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Dr The Singh

Racism @ florist again

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Don't be naive.... Who do you think it is who go on to be members of radical organisations?

It's KIDS who start young, are not educated into the importance of racial equality and learn to know no better.

These kids may think its funny to do these things now, but some of them may well grow up to believe some of the stuff they are chanting and thinking.

If you believe that such 'innocence' precludes young people from developing radical thinking as they get older you are simply wrong.

It's very often a sign of what's to come.

I see. We should ban kids from football now, in case they are exposed to nasty things and become racists. Its the only logical solution.

On a different subject, 1000th post, wooo! Though I probably could/should have posted something more constructive :(

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I'll ignore the ignorant comments that have been made by which i presume have been made by posters under the age of twenty five.

Why's it ok to take the mick out of an overweight lad but not someones skin colour? That was my point

Of course it is not. I'm sure the opening poster of this thread "Dr The Singh" would agree. Dr The Singh was subjected to comments/abuse purely because of his appearance, this is wrong. Why some of the posters on here think it is ok to submit some to abuse but no others makes no common sense what's so ever. So hypocritical in my opinion.

I remember a couple of seasons ago away to Portsmouth some City fans constantly shouted abuse every time the Pompey player with ginger hair touched the ball. "you ginger bastard, you f**king ginger c***". Sitting a couple of rows in front of us was a guy with his two young girls who happen to have ginger hair. The girls kept turning around looking at the fans hurling abuse and the look on their faces showed the hurt the comments were causing. Was this reported a hate crime? No. Was it a hate crime i think so and should not be allowed. Are some getting more protection than others? Special treatment? It seems so at the moment.

A poster on here suggested that if you do not wish to be offended stay at home, this cannot be the right attitude. Surely ALL City/football fans need to have the same protection from the law not just the few.

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Just had a look on Forest's forum to gage how they see this issue. Differing views is one way of putting it ! They range from 'It's a bit of a problem that could do with sorting' to 'They are only moaning 'cos they didn't f*****g win !' ( Yes,some Forest fans haven't yet grasped that we never win on their patch ! ) On another topic,namely 'Things that annoy you', things start to make you sit up and take notice. It starts off with fat lesbians,hoofball,even our Paul Konchesky gets a mention,as do people from Leicester ( not that they really care ! ) Then someone posts the Welsh,the Scots. Another posts Muslims,and one more adds Pakistani taxi drivers ( Reminding me of our visit to Forest,last Good Friday,when travelling in a taxi,the Asian driver had to listen to a torrent of racist bile from a Forest fan whilst at traffic lights. The driver did and said nothing,almost as though a common occurance ). But the worrying thing is that not one person has challenged or questioned these controversial posts. It just wouldn't happen on here

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There's a time n place for humour. When a blokes posted on here with a serious point why take the piss? Noone took the mick saying to the asian bloke that he should paint himself white or something similar. Why's it ok to take the mick out of an overweight lad but not someones skin colour? That was my point

Ughh... REALLY?

I hate the media's obsession with weight, can't stand this ridiculous "fat-hate" culture we've developed.

But let's not take that too far, eh? You're born to a race, to a culture, there's nothing you can do about it. There's a lot you can do about your personal fitness and, I'm sorry, but comparing the two is just ridiculous.

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I dunno. You hear about people who are fat through illnesses (not idleitis) sure for every one with an illness theres five who are lazy n eat unhealthily. I'm as skinny as a rake, turn sideways n i become invisible apart from my nose- people presume i dont eat which couldn't be further from the truth. I just have a fast metabolism I spose. There must be people at the other end of the spectrum. N its very unfair for a kid of 10 to have the piss took out of him for that. As for the dad being bald, well that is another matter!

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The fact that people still think it's funny making jokes about fat and bald people as if it's original is funny in itself.

I've been balding since my early/mid twenties I'm not offended it's just so boring.

Come on 'you fat/bald bastard' :yawn:

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I'll ignore the ignorant comments that have been made by which i presume have been made by posters under the age of twenty five.

Of course it is not. I'm sure the opening poster of this thread "Dr The Singh" would agree. Dr The Singh was subjected to comments/abuse purely because of his appearance, this is wrong. Why some of the posters on here think it is ok to submit some to abuse but no others makes no common sense what's so ever. So hypocritical in my opinion.

I remember a couple of seasons ago away to Portsmouth some City fans constantly shouted abuse every time the Pompey player with ginger hair touched the ball. "you ginger bastard, you f**king ginger c***". Sitting a couple of rows in front of us was a guy with his two young girls who happen to have ginger hair. The girls kept turning around looking at the fans hurling abuse and the look on their faces showed the hurt the comments were causing. Was this reported a hate crime? No. Was it a hate crime i think so and should not be allowed. Are some getting more protection than others? Special treatment? It seems so at the moment.

A poster on here suggested that if you do not wish to be offended stay at home, this cannot be the right attitude. Surely ALL City/football fans need to have the same protection from the law not just the few.

It sounds dangerously like you are suggesting that Asian and Black people are getting special privileges when they get abused. I will ignore that for now though.

Yes abuse is commonplace and it is not right, and to say that if you can't take it then don't come to football is akin to telling Dr the Singh that if he doesn't like getting racist abuse he shouldn't go to football matches.

The thing is you don't seem to be on the end of the abuse, nor your kids or the little ginger girls, if any abuse had been directed at you, your kid or the little red heads, you would have a point, but if you are trying to protect them from over hearing anything that is abusive then there aren't many things they can do. Any comedy on TV will poke fun at someone at some whether it is fat, ugly, stupid, lazy people, at school they will get it just as bad it is part of life, rightly or wrongly and maybe exposing them to it early on, as long as they are not the direct recipient of abuse, will toughen them up and hopefully stop them turning out like this:

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I see. We should ban kids from football now, in case they are exposed to nasty things and become racists. Its the only logical solution.

On a different subject, 1000th post, wooo! Though I probably could/should have posted something more constructive :(


The point being made by a previous poster was that it was kids making the racist chants, but that this was acceptable because they found it 'funny'.

Therefore, those kids were bringing racism TO football, not merely finding it AT football...

Of course kids should come to football matches... But that's a completely different point to the one I was making.

Ie that racism starts in some young people and if not stopped can become endemic....

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Just had a look on Forest's forum to gage how they see this issue. Differing views is one way of putting it ! They range from 'It's a bit of a problem that could do with sorting' to 'They are only moaning 'cos they didn't f*****g win !' ( Yes,some Forest fans haven't yet grasped that we never win on their patch ! ) On another topic,namely 'Things that annoy you', things start to make you sit up and take notice. It starts off with fat lesbians,hoofball,even our Paul Konchesky gets a mention,as do people from Leicester ( not that they really care ! ) Then someone posts the Welsh,the Scots. Another posts Muslims,and one more adds Pakistani taxi drivers ( Reminding me of our visit to Forest,last Good Friday,when travelling in a taxi,the Asian driver had to listen to a torrent of racist bile from a Forest fan whilst at traffic lights. The driver did and said nothing,almost as though a common occurance ). But the worrying thing is that not one person has challenged or questioned these controversial posts. It just wouldn't happen on here

add to this the fact that all the "reds fans" posting on here have said we are blowing things out of proprtion and almost defending their racist fans, shocking, the whole thing is just shocking but on a really sad should be left in the bloody 80's sort of way. It is 2012, yes thats the year two thousand and frikkin twelve and we still have mindless pathetic racist scumbags on the face of the earth, they need wiping off!!!!

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Interesting about saying this is 2012 and there is no call for racism in this modern age. A guy i know from birming

add to this the fact that all the "reds fans" posting on here have said we are blowing things out of proprtion and almost defending their racist fans, shocking, the whole thing is just shocking but on a really sad should be left in the bloody 80's sort of way. It is 2012, yes thats the year two thousand and frikkin twelve and we still have mindless pathetic racist scumbags on the face of the earth, they need wiping off!!!!

ham has 2 lads in their late teens, he is about 45 and so was in his teens in the 80's and he was saying that he cannot believe how racist his kids and their mates are. Obviously he tries to stop it but he feels the problem is far worse and more deep rooted nowadays than it was then. He puts it down to many reasons, one being some of the values you learned in school in the 70's i.e. if you cant take it, don't give it cos you're gonna get a kicking and whatever happens never grass. Obviously these values have radically changed over the years through anti racism and anti bullying campaigns, maybe for the better or maybe for the worse, but what he believe's is that his kids have grown up at school resenting the protection that ethnic pupils had and become more racist because of it. Don't rip me apart cos i'm just trying to offer some kind of explanation....

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Interesting about saying this is 2012 and there is no call for racism in this modern age. A guy i know from birming

ham has 2 lads in their late teens, he is about 45 and so was in his teens in the 80's and he was saying that he cannot believe how racist his kids and their mates are. Obviously he tries to stop it but he feels the problem is far worse and more deep rooted nowadays than it was then. He puts it down to many reasons, one being some of the values you learned in school in the 70's i.e. if you cant take it, don't give it cos you're gonna get a kicking and whatever happens never grass. Obviously these values have radically changed over the years through anti racism and anti bullying campaigns, maybe for the better or maybe for the worse, but what he believe's is that his kids have grown up at school resenting the protection that ethnic pupils had and become more racist because of it. Don't rip me apart cos i'm just trying to offer some kind of explanation....

It depends what area the kids have grown up in. If it's largely segregated then it would be no surprise if their views were largely influenced by what they read in the Sun, Mail etc.

As we've seen, there are plenty of areas in Leicestershire where the BNP, even now, remain quite strong.

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Also, leave the gingers out of this!`Ruadh gu bragh!

pah, as a ginger I can categorically state - we are evil. Like gay Jewish Eskimos but with more style and less interest in snow. :ph34r:

Disclaimer: No offence intended to those of a Jewish, Gay or Eskimo nature - you're just often included in evil based insults, and I'm not feeling very imaginative.

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pah, as a ginger I can categorically state - we are evil. Like gay Jewish Eskimos but with more style and less interest in snow. :ph34r:

Disclaimer: No offence intended to those of a Jewish, Gay or Eskimo nature - you're just often included in evil based insults, and I'm not feeling very imaginative.

Yes, but you're not supposed to tell them that!

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I remember Walter, Walter the Softy if I remember right,


I just didn't make the link, a lot of beer has passed my lips since I last read the beano, maybe it's time for you too to move on to more adult material.

What like readers wives ? I'm already there !

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I'll ignore the ignorant comments that have been made by which i presume have been made by posters under the age of twenty five.

Of course it is not. I'm sure the opening poster of this thread "Dr The Singh" would agree. Dr The Singh was subjected to comments/abuse purely because of his appearance, this is wrong. Why some of the posters on here think it is ok to submit some to abuse but no others makes no common sense what's so ever. So hypocritical in my opinion.

I remember a couple of seasons ago away to Portsmouth some City fans constantly shouted abuse every time the Pompey player with ginger hair touched the ball. "you ginger bastard, you f**king ginger c***". Sitting a couple of rows in front of us was a guy with his two young girls who happen to have ginger hair. The girls kept turning around looking at the fans hurling abuse and the look on their faces showed the hurt the comments were causing. Was this reported a hate crime? No. Was it a hate crime i think so and should not be allowed. Are some getting more protection than others? Special treatment? It seems so at the moment.

A poster on here suggested that if you do not wish to be offended stay at home, this cannot be the right attitude. Surely ALL City/football fans need to have the same protection from the law not just the few.

Christ on a moped if your Ginger you don't have to got to football matches to have the piss taken it happens all the time ( I should know my daughter is ginger) Grow up except that people will be people and won't take a blind bit of notice of your " sensitivity" grow some balls and act like a man. -- Bloody Walter.

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the obvious answer to racism bullying etc is to learn to live with it, it will never go away because we're human and by instinct we all hate each other. hidus hate sikhs, is this racist?

english hate welsh and the jocks hate the english, english hate the germans and the germans hate the poles...on it goes and we can't do f**k all about it...but grassing...now thats just not british

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