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Guest nathan.

EDL (English Defence League)

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I'm here merely throwing ideas out there; I'm not having the greatest of days so wana keep occupied..

Fair on the UAF front I'd say, but it's generally more the MDL I was on about. I mean, I'm not excusing what the vast majority of the EDL are portrayed to be, not by a long shot. But I just can't understand why instances of violence against the EDL by a few members of the UAF (I'd imagine it has happened) and the MDL go largely unreported. I mean, on the MDL Facebook page (told you I've been trying to keep occupied), there's people* discussing actually wanting to fight, and one encouraged people to carry parker pens around because they cannot be confiscated and will cause maximum damage when stabbing white people and EDL members in the neck?! Pretty sinister and twisted in itself**, can't imagine it'd have been unique to just this planned demo either.

Would I be right in saying it's basically football hooliganism but on a larger scale and instead of football being the reason for fighting, it's Islam and Islamophobia?

*I realise these aren't the majority, which is evident just reading the page. The majority are trying to move away from violence.

**I'm aware that if I dug around enough I could probably find things as bad said by EDL members, but I've not got round that far just yet. I do usually tend to avoid topics like this because of my own conscious ignorance.

Yes I would say that is a fair point.

I personally believe that all of these groups (MDL, UAF, EDL etc.) have their elements that work secretly for certain people whose motto is 'Order out of Chaos' (which basically means create total chaos and then new laws will have to be forced through which will give the elite total control over the population).

Now that the technology is there to totally subdue a population I don't think it will be long before true global chaos is orchestrated and under way, and groups like those mentioned are the perfect means of creating the required chaos.

* does anyone know if I have misunderstood what Order out of Chaos really means?!

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Just been looking at that EDL forum the person posted. They say that they are not against Islam but then I read this :

Islam has one agena and that is global domination, islam is NOT peace, islam is interested in domination.

Sounds to me like they are against all Islam when reading this.

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Whoever goes there on Saturday to challenge the EDL are just as bad as them.

So the world should just tolerate bullying? I'm not UAF, am not going on Saturday (will be in London in fact) and wouldn't resort to violence to make my point. But the majority of counter-protesters there will just be there to be vocal. What's wrong with that?
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Whoever goes there on Saturday to challenge the EDL are just as bad as them.

Police will be there,surely they arent as bad as them!!!

Its the BIggest police operation since the old NF march back in the 1970's...just thought i'd mention that!!!!

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I think this can be best summed up by stating that not everyone in the EDL is an Islamophobic racist interested in causing trouble, but there are large numbers who are. In the same way it can be said that there are a lot of members of the MDL and UAF who want to turn up to demonstrations against the EDL in order to get heated, fight and generally cause chaos.

What irks me is that all of the trouble seems to be reported to come from the EDL side, when in reality for every member of the EDL being a cunt there are almost as many on the other side willing to act in the same way. A bit of a balance in the reporting wouldn't go amiss at times, really.

I don't have ties to any of the groups I've mentioned in the above, and if there's evidence to the contrary of what I've said above, I'd be happy for people to show me it.

Actually mate if you look at the arrest figures then UAF piss all over the EDL.

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I suppose you are attending on Saturday?

Want a bit of a punch up do you?

Don't want to make you look too stupid, but if you read my previous comments I am Completely against EDL. And I am not going on Saturday.

My comments are aimed at Houdini Logic who stated that the British Army aren't fighting for him.

So do your research, then come back.

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I don't understand the loyal part. Sikhs are loyal to who and for what reason?

Sikhs are a minority in India however howvever in WW1 and WW2 they had dispropotionate numbers of them in the army compared to the Hindu majority. They displayed courage beyond the norm and fought alongside the Allied forces from Britain aganist the Nazis. During the wars the were treated with great respect by there follow soldiers from the west however they were not recognised by the forces in control and near enough shunted away from the history books similar to the Gurkhas. This country owes a great debt to those Sikhs who gave their lives but there efferts are rarley recognised. The majority of people don't even know Sikhs fought with us during the wars. There is a lot of hidden history with the Sikhs and war which most of us are unawre of.

Sikhs in India are still regarded highley today for the fighting ability and bravery the Prime Ministers elite guards are normally Sikh and have been for many years.

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Don't want to make you look too stupid, but if you read my previous comments I am Completely against EDL. And I am not going on Saturday.

My comments are aimed at Houdini Logic who stated that the British Army aren't fighting for him.

So do your research, then come back.


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I struggle to have any sympathy for the UAF. Turn up for a rook if you ask me nothing else, make the situation worse if anything.

Yeh. I dunno why people just can't ignore EDL and all these other groups. If they wanna march and protest, I'd say let them. Let them have a brawl with the police if they want to.

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So the world should just tolerate bullying? I'm not UAF, am not going on Saturday (will be in London in fact) and wouldn't resort to violence to make my point. But the majority of counter-protesters there will just be there to be vocal. What's wrong with that?

Nail on the head. Someone needs to be there to stand up to the EDL, and show them they're not the almighty defenders of England and Englishness they think they are.

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Nail on the head. Someone needs to be there to stand up to the EDL, and show them they're not the almighty defenders of England and Englishness they think they are.

We live in a free country, there entitled to there's and your entitled to yours, ignoring them is the best thing to do!! That goes to the BNP, UAF, GI Joe, BBC and any other fecking group that think they represent anyone!!

Theses groups are in the minority, it doesn't take a fecking genious to figure out that they represent feck all, and if your stupid enough to think they do, you should fecking join em!!

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From what i hear,the EDL Boys could be in for abit of a mauling when they turn up in Olde Leicester.

Keep well out of the way if i were you lot (im sure you all will)

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We live in a free country, there entitled to there's and your entitled to yours, ignoring them is the best thing to do!! That goes to the BNP, UAF, GI Joe, BBC and any other fecking group that think they represent anyone!!

Theses groups are in the minority, it doesn't take a fecking genious to figure out that they represent feck all, and if your stupid enough to think they do, you should fecking join em!!

The UAF aren't claiming to represent anyone's views other than their own though. I'm by no means a member but by and large they're only there to say "we as people in this group think the EDL is wrong, as are the values they stand for".

Whereas the EDL claim to be defending me as an Englishman, which makes me feel kind of sick. I've seen them "in action" in Nottingham last year and it's pretty clear the vast majority of their membership clearly have no serious political agenda to push, or the intelligence to push it. They're wannabe football thugs who want to have a piss-up with like-minded morons, chant some cringeworthy racist shit and then have a quick row with the local Muslim yoof if they're lucky before they piss off back home. And they're doing all this in my name "coz the muzzies r gunna bomb ya". Fan-fucking-tastic.

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I think this can be best summed up by stating that not everyone in the EDL is an Islamophobic racist interested in causing trouble, but there are large numbers who are. In the same way it can be said that there are a lot of members of the MDL and UAF who want to turn up to demonstrations against the EDL in order to get heated, fight and generally cause chaos.

What irks me is that all of the trouble seems to be reported to come from the EDL side, when in reality for every member of the EDL being a cunt there are almost as many on the other side willing to act in the same way. A bit of a balance in the reporting wouldn't go amiss at times, really.

I don't have ties to any of the groups I've mentioned in the above, and if there's evidence to the contrary of what I've said above, I'd be happy for people to show me it.

I'd rather have a bunch of people who are militantly opposed to racism, sectarianism, xenophobia and general cuntishness than those who are militantly racist etc. Just seems like commonsense to want to have a more equitable society rather have people victimised for their race etc.

Whoever goes there on Saturday to challenge the EDL are just as bad as them.

See above answer as quite clearly they are not.

Yeh. I dunno why people just can't ignore EDL and all these other groups. If they wanna march and protest, I'd say let them. Let them have a brawl with the police if they want to.

By allowing them to march gives them a legitimisation that they do not deserve. The mere act of their march is incitement to hatred as they are using this to enlist/ spread their message and to intimidate those they are targetting. (It's the same with the orange order over here)

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Guest Mee-9

Totally agree with what's being said.

All the UAF go for aswell is a fight. It takes two to tango. (Or in this case, turn Leicester into a mass brawl)

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Totally agree with what's being said.

All the UAF go for aswell is a fight. It takes two to tango. (Or in this case, turn Leicester into a mass brawl)

You're right. It's not like the EDL would kick off against the roz, local Muslims etc. if the UAF weren't there is it?

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It's funny. When a bunch of militant Islamists protest against soldiers coming home or picket the Danish embassy threatening to behead cartoonists they're dismissed on here as a bunch of nutters,not representative, a minority not worth bothering about. But when the EDL march we all ought to be ashamed and they need stamping out. Seems, not for the first time, that there are double standards on here.

Just for the record I think both groups are a bunch of coonts.

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EDL and UAF are rather more pro-active.

I don't think people realise what they exactly until they have seen them in action. It's just hooliganism with some sort of distant reason.

Personally believe all this crap about avoiding town is half of the problem. Carry on, don't give them the attention.

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