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My letter to top

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When seeing the article title I thought what idiot is writing to the Chairman or assistant now. Because someone posted a letter on here that they sent to Susan Whelan and that was a load of tosh.

But I actually like your idea, loads of teams have big flags getting passed around at games now, we should try it again. Start in the family stand and go round to L1.

It is a bit dire in all fairness, and I even get bored now at half time when Birch just comes out and announces someone has won a holiday, then watch kids run around the pitch in some relay race, which is good for them but crowd ain't really interested in it.

Need change, need a big flag as you say, always been keen on them when I have seen them get passed around on tv.

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Bring back Republica and Robbie Williams before KO

Didn't realize they had stopped such classics no wonder the atmosphere is shit! Someone please tell me they still play Dario G?

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In my opinion, the best way to improve atmosphere is to get rid of of the we're on fire goal celebration, the Chelsea dagger was alot better for getting the crowd together, have you ever thought why we try the Poznan? its because we are bored of just clapping when we score, and half of us feel to embarrissed to jump on the nearest stranger when we score, we could at least do the fist pump with the Chelsea dagger. Also our commentator doesn't give us much encouragment, did anyone watch the Champion's league final and hear the bayern goal announcer and the crowd when they scored or has any of you been to Crystal Palace and hear their guy, both got the crowd involved with the goal by shouting out the goal scorers name, its alot better than what we have. Also the acoustics in the KP are not brilliant so a microphone hooked up near Jobbers drum so it can be heard on the speakers all around the stadium would get the crowd together and ALL singing at the same time rather than out of time between the Kop and L1-J3

Good luck with the whatever you put in the letter ;)

Chelsea Dagger is a big no-no, in-fact any goal music is. I know this may seem maybe reading into things a bit too much but am I the only one who thinks the goal music is there for crowd control? Almost telling you when to stop celebrating (when it goes off).

I do like that PA announcer but not sure it'd work too well here. Seriously depends on the players name but honestly think it sounds absolutely outstanding when pulled off well.

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in my opinion the only way there could be a atmosphere in the 'kop' is if they either move the away fans much closer or switch the position of the kop and family stand! the away fans would then be surrounded with L1 on one side and the Kop on the other :)

My God! It's revolutionary! :o

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As the atmosphere before the game isn't the greatest, me and another leicester fan have thought of the idea to write to top and ask about the possibility of a big flag passed over our heads before kick off and get some cards held above the heads of people in the kop either spelling out Leicester or LCFC, thoughts?

just stand up and sing your heart out for the lads flags cant sing neither can cards cant see the atmosphere improving by holding up cards
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in my opinion the only way there could be a atmosphere in the 'kop' is if they either move the away fans much closer or switch the position of the kop and family stand! the away fans would then be surrounded with L1 on one side and the Kop on the other :)

That's brilliant. Why has nobody else ever suggested this before?

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How does a flag improve an atmosphere?

Instead of saying nothing, someone might say, look at that fvcking stupid flag

B) Not sure there'll be enough people in 'the Kop' to hold up these cards up to spell anything out.

I think we'll manage 8

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It's a simple equation the atmosphere is shit because the level of football we are witnessing is shit. cast your minds back to the Mon days, did we need shit songs blasted out over the tanoy systems to tell us we should be celebrating ? No we had no need , we fed off the great stuff and great players we were watching who never gave in and even when we lost you know they had given there all.

Compare that to the abject shite we are dished up now . You just know how bad it is when public relation no nothings employed by the club think they can control a crowds thinking by stupid songs and gimmicks . It does not work and never will. Unless the fans have something to cheer about it will always be flat as a witches tit.

Give us a team that busts a gut and actually looks like they play for each other and want to play for our club and the atmosphere will follow naturally.

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It's a simple equation the atmosphere is shit because the level of football we are witnessing is shit. cast your minds back to the Mon days, did we need shit songs blasted out over the tanoy systems to tell us we should be celebrating ? No we had no need , we fed off the great stuff and great players we were watching who never gave in and even when we lost you know they had given there all.

Compare that to the abject shite we are dished up now . You just know how bad it is when public relation no nothings employed by the club think they can control a crowds thinking by stupid songs and gimmicks . It does not work and never will. Unless the fans have something to cheer about it will always be flat as a witches tit.

Give us a team that busts a gut and actually looks like they play for each other and want to play for our club and the atmosphere will follow naturally.

It's a small matter, some clubs are absolute shite yet can support their teams better than we can.

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in my opinion the only way there could be a atmosphere in the 'kop' is if they either move the away fans much closer or switch the position of the kop and family stand! the away fans would then be surrounded with L1 on one side and the Kop on the other :)

Good idea. Make a new thread about it.

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Although a fine idea, got no issues with it, I doubt it will improve the atmosphere. Think we had it around 2006, 2007 time?

Good luck though :thumbup:

(p.s, can you add about getting rid of that man with the horn who plays Post Horn Gallop?)

Does he actually play it? When I've seen it, it doesn't look like he's doing anything. They probably just blast the tune out the speakers.

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Can anyone remember the big flag they used to have in the kop at filbert street. I can remember people climbing onto it and being pushed up into the air like they were on a giant trampoline.

Also chelsea dagger was cringeworthy. While i would prefer no goal music at least fire doesn't intrude on the celebrations, you can hardly hear it in l1.

I agree with flowwolf. When results improve then so will the atmosphere.During O'Neill's I used to stand/sit at the back of pen 1, hands on knees bent forward so the low roof didn't obstruct my view. When we scored the place would go ballistic with people jumping on and hugging each other, I'd end up half way down and would have to clamber back up. We'd leave games feeling like we had been thoroughly involved.

But in those days success brought belief with it. We thought we would win every game and if we didn't we gave it a good fight. When results improve then that belief will come back. Whether the kp will ever beat filbert street for atmosphere I'm not sure but that is down to stadium design more than the fans.

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A few McDonalds,KFCs & BK in theconcourse would liven up the atmosphere a recipe for food fights amongst the fans.

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Tell them to get rid of goal music and pre match music, job done thread over.

Agree. A little polite applause when we score with the occasional shout of "Well played, Sir" will suffice.

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Does he actually play it? When I've seen it, it doesn't look like he's doing anything. They probably just blast the tune out the speakers.

lol That probably explains why is messes up sometimes.

I love the face that when he is finished, and all the fans are still clapping the players, he turns to each stand and waves as though everyone is clapping him!

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Wow there are some miserable bastards on here, quick to shoot down others ideas but not willing to come up with anything yourself!

I think anything like this is a good idea and will improve the match day experience, nice one :)

Chelsea dagger over Kasabian, are you mental?? Leicester band that actually are amazing and support Leicester, makes sense to me!

Get rid of the post horn gallop, again are you mental?? The one of the thing that keeps us fairly unique!

I do agree that we should switch the Family stand and the Kop though but I think that's been said thousands of time and it's not going to happen, something to do with the police saying it's not safe or something??

Anyway, lets try and be positive with ways of improving the atmosphere rather than piss on everything or blame the team for being shite!

Done, done and done

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The only way is to get fans who genuinely want to create an atmopshere to buy tickets together

In my opinion, the best way to improve atmosphere is to get rid of of the we're on fire goal celebration

The best way to create an atmosphere is to put the away fans in the right place.

The best way to improve atmosphere is to have a team consistently winning and performing with flair.

I couldn't give a flying fvck about anything else.

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