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Burton Post Match Debacle

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Can I have some cos I don't want to be left out (Babs help please)...


The plus sign in the corner of a post, just click on every single one of mine.

I gave you one in the past I think, as im nice.

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The problem Pearson has with tonight's result is that in the pre-match interview on Radio Leicester he clearly stated that this was a competition that "we want to do well in".

I turned the radio off at 4-1 but having read the majority of posts it would would appear that the team he has put out tonight in his own mind was capable of a result and he has clearly made a very poor judgement call which concerns me more than the result or any individuals performance.

The post-match rhetoric was quite familiar too.

9 times out of 10 we would have won that with those players. Pearson could have selected the 11 against Blackburn and the result could have been the same.

What the lads do beyond the white line is out of Pearsons control. They have let him down - not the other way round.

Post match I thought he was excellent. He was honest and that's all I ask; none of this media shmooz that most want. I'd rather him be under spoken and do well - which IMO will happen soon.

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Errr it's a cup game not a league game, this isn't our first choice 11. You cannot compare the two really.

I wish i could do the face-palm thing Babylon!!!!!

Millwall were in the same league.

Burton are 2 leagues below.

There was a team in blue shirts with a LCFC badge on the pitch and they were worse tonight than against Millwall.

I don't think it's time for NP to go yet .... So to talk about Millwall may be a bit inflammatory ..... But the way he deals with this lose will define his career as Leicester manager .... If there's a reaction and we win a few on the bounce, happy days, if there isn't then he started the countdown clock this evening.

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What the lads do beyond the white line is out of Pearsons control. They have let him down - not the other way round.

Sorry but I totally disagre with that. That is exactly what a good manager is there for. A good manager like a good teacher inspires, teachers, gives confidence, prepares, motivates, demonstrates, mentors, earns respect, and also instills fear. A fear of losing. losing is two fold; that of the game and that of his trust. As I have said elsewhere, I am of the Pearson camp but he has a lot of work to do. You tell me that once they cross the white line it's up to them? Why the fook do managers occupy the dugout and techical area rather than sitting in the west stand where they will get a better view then ?

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Embarrassing or what? No fans should be expected to put up with that shit. There was no excuse on Earth for that. Okay, if Pearson had put the youth team out and declared that the League Cup was a long way down his list of priorities, fair enough (although I wouldn't have agreed with him).

But to field respectable, well paid footballers and get that as a two-fingered salute....I'd be livid beyond words.

This wasn't just one of those wacko days when we battered em, failed to score and got beaten. Burton ended up being able to take the piss.

Where was our passing, moving and professional composure beyond the first 10 minutes?

We were worse than disgraceful.

Pearson gave the impression pre-match that he wanted to win the game. Well, I don't know how he went about motivating our team because we were arrogance personified and got exactly what we deserved.

If that was our shadow team I'd sooner go with a Subbuteo set.

Have we really swapped the likes of Bamber for Whitbread? And is Danns a footballer or a rebound wall?

Quite what King and Nugent had done wrong I don't know but it must have been bad to get em involved with that lot. The sodding game was over. Why not leave those responsible to stew in their own sour juice?

I'd like to say Knockeart and Futacs' goals were consolation but while they momentarily lifted the spirits, neither player looked any more imnpressive than anyone else and that's no compliment

To emphasise how bad a night it was for the boss he took off the only player who seemed likely to make an impression - ~Gallagher. How he explains that I don't know but I'm starting to wonder about his tactical acumen as are one or two more .

Even a few pints haven't convinced me I was dreaming but I wish they had.

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Embarrassing or what? No fans should be expected to put up with that shit. There was no excuse on Earth for that. Okay, if Pearson had put the youth team out and declared that the League Cup was a long way down his list of priorities, fair enough (although I wouldn't have agreed with him).

But to field respectable, well paid footballers and get that as a two-fingered salute....I'd be livid beyond words.

This wasn't just one of those wacko days when we battered em, failed to score and got beaten. Burton ended up being able to take the piss.

Where was our passing, moving and professional composure beyond the first 10 minutes?

We were worse than disgraceful.

Pearson gave the impression pre-match that he wanted to win the game. Well, I don't know how he went about motivating our team because we were arrogance personified and got exactly what we deserved.

If that was our shadow team I'd sooner go with a Subbuteo set.

Have we really swapped the likes of Bamber for Whitbread? And is Danns a footballer or a rebound wall?

Quite what King and Nugent had done wrong I don't know but it must have been bad to get em involved with that lot. The sodding game was over. Why not leave those responsible to stew in their own sour juice?

I'd like to say Knockeart and Futacs' goals were consolation but while they momentarily lifted the spirits, neither player looked any more imnpressive than anyone else and that's no compliment

To emphasise how bad a night it was for the boss he took off the only player who seemed likely to make an impression - ~Gallagher. How he explains that I don't know but I'm starting to wonder about his tactical acumen as are one or two more .

Even a few pints haven't convinced me I was dreaming but I wish they had.

agree with parts.

but you complain about NP not motivating or changing it, and then moan because he brought on king and nuge.

cant have it both ways.

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Try telling that to Finnegan, Babs and BigAl. lol

Been really impressed with some of your comments in the last couple of days, wish I could talk sense like that.

Well Babs is Babs, and that is...nah I won't bother.

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Try telling that to Finnegan, Babs and BigAl. lol

No I agree, your posts are always a very good read and the bit about the subbuteo set made me chuckle.

It's all very weird, it's as if Pearson has been replaced by an alter ego twin brother in the second spell. I don't mean this in a bad way either, if a couple of years ago someone came back in a time machine and said Pearson's defence had turned to shit and he was playing wave after of attacking football away from home, I for one would have not believed them.

He's been replaced by a twin bro i tell you - Bit like that bad ass villain who was Michael Knight's bro - Garth knight was it? Whoever he was he was mean.

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Not a particularly constructive post here I know and maybe slightly off topic re the actual competition but we lost to Harlow Town in 1980's FA Cup 3rd round (I think) as a respectable second tier team at the time, one who yo-yo'ed between the top two divisions at the time. Jock Wallace lived to fight another day in style and went down as a LCFC managerial legend ! Will Pearson be able to do the same in time? Only time will tell but tonight's shock defeat won't help matters a great deal in an already questionnable second spell for him here.......

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I think Whitbread started well but soo deteriorated because he was nowhere near match fit, by the end he was a liability. SSL was just crap all round.

Agree with that. Despite his ultimate debacle, Whitbread showed enough earlier to suggest he'll be a good acquisition once he's put this behind him - as he's no callow youth, I assume he'll do just that.

SSL was dreadfully off the pace, struggled to win any headers (not his strong point in the first place) and his passing was atrocious...but we know he's better than that. Whether he's better than a decent Championship centre half, I've yet to be convinced...we'll see. Despite his poor game tonight, if Moore is injured I wouldn't be completely surprised to see Whitbread play on Saturday. It would be a gamble, but the sort of gamble/informed decision that managers are paid to make, and live and die by...

I'd be shocked if SSL were in contention for a couple of weeks, minimum.

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Personally I don't think we played particularly well against Peterbrough especially in the first half... I didn't go against Charlton or Blackburn but by all accounts we played well (even though the beeb website said we only had 41% possession in the latter) and now we get a tonking by lowly Burton.

I fear for Pearson if we lose on Saturday and fear a volley of abuse if I give an opinion on this so I'll keep my council.

What does disgust me is the pointless tripe spouted on this site by so called City fans shouting down others opinions if they don't match their own... It seems to me that the same that slag off the phone in are the ones that won't accept any others views if they don't agree... Needless to say they are also the ones who can't see any wrong with there beloved football club rather than try and see the underlying issues that need resolution.

In my opinion the buck stops with the manager. After scrolling through the latest single minded unwavering abuse levied at any poster who dares suggest Pearson may be the problem not the solution i have decided that some may never be able to put together a constructive argument and decided to leave Foxes talk.

Thanks for the amusement over the past couple of years and thanks for the thought provoking debates I've had with a few who've actually provided a well reasoned, balanced view even if they didn't agree with my own,Thrac, Kitch, Flowwolf, raynard to name a few.

Up the city.... A

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I hope you're not excusing that shambles Babs.

Errrr no... People are comparing it to being a turning point like Millwall under Sven and asking if his fate will be similar. My opinion is that it's nothing like that because it's a) the cup b) the spares team and c) only 5 games into the season.

A shitty pile of plop it might be, but it's nothing Like the Millwall game as nobody is going to get sacked for it.

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