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Why do so many fans want Pearson to be the manager next season?

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On a side note, if people disagreee with me I can fully understand it and I can appreciate the arguemants that he should leave.  But some of the vitriol and hate on here is fvcking mental.  Some of you need to have a bit of a look at your lives.  I don't mean by reacting to me on here or trying to convince yourself you are perfectly within your rights to revel in negativty and get personally offensive and insulting to people you do not even know who are just trying to do a job and maybe are not doing it quite as well as you would like.  I mean you should sit down next time you are alone, have a but of "me time".  Maybe look at yourself in the mirror and say "Am I a nice person?"  "Am I happy with my life and in the fact I like to log on to a unanimous forum to spout vitriol and negativity towards a man who is not quite getting some other men to kick a ball around in quite the way I want?". "If a shop assistant gets their job wrong or the bank maganer makes a mistake I say excuse me could you please double check that, put it right.  If I make a mistake in my own job I expet to be brought up on it in a respectful, constructive matter.  If NP does something wrong I like to say "Fvck you you fvcking cvnt you are a **** and a fvcking tosser and I want you dead and out of my club!".


Anyway, gotta go clean out the ol' foreskin, gets crazy green down there sometimes.


Come on you Foxes!!!  I ****ing love you!!!!!



This confuses me as the only vitriol and hate I see on here is when Pearsonites slate the non Pearsonites.

The personal abuse only seems to run in one direction.

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That would depend on someones idea of a " dip " two wins in eighteen games is not my idea of a " dip "

tbf...we had a dip...yeah but if we take the blinkers off us...look around Boro had a worse dip than us. Palace had a dip.




a) As for Southampton: Exceptions cement the rule

b) As for that so-called "god-awful mess": It wasn't the last half, it was two out of ten months this season (February to March)

c) If we really have such an "in sync" squad that was "dishing out thrashings" (even if these results were the exceptions, but hey ho - who cares?) - how do you explain the phase between February and March then?

d) We did not "collapse", we huffed and puffed over the finishing line. Probably a more accurate description of the last third of this season.


But hey, who wouldn't want a piece of your antipathy towards Nigel Pearson?

Saints were on a wave. that one we had when we went up from League 1, confidence still around the whole team.

Personally i think if we'd a got hammered every week then I could see NP going, but we didnt.

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a) As for Southampton: Exceptions cement the rule

b) As for that so-called "god-awful mess": It wasn't the last half, it was two out of ten months this season (February to March)

c) If we really have such an "in sync" squad that was "dishing out thrashings" (even if these results were the exceptions, but hey ho - who cares?) - how do you explain the phase between February and March then?

d) We did not "collapse", we huffed and puffed over the finishing line. Probably a more accurate description of the last third of this season.


But hey, who wouldn't want a piece of your antipathy towards Nigel Pearson?



So winning two games out of eighteen is not a god awful mess ? your right it's not it is a god awful religation form mess.


If we are going for accurate descriptions we did not so much huff and puff more hoof and hope. And even then we needed Bolton to shunt us over the line.


As for explaining how it all went so wrong dont ask me ask Pearson but dont wait too long for an answer because so far he has not come up with one. But hey ho we would not want a touch of reality getting in the way of opinions would we ? :D

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Getting to the premiership is a marathon not a sprint ? erm Southampton anyone ? and if anyone is clutching at straws it's the deluded fans who refuse to acknowledge what a god awful mess the last half of the season was and still think Pearson is the man to lead us forward.

 need years of bonding to understand each others play ? it's not a game of international chess for christ sake. They did not need years of bonding when they were dishing out 6.0 and 6.1 thrashing in the first half of the season did they ?


The big question all city fans need answering is why from sitting in second spot and playing some of the best football I have seen us play for years did we collapse in such a pathetic way. It is a question that has never been answered by the manager which says it all. There was no excuses no long term injuries of bans just a total collapse in moral and belief in them selves, and that IS down to the manager and IS the reason Pearson must go. And if he doesn't then prepare yourselves for another disastrous season under him.


so because he got us playing so well but couldn't sustain it - that's good enough reason to sack him and start again is it? That's rational yeah? "You got us second, you got us playing the best football in years, we were thrashing teams by six,  but then we collapsed. Go!"  


When has NFP, for all his faults, led us to a "disastrous" season? Have you seen our record since 2004? Best season since relegation from Prem,  fifth in Champ - manager Nigel Pearson,  second best, sixth in Champ - manager Nigel Pearson, third best, promotion from League One, manager Nigel Pearson. The rest? Unmitigated, mid-table/relegation zone mediocrity and once relegation itself under a series of managers with dubious credentials. No-one would argue NFP is perfect. Or that he hasn't made mistakes this season. Or that we wouldn't like to hear a full and frank ex[planation of the post January slump. But unless you know of a top flight manager who is eager to come to us, who wouldn't want to start from scratch again in terms of squad building, I see no rational case for getting rid of him.

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so because he got us playing so well but couldn't sustain it - that's good enough reason to sack him and start again is it? That's rational yeah? "You got us second, you got us playing the best football in years, we were thrashing teams by six,  but then we collapsed. Go!"  


When has NFP, for all his faults, led us to a "disastrous" season? Have you seen our record since 2004? Best season since relegation from Prem,  fifth in Champ - manager Nigel Pearson,  second best, sixth in Champ - manager Nigel Pearson, third best, promotion from League One, manager Nigel Pearson. The rest? Unmitigated, mid-table/relegation zone mediocrity and once relegation itself under a series of managers with dubious credentials. No-one would argue NFP is perfect. Or that he hasn't made mistakes this season. Or that we wouldn't like to hear a full and frank ex[planation of the post January slump. But unless you know of a top flight manager who is eager to come to us, who wouldn't want to start from scratch again in terms of squad building, I see no rational case for getting rid of him.


Still does not answer my question how did we go from playing some of the best football I have seen down here in years to hoofball panic stations in the space of a few weeks ? Something is not right behind the scenes for that to happen and no mistake. My big fear is he will continue where he left off because he did not appear to have a clue how to stop the rot.

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So if I want the manager to succeed I have to get behind him, he's had my support In the past, and was found wanting, with a season and half of inconsistent results.

I wouldn't be surprised if we are top two in jan, we were this season, look what happened.

Don't expect to much Nigel Pearson isn't all that, average manager and if he stays I expect an average finish next season.

I kind of get this blind loyalty to Pearson, but out of the 80 percent voted if you asked them if you want Pearson, or just don't want another change I think his support wouldn't be 80 percent.

I just think he is an average manager, if we keep him it shows how little ambition the club and 80 percent of fans on this forum have

Is it average to finish in the playoffs?

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Plenty of average managers have done it, phil brown, aidy bootheroyd, ian holloway, dave jones and iain dowie to name a few. Some of them have gone further.

So have quality managers though


King O'Neil


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3 full seasons in charge


1 promotion (incidentally giving us fans some hope and belief.  Turning the club completely around after so many seasons of nothingness)


2 finishes in the playoffs


Add to that the fact that he has come in twice after differing periods of poor player signings, huge wages, millions wasted and TWICE has sorted the club out, brought in fresher, hungrier players, removed the poorer influences from around the training ground and in doing so has still seen us competing on much stricter budgets.


That is all I have to say

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Hello there fellow Foxes


I wanted to write this topic after various conversations and debates on other threads.  It covers a similar ground but I feel it warrants its own thread.


The problem with the Pearson debate is that there are people on each side who are, what some might term, “hystericalâ€.  These people have made it very difficult to have a reasonable debate.  As soon as you say anything negative about Pearson you’re a "Pearson Hater" and if you are positive you are a "Pearson Bummer"!  In truth, I would guess that 90% of people on this forum actually sit somewhere in the middle.  We all support Leicester City and want what is best for the club.  Some people (and I include myself in this camp) believe that sticking with Nigel Pearson is the best way to achieve this whilst there are others who feel a change is the best option.  Now when we try and discuss this some folk can go off on one!!  I will hold up my hands here, I myself have been guilty of being overly reactionary to people who are being negative about NP but this is only based on the fact that there have been those who clearly go way over the top in terms of criticism.  Some folk have gotten personal about NP and about certain players and those are the people any of my rants are aimed at.   It is the same all over this forum, you are either a hater or a bummer and rational conversation can be difficult. 


Well I aim to keep it rational and thoughtful from now on and that is what this thread is about.  I want it to be for considered, “backed up with facts†opinions and anyone who wants a slagging match can stick to the other threads.  We only want the good people on here.


As a starting point, I feel it might be useful to do a bit of an Atticus Finch and walk about in someone else's shoes.  I am a "Pearson Bummer" and I feel we should stick with him.  However I can understand why some people disagree.  I thought it might be useful if us bummers put down some negatives we may see in NP and the Haters might want to put down some positives.  I do not want this to be the whole purpose of this thread I just feel it's just a good starting point for debate.  Hopefully we can keep this thread all about rational conversations and well mannered, good natured disagreements.


So, as a self confessed bummer here are five things I feel NP might not be so good at:


1)  Although there is no actual proof for this there is some evidence to suggest that he may fall out with/hold grudges against certain players.

2)  Attacking/flair players often seem to go backwards in development under NP.

3)  He may be a little too stubborn.

4)  There is a question mark still over his ability to change a match with an inspired substitution or tactical change.

5)  There was a point when it looked like he had no idea how to stop the run of bad results.


There we go.  I really like and admire NP and I want him to stay but I can see that there are arguments against him.  I personally feel that the above issue can be overcome and dealt with but I can see why they would worry some people.


Anyway, all this rationality has made me feel uneasy.  I'm off to w*nk myself into oblivion over pictures of NP's silverback gorilla like frame.







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Can we stop this well he finished in the play offs nonsense.  With the money spent on wages and transfer fees anything less than promotion is a serious failure.  Also we have not significantly reduced the wage bill.  People like Ball have gone with a big, fat pay off and Beckford, Danns etc. are still registered with us.


He has spent more than the majority if not all of the other clubs in this division and so he has failed.  We have played badly for the last third of the season and he did not show he had the skills to arrest relegation form.  We snuck into the play offs with one of the lowest points totals ever and then got outplayed by Watford for the majority of the 2 legs.  That along with his £1m a year wages is simply not good enough.

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Still does not answer my question how did we go from playing some of the best football I have seen down here in years to hoofball panic stations in the space of a few weeks ? Something is not right behind the scenes for that to happen and no mistake. My big fear is he will continue where he left off because he did not appear to have a clue how to stop the rot.

When questioned about a change in style Pearson said he's not changed how he sent out his players, but that he had better more attacking players.


This raises several things. Firstly, that he wasn't responsible for a change in style and that players themselves went down that route, which could have been caused by several things (pressure, inexperience etc).


Conversely, that brings up a big minus and my main worry about Pearson. You want you manager to dictate how you play, for the players to have a set style and game plan they work to, not just to go out and play how they want and to their own style.

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As a fence sitter most of your points are conjecture and may be urban myths, as you put it unless you are in someone's shoes you can not judge. What I did find alarming is the way he responded to the penalty at Watford, a certain MON would have been doing his nut making sure that we covered any possible break from a missed penalty. This has started to make me wonder if Pearson him self can cope with the pressure of the job and therefore reacts in the manner we see. As I have stated before I think it's a job half done and unless we can bring in a manager of prove ability then I don't see the sense in changing. To say Pearson could not do this that or the other means you are saying that he had other opitions which may not be the case as most of the time he opitions have been very limited. Has Wood been injured ? Was not playing Kane am opition ? (These are just intended as examples )

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Does seem odd doesn't it, he ships out players who he finds disruptive or who don't want to play second fiddle and then seems incapable of stopping the team from deciding to play defensive hoofball.

I'm not sure how the two are linked, he's said publicly that these players weren't committed. He seems the sort to be quite forgiving of people if he believes they want to be here and want to give 100%.

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When questioned about a change in style Pearson said he's not changed how he sent out his players, but that he had better more attacking players.


This raises several things. Firstly, that he wasn't responsible for a change in style and that players themselves went down that route, which could have been caused by several things (pressure, inexperience etc).


Conversely, that brings up a big minus and my main worry about Pearson. You want you manager to dictate how you play, for the players to have a set style and game plan they work to, not just to go out and play how they want and to their own style.


Totally agree with this, I've been trying to make this point to people for ages lol

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I think it is largely a case of whether you believe Pearson can learn and develop as a manager, he is still fairly young and inexperienced in managerial terms, and what I see as a positive is the why he completely changed our style of play, not only from last season where he map hampered by Sven's crew, but from his first spell here. We started playing good fast incisive attacking football and once we stopped being so naive and getting caught on the break we reached the top of the table.

Then the wheels came off a bit, most put it down to pressure and a young inexperienced squad at the top to be shot at.

Not as quickly as I would have liked Pearson put things right, made the signing we were all crying out for in Wood and secured Keane for the rest of the season.

We suddenly looked great again, manager of the month in January closing in on Cardiff, and then disaster.

I still don't know what happened, but whatever it was Pearson couldn't fix it, despite some good results towards the end of the season we were not the same team. The fact we sneaked into the playoffs papered over a few cracks, but our form since January was awful. Pearson has to take some of the blame for that even if, as rumoured, the problems were not Nigel's fault, he still needed to identify the problem on or off the pitch and sort it out either by making changes or bringing in loan signings.

In summary despite the poor end to the season I do think that Pearson and the squad have developed and grown over the season and with some smart additions, and possibly more importantly the right players leaving the club I do see a lot of positives for the season coming. If NP is replaced by a better candidate I won't complain, but I don't want to see him replaced for the sake of it.

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I'm not sure how the two are linked, he's said publicly that these players weren't committed. He seems the sort to be quite forgiving of people if he believes they want to be here and want to give 100%.

Well if those he hasn't shipped out are committed to the club, the manager and his style of play why don't they follow his orders?

How difficult is it to train your goalie not to boot the ball to the opposing goalie?

I can understand that players may feel under pressure in a game and go defensive but this has happened for weeks now.

Surely a manager who wasn't getting results due to players not following orders world change things around, I've always believed that Pearson was the type who wouldn't take shit, I'd sooner have a player who didn't want to sit on the bench than one who doesn't follow orders week after week.

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Hello there fellow Foxes


I wanted to write this topic after various conversations and debates on other threads.  It covers a similar ground but I feel it warrants its own thread.


The problem with the Pearson debate is that there are people on each side who are, what some might term, “hystericalâ€.  These people have made it very difficult to have a reasonable debate.  As soon as you say anything negative about Pearson you’re a "Pearson Hater" and if you are positive you are a "Pearson Bummer"!  In truth, I would guess that 90% of people on this forum actually sit somewhere in the middle.  We all support Leicester City and want what is best for the club.  Some people (and I include myself in this camp) believe that sticking with Nigel Pearson is the best way to achieve this whilst there are others who feel a change is the best option.  Now when we try and discuss this some folk can go off on one!!  I will hold up my hands here, I myself have been guilty of being overly reactionary to people who are being negative about NP but this is only based on the fact that there have been those who clearly go way over the top in terms of criticism.  Some folk have gotten personal about NP and about certain players and those are the people any of my rants are aimed at.   It is the same all over this forum, you are either a hater or a bummer and rational conversation can be difficult. 


Well I aim to keep it rational and thoughtful from now on and that is what this thread is about.  I want it to be for considered, “backed up with facts†opinions and anyone who wants a slagging match can stick to the other threads.  We only want the good people on here.


As a starting point, I feel it might be useful to do a bit of an Atticus Finch and walk about in someone else's shoes.  I am a "Pearson Bummer" and I feel we should stick with him.  However I can understand why some people disagree.  I thought it might be useful if us bummers put down some negatives we may see in NP and the Haters might want to put down some positives.  I do not want this to be the whole purpose of this thread I just feel it's just a good starting point for debate.  Hopefully we can keep this thread all about rational conversations and well mannered, good natured disagreements.


So, as a self confessed bummer here are five things I feel NP might not be so good at:


1)  Although there is no actual proof for this there is some evidence to suggest that he may fall out with/hold grudges against certain players.

2)  Attacking/flair players often seem to go backwards in development under NP.

3)  He may be a little too stubborn.

4)  There is a question mark still over his ability to change a match with an inspired substitution or tactical change.

5)  There was a point when it looked like he had no idea how to stop the run of bad results.


There we go.  I really like and admire NP and I want him to stay but I can see that there are arguments against him.  I personally feel that the above issue can be overcome and dealt with but I can see why they would worry some people.


Anyway, all this rationality has made me feel uneasy.  I'm off to w*nk myself into oblivion over pictures of NP's silverback gorilla like frame.





Pearson Bummer!!!!








































Well somebody had too!

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