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Student Season Tickets

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As i said before a lot of people ( none student ) could not afford to go last year because their income would not allow it and won't be able to afford it this year. Again I say what makes students so special ? Take your anger and sense of injustice out on the general state of football pricing . We all know it is ludicrous but is even more ludicrous to suggest that you are more worthy of a ticket reduction because you are a student especially to those who work hard for a living and cannot get a reduction.

You make the obscene implication that to jump in to a job is to 'work hard for a living' in contrary to a student, having to, in the case of proper students (non-mickey-mouse), learn the theory of a whole profession, studying hours on end before even starting the much more mentally engaging work that follows upon graduation.

The hilarity of the bitterness in this thread comes to the fore once more. A lot of people could not afford to go last year because of their income? Oh, really? Is that so? Perhaps if we didn't live in a country rammed full of short-sighted goons more people would be in a position to afford a ST.

Has it ever crossed you small mind that people actually differ in intelligence levels ? Just because they were not mentally gifted enough to go to University in you opinion they have " blown it " Your arrogance is only overshadowed by your ignorance. I hope to god your not a student because if you are the future is bleak for this country.

Yes, intelligence levels do differ from person to person, indeed. However, one only needs to study the nature vs. nurture argument to see the flaw in your logic. This, coupled with the fact that knowledge is available to anybody, even more freely now than ever via the internet, goes to show that in the end the most prevalent factor is effort. Now, of course, I'm not saying with 100% effort you can polish a turd. I'm talking about the the middle 70%ish here. If it was all nature, then surely you would expect some sort of genetic patterns? Take my sister and I. My sister is not a stupid person. She knows what she's talking about and can form an argument. However, she fries my brain with her complete ignorance, short-sightedness, and her refusal to see past ideals. To me, it all comes down to how much you can be bothered to make something of yourself. As I've said, natural intelligence does play a small part, but how can two siblings, 1 and a half years apart, in a stable family and exactly the same circumstances differ so much? To those that don't know, 5 A-C grades at GCSE is seen as the absolute minimum. Even the most basic of jobs will now often likely ask for at least a C in English and Maths. My sister got 4. As I said, she is not 'just a thick person'. We had largely the same teachers, at the same schools. I got 11. (Not blowing my trumpet. Getting 11 GCSEs isn't something to brag about. It's pretty standard). She has always, from a very young age moaned and moaned about not being bothered to do things. From walks to the park, to completing a board game; she has always been lazy. Now, other than a slither of the population, nobody enjoys education. Nobody likes essays. Nobody likes revision. Nobody likes exams. As far as I can see she decided very early on that she would avoid that like the plague because it's just all too much to be bothered with.

Another example is my old best mate. In SATs marks (year 6 and 9) he was top of the class for maths whereas I was towards the bottom of the middle bracket somewhere. If it were based on intelligence levels, then, my old best mate goes on to study Maths at university and I go on to whatever else? No. He, like my sister, was generally a pretty lazy person. Always missed school, pulling sickies, couldn't be bothered to do stuff at lunch time etc. I ended up getting better marks than him in GCSE maths and A level Stats and he actually ended up not getting the grades for university. Fair enough, I say. If you can't be bothered to put in the graft, that's fine. I guess some people are happy to accept a lower standard of living and although I don't necessarily agree with it in terms of the effects of the majority of people doing that and its effects on the economy, if people want to do that, that is their choice.

Perhaps after reading this you might understand why students get so riled when spoken down to by older 'wiser' MENNNN such as yourself? Some students are absolute jokes. I hate them. Yes, some do smoke, drink, bla bla, the rest of it. Every walk of life has its embarrassments. It's all too easy for bitter old men whose lives haven't worked out quite the way they might have given a little more effort to falsely generalise students that account for an incredible percentage of successful professionals across differing industries. To validate the point that students, as a race, are smokers and alcoholics among a sober, smokeless society, you'd have to wipe out each and every branch of Bargain Booze. And that's just for for starters! I can assure you that you wouldn't catch a student there for fear of their lives! I mean, c'mon. Drinking is a pretty universal thing. You essentially stereotype students for being, well, average humans in that a minority of us students consume alcohol to excess. Guess what? Society as a whole has a minority which drinks alcohol to excess.

Someone else who has been brainwashed by the education system.

Well done for escaping, champ. How do you feel to have defeated the almighty education system that you so feared all those years ago? Seems like somebody has brainwashed himself! You give yourself a pat on the back for not listening to those big bad teachers. You always knew best. Have a sticker.

Are you serious ? Do you think the club gives a shit about supporters who don't come through the turnstiles . They are running a business and like all successful businesses should reward their most loyal customers.

What on earth are you going on about " agenda " do you even know what that means ? If you do please explain how it fits into this topic because I haven't a clue.

Having studied Advertising and Marketing for two years, I can assure you that that is complete b*llocks. Yes, successful businesses should reward their most loyal customers. Or at least where it's needed to establish brand loyalty, anyway. Tell me, though. What if a company was relatively new. What if it wanted to be expand? What if those trusty loyal customers die eventually. Such is life, business requires a continuous system of advertising to, and supplying a product or service to new consumers and businesses. And that's only life. Of course, there are always contextual factors to react to and different objectives to work to. (See King Power take-over) Good, innit? When you learn stuff? It gives you knowledge which you can use to fend off pretentious-to-the-point-of-conceit-pricks like yourself.

The funniest thing about this thread is that the students were up in arms about us stereotyping them.

And I can safely say 99% of them have come across as nothing more than jumped up pompous obnoxious arseholes. So thanks for reinforcing my prejudice of them, as it turns out I'm correct!

We're fighting our corner. Only difference is we're doing it well. As for obnoxious; we can't help it if we know what we're saying makes sense, and I think I speak for the rest of the students in here when I say I certainly do not mind expressing it, especially in the face of lazy generalisations. It seems now that society has clamped down massively on racism that the middle-aged (and above) white men have turned to students for their fix of ignorance.

EDIT: Forgot to mention:

To those 'JUST GET A JOB' ******, personally I have managed to get one. I work one shift per week. 8 hours. £40 to help me along the way. Easy, right? Yeah everyone should do it. Easy... Until you realise it's a bloody petrol station job and even that had 5 interviewees. Standard jobs are not easy to come by (because of the aforementioned surplus of short-sighted beings), so to just say students can just get a job to pay for ST's is frankly pathetic. Besides, even with the wages from my job I'd only be able to afford the return train ticket. (That's with a student railcard! You see why we need these 'rewards' to live?)

Before you say 'go to a nearer uni then'. (Because I know some fvck wit would say it): No, fvck off. This uni was the best option for me as mentioned and if I'm going to put all of this effort in to get a good job I might as well go to the best university I can possibly get in to. (Again, this is where the natural intelligence bit comes in. That added bit of natural genius is your Oxbridge students.)

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Well Nod. E, why not just admit defeat and decide not to have a ST if you can't afford one? That's my point. You nor anyone else, student or not deserves the right to be able to afford a ST. Why can't people see that?

You talk about effort in your first paragraphs. Something which I largely agree with. Maybe you should tell your fellow students then that just because someone didnt go to uni, its not because they're thick. It could've been down to lack of efforr. Or in my case, the last thing i qanted to do was to carry on studying.

So many students will have such a shock when they graduate and expect to walk straight into a job relevant to their degree. As I said in my brothers instance, there isn't much architectural work he carries out at Halfords and Wickes. Another of my graduates mates currently works in the call centres at Sky.

So you may want to hang on to that garage job, you could be there well after graduation

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The funniest thing about this thread is the amount of bitter ***** that seem to love having a pop at students. You know what you're all a bunch of ****ing hypocrites if you needed your life saving by surgery from a doctor just remember that at one point they were a student and you'll be thanking God that they decided to be a "tax dodger", "obnoxious ****" or any of the other abusive insults some of you have chosen to throw out at students. Flowwolf especially would deserve being left to rot by a doctor, you've come across as nothing more than an abusive, old bitter human being!

I'm not being bitter whatsoever. I just have my head screwed on enough to realise that going to uni isn't the only way to make it in life. More fool you and other students if you think you're above those who decided against going.

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Oy clever clogs your still not using a capital I when referring to your self , you will lose marks on that in an English exam.

Which ever way you look at it you still look very sad coming on here telling every one how clever you are when you are clearly not.

And you know that you will be more successful in life than me do you ? Do you know me have we met ? your middle name must be " assumption "

Now then please tell me where I have said only rich people should be allowed to go to matches , that ludicrous statement is a figment of your imagination and has no basis in reality. Check your post where you clearly said it was YOUR assumption.

Yes, you said that before and i answered you.... at least i don't make words up lol

Sad? When people are making sweeping generalisations about students? I then decide to show you how this isn't neccessarily true and get called sad!

I think it's easy enough yo assume that by the level of intelligence you show on here, but if you'd care to enlighten us on your great life?

I'll make a final assumption that you think only the rich should be able to go to the football then.

I would have thought not so much assumption more a fact.

Is that enough evidence for you? You're making this far too easy for me mate!

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I think this is an interesting debate, albeit at some points slanging match, about a lot of issues.

For what its worth I would like to throw some comment into the ring. Firstly, I would like to establish my credentials for input; I graduated in Law last summer and now I am undertaking a course called the LPC (Legal Practice Course) which is a essential professional qualification to become a solicitor. Additionally, some of the work I have undertaken outside of education has included formulating business strategies relating to students.


I would firstly like to state that Uni is hard work it is just not carried out in a conventional way therefore can look like it is not. When studying, every hour of every day is potentially a working hour and it can lead to irregular working patterns. Normal work dictates that you do a 8-6 for example. When I was studying I would utilise my most productive hours. These would normally be very early in the morning and late at night. Therefore it would appear to most that I didn't do a lot. I did. I just did it when others weren't normally working.

Having said that, Uni is a relatively easy period of your life. But, that is because it is about educating yourself in more than one way. I genuinely think those who juggle uni with an over zealous amount of part-time working hours are missing the opportunity to really develop in other ways, i.e. getting involved in many of the extra-circular activities etc.


I have seen this from both sides. As a student it doesn't feel like it but you actually have the highest amount of disposable income you will have for quite awhile. Financial responsibilities are low and in general, as a student, you are given large interest-free overdraft facilities, maintenance loans etc

Why is there student discounts in general? Well, this is all about exploitation of the student pound which is a massive industry. Students feel that student discount is doing them a service (I felt the same), "how very nice for them to feel sorry for little student me they have given me a discount price". From my experience in industry student discount is actually just a great big marketing ploy, businesses knows that students have spare cash, they are unlikely to be brand loyal and are open to new experiences. The perfect new customer.

Student Season Tickets:

The question has been asked why should students get cheaper tickets? Well there is no direct answer to that. As a student you certainly don't have a God-given entitlement to anything, no-one has.

Do I think students should get cheaper season tickets? Yes, without a shadow of a doubt. It is a massive opportunity for the club to capture a new market, bring in greater attendances and hopefully hook some people in for life. I went to Uni outside of Leicester and if I could have bought a student season ticket for £150 I would have just to watch the local football. Would I have bought one for £300, probably not. Therefore, I do actually feel that Leicester have missed a trick in getting rid of the cheaper price.

What about those who are already Leicester fans and feel they are now priced out because student season tickets have gone? Uncomfortably, I have to agree that I come from a generation where we have been told that nothing is unobtainable. You want a new car sir? Sure, buy it on finance.... you'll be paying it off for years to come and will end up paying 5 times the price for it BUT you can have it NOW! This is a blight on society. Therefore you want a season ticket? Then regrettably you have to have the money to buy one. I didn't watch much football when I was at uni. I would have to pick and choose my matches carefully but that is the way it is. Hopefully, in the not-to-distant future I'll be earning a bit of money and I'll be able to go to any match I want.


(Now this really feels like an essay) I think I have learn't so much from being a student. It was genuinely the most amazing time; I learnt so much both educationally, socially and culturally. This has made me into a much more rounded person. Hopefully, I will be able to contribute back to society by being a good lawyer.

I'm still a student but now I am without any Government funding. I really have very little money now. Would student pricing entice me to go to matches? Of course. I don't feel entitled to it but with it I would go. Without it? No I won't be going to the King Power any time soon. For this reason and this reason alone student season tickets make good business sense, that is one less bum on seat.

As for those with mortgages etc. I genuinely feel for you. Football is losing its soul by pricing out the normal man. What can we do about that? Not a lot. If there was a ticket discount for those on lower incomes I would be in favour of that too...

Any ticket pricing strategy which sees a full stadium suits me just fine. So what in a few years if I have to pay more than the man sitting next to me because he is a student or a pensioner... I have made the decision to go and so has he. We are all Leicester fans and I think it would be DAM RIGHT STUPID for me to want to deny another Leicester fan the opportunity to be there with me.


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The young and the old are subsidised by those able and of working age. University is full-time education and for me, was much more time consuming than A-levels.

I graduated last year and had a ST throughout Uni. I don't EXPECT a student price and would have got a season ticket regardless. I lived at home and had £300/month coming in through part-time work. Before anyone says that I had an easy-ride, there's plenty of give and take, e.g. paying for all my own driving lessons and I still don't have a car.

I'm sure those moaning will be happy to forgo their bus-pass and pensionor season ticket price when they reach a ripe old age!

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Well Nod. E, why not just admit defeat and decide not to have a ST if you can't afford one? That's my point. You nor anyone else, student or not deserves the right to be able to afford a ST. Why can't people see that?

You talk about effort in your first paragraphs. Something which I largely agree with. Maybe you should tell your fellow students then that just because someone didnt go to uni, its not because they're thick. It could've been down to lack of efforr. Or in my case, the last thing i qanted to do was to carry on studying.

So many students will have such a shock when they graduate and expect to walk straight into a job relevant to their degree. As I said in my brothers instance, there isn't much architectural work he carries out at Halfords and Wickes. Another of my graduates mates currently works in the call centres at Sky.

So you may want to hang on to that garage job, you could be there well after graduation

But some are thick because of their lack of effort.

To be honest, when I moved to Lancaster I knew I wasn't going to become a ST holder. The only point I'm making is that if I was a person willing to travel 6 hours every week and miss out days at uni after Tuesday night games, I wouldn't be able to afford it now. I'm arguing for those who were considering buying a ST and now cannot afford to.

I see your point with getting a job relevant to their degree but in my opinion students should make a judgement on whether or not their degree subject is an area they can realistically get in to. That said, many skills attained during university are transferable to other areas and as such some graduate roles just ask for any degree above a 2:1.

As for the petrol job after graduation: As I stated in an earlier post my course has a 100% employment rate (If you have a 2:1 or above) as you basically get put in to a relevant job by the course leaders who have great contacts. I am currently on a high 2:1 and Advertising and Marketing has never been more important as competition between companies is higher than ever. In fact I already have a job working for a media agency as an intern for the next academic year after beating hundreds to the job. Thanks for your concern but the garage job will do for now, not afterwards.

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Yes, you said that before and i answered you.... at least i don't make words up lol

Sad? When people are making sweeping generalisations about students? I then decide to show you how this isn't neccessarily true and get called sad!

I think it's easy enough yo assume that by the level of intelligence you show on here, but if you'd care to enlighten us on your great life?

Is that enough evidence for you? You're making this far too easy for me mate!

Your stupidity is evident for all to see. I will put that down to your youth and naivety. snapback.png

flowwolf, on 29 April 2012 - 10:15 PM, said:

I would have thought not so much assumption more a fact..

Now then stupid if you could not see that as a sarcasm against the ridiculous price of a ticket to a football match in that comment then you just confirm all my worse fears about the so called student of today..

Oh yes and like I ( see what I did there ) feel the need to tell people how intelligent I am like your childish post on that subject ( a legend in your own mind ). I ( see what I did there ). don't need to prove anything .

You were fun while it lasted but I'm just bored now ,bye



:D ps I ( see what I did there ) would have to be in dire straights to have a spotty little student nerd like you for a mate .

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Still debating it lol, i left soon as i seen a poor student complaining of no income yet happily gambling £5 a week..

I'm playing off my winning and therefore not dipping further and further into my pocket every week. For the 4th time, do you understand?

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Well done for escaping, champ. How do you feel to have defeated the almighty education system that you so feared all those years ago? Seems like somebody has brainwashed himself! You give yourself a pat on the back for not listening to those big bad teachers. You always knew best. Have a sticker.


I didn't defeat it, I didn't fear it and I certainly havn't brainwashed myself, I am not an academic person, simple, it isn't because I didn't try at school or was lazy - I got A's in Design Technology and Art, I didn't get above C in anything else, coincidence?

So with that in mind is it a coincidence that I was pushed to the back of class and teachers didn't bother with me or help me in the academic subjects? Yet worked even harder with the more skilled people within those subjects and drilled it into you that if you didn't gain high grades and go to uni you will be a failure - not in those exact words but it's what they meant.

I could have happily gone of to college and learnt something that would help me in my future at 14, but no you had to be a bad kid to do that, I wasn't a bad kid though so I had to stop at school - what kind of example to set is that?

I knew what was best for me, not everyone, everyone is different, some need to do well at school for their future. That said this drilling it into pupils from the day the go to secondary school they must gain good grades and go to uni or their lives will be a failure does brainwash kids I'm sure of it, like I say some need to go to uni, but alot of people that go uni havn't even got a clue what they want to do as a career, I knew from the age of about 10 but it seems I got punished for it.

Like I said earlier in the thread I never got any money for going college to do an apprenticeship, I got less than minimum wage for doing an apprenticeship and I never received student discounts for doing an apprenticeship, but it was my choice I knew that was the case and got on with it.

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The funniest thing about this thread is the amount of bitter ***** that seem to love having a pop at students. You know what you're all a bunch of ****ing hypocrites if you needed your life saving by surgery from a doctor just remember that at one point they were a student and you'll be thanking God that they decided to be a "tax dodger", "obnoxious ****" or any of the other abusive insults some of you have chosen to throw out at students. Flowwolf especially would deserve being left to rot by a doctor, you've come across as nothing more than an abusive, old bitter human being!

:crylaugh: :crylaugh: The funniest thing about this thread is this post!

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I didn't defeat it, I didn't fear it and I certainly havn't brainwashed myself, I am not an academic person, simple, it isn't because I didn't try at school or was lazy - I got A's in Design Technology and Art, I didn't get above C in anything else, coincidence?

So with that in mind is it a coincidence that I was pushed to the back of class and teachers didn't bother with me or help me in the academic subjects? Yet worked even harder with the more skilled people within those subjects and drilled it into you that if you didn't gain high grades and go to uni you will be a failure - not in those exact words but it's what they meant.

I could have happily gone of to college and learnt something that would help me in my future at 14, but no you had to be a bad kid to do that, I wasn't a bad kid though so I had to stop at school - what kind of example to set is that?

I knew what was best for me, not everyone, everyone is different, some need to do well at school for their future. That said this drilling it into pupils from the day the go to secondary school they must gain good grades and go to uni or their lives will be a failure does brainwash kids I'm sure of it, like I say some need to go to uni, but alot of people that go uni havn't even got a clue what they want to do as a career, I knew from the age of about 10 but it seems I got punished for it.

Like I said earlier in the thread I never got any money for going college to do an apprenticeship, I got less than minimum wage for doing an apprenticeship and I never received student discounts for doing an apprenticeship, but it was my choice I knew that was the case and got on with it.

Still look on the bright side Matt you could have gone to university and ended up stacking shelves at B&Q. :D :D :D :D :D

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Yes, you said that before and i answered you.... at least i don't make words up lol

Sad? When people are making sweeping generalisations about students? I then decide to show you how this isn't neccessarily true and get called sad!

I think it's easy enough yo assume that by the level of intelligence you show on here, but if you'd care to enlighten us on your great life?

Is that enough evidence for you? You're making this far too easy for me mate!

You know when it comes to making up words, would you like to enlighten us on what your word YO means ? are you Black ?

Have you ever heard that old adage " when your in a hole stop digging " ? just when I thought you could not make your self look any more crass than you do, you go and spoil it for me .

But at least you are learning to use the capital I ( well sometimes )

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I'm playing off my winning and therefore not dipping further and further into my pocket every week. For the 4th time, do you understand?

you must have found the money for the original bet. and must have been very lucky to win enough from it to cover weeks of gambling..

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Your stupidity is evident for all to see. I will put that down to your youth and naivety. snapback.png

flowwolf, on 29 April 2012 - 10:15 PM, said:

I would have thought not so much assumption more a fact..

Now then stupid if you could not see that as a sarcasm against the ridiculous price of a ticket to a football match in that comment then you just confirm all my worse fears about the so called student of today..

Oh yes and like I ( see what I did there ) feel the need to tell people how intelligent I am like your childish post on that subject ( a legend in your own mind ). I ( see what I did there ). don't need to prove anything .

You were fun while it lasted but I'm just bored now ,bye



:D ps I ( see what I did there ) would have to be in dire straights to have a spotty little student nerd like you for a mate .

HAHAAHA sarcasm, of course. I never knew you could have 'a sarcasm' either

You really are thick as pig shit and wouldn't answer anything about your situation. Dead end job? Shit pay? Fairly easy assumption with your level of intellect. I'll not have to worry about having a tight budget where a season ticket is only just affordable in my future.

Nerd, ooh bit of an assumption there.

I really do feel sorry for you. You only care about yourself.

So glad i'll never has a life as sad as yours. Not wanting other people to go watch their team.

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You know when it comes to making up words, would you like to enlighten us on what your word YO means ? are you Black ?

Have you ever heard that old adage " when your in a hole stop digging " ? just when I thought you could not make your self look any more crass than you do, you go and spoil it for me .

But at least you are learning to use the capital I ( well sometimes )

Oh you spotted me missing a 'u' off the end of a word? And called me sad for spotting your effort in trying to make up a word?

yourself is one word by the way you thick hypocrite.

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