of race religion creed or colour.

There are many of those that preach in churches favouring the evolution POV over the creation one. I believe the whole idea of religion came about to stop ancient man killing one another and non-stop sexual activity. Religion slowed them down and fear the consciquences as told by the high priest.

I said on another message board I did not believe in God or Heaven. Someone replied 'When you are old and on your deathbed you will change my mind.' I reoplied 'Does that mean that when I'm old and senile I will suddenly start seeing things and go against all what I stood for.' Not sure if there was a reply back. I think if we take away all the miracles angels imaculate conception murders, genocides animals boarding a boat without eating each other etc there is in the bible a basis on how to live ones life..

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this talk of religion reminds me of this:


Personally I don't believe in religion but those that do follow a religion should be allowed to live with their customs when moving here, provided they don't break any legal laws.


And why does this video seem appropriate for the thread:


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Sorry zubi missed this until now . On the other hand what gives a man or religion the right to tell a woman what she should wear ? I don't see the muslim men wearing head to toe garments do you ? Witch ever way you look at it it's nothing more than subjugation of females by males . End of .

While we're at it, do you know what else we should ban? Vegetarianism! Men and Women should have the freedom to eat meat, and Vegetarianism denies them this fundamental right!

Either that, or you can accept that with freedom of choice, people willingly choose to follow a religion/practice and all the extra things it entails, whether that is abstaining from eating certain foods or wearing certain clothes.

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this talk of religion reminds me of this:


Personally I don't believe in religion but those that do follow a religion should be allowed to live with their customs when moving here, provided they don't break any legal laws.


And why does this video seem appropriate for the thread:


Hahaha even though Matt Groening is a blasphemous cock... I do enjoy futurama

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Oh so God told women to dress head to toe in black did he ? Mary must have look wonderful lolo lol anyway the Bible came before the qur'an which did God write then or could it have been a bunch of deluded humans that wrote both .

Yes Mary mustv'e :thumbup: I'm sure the Bible can confirm that

Any man who prays or prophesies with something on his head disgraces his head, but any woman who prays or prophesies with her head unveiled disgraces her head--it is one and the same thing as having her head shaved. For if a woman will not veil herself, then she should cut off her hair; but if it is disgraceful for a woman to have her hair cut off or to be shaved, she should wear a veil. For a man ought not to have his head veiled, since he is the image and reflection of God; but woman is the reflection of man. (NRSV, 1 Corinthians 11:4-7)


A woman must not wear men's clothing, nor a man wear women's clothing, for the LORD your God detests anyone who does this. (NIV, Deuteronomy 22:5)

Looks like Christians also have a dress code which God commands them to obey :)

Anyway I'm not going to argue about the authenticity of the Bible, I strongly believe that the Bible is the word of god but has definitely been tampered with by the likes of Paul and his deciples who had no contact with Jesus or his deciples.

And even though the Bible came before the Qur'an, the Qur'an still mentions the Bible and the teachings of Jesus and laws which are similar to those of the Christians.

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People cause war & Terror :thumbup:

Indeed they do, but usually blinding following bollox written in a book somewhere preached by mentalists.

The only different between the bible and the harry potter series of books is the amount they've grossed in film sales.

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Indeed they do, but usually blinding following bollox written in a book somewhere preached by mentalists.

The only different between the bible and the harry potter series of books is the amount they've grossed in film sales.

I don't know about that, passion of the Christ did exceptionally well in the box office :P

Anyway like 21st century fox mentioned, man will always fight even if religion didn't exist. Religion at least encourages people to Love thy neighbour, feed the poor, do good deeds, blah blah blah

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I don't know about that, passion of the Christ did exceptionally well in the box office :P

Anyway like 21st century fox mentioned, man will always fight even if religion didn't exist. Religion at least encourages people to Love thy neighbour, feed the poor, do good deeds, blah blah blah

I have a great way of helping the poor people of the thrid world - let's send them birth control.

You in?

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I don't know about that, passion of the Christ did exceptionally well in the box office :P

Anyway like 21st century fox mentioned, man will always fight even if religion didn't exist. Religion at least encourages people to Love thy neighbour, feed the poor, do good deeds, blah blah blah

Passion of the christ did do very well in cinema's but they failed to write a series. The bible should have been more clever and dragged it out into more films.. Just like the Hobbit and Lord Of The Rings too..

Even the Halloween, Saw and Friday 13th series made more..

Jesus's marketing people should have been cannier.

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People cause war & Terror :thumbup:

Good point well made

While religion is the given cause for most of the conflicts across the world, people are at the heart of it and will manipulate it to their advantage, this has been going on for millennia, the EDL is just another group of angry people doing the same as we did during the crusades

They are disolusioned with the world we live in today and want to point a finger at at scapegoat. The really sad thing is that they would probably stop all the protests and hate mungering if someone gave them a little hug and said everything will be alright.

Does tend to be single males in these groups, with that in mind - all you girls out there if you wanna change the world.....get down your local BNP / EDL meeting and get cuddling.

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Ignorant and intolerant people cause war, and religion breeds both of these

Do all religions, bit of a generalisation there buddy!!!

Mankind is still a young breed of creature, we haven't evolved beyond our own selfish needs and greed. Religion is a powerful tool, it can collectively bring masses together and can be used to manipulate. Religion's dominance is deteriorating and were now seeing manipulation via other means ie political and government manipulation ie Iraq War, false propaganda. Mankind in it's greed will use whatever tool, power, image, contstruct!!!!

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