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Madeleine McCann

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They did contain the crime scene. The talk of the rubbish taken away was newspaper bullshit. There's an interview with one of the british cops on youtube where he says as much.

The thing that ****ed up the investigation was the 9 people at the tapas bar not being straight. Also the McCanns constantly making shifty changes to their story and blowing off possible evidence (like the blood) as nonsence.

As a parent, if my daughter had genuinly gone missing and they found traces of blood where we were staying, i'd be asking for test after re-test after re-test to either rule in or out if it was hers. They just dismissed it?

Given the profile of the case and the media coverage, if she was abducted, someone would surely have noticed her by now?

If they sealed it, why was Kate washing the Cuddly Kat after a few days?


According to the reports I read the apartment was rented out 4 times before the police did any forensic work on it.

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If they sealed it, why was Kate washing the Cuddly Kat after a few days?


According to the reports I read the apartment was rented out 4 times before the police did any forensic work on it.

What utter nonsense. The Apartment was kept empty for a month after the reported "abduction. This is a typically misleading article to show the PJ as negligent. When the flat was let out, they had finished their forensic testing. It was not known the British would send in their dogs months later, thereby making it a "permanent crime scene".

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What utter nonsense. The Apartment was kept empty for a month after the reported "abduction. This is a typically misleading article to show the PJ as negligent. When the flat was let out, they had finished their forensic testing. It was not known the British would send in their dogs months later, thereby making it a "permanent crime scene".

I repeat if the evidence was sealed why was the cuddly toy washed so quickly after she went missing?

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From  Bentleys:

I have enormous sympathy for the parents here. To lose a child in these circumstances is horrific. They will blame themselves for the rest of their lives. They've made a terrible mistake, but never should anyone be 'punished' this badly.
However. There was undoubtably an arrogance going on here within the whole group. Really good mate of mine told me at the time that he had a work colleague staying at the resort the same week. They found Gerry McCann very arrogant before the incident. You couldn't apparently book the tapas place for dinner but he made sure their group blagged a table each night. Everyone on the resort, albeit very small, knew all about this whole group from the start of the week. They knew the scenario with checking the kids. What was very interesting and hasn't come out in any official reporting of the incident is that on the Wednesday night the group dined at a local restaurant two streets away from the resort ( approx 120 mts). My mates colleagues were in the same place that night and witnessed the very same scenario as on the night Madeleine was taken, in that each parent every 20 mins or so went back to the resort to check on all their kids. Now I'm sorry but this is unbelievable considering the ages of the kids. I have twins myself, and there's no chance when they were under two would I have left them alone for that amount of time in an unfamiliar place. Not for a second. It's complete arrogance and selfishness. So whilst not in a 1000 years would I wish 1% of this on any parent, ALL of them should have known better, especially when there was a minder service and two doctors on a combined salary of £200-240k/year could so so easily afford it. To me it's obvious someone worked out what was going on and took the girl in a premeditated way. But why?

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If the police dog found legitimate evidence of death in all those places then I'm sure that would be enough to mount a compelling case against the McCanns. The fact that the police themselves aren't using their own evidence surely suggests that it's not legitimate?

I also don't see any motive here for the McCanns to be hiding anything. I've seen some suggestions that the fact that they are doctors increases the probability of them giving their child a fatal dose of sedatives. Not sure how that works because my thinking would be that doctors are probably the least likely type of people to get medical dosing so badly wrong.

If it was an accident, what is the motive for covering it up? They were in Portugal not Somalia.

If they intended to kill her then I wonder why they went to all the trouble of setting up such an elaborate and high risk scenario, and why they continue to push for further investigations. In any case where the McCanns are guilty, it would have been easy and normal for them to have played the 'moving on' line by now and put the whole thing to bed.

If I had to guess I'd say she was abducted by either a human trafficking gang, or else some guy who lives alone in one of the many private and secluded villas in that part of the world. I'd say there's every chance she's still alive and not a very long way away from where she was abducted.

Not sure Michael Jackson would agree to that!


On a side note... One of the Tapas 9 went to stay with his children as they had a fever. What time was that and how long was he gone for?  Didn't Madeline complain of having a fever on the way to the apartment after the McCann's tennis lesson?  Medication used to lower her temperature topped up with a sedative?

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Not sure Michael Jackson would agree to that!


On a side note... One of the Tapas 9 went to stay with his children as they had a fever. What time was that and how long was he gone for?  Didn't Madeline complain of having a fever on the way to the apartment after the McCann's tennis lesson?  Medication used to lower her temperature topped up with a sedative?

When I watched the crimewatch thing Monday I did actually wonder about the guy who stopped with his child. I mean everyone is a suspect, even Madeline's own parents, so why not this guy? Who can vouch for his whereabouts for a long period of time that night?

I've not really got round to commenting on this since Monday, so I'll probably mention a few things people already have. Firstly I don't agree with leaving children of that age alone for any period of time, and parents certainly shouldn't be leaving the building. It might only be a shirt distance but being outside and not even just keeping an ear out while their children are in the next room is shocking. And to do it after Madeline had mentioned the night before how she was scared when she couldn't find her parents and to still go out is even worse. That said it doesn't excuse someone taking their child, if I found a child alone I wouldn't take it, I would either look for a nearby adult to see if it was theirs or hand it over to the police. So yes they were stupid but still doesn't make abduction right. Having watched Monday night, it's the first time in a while I'd seen a plan of the complex they were staying in. The most naive thing the did was the location of their apartment. If you look at the lay out, the other parents apartments were situated on the other side if the pool opposite to the tapas bar, had anyone attempted entry to those they would have been spotted. The McCanns apartment was right on the edge of the complex and easily accessible from the main road, and not within easy sight of the tapas bar. So not only extremely stupid leaving them alone, but even worse when they are in a building easily accessible to the public and completely out of your sight.

I don't think the parents are involved, they would be very stupid to keep themselves in the public eye for so long if they were. Anyone questioning why things have been held back for years like efits and sightings, as far as I'm aware these have only come to light in the last 18 months or so since the Met took over the investigation, the Portuguese police never investigted these things. They never spoke to the Irish family who had a child at the crèche, who spotted to guy walking to the beach with a child. Personally I think if that sighting of a guy walking to the beach was carrying her, then she's dead. What other reason than to dump a body in the sea would somebody be carrying a child down to the beach at that time at night? Unless they were jumping on a boat, which might explain the lack of car to take her away in.

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Anyone questioning why things have been held back for years like efits and sightings, as far as I'm aware these have only come to light in the last 18 months or so since the Met took over the investigation, the Portuguese police never investigted these things. They never spoke to the Irish family who had a child at the crèche, who spotted to guy walking to the beach with a child. Personally I think if that sighting of a guy walking to the beach was carrying her, then she's dead. What other reason than to dump a body in the sea would somebody be carrying a child down to the beach at that time at night? Unless they were jumping on a boat, which might explain the lack of car to take her away in.

There was nothing new in the Crimewatch programme that was not already in the public domain other than the total dismantling of Jane Tanner's assertion that she saw the "abductor" carrying Madeleine away. As this is the ONLY so-called evidence for an abduction, and the hinge on which the abduction theory hangs, I would think the McCann case is now rather flimsy.

You are wrong to assume that the PJ did not interview the Smith family (Irish). The e-fits were nothing to do with the PJ. They were privately done by the McCann investigators years ago. Why did they not release them in 2008?

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There was nothing new in the Crimewatch programme that was not already in the public domain other than the total dismantling of Jane Tanner's assertion that she saw the "abductor" carrying Madeleine away. As this is the ONLY so-called evidence for an abduction, and the hinge on which the abduction theory hangs, I would think the McCann case is now rather flimsy.

You are wrong to assume that the PJ did not interview the Smith family (Irish). The e-fits were nothing to do with the PJ. They were privately done by the McCann investigators years ago. Why did they not release them in 2008?

Show me the evidence the McCanns have had these efits for 5 years then? The whole reason this crimewatch program was wheel out was to present the evidence collated by the British police since they been allowed to conduct proper investigation after the hatchet job by the Portuguese.

The only reason Tanners evidence was the only one being looked at as the abductor is because the Portuguese police never asked anyone else, they never spoke to other people around the resort, so they had no witness reports of this other sighting. It's only since the Met have actually bothered to do a some proper police work that this other sighting has come to light and the real identity of the person Tanner saw came to light.

I'm not saying it's definitely not the McCanns but I see no real evidence it's them. You clearly have an agenda that you believe it's them you prepared to stretch the evidence to fit.

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Show me the evidence the McCanns have had these efits for 5 years then? The whole reason this crimewatch program was wheel out was to present the evidence collated by the British police since they been allowed to conduct proper investigation after the hatchet job by the Portuguese.

The only reason Tanners evidence was the only one being looked at as the abductor is because the Portuguese police never asked anyone else, they never spoke to other people around the resort, so they had no witness reports of this other sighting. It's only since the Met have actually bothered to do a some proper police work that this other sighting has come to light and the real identity of the person Tanner saw came to light.

I'm not saying it's definitely not the McCanns but I see no real evidence it's them. You clearly have an agenda that you believe it's them you prepared to stretch the evidence to fit.

Are you sure you haven't an agenda also? It's all about views. Surely you were

aware that the e-fits were McCann produced, as was the ridiculous Tanner drawing.

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From  Bentleys:

I have enormous sympathy for the parents here. To lose a child in these circumstances is horrific. They will blame themselves for the rest of their lives. They've made a terrible mistake, but never should anyone be 'punished' this badly.

However. There was undoubtably an arrogance going on here within the whole group. Really good mate of mine told me at the time that he had a work colleague staying at the resort the same week. They found Gerry McCann very arrogant before the incident. You couldn't apparently book the tapas place for dinner but he made sure their group blagged a table each night. Everyone on the resort, albeit very small, knew all about this whole group from the start of the week. They knew the scenario with checking the kids. What was very interesting and hasn't come out in any official reporting of the incident is that on the Wednesday night the group dined at a local restaurant two streets away from the resort ( approx 120 mts). My mates colleagues were in the same place that night and witnessed the very same scenario as on the night Madeleine was taken, in that each parent every 20 mins or so went back to the resort to check on all their kids. Now I'm sorry but this is unbelievable considering the ages of the kids. I have twins myself, and there's no chance when they were under two would I have left them alone for that amount of time in an unfamiliar place. Not for a second. It's complete arrogance and selfishness. So whilst not in a 1000 years would I wish 1% of this on any parent, ALL of them should have known better, especially when there was a minder service and two doctors on a combined salary of £200-240k/year could so so easily afford it. To me it's obvious someone worked out what was going on and took the girl in a premeditated way. But why?

Not according to Rogatory reports. They ate dinner at the Tapas every night.

From Jane Tanners interview with the Leicestershire Police

4078    “Right okay, so Wednesday you’ve done lunch, you’re not a hundred percent certain what you did in the afternoon.â€

Reply    “Yeah, no.â€

4078    “And baring in mind this was like the last normal meal if you like.â€

Reply    “Yeah.â€

4078    “At the Tapas bar, what can you remember about that?â€

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Not sure Michael Jackson would agree to that!


On a side note... One of the Tapas 9 went to stay with his children as they had a fever. What time was that and how long was he gone for?  Didn't Madeline complain of having a fever on the way to the apartment after the McCann's tennis lesson?  Medication used to lower her temperature topped up with a sedative?

That was Russell O'Brien, Jane Tanner's partner. He and Mathew Oldfield went up to check on the children at 9:30.


When he went in, he found that his child had been sick in her bed. He took her into the bathroom, bathed her, removed the soiled sheets and remade the bed. He then read her a story. In the meantime, Matthew appeared at the door and he was asked to let Jane know.


Jane took over looking after the child and Russell went down for his dinner at 9:45. They made him a new meal which arrived at 9:55, which was about the time Kate went back to check on the kids. 10pm the balloon goes up.

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Greek police are trying to discover the identity of a young blonde girl who was found living on a Roma settlement with a family she did not resemble.

DNA tests revealed the child, called Maria and aged about four, was not related to the couple she lived with.

The little girl is now being looked after by a charity. Her photo has been released to help find her family.

Officials believe she may have been a victim of abduction or child trafficking.

Police are appealing internationally as the girl looks like she might be from northern or eastern Europe.






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Greek police are trying to discover the identity of a young blonde girl who was found living on a Roma settlement with a family she did not resemble.

DNA tests revealed the child, called Maria and aged about four, was not related to the couple she lived with.

The little girl is now being looked after by a charity. Her photo has been released to help find her family.

Officials believe she may have been a victim of abduction or child trafficking.

Police are appealing internationally as the girl looks like she might be from northern or eastern Europe.






I'm increasingly believing the Roma's story about it just being an illegal adoption. Young girl wants to get rid of baby without anyone finding out and not harming it - give it to the gypsies - job done. With their culture they would do such a thing and think nothing of it. The woman clearly doesn't want the baby, we'll take it.


Why do I think that?


Well, they've DNA tested the "adoptive parents" and the child - there's clearly no link (tbh, the naked eye could tell you that!), which means they have the girl's DNA profile. Surely, anyone who has reported a baby as being taken is immediately DNA profiled, just in case of a situation like this. The fact that several days have gone by and no one seems to know who actually are the parents and no one has stepped forward to claim her, for me, suggests that she was indeed an unwanted child. Failing her being properly linked to any blood family, I don't see any harm with her returning to the family she knows, rather than being punted from pillar to post in the legal adoption/fostering system.


Could be there's nothing more sinister here than a failure to follow legal process.

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