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DJ Barry Hammond

Politics Thread (encompassing Brexit) - 21 June 2017 onwards

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A couple of intriguing Brexit developments....


Govt announces post-Brexit pilot scheme to give visas to non-EU migrant farm workers: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-45429397

I wonder where they'll fly them in from and on what terms? And whether Brexit fans will be happier to have Ukrainians, Albanians, Moroccans or Pakistanis in their fields, rather than Poles, Romanians or Lithuanians?


Brexiteers/ERG plan to announce a series of policy alternatives to Chequers over the next week: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-45423791

To include solutions to free trade, Irish border, migration, agriculture, fishing and other issues, according to Laura Kuenssberg....thank God someone's going to finally solve all the problems to everyone's satisfaction. :whistle:

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10 minutes ago, Alf Bentley said:

A couple of intriguing Brexit developments....


Govt announces post-Brexit pilot scheme to give visas to non-EU migrant farm workers: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-45429397

I wonder where they'll fly them in from and on what terms? And whether Brexit fans will be happier to have Ukrainians, Albanians, Moroccans or Pakistanis in their fields, rather than Poles, Romanians or Lithuanians?


Brexiteers/ERG plan to announce a series of policy alternatives to Chequers over the next week: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-45423791

To include solutions to free trade, Irish border, migration, agriculture, fishing and other issues, according to Laura Kuenssberg....thank God someone's going to finally solve all the problems to everyone's satisfaction. :whistle:

Free buses and a free lunch for 17 year olds should solve it....:ph34r:


The ERG plans are pretty obvious anyway as Mogg have them away on Newsnight on Monday - it's basically Canada plus with an FTA arrangement. The detail we need is obviously going to be border checks in relation to customs and of course how that would effect Ireland.


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13 hours ago, urban.spaceman said:

Am I seriously the only one who is baffled by the obsession with Israel and Palestine?


It's bad enough that neither side seems particularly interested in actually achieving peace, everyone else in the world seems more concerned with picking a side rather than actually trying to sort out a centuries-old petty squabble over who gets to live on a fairly insignificant and **** ugly piece of land.


They should either sort it out or both **** off cos I'm sick of ****ing hearing about it.

You know..??  In the end,the whole world will have to take this stance...

Yes I know all the religous,tribal,theological history.....My anthropology studies and interest,first took route in this region,and the expanded

Outwards,but no matter where one studies man's footprints,trails,migration and handling of culture,the greviances of past,grinds every

Single country.....Those grievance and abuse to others based on hard facts of history,against hard facts FOR the future was/is/has become

Like any Cancer...we have to find an impossible cure.



Or all parties,who go into all antics in corrupt misuse,and  deliberate misinterpretations that history...

Have to now to be put down in the books of insignificance....

.It's hard,families,societies,tribal organisations, inherit their honest humans beliefs,unfortunately indoctrinated thoughts that their ways

Must take priority even if it means killing or subservant mentality towards others....


Time to just try and tell them......The future path....Will join us,the past t only brings degrading persistent sorrow....

Unfortunately ,not in our time!!!!  We have to lose everything..before.!!!









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37 minutes ago, MattP said:

Free buses and a free lunch for 17 year olds should solve it....:ph34r:


The ERG plans are pretty obvious anyway as Mogg have them away on Newsnight on Monday - it's basically Canada plus with an FTA arrangement. The detail we need is obviously going to be border checks in relation to customs and of course how that would effect Ireland.



You joke about free buses and lunches but isn't it a strange response to concerns that low-skilled immigration adversely affects British employment and society? Trialing the replacement of EU migrants with non-EU migrants? :blink: It might address pay rates having become less attractive due to the fall in the pound if they bring in Serbians, Moldovans, Algerians or others currently unable to take up migrant work in the UK or EU....but will that address popular concerns about immigration? Why are they trying to fill EU migrant jobs with non-EU migrants and not with Brits? And which countries do you think the non-EU migrants will come from?

(p.s. When I was a 17-year-old strawberry picker, the farmer provided a free bus, but no free lunch - we had to bring our own sandwiches, but fortunately I was capable of making sandwiches. :ph34r:)


Yes, I assumed as much about the pending ERG proposals, though it'll be interesting to hear the detail - particularly re. the Irish border. There seems to be sod all chance of Chequers being accepted either by the EU or by Westminster, so what about the ERG proposals? The EU has long made it clear that it would reluctantly accept a Canada-plus type / FTA arrangement....provided the 3 key divorce issues are settled. That brings us back to the Irish border and to whether Tory Remainers would be prepared to vote down a Hard Brexit/No Single Market/No Customs Union/No Passporting deal, doesn't it?


Can the ERG find an Irish border solution acceptable to the EU? Because, if not, then we're surely heading for No Deal - and for Parliament rejecting No Deal. If JRM can somehow solve the Irish border conundrum, when nobody else in govt/civil service could, then it'll be a case of whether enough Tory Remainers are prepared to risk a general election and/or a Corbyn govt by voting down that Hard Brexit deal, won't it? Under that scenario, we'd presumably have a transition period, giving Liam Fox an extra 21 months to firm up all his Global Britain FTAs so as to replace the loss of EU trade..... All seems unlikely, though, and I can't see beyond a massive political crisis in parliament this autumn, and a possible general election. Where we end up, God knows.


Good EU v FTA comparison here from the FT: https://www.ft.com/content/6d00353c-2616-11e8-b27e-cc62a39d57a0

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1 hour ago, Voll Blau said:

Regardless of your politics, it's absolutely alarming that someone is qualified to be a Minister of the Crown despite not knowing this...



Jeremy Corbyn is the leader of the opposition and didn't even know Scotland had a seperate legal system. the standard of our politicians has considerably dropped but I don't think the public even care.


Some of the women in the Tory are totally hopeless, Claire Perry and Liz Truss are an embarrassment and are surely only in their positions because of their sex.

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11 minutes ago, MattP said:

Jeremy Corbyn is the leader of the opposition and didn't even know Scotland had a seperate legal system. 

Got a source or a link to this?


Ah, found it. He’s right though it does cause massive problems especially between borders and supervising court orders and keeping track of individuals and being unable to respond to sentencing differences cross border. Scotland’s legal system makes far more sense than our archaic mess, especially in relation to dealing with children in the justice system. 


As for the slip slip up talking about economics and laws in relation to devolution I know for a fact he knew Scotland has different laws as he’s spoken about welfare differences in criminal justice provision for years. It’s just a contextual slip of the tongue talking about devolution which people have jumped on.


Edited by Nick
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2 minutes ago, Swan Lesta said:

Got a source or a link to this?






The SNP has mocked Jeremy Corbyn after he suggested it was “very problematic” to have different legal systems operating in the UK – despite that being the existing arrangement.

Speaking on his tour in Scotland, the Labour leader said he wanted “genuine devolution” of powers from Westminster.

But he added that separating economic and legal structures would be “difficult”.

Scotland’s distinct legal system was enshrined in the 1707 Act of the Union, while Northern Ireland also has its own processes.



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More here - https://www.leicestermercury.co.uk/news/leicester-news/live-labour-leader-jeremy-corbyn-1979715


Jeremy Corbyn visits Abbey Pumping Station in Leicester to discuss re-nationalising water industry
He is discussing plans to re-nationalise the water companies

ByTom MackSenior Reporter
UPDATED12:13, 7 SEP 2018

Jeremy Corbyn is in the city today to talk about his party’s plans to re-nationalise the water companies.

The Labour leader visited Abbey Pumping Station this morning to meet with local politicians and outline his plans to the media.

Taking the water industry into public ownership would mean household and business bills for water and sewage services would no longer have to cover the profits for shareholders.

Companies like Severn Trent and Anglian Water, which started out as publicly-owned local water authorities, were privatised in 1989 by the Conservative government under a policy that also saw public services such as gas, electricity, telecommunications and the railways sold to private owners in a bid to improve efficiency.

The Labour Party has being saying for more than a year that the mail services, trains and energy firms should be brought back into public ownership to make them better value and earlier this year he began outlining his intentions for the water industry.

Jeremy Corbyn has condemned the violence committed by all sides
Jeremy Corbyn will be at Abbey Pumping Station
Abbey Pumping Station, which is near to the National Space Centre off Abbey Lane in the city, was built in 1891 and is home to four working steam-powered beam engines that once pumped the sewage from the city to the sewage farm out at Beaumont Leys, which was uphill from the city centre. It continued working until 1964 when electric engines took over.

The site is also home to the Leicester Museum of Science and Technology.

Mr Corbyn is due to tour the engine room and then give interviews to members of the local and national media.

While here he's said the city has impressed him. Updates about the visit revealing why he's so impressed appear below.

"Well done Leicester, I'm very impressed"
Shortly before leaving the site, the Labour leader praised Leicester City Council for keeping its museums going through the years of austerity.

He said: “Well done Leicester on maintaining the number of museums it’s got and making them such clearly living places.

“Because it is about people understanding their past to give them a sense of place of where you live and also that inspiration for the future.

“I’m very impressed.”

Water bills have gone up 40 per cent while bosses earn £1m a year
Discussing why it was necessary to nationalise the water industry, Mr Corbyn said: “What we have in the water industry in Britain is CEOs being paid an average of a million pounds a year, we have an increase in real terms in water bills of 40 per cent since privatisation and we have a lack of investment in the system and so the leakage rate is getting worse and worse.”

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Anyone know what Press TV (Iranian state) are now doing turning up at local Labour meetings?




Labour activists are calling for an inquiry after an Iranian state-backed TV station which is banned in the UK carried footage of a local party meeting passing a vote of no confidence in the Enfield North MP, Joan Ryan.

The Press TV footage, which appeared to have been filmed inside the meeting, was carried on the station’s Twitter feed and referred to Ryan, who is the chair of Labour Friends of Israel, as a “pro-Israel MP”. It included the hashtag #WeAreEnfieldNorth.


Strange doesn't even cover this.

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On 04/09/2018 at 18:59, MattP said:

Well done Theresa. 


20 minutes ago, MattP said:

Polling really is all over the shop.



Maybe a reflection of the general public's confusion in Politics atm. 


I think the vast majority of ordinary Joe's like me haven't got a scooby doo with what's going on with it all right now.


So much negativity and reasons not to vote for the main parties currently. No wonder people are changing their minds like the wind.


Politics just feels like a big fvckin jumbled up smelly mess. 


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52 minutes ago, Sharpe's Fox said:

There is a party of capital and a party of labour. Not hard to understand is it?




Maybe if the two parties concentrated on their bread and butter basic principles instead of meddling in all sorts of other shit, then it would be easier to understand.

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