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Paris Shootings

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No they're not. 


If you REALLY wanted to get a gun in the UK to perform an attack like this, it's a LOT easier than you think. 


The criminal underground are probably a little more discerning in the UK. But all the same semi-automatic weapons are likely to still be more difficult to get a hold of, rather than handguns. 

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I agree, probably more difficult to get hold of, but where there is a will there is a way - not impossible by any stretch of the imagination.


People kidding themselves that we are safer here than those in Paris are wrong. 


The next UK terror attack is just around the corner, and I guarantee it will involve plenty of guns, explosives, etc. 


It's only a matter of time.

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And less acceptable.


I think that's an important point people forget.


Culturally only bad people and a few farmers have guns unlike France.


I'm sure I read that there are something like 7 million legal guns in France and about twice as many illegal ones. That's just under 1 for every 3 people if true.

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No they're not. 


If you REALLY wanted to get a gun in the UK to perform an attack like this, it's a LOT easier than you think. 


It's not unknown for gang related killings by rival gangs to involve the exact same gun, rented to both gangs. Hand guns might be relatively easy to get hold of if you want one, but semi automatic gins like those used last night are much harder.

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How the heck did the world get like this? The reasons that are used to justify this carnage are ridiculous when you really think about it. All for the imaginary man in the sky who doesn't actually exist, science could prove that fact easily. We are all children of the earth, you don't see borders up in space. All that will happen now is France and friends will retaliate by causing the deaths of countless people to which IS will retaliate in the same way and we go around and around in a vicious circle that will never stop. Its pointless. Peace is one of the few logical things in existence but it gets ignored, unlike money, religion and war which are all so logical aren't they? Its almost embarrassing to be human when things like this happen.

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There is no right or wrong answer on being involved in bombing Syria.

The atrocities taking place there at the minute provide a real moral dilemma.

It's not just as simple as leaving them to sort it out for themselves.

Chemical weapons are being used to kill thousands of people, including children.

Saying that the west should stay out of it is not looking at the situation properly.

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Less than 2% of terror attacks are carried out in the name of Islam?

Sorry but that is just complete nonsense, that's a shocking effort even for a meme.

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If you wanted a weapon in Leicester you can get one.

In France, it isn't hard either.

How do people get hold of illegal drugs?

How do people get hold of "slave" labour?

Where's there's a market there's a way.

The guns probally came from Easteren Europe, there for a lot easier to cross the boarder into France, then like here, it would be 10times easier to get guns like semi automatics, ak47s into France then here, and I'm very very sure you couldn't get THESE kind of weapons in Leicester, big big difference between weapons like this and cocaine, etc

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 and I'm very very sure you couldn't get THESE kind of weapons in Leicester, big big difference between weapons like this and cocaine, etc


I'm not quite certain why you're so sure about this. 


You can buy weapons like the ones used last night in Paris on the dark-web, the same market-places where you can buy huge quantities of hard drugs amongst other things. 


If someone wants something badly enough, they WILL find it. 

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But what do we do?

Roll in to Syria and Iraq, wipe them off the face of the Earth, chase them back to their holes and wait a few years until a new group becomes radicalised from that Western war and starts again? Stop interfering and let them continue to **** each other and us?

I'm not being facetious I just generally am lost for all reason and logic. I mean, what on Earth do you do in the face of that much hate?

Pretty much how I feel.

What do you do about it? Frankly, fook knows.

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Pretty much how I feel.

What do you do about it? Frankly, fook knows.

Stop pissing about with multi-culturalism as it doesn't work and get tough on Islam. Close the Madrasas for a start .inter the hate preachers and ban the Burka. If they don't like it tough, clear off to another country. Silly lefties will whinge , but Islam is the problem and we can't keep making politically correct excuses or these events will happen over and over again.

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Sadly no one cares, so many innocents caught up in this from both sides neither of whom wanted any involvement.

I think the International Criminal Court might be interested in prosecuting western leaders for war crimes if you just bomb everyone!

That'd make it as bad as terror attacks.

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Stop pissing about with multi-culturalism as it doesn't work and get tough on Islam. Close the Madrasas for a start .inter the hate preachers and ban the Burka. If they don't like it tough, clear off to another country. Silly lefties will whinge , but Islam is the problem and we can't keep making politically correct excuses or these events will happen over and over again.


You need to get educated on this subject.


You do realise that is EXACTLY what ISIS want - they want NORMAL, humane Muslims in the west to be persecuted and isolated.


They are trying to create a rift and destroy the places where Muslims live in peace alongside other people. 


Your ignorant view is exactly what they want everyone to believe. 

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I think the International Criminal Court might be interested in prosecuting western leaders for war crimes if you just bomb everyone!

That'd make it as bad as terror attacks.

Why haven't they done so already then? West has been bombing the world for years with no legal repercussion.

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You need to get educated on this subject.


You do realise that is EXACTLY what ISIS want - they want NORMAL, humane Muslims in the west to be persecuted and isolated.


They are trying to create a rift and destroy the places where Muslims live in peace alongside other people. 


Your ignorant view is exactly what they want everyone to believe. 

I don't want moderate, humane Muslims persecuted either.

But i'm not ignorant enough to believe that there aren't many Muslims broadly sympathetic to ISIS. Sending your kids to Mosque school at the age of 7 every night after school is not normal behaviour and the Muslims I know say they are often taught by un-educated young people who are radical.

But you keep making excuses if it makes you feel better,Ostrich

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